On the 7th of October 1972.

After we finished another fishing trip and went to the port, I went to a restaurant to eat a plate that has something not related to sea creatures, so I sat on a small table by the window wearing my brand new grey suit that I liked a lot, I was waiting for a waiter to come to me so I can order, the waiter came and I ordered a plate of fried chicken and another plate of salad, and while I was waiting for my order to come, at 01:13 a.m. I decided to read something while waiting, so I started reading the newspaper when a young blonde cute girl entered the restaurant, I noticed her immediately for some reason, I felt like there was something so special about her or like I have known her, besides I never had a relationship and I was kind of wanting to know what is it like to be in one since all my crewmates tell me their stories.

When the girl entered looked at her left for 15 seconds checking if there were any empty spots then she looked at her right side for 20 seconds and then she came walking towards me, when she reached me I realized that the restaurant was almost full of people.

- Good day sir, are you here alone?

The cute girl asked me.

- Yeah… I am…... Alone… you ca…. can sit here if you want

I said that with a shaky weird tone, I was sure inside me that I scared her.

- Thank you, a lot sir, you know how hard it is to find a place on this time of the day.

The lady answered me without giving that much of attention to my tone or the look I made or even my shaky hand.

I just looked at her and tried to follow her by saying

- Yes, it is very difficult to find a place to eat at this time.

She looked at me, put her coat on the chair then grabbed the chair and sat on it, after that she asked me with a sweet tone

- Nice suit, it suits you very well sir.

While she smiled. She was the first to compliment me for my new outfit, I didn't know how to answer I just went

- Thank you!

And went blank, luckily, she picked a newspaper out of her purse and started reading it instead of making our situation awkward.

After about 7 minutes I realized that I should have also complimented her for her dress, I just gathered myself and spoke

- You are wearing a beautiful dress; you look amazing wearing it.

I said all that without taking a breath, I surprised her because I was super silent for 7 minutes then said that with a bit of a loud tone. She put her newspapers down on the table and spoke

- Thank you, but you didn't need to shout mister!

She said that while she was staring at my eyes, what she saw was probably just another man, for me I felt as if someone has just sucked my soul out and threw it back inside my body. After she finished what she was saying, I looked away and said with a better tone

- I am sorry, I didn't mean to shout, I just spent too much time on the ocean and we only shout there.

Her face went softer and she smiled again and said with a sweet tone

- Well, then thank you sir for your nice comment, so what did you order for your lunch?

I started looking at the sealing and said to her while I was rubbing my fingers with each other under the table

- I ordered…. Fried chicken and…. And a salad. What will you order miss?

She touched her hair with her right hand then put it on the table and spoke

- I may order just a salad; I am not really hungry.

And we kept talking during the lunch about food, sports and politics, I wasn't too open, I, was just asking her while she was answering with funny responses, after we finished our lunch, I asked her

- Miss, I do not know your name, can you tell me what is it?

The girl stared at me for 15 seconds then exploded laughing to my face while saying

- Oh my God! I am really sorry; this is totally inappropriate; I am just surprised that we have talked for over 15 minutes and I haven't told you, my name! So, my name is Kate, what is yours?

I just laughed with her and said to her

- Kate is a beautiful name; my name is Walter.

She shook my hand and said to me with her beautiful soft voice

- Walter is a very special name, I like it.

I thanked her and when I went to the bathroom to wash my hands, I remembered what the crewmates always say about women

- If there is a cute girl that makes you feel good, ask her out.

And that is what I tried to do; I waited until we left the restaurant and said to her out of the sudden

- Kate, can I ask you for something?

- Yes, as long as it is not money

She answered me then laughed, I smiled and said back

- No do not worry it is not about money at all, I am wondering if we can do this again, I mean meet and eat something together?

Kate stopped for a moment, looked at my eyes and said with a bit of evil smile

- Walter, are you asking me out for a date?

I looked away, took a deep breath then I said

- Yes, Kate, I am asking you for a date.

Kate smiled and said to me while approaching

- Yeah! I accept your invitation; I will see you on the next Saturday in the candy shop at 7:00 p. m. if that is a cool time for you?

And she started moving backwards, my heart was hitting my chest when she was close. I looked at her beautiful eyes and smiled while saying

- Yes, that would be perfect.

And then we finished our lunch, each one of us paid its part and then I watched her leave.