
On Earth,in the small town of Jumpingcreek

lnside a home we see two teens. The boy on the left Max and on the right Sarah from afar two peaple are inside the inside a small room painted pink and the two are speaking to another.

"Yeah Im serious, I love basketball" says Max

"Really name one basketball star you know then" replies Sarah

"Mike Tyson" says Max

" (Laughs) Mike Tyson is a boxer idiot"Sarah says wiping out a tears from her eyes

"Well let me show what Mike Tyson can't do"

Max then kisses Sarah and holds her chick

Sarah then get on top of Max and the tongue action begins the two until.

"Sarah dinner time"A distant voice shouts from down stairs.

"Be down in minute"Sarah shouts

"Well i guess we will stop here"Sarah says looking into michaels eyes.

"babe that was amazing" says Max

"you were amazing too"replies Sarah on top the Max.

Beep!Beep!Beep!Beep!(Max's watch starts beeping)

"Damn it i totally forgot my mom coming early from work shit!"

"Damn i need to go!" Max shouts

"Alright see you tommorrw " says the woman

"I'll see you tommorrw okey" says Max


They kiss one more time before Max starts snicking out the window of Sarahs bedroom he jumps out of the bedroom window into the backyard and starts running out the back gate.

"Don't forget your glasses"says the women as she throws them towards Max from the window.

As the Max catches the glasses he gets up and starts running as fast as he can.

"Just my luck fuck i hate Saturday's"Says the young man as starts to run across the streets of the small town.He jumps a wall and enters into the backyard and climbs a small ladder and snicks into a dark room and then suddenly the lights switch on and a woman is sitting on the chair to the side. The women had black hair and was incredibly beautiful.

"Hey mom what you doing back so early"says Max

Max's mom was beautiful but was so strict that sometimes the neighborhood called her the "Blue Diablo" bit her real name was Samantha

"Why were you snicking into the house?"Says

Samantha looking very angry

"Oh that's because i was taking my glasses from the roof"replies Max

"Grounded for two weeks no videogames and certainly no cellphone mister"Samantha

banging the door behind her.

Max knew talking back to his mother made no difference once the lady had spoken,Max couldn't change her mind.

Max stayed in his studying Math, Max was smart but really hated Math to him it was a useless subject a subject that he is forced to study since he wants to make it to the university of California. Once he was finished he did what he did every Saturday night gaze into the stars.

"The stars look beautiful tonight"Max said as the cold breeze swings his hair

"That star looks amazing it's glowing far brighter than any other star in the sky"

while staring at the star wondering how a bountiful night like this could turn into a nightmare "i was about to get laid" he says to himself As he stares into the star once more it gets brighter than before.As he stands to get a better veiw of the star, it gets brighter and brighter until the glow blinds him forcing to look down 'my eyes damn it' wiping his eyes and he looks up a large bright object flies over him headind for the woods.


A noise so massive was heard Max ran towards the crash site it took him thirty minutes to find the crash site fire was covering the object but something was glowing a luminary colour it was so bright yet so warm. it was like the object was pushing Max towards it as he got closer the bright colour started to fade the flames surrounding the object disappeared without a trace

"whoa awsome i found a shooting star" Max said jumping allover the place.

'i wonder what i should wish for maybe a harem of my own would be awesome'Max then walked slowly towardes the purplish rock and then then with his index finger he touched the rock. but nothing happened he then tried to remove his finger but it was not coming out ,suddenly the rock started emitting a purplish glow that was so bright Max closed his eyes and when the light stopped Max opened his eyes purple particles were developing around his body.

Max's body felt hot but not only that it felt powerful. But suddenly the light stopped emitting from his body and the rock, Pain filled Max's body and it started to shake, his body felt weak, Max's vision began to fade, and with that his eyes shut.

Max woke up his chest spiraling with pain but that was not the only thing that was wrong.Everything was dark only darkness was surrounding, he looked around trying to figure out what was happening until he heard it.

{Hello human}

A light had appeared in front of him

Max looked around and started walking around following the light. the place once filled with light began to shake and thats when he heard it the voice of man.

[Healing process has been completed]

{You will soon awake from your slumber}

'whose there' max said looking around in the dark

{I am solix your guide through the Arc process, I'll be watching you progress into Voltronix}

'wait whats th...'

{I will explain soon enough child but for now you should rest worry not i will be watching over you}

As the darkness starts vanishing a little light appears in front of Max as he tries to come to terms with whats happening. wondering if its god or the devil speaking to him. but that was all he saw as the light was getting brighter the Voice became less louder than before. Max had opened his eyes for the first time over forty years he wondered what had happened to him until he saw screen infront of him in his dream it was blue and had inscriptions written on it.

[Hero system activated]

■Name: Max O'Neal

■Species: Human halfling

■Rank: N/A


♡Hp: 50/50

♤Agility: 12%

◇Strength: 6%

♧Stamina: 5%

☆ntellect: 10%

■Abiliy level:1

■Ability level:0


'Agh my head hurts'

"where the hell am i"

he was laying the bed the sheets were white not to whitish but a little grey too the walls were coloured black and the room had one window. With posters of women in bikinis posted everywhere. comics were placed everywhere there were brown tiles only one carbinet covered the wall to the left . As max was done thinking to himself he stood up thinking it was a all a dream 'there was no way i got laid last night' max was a college student he was a nerd with no absent qualitys except he wore glasses but still looked handsome enough to steal a womens heart with ease, he had Light brown hair, and for a black boy his age he had grown a little for his age.

"Max wake up or you going to be late for your first day back to school!"

"Okey mom be down in a minute"

Max soon rushed into the shower, jumping out of his pjs he then showed as fast as he could using less soup to wash his body. Max was only 16 but had the body which was fit like a Olympic god well thats what his mom would say to him.Max jumped out lf the shower rushed into his bedroom."Damn where is it. where are my favourite jeans ." "mom where is did you put my blue jeans . "check in the bottom drawer sweetie."max headed toward the drawer. wearing his jeans he hoped into the dining room table having his breakfast eating it like a hungry beast.

"Slow down hunny you going to choke"Max's mother saying in a worried wa . "don't foget your glasses sweetie"

Max soon ran into his room taking out his pair of glasses of the drawer puting them on.

soon after his visin became blurry he took the glasses back off and put them back on. Max soon relised thet his vision only became blurry when he put them on. Max immediately rushed to his table he grabed a pen. he then wrote his name "Max" on a paper and stepped back until he landed on the bed.

'What?! how is this possible' sreaming in his mind

Somehow Max's vision was perfect. Max had worn those pair of glasses since the age 10 he wore then day in and day out. His vison was so bad that he couldnot even write his name without the glasses but somehow he could see and only that he could see things in detail form the ants grabing a chip on the for to the flys in his room. just then images started flashing regarding what happened last night. After reminiscing Max finally came to a conclusion -The light

While max was testing his vision a voice appeared in his head.[I see human that you have seen the first of the many wonders of the Arc V]. [simultaneous process has began]

"A message wait a minute ,Simultaneous process whats that?"

Suddenly a large ball of light radiats out of Max's chest leaving his body. soon after Max's body starts trembling and starts shaking, Maxs starts puking blood from his mouth and collapses. Max wakes up in his bed his Mother in front sleeping right next to him. 'what happed to me'. Max's head felt heavy and his body slightly sore. He touched various places in his body to see if he had any injures.

'Why do i feel so sore' he thought , bewildered of what just happened to him.

After making sure his body was not split open, Max's mother then opened her eyes seeing her son. She ran over and gave her a huge hug. And started crying infront of him saying word's like "i thought you had died"

Max couldn't put his head around what had happened but all he knew was it had something to do with that blob. Max then comfort his mother. She then said that he had been asleep for a week and he had missed 7 days of school .After an hour had passed Max's mother finally left the room leaving max alone in hisroom.

Max jumped out of bed looking for the glowing ball from before but to no luck he could not find any trace of it in his room. Thinking of the words the ball had said he then thinks back to the beginning and remenbers seeing the message. It was filled with inscriptions and words he had never seen before. Just before he collapsed heard a few words.

"What was it ? some sort of AI or system message?"

As soon as Max said those words, a system appears in front of his eyes.

■Name: Max O'Neal

■Species: Human halfling

"level: 1

■Rank: N/A

♡Hp: 50/50

♤Agility: 12%

◇Strength: 6%

♧Stamina: 5%

☆ntellect: 10%

■Abiliy level:1

■Ability level:0


"Wow it really look like those old 90s type of game's"

[how dare you call me a game]

"its the same voice as before"

{i am Solix your guide through the Arc process}

"Arc process?"

{Yes the Arc process is in you runing in your veins,bomes and every inch of your body you have been blessed by me human.}

"Blessed, that was not a blessing that was pure torture"

{walk of are your species always so weak a Toddler cango through something like this with ease}

"Right..."Max says in a churcurcastic way.

{I am Solix the Arc V of domination he stole the principle of power from the God of the Universe Orion Max oneal i am now your gaudian. I was sent here to protect your planet from the primes .}

"Primes whats that."

[they are a Alain race with power that crumbles any race they find and your planet is next on they're list]

"Alain race, Alains are real! but there is no way thats impossible."

{You and i are going to stop them together}

[Activating Celestial Clock]

[Clock activated]


{in forty days the a portal shall open signalimg the end of your planet}

Max was forzen, he was processing everything the Solix had said to him until this point. 'Forty-one days and counting the world will end but how is this even possible'.[yes im as shocked as you are i thought we had a year to prepare]

"We are going to die"Max says as he lays down on the floor.

{do not worry boy the world has you}

"Me?"Max said confused

{Yes you, you may be weak right now but soon you be the strongest warrior on this planet}

"Really i will?"Max said but this time he was actually happy

{Yes and you are not alone you will have a partner after all}

"You are going to help me protect this planet" Max said sounding more confident now more than ever.

{Yes let us begin}