
"Hey have you heard" woman voice

"Yeah you mean that guy" a woman replies

"Yeah his been running pass here for a couple days now" a blond girl responds

"Look he is even running right now!" the black haired woman says whispering in the blond hair ear.

I ran for 2 more hours before stopping and finaling catches his breath. Max had done his exercises for the day, stopping in the woods.

[Run 10km/10km]

[Push-ups 200/200]

[Curl-ups 200/200]

[Pull-ups 200/200]

{Congratulations partner you did it}

"Thanks." I replies while gasping for air

'Its been 4 days since Solix began my training,there are a few things that I found out. First the screen can not be seen by anyone but myself, although nobody can see it, I can see it clearly infront of my eyes.'

'hoo I'm beat who knew training would be so hard' Max thinks to himself while sweating buckets.

[You have completed daily excise]

[You may choose one of the rewards below]

[Status recovery]

[Stat points]

[Random reward]

"Accept status recovery"Max says, a golden light envelopes his body 'A ability that can heal your fatigue after excercising, The fatigue that nested in my body is disappears as if it wasn't even there in the first place'

'Aside from that there are stat points and random rewards, you can icrease one your status fields as long as you have status points'

'I get stronger as i increase my character stats, of cause if i somehow level up, Skills, inventory, Item storage its like a game'

{how many times have i told you not to call me that Max}

"Sorry man, So whats next." Max asks like he wants something

{I guess since you have been training so hard you deserve a reward}

"A reward okey give it to man im ready"

{No i can't}

"What why can't you, thought you said you were giving me a reward man!"

{[I can not give you because you must earn it}

"alright then tell me how to earn it"

Back home

"Hey mom I'm going to Sarah's for the night" Max says to Samantha " Alright need a ride then" Samantha said "No its fine i can walk" Max said

Max rushes out, running like never before. "hmm I wonder where that boy is really going"Samantha thought. Max kept running until he reached an alley.

{Keep walking straight we're almost there}

"Alright"Max said without fear.

As they reached the end of the alley Max grew impatient wanting his reward as soon as possibe. Soon they reached the end and then Max pulled out a key from his pocket it was blue in colour and had numerous other features.

"Its time to see what this does"Max said "all the random rewards I've got so far were all useless junk like bandages and socks, but this time this time this popped out."

[A key that allows you to create an instant dungeon. You may use this at the ally way at Chris street]

"A key that creates a instant dungeon"Max says to himself

Max points the key to the wall and turns it.

A portal starts forming from thin air getting bigger the portal fully opens. And Max enters into the portal.

[You have entered the instant dungeon]

"Whoa what the fuck"Max screams "I'm in a cave"

Max was transported to reddish cave filled with magma. The area was hot had been wide as the eye could see."Damn could a place like this be really underground".Max said ,Just then the portal began closing. "What no way the portal is gone, Should i do now i was planning on running away if something bad happened".


[You cannot leave the dungeon until the boss has been slain]

"You cant actually leave until the boss has been slain"Max screams "It was a few days ago when i got this thing how am i suppose to clear this dungeons on by myself."

{Don't worry partner you have me, check your inventory there is something that could be of use to you}

Max then checks his inventory to his surprise "there is a weapon in the inventory, why didn't you tell me this sooner" suddenly the area became hotter than it was.Through huge the hole smoke began to emit out covering the entire cave.

"Damn...You gotta be kidding me!" Max said

"Im seriously expected to handle this without any help" . the smoke was getting thicker by the second.As Max was walking around he had chills down his spine," What do i do...I'm feeling less Confident...Strong stench...what... is it"

[Magma dog detected]

Suddenly a large dog pounced from Max's back, Max jumped out the in time , but it pounced again this time aiming for his face. But Max barely dodged again ' A wolf !'

[Magma wolf]

Max already was exhausted just from dodging 'My body... its not moving...' Max was petrified 'Why?...' ' Because I'm...scared is that it' "Damn." the wolf was already coming towards him at a incredibly fast pace jumping higher than before but not fast enough Max jumped out of the way quickly.

'I can't afford to get hurt now' as much as the wolf tried biting Max, Max would answer by dodging the attacks. Until Max had no room to dodge spires were blocking from running away . The wolf came charging at him but max then leaped high in the air moving from harms way.

'My body's light' leaping again into the air once more evading the Wolf's attack, landing on the ground the wolf attacked him from behind "The planet is counting on me" 'You think I'll die in a place like this' Max then lands a punch on the wolf sending it crashing into wall. "What?" Max looking at his hand glowing with purplish aura.

'could it because of the system' Max thought to himself " I was right to put my points into strength and agility"The wolf was approaches him slowly "what it's already up!" "It's...still stronger than me" Max charges towards the wolf hitting it with a barrage of punches, but it does nothing to it ' as i thought this won't do...a monster like this aren't affected much by normal attacks. It pounces towards he dodges it's attack once more before retreating to hide at a nearby boulder but the wolf breaks it with ease the attack makes contact sending Max flying into the ceiling of the cave. He falls and lands hard on the ground.

[Ribs have been shattered]

[-20 HP]


{Are you alright boy}

"'s so strong"(cough)

Max tries to stand up but his body is far bartered from the attack 'I can't win...I have no chance against this thing ,all i have is my body...If only i had...a weapon'. "Inventory!"Max shouts . A small black hole appears Max sticks his hand into it drawing a

sword. 'Yeah i don't know why this here but...'

With one swing of the blade the wolf is cut cleanly in half leaving no blood stain on the blade. '...this is the end for you'. the wolf lays the lifeless covered in its own blood.

[item: vanerbrand]

Type: sword

+20 attack


You have defeated the Magma wolf


You leveled up


New bionic ability unlocked Energy sphere


New bionic ability unlocked Energy shield

[information with this skill you can blast a radiant heat ball that when hits its targets causes burns enemy loses -2 hp every second]

"Damn it...if i had used this from the beginning i would won with ease (cough)

It's so sharp. The blade was purple in colour from the handle to the tip but had one little blue crystal inbred on it."An inventory thats pretty useful"Max said , { I told you to use why didn't you listen to me} Solix said with an annoyed tone. "huh i can store anything in here". Max soon heard footsteps coming from behind him as he turned to see what was behind another wolf was approaching him. "Now that i have weapon...""im not afraid any more"

[Magma wolf detected]

[Magma wolf detected]

"Two this time you guys are a drag you know that!"while charging toward the Wolves. Cutting one on the side and then charging other jumping into the air swinging his blade but it's stopped in it's tracks by the Wolf's fangs "i can't let my sword be destroyed" kicking in the midsection then cutting its head of with one powerful swing, the other one still alive then stretches it's claws trying to hit Max on the face but max slides under it cutting it in the belly blood gushes out killing it on the spot.

■Name: Max O'Neal

■Species: Human halfling

■Rank: N/A

"level: 2

♡Hp: 30/50

♤Agility: 12%

◇Strength: 6%

♧Stamina: 12%

☆intellect: 14%

■Abiliy level:1

■Ability level:0


"Huh i did guess i finally leveled up!" Max says will jumping up and down.{Im proud of you Max and on top of that you unlocked a new ability}. "Ah shucks thanks man now...lets head deeper into the cave find the boss and slay it."