
The Story Begins...

The result of what I called my 'detective work' earlier this noon led me to the conclusion that the Gang of Pirates already have girlfriends. I could certainly have guessed that, as guys like them can't resist having a girlfriend. If you know what I mean.

This afternoon, I spent my time in the library. I always love my school library. The room is always quiet and spacious, with rows of bookshelves stretching from the floor to the ceiling. Soft sunlight filters in through the large windows, casting a warm glow on the wooden tables and chairs arranged neatly around the room. The shelves are stocked with a vast collection of books, ranging from classic literature to modern fiction, and academic texts to reference materials. Posters and bulletin boards adorn the walls, displaying information about upcoming events and showcasing student artwork. The atmosphere is peaceful and studious, with students poring over textbooks or huddled together in groups to work on projects. I always feel that this library is a sanctuary for curious minds.

I immersed myself in piles of old newspaper clippings, searching for news from about two years ago. I should have been able to find news about the accident in the forest near the school. I kept flipping through the pages of the clippings and started to despair because I still couldn't find the news I was looking for.

A soft tap landed on my shoulder. I turned around and was startled to find Aiden standing behind me.

"What are you searching for so seriously?" he asked, looking at the clippings on the table.

I flinched. I wasn't prepared to make up a reason for what I was looking for.

Aiden seemed to be waiting for my answer.

"Oh...I'm just looking for information about forest preservation due to illegal logging." I finally answered, while silently praying that my improvisation would work."

Aiden nodded, seemingly not suspicious. With the various types of news in the old newspaper clippings, he shouldn't ask any further. He walked towards the bookshelf.

I breathed a sigh of relief. If Aiden knew what I was looking for, my secret could have been exposed.

Not long after, his gang of pirates entered the library. Zach shouted to call Aiden.

The librarian glared and pointed to the 'Quiet Please' sign.

Zach grinned.

Aiden walked towards the group who were now sitting casually in the bean bag area. Rayyan was seen twirling a basketball with his right forefinger. Zach hummed while tapping his foot on the floor. Only Kafka appeared to be reading a book.

"What's up?' Aiden asked.

"What are you up to? We should start getting ready for the party tonight." Zach reminded.

"What are we going to prepare?" Aiden teased.

"Food, drinks, music." Rayyan answered this time.

"Easy, I've asked my maid to prepare all of that." Aiden said.

"So what time are we going to your riverside villa?" Kafka asked, impatient.

Aiden laughed, "Right now?" he asked.

"Yeah. Let's go now. I want to prepare first. Take a shower and smell nice. You know... to impress my Quinn. It's date night." Zach said.

"You wanna mess around with your girlfriend, right?" Rayyan teased him.

"Look who's talking? I learn from the master." Zach replied.

"Come on, let's go now," said Kafka as he stood up and walked towards the library door.

His friends laughed and followed him.

Before they left, I heard Rayyan talking to Aiden about me, "Yo, why'd you come to the library? Trying to scope out the new kid or what?" I didn't hear Aiden's response except for him playfully punching Rayyan's left arm.

Oh... they're having a party at Aiden's riverside villa again. I still remember, that's where the accident happened two years ago. The accident that caused me...


I have to be able to come to Aiden's party. I must. I have to approach them to execute my plan.

With a determined resolution, I approached Vira in the classroom. I have to try to get access to come to that party.

Why Vira? Because she is the kindest, sweetest, and easiest to get along with.

"Vira, I didn't really understand the lesson earlier, can we study together tonight?" I began my approach.

"Oh, tonight me and my friends are going to Aiden's party. I can't study with you tonight."

I put on a disappointed face that I thought would make her feel sorry for me.

"Sorry, Sha." she said.

I nodded. "Is everyone invited to Aiden's party?"

"Yeah, almost everyone."

"It must be fun. You can meet a lot of people. It's great for me, as a new kid who doesn't have any friends yet. I need to be invited so I can come, right?"

Vira was silent for a moment, "Do you want to come? Just come with us. I'll tell Tasha. She won't mind."


And here I am now, stranded in Quinn and Aurel's room. Watching them dress up and choose sexy outfits for tonight's event. Vira lent me a navy blue dress. Tasha helped me put on makeup.

I feel happy to be close to these girls. Because it means that my plan to approach their boys will succeed. Just a little more...

Boys... I'm coming...
