Truth and Dares [1/2]

"… The human you used to love?" Repeated Max.

{Are you deaf or what? Yes, I already loved someone in my life, big surprise.} Angrily said Aurora.

"Care to tell me more about it?" Said Max while placing his hands on her shoulders from behind.

After a moment of silence, Aurora then moved a bit further so she was out of Max's reach.

{… I don't remember it very well, I was only a riolu when it happens.}

"Do as much as you can then."

{… Fine. Yes, I was with a human before, but not like one of your kind that travels or battles and all of that stuff. No, my human's only preoccupation was to care for me. Or so I thought.}

"What happened?"

{… I was with him for a few years. He was still a kid when we were put together. Back then, we played and stayed with each other all day long, doing human activities mostly.}

"How did you meet him?"

{I hatched from my egg in a human family. You could say that I was given to that brat as a pet.}

"… Okay, nothing wrong for now."

{It was until he grew up. As he was getting older, I was still a little riolu that he was getting less and less interested in. When he started to go to school, he made some friends and I was slowly put aside. After a while, he never had the time to play with me anymore and hung out with those stupid other human brats.}

"I can assure you that it would have never happened with me."

{Why should I trust your words?}

Max then went silent for a moment.

"Sorry. Continue please."

{… Since I loved him, I always hoped that he would come back to me someday, which is what I thought would happen when he had the idea of wanting to be a trainer a couple of years later.}


Aurora then contracted her paw muscles in anger.

{Then it happened.}

"What happened?"

{… When he wanted to be a trainer, he of course took me with him since I was his only pokemon. But when he caught others, he decided that I wasn't strong enough or good enough for him.}

"How can you tell?"


Aurora then placed each paw on the opposite arms in grief.

{Because after we traveled far enough, he placed me in what you human call a pokemon daycare and…}

"… And?"

Aurora then began to shake while more tears began to pour out of her eyes.

{… And he never came back.}

" Holy… motherfucker." Muttered Max angrily after a shocking moment.

"No wonder why you don't trust humans anymore."

When Max heard her begin to cry, Max then quickly went for a hug from behind.

"It's okay now Aurora…"

The female lucario then shook herself to break free, but to Max's surprise, not to flee, but to the return, the hug from the front while shoving her head in his chest.

{Why? Why did this happen to me? What did I do wrong?} She said while crying and sobbing heavily.

Returning the hug tightly, Max then began to rub her wet head from the rain.

"You did nothing wrong Aurora, that human was the problem, not you."

{Then why?}

"… I don't know Aurora, I guess you were just unlucky."

{Why do I have to love someone like that? All I wanted was to be loved in return, was it too much to ask?}

"Of course not Aurora." He said while petting her head.

"But it was too much to ask for that asshole."

After stayed like that for a moment, the rain was slowly stopping with now only tiny drops falling.

"You know Aurora, you have all the reasons in the world not to trust humans anymore, but I have to insist in saying that I'm not like this and that I'll never abandon you."

{I… won't be fooled… again.} Said Aurora while shoving her head further in Max's chest.

"… You won't be Aurora." Said Max while tightening his hug.

They stayed like this until the rain was now almost gone.

{… How… can I be so sure that you won't abandon me too?} Said Aurora, almost not sobbing anymore.

"You're gonna have to take my word for it Aurora. There is no miraculous remedy."


"You can also ask Scarlet to share my emotions with you, but I would prefer that you would trust me on your own."

{… It could take some time if I go with that method master.}

"I can be patient when I want to Aurora. Wait, did you just call me master?"

{What? N-no I didn't.} She said while looking away with a pretty heavy blush after moving away from him.

"And I'm sure you did." Said Max while petting her head teasingly.

{S-stop it.} She said while brushing his hand off.

"Hehe, I'm sure that you're gonna love being with us Aurora."

{'Hmpf', we'll see about that.} She said, trying to act tough.

Max then chuckled a bit.

{What so funny?}

"Nothing, I just really like you, that's all."

{Well, I still don't like you.}

"You sure?"

{… Well, you may be not as stupid as I thought, but still…}

"Hehe, I'm gonna take good care of you, you can bet anything on that." Said Max while hugging her.

{Gha.} Growled Aurora without returning it but not protesting either.

After a moment, Aurora was getting a bit uncomfortable.

{Can you stop now?}

"Yeah, sorry." Said Max while breaking it.

"We're gonna stay a bit around here, so now that we're closer, I would really like it for you to join us through the days."

{Just because I told you why I don't trust humans doesn't mean that we're the best of friends.}

"It's not?"

{Not really.} Said Aurora while crossing her arms.

"Oh, okay then." Said Max, a bit sad.

Aurora then rolled her eyes.

{Fine, whatever, if it prevents you from crying.} Complied the lucario.

"Thanks." Said Max while instantly cheering up.

{… You tricked me?}

"Every move is legal if it means my family being happy."

{Family huh? Say, now that I told you about mine, why don't you tell me about what happened to you, before you meet that Scarlet?}

Max then looked at Aurora with little sorrow in his eyes.

"I will Aurora someday, but I also want to share it with the others, but not today. We had enough emotional moments for now, don't you think?"

{… I guess. I didn't really want to hear you cry anyway.}

"Thanks, really appreciate your concern."

{Not about you, I was just worried about my poor ears.}

"Ah yes, those cute ears of yours, with that nice black hair between them."

Max wanted to touch her ears but Aurora stopped it.

{Whoa there, hands off the merchandise.} She said defiantly.

"Sorry, I got a bit carried away."

{Better get a hold of yourself if you think that you can get some of this.} She said while putting her paws on her hips.

"I would never dare."

{Tss, says the poke-molester.}

"Haha, that's exactly how Scarlet calls me, and I guess I am."

{Better keep it in your pants or you're not gonna be able to mate anymore.}

"Roger, don't worry."

Max then looked up at the sky. It wasn't getting darker but Max knew that it was about to happen pretty soon.

"Brrr… better get back in the tent don't you think?" Said Max after shivering.

{Go without me.}

"You can't stay outside."

{It's not raining anymore, I'll be fine, but I need some alone time.}

"… Okay, I understand. Can I… have another hug?"

{Don't push your luck human.} She said before crossing her arms again.

"Tss, it was worth a try. Well then, as always Aurora, stay safe."

{I'm not a riolu anymore. I can take care of myself.}

"I know. Nothing can beat my lucario."

{… Was that sarcastic?}

"Of course not. I'm sure you're stronger than even you think."

{Tsk, whatever.}

Aurora then turned around to leave with Max smiling.

[Well, I guess we're almost there.] Said Scarlet, appearing from behind a tree.

"I guess." Said Max, not surprised anymore by her sudden appearances.

[I knew you could do it.] Said Scarlet while punching lightly his shoulder when she got close to him.

"She still doesn't fully trust me, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time now."

[Wow, I think it's the first time I hear you not doubting yourself.]

"Had to, otherwise you would have annoyed me with how I should believe in myself and bla bla bla.

[You know with what I can be annoying with?] Said Scarlet while putting a hand inside Max's pants and softly playing with his junk.

"Not with dirty things, that's for sure." Sarcastically said, Max.

[You sure about that?] Said Scarlet with a very seductive tone.

Scarlet then teleported Max's pants and underwear inside the tent so they don't get wet or dirty due to the ground.

"You want to do it here and now?"

[Remember why we have to stop for a week and a half master. Don't worry, we're far enough from the others and Aurora, so none of them will hear us.]

"But the ground is all muddy and wet."

[You know what else is wet?] She said with a musky tone.

Scarlet then grabbed Max's hand and put it on her entrance, which was soaking wet indeed.

"It… sure is."

Scarlet then rolled her eyes.

[Just take me on one of the trees if getting a bit dirty scares you.]

"Fuck you."

[I'm waiting for it.] Said Scarlet with a lustful face.

"Alright, you asked for it."

Max then grabbed Scarlet by the hips and pushed her against a tree while kissing her passionately. With her legs around him, Scarlet began grinding her womanhood against her master's hardening member while her tongue was wrestling with his. When hard enough, Max then inserted his meat stick inside the gardevoir's too tight love tunnel, making both of them moan in pleasure. As soon as Max reached her bottom, he began to thrust back and forth a bit roughly but not too much so she wasn't getting hurt by the tree bark.

{Yes, master! Tear me apart!} Loudly moaned Scarlet.

"Keep it down Scarlet, the others will hear us if you're too loud."

{FUCK ME HARD MASTER!} Yelled Scarlet, only to go against her master's request.

Cursing in his head, Max then goes a bit faster, only for her moans to get louder with more juice overflowing from her, staining the ground beneath her.

{That feels so good master!} She moaned.

After a moment, Max felt his sensitivity increasing and felt his climax coming shortly after.

"Already? But we just started Scarlet."

{I don't care! I want… to feel your… hot love juice… as soon as possible.} She hardly said between moans.

"Geez Scarlet, I might start thinking that you may have a problem."

{A… problem? Are you… sure… about that?} Said the gardevoir before contracting her inside a little.

"I… suppose not." Said Max, slowly being overwhelmed by pleasure.

After a few minutes, Max's orgasm then hit him, with his hot seeds spreading inside her, which triggered her own orgasm, crushing Max almost to the point of feeling pain. When they were done, Max disconnected himself from her before she made a quick clean-up.

[Well, a good quickie… can also be fun too.]

"Everything is good with you."

[Trying to get points with me huh? Continue like that and maybe you will.] She said before giving a kiss.

[… But let's get you inside first before you get sick with that shirt of yours.]

"Sure, but can I also have my clothes back."

[Of course.]

Scarlet then made his clothes reappear on him again.

"Whoa." Said Max when he felt his clothes.

[What is it?]

"My underwear is dry and warmer than it should be."

[Hmm, shouldn't it be a good thing, considering the weather?] Said Scarlet, having a pretty wild guess of why.

"I guess."

After that, they then headed toward the tent and got inside with Bonny doing her best to do the most innocent face she could do.

{Hi master, is everything alright?}

"Yeah… we're getting on better terms with Aurora. What about your side? Is everything okay?" Said Max while raising an eyebrow and sitting on his mattress with Dusk drying up his shirt with her power.

{S-sure. We were just waiting until you were done with Scarlet.}

"Told you that you were too loud Scarlet."

{When it feels good, there's nothing I can do about it.}


{Not only that, but Scarlet teleported your pants and underwear on my head.}

"That's nasty Scarlet." He said to her while she looked away innocently.

"Well, that explains why they were that warm."

{Y-yeah, because of that.} Said Bonny, looking away as well in embarrassment.

Max then looked at Bonny suspiciously.

"Bonny? What did you do with my clothes?"

{N-nothing master, I don't know what you're talking about.} She said with a pretty bad poker face.

Max then sighed while shaking his head.

"What a bunch of wild beasts all of you are."

{You're our trainer master, you're the one that raises us, so you're the one to blame.} Said Scarlet while hugging one of his arms when she got next to him.

"I'm always the one to blame."

{That's what trainers are there for.} She said while kissing his cheek.

"Gha." Growled Max.

After the others, all giggled, Max then spoke again.

"We still have a bit of time before nighttime so, what do you girls want to do?"

{How about we finish our truth or dare game?} Proposed Bonny.

{Good idea.} Said Scarlet.

"You still want to play that?"

{Of course.} Said Bonny.

"… Well, if it's what you girls want."

{Good. Now that Aurora isn't here, we don't have to hold back anymore.} Said Scarlet while she and Max were getting in a circle again with the others.

"Because you were?"

{Of course master. You said it yourself master, we are just a bunch of wild beasts.} Said Bonny with a predatory face, followed by Scarlet and May.

"Hmmm, maybe we should call off for the night after all then."

As Max wanted to stand up, Scarlet forced him to stay in the sitting position.

{I don't think so master. You've already agreed on playing with us.} She said with a mischievous grin.

"Well… I-I'm the master so… shouldn't I have a say in this?" Said Max, a bit unsure of what they were planning on doing.

Max's team then all looked at each other.

{Hear that girls? Master thinks that he's in charge here.} Said Scarlet.

{Tsk tsk, poor choice of words master, we're so not gonna spare you now.} Followed Bonny.

{I don't like master being bossy.} Said May, faking to be offended.

{Hear that master, you even made May upset.}

"Hmm… sorry?"

{Sorry but, no sorry, it's on now. Bonny, do you want to break the ice?} Said Scarlet.

{With pleasure. So master, which vagina feels best?} Asked the lopunny shamelessly.

"… You tricky little…"

{Hu hu master, don't forget your position here.} Warned Scarlet.

"God damnit. Dare."

{Alright, I dare you to make out with me in one breath for twenty seconds.} Ordered Bonny.

"… Okay."

Taking a deep breath, Max then tongue wrestled with Bonny for twenty seconds. When he broke it, he gasped for air.

"Well… that wasn't so bad."

{Too soft for you master?} Asked Scarlet.

"Fuck! When will I learn to shut up?" Said Max while strongly facepalming his forehead when he realized what he just said.

{I guess master can take harsher dares then.} Said Bonny.

{I think too. Your turn May.} Said Scarlet while Max heavily sighed in desperation.

{Yay! Okay, master, which one did you like kissing the most?} Asked May.

"Okay, can we just go for dares from now on? I know that you will always make me do the dare."

{Geez master, I was wondering when you would realize that.} Said Scarlet after softly sighing.

"I guess I trusted you too much. Okay May, if you 'dare'…"

{Okay, how about…}

When Scarlet saw May go deep in thoughts, she leaned toward her to give her a suggestion.

{… Good idea but, why?}

{It could be fun to watch.}

{Alright. Master, I dare you to make out with my big maw.}

"Why? It doesn't even have a tongue."

{Are you giving up master?} Asked Scarlet.

"No, but… alright."

After Max got near her, May turned around so her huge maw was facing him.

"That's gonna be awkward."

Max then began to kiss and stuck out his tongue inside it for a moment. Her teeth were a bit cold to the touch but the rest was just like a giant mouth, but a lot less moist. As the others were covering their faces so they were not bursting in laughter, Max then broke the kiss after a moment.

{How was it, master?} Asked May while giggling a bit.

"A bit weird." He said while getting to his place.

{You didn't like it?}

"I didn't say that."

After May giggled one more time, Max moved back to his place.

"Okay Dusk, what would be your dare?"

Again, Scarlet leaned toward Dusk to whisper in her ears.

"Can you let the others decided their dare Scarlet?" Protested Max.

{I could, but since that's their first time, I'm only giving them a few tips.}

"Of course." Said Max while rolling his eyes.

{O-okay master, I-I dare you to remove your clothes.} Shyly asked Dusk.

"You mean like my shirt and my pants?"

{I-I mean, e-everything.}

"Seriously? Even my underwear?" Said Max, a bit shocked.

{Since yesterday, I thought that you would be more comfortable at being naked with all of us.} Said Bonny.

"Like hell, I would after just one time."

{Do you need my help to strip master?} Said Scarlet while raising an eyebrow.

"… Gha… that's sexual harassment." Said Max while getting up.

{Good luck on finding someone who you can complain to about it.} Said Scarlet with a mischievous grin.

Grumbling, Max then slowly removed his clothes with his team intently staring at him. When he was butt naked, he sat down again while covering himself.

{Stop hiding master.} Complained Bonny.

{Don't worry girls, it's my turn now, I got this. Master, I dare you not to cover yourself and let us see everything about you.} Ordered Scarlet.

Max then narrowed his eyes at her almost angrily.

"… I'm gonna make you pay that back now that it's my turn." Said Max after reluctantly uncovered his junk, making almost all of them stare at it with hungry faces.

Max then grinned mischievously.

"Alright Scarlet, you asked for it. I dare you to…"

{Shouldn't you ask truth or dare first?} Said Bonny.

{That's okay Bonny, I'll take whatever master throws at me.} Said Scarlet with a 'challenge accepted' face.

"Bad decision. Scarlet, I dare you to make out with… Bonny, for a whole minute." Said Max, knowing that Bonny wasn't minding that much kissing other females but that it wasn't the case of Scarlet.

{… Okay, master.} Said Scarlet with an almost displeased but defiant face.

{You sure Scarlet?} Asked Bonny.

{It's master's dare, I don't have any choice.}

{… Alright then.}

Scarlet then levitated toward Bonny and stared at her eyes a bit before going for a kiss. After a few seconds, Scarlet pushed her tongue inside Bonny's mouth and began to wrestle each other. After the minute passed, Scarlet broke the kiss and glared at Max.

{It's on master.} She said before going back to her place.

{I think he really liked it.} Commented May.

{Yeah, look at how hard he is now.} Said Bonny when she also noticed his erection.

When Max noticed as well, he wanted to cover himself but was stopped by Scarlet.

{Hu hu hu master.} Protested Scarlet.

Grumbling, Max then despite himself let the others see his hard shaft in all of its glory, with Bonny and May starting to get a bit twitchy.

[Okay Bonny, if master wants to play rough, we can all play like that as well.] Said the gardevoir into the lopunny's mind.

(Indeed, I have just the right idea.) Responded Bonny in her head.

{Alright master…}

Bonny then faced Max and spread her legs in front of him, revealing a pretty wet lopunny entrance.

{I dare you to finger me until I come.}

"… Do any of you even have a sense of shame?" Said Max, not sure if he should be aroused or ashamed by his team.

{What is that? Do you know what it is Scarlet?} Asked Bonny lustfully.

{Never heard of that word.} Responded the gardevoir.

{You have your answer master. Now, I'm still waiting for your dare.}

"I should have known that it would have turned out like this." Said Max while getting closer to Bonny.

{You should know us by now master.} Said Scarlet.

"I do, but oddly, you always manage to impress me with how perverted you are."

{Less talk and more action master.} Said Bonny, getting a bit impatient.

"Alright, alright."

Getting between her legs, Max then began to rub her clit, making her softly moans after only a few hits. With Bonny slowly getting wet, the others had their eyes locked on them with their heat rising slowly. Even Dusk was looking at them but only from time to time before looking away shyly. After a moment, Bonny felt her orgasm coming up as her moans were getting louder. When she passed her limit, she clenched her teeth and tried to muffle her ecstatic scream as much as possible. After she squirted a little, she started to relax while panting a little.

{You're… getting better master.} Praised Bonny.

"Forced work can do miracles."

{Alright May, do you have a juicy dare for our master?} Asked Scarlet after Bonny returned to her place.

{Actually, yes. Master, I dare you to make me cum like you did with Bonny, but with your tongue.}

"Ah come on…"

{Good one May.} Happily said Scarlet, giggling.

"Where has all of the fun and healthy dares I used to know went?"

{Dead and buried. Now, get to work before your meal gets cold master.} Said Scarlet with a grin.

After sighing, Max then crawled toward May.

"… Sure you okay with that May?" Said Max, trying to make her change her mind.

{Yes, master. Seeing you naked and doing that kind of stuff made my lower region twitch quite a lot.}

Looking down, Max indeed saw that she was pretty wet and was slightly staining the floor. Max then looked at the others to see that they were staring at him, eager for him to start.

"… Okay then, here I go. This is so embarrassing in every possible level."

After pushing her gently on her back, Max then put his head between her legs, stuck out his tongue, and began to softly assault her most sensitive spot, making her moans pretty loudly almost immediately. Having a taste of her slight sweet taste, Max was switching between licking and sliding his tongue inside, with her fleshy walls being small enough for Max to reach her G-spot, increasing her moans even more while grabbing her master's head in pleasure. After a little while when May felt her orgasm getting near, her internal muscles began to twitch pretty madly, making the others have their lust increasing, with Bonny slightly touching herself. When the mawile hit her orgasm, she screamed ecstatically and squirted a bit more than Bonny, staining Max's chin a bit.

"There." Said While Max after swallowing the little amount of juice that had gone in his mouth.

{You're doing good master.} Said Scarlet who had her legs pressed to each other and twitching slightly.

"Alright, you're next I suppose Dusk." Said Max after going back to his place.

{Hmm… y-yeah… you're right.}

Dusk then was hesitant for a moment.

{M-master… I dare you to…}

Dusk then stopped speaking, unable to say what she wanted.

{Come on Dusk, you can do it.} Cheered up Scarlet while rubbing her back.

Taking a deep breath, Dusk then gathered all of her courage.

{M-master… I-I dare you to let me do… w-whatever I want. If… it's okay with you of course.}

"… Eh, I wonder what my little Dusk can want so, why not." Said Max, half reassured.

Max knew that at this point, even his little braixen would ask a sexual favor, but he just wanted to make her a bit more comfortable. Then, shyly but surely, Dusk crawled toward Max like a little puppy and stop a few inches away from him.

{Can I…}

Max then saw her heavy blushing, even though her fur.

"Can you what?" Teased Max a bit.

{Y-you know… what I want master… don't… make me say it.} She shyly said.

"Actually, no Dusk. You'll have to be more specific."

Dusk then whimpered in embarrassment.

{… Can I… use… my… mouth?} Said Dusk, almost inaudibly.

If it would have been someone else, Max would have teased her a bit more, but since it was her too shy braixen, he gave her a chance.

"Of course Dusk, you're the one that gave me the dare anyway."

Moving his legs a bit to let her have some space, Max was pretty embarrassed due to exposing himself so much, which made Scarlet giggled a bit when she sensed it.

{O-okay… I'll… do my best.}

Dusk then shyly grabbed her master's shaft at the base and gave it a small sniff, intoxicating her as usual.

{I… really love your smell master.} She said a bit more lewdly.

After a few more sniffs, she gave him a slow and eager lick from his base to his tip. After doing it a few more times, she started to focus mainly on his tip, tasting the saltiness of his precum.

{It's weird but… it's like your taste is getting better and better every time.}

"It's not that weird, it's just mean that you're getting more perverted every time." Teased Max a bit.

{If it means doing more stuff with master, I don't mind.} She lustfully said.

Max was always astonished at how his musk was making her more confident and lustful. After a couple of licks, Dusk then placed his shaft between her carnivorous canines and began to suck on it slowly and gently.

{I… can't stand it anymore.} Said Bonny while beginning to masturbate.

{You sure not very enduring to desire girl.} Said Scarlet, teasing her lopunny friend a bit.

{… You fool no one… Scarlet. I can smell from here… your excitement.} Said Bonny between moans.

{I would lie if I was to say otherwise, but I'm saving myself for when it will be my turn.}

As they were speaking, Dusk had sped up slightly and was putting more tongue play to the game, heavily raising Max's pleasure, especially with that scorching hot mouth of hers.

"Damn Dusk… your mouth… feels incredible."

{I guess we just found it which mouth he prefers most.} Said Scarlet.

"Not… true." Protested Max.

{Not convincing when you contain those intense moans master.} Said Scarlet with a grin.

At this point, even Scarlet began to discretely and softly touch herself, unable to endure the heat anymore. After a little while, not far from his climax, Max saw that even Dusk was masturbating while sucking him, increasing his lust even more. After a few deepthroats, Max then surprised Dusk by suddenly exploding inside her mouth. Now used to that, she could react in time so she didn't choke on the human male juice. When nothing was coming out of him anymore, she swallowed everything she could before leaving him.

{Was it… good master?} Shyly asked Dusk while whipping her lips slightly.

"As always… Dusk." He said while petting her head, which made her smile happily.

{Well, I guess there is only one left.} Said Scarlet while cracking her fingers after Dusk got back to her place.

"Knowing you, I'm sure you will go for the raw thing."

{Yay, master used his brain for once.} Teased Scarlet while softly clapping her hands.

{My dare is indeed to mate with me until we both cum, but also with Dusk after.}

{W-what?} Said Dusk, surprised.

{After me, you will be the only one that master didn't make cum.}

{I don't… really care… as long as master is happy…}

{So, you're telling us that you don't want to?} Asked Scarlet, already knowing the answer.

{I… didn't say that…}

{Then Master has to mate with both of us.}

{I… a-alright.} Shyly answered Dusk.

Making her master get on his back with her powers, Scarlet then floated towards him and sat on his lap. After she made him hard again with her psychic abilities, she then placed her hips above the throbbing hard human erection and lowered herself on it, making her moan in relief when it passed between her incredibly tight flesh walls.

{Ah yes! I've been… dying for that.} She moaned.

After grinding his tip against her womb entrance a bit, Scarlet then began to ride him quite wildly already, making pretty loud wet impact noises from the abundant love juice she was secreting. After only a few pounds, Max heard Bonny a bit loudly moaning next to them while landing her chest, meaning she just came on her own. Even if their lower region were twitching a bit, Maw and Dusk were only watching, mainly focusing their gaze in the human's shaft, dreaming about being impaled by that as well. Before Scarlet could synchronize their orgasms, she got one and arched her back in pleasure while moaning loudly, making the human almost cum with her crushing orgasmic tightening.

"You must… really have wanted it." Said Max.

{Just looking at you… is enough to make me wet… so imagine… when I stare too long at your flighty thing… it drives me crazy.} Said Scarlet before resuming.

{But since we didn't come 'together', we have to do it all over again.}

Not the one to complain, Max grabbed her by the hips to help her go stronger. After only a few pounds, it was now Max's turn to be close to his climax. Since she orgasmed not long ago, Scarlet was a bit behind him, so she increased her own pleasure so they could cum at the same time. Setting the power a bit too strongly, Scarlet came a bit sooner than expected and got hit by a second orgasm. Luckily for her, her orgasmic contractions forced Max to cum as well, dyeing her inside in white. When both of them relaxed from the moment, Scarlet unplugged herself from him and roll away from him.

{Alright… your turn… Dusk.} Said Scarlet, panting a bit after cleaning her master's shaft.

{… Okay.} Shyly said the braixen.

Dusk then shyly crawled on top of Max, with her wet entrance resting against his hard member, already feeling the intense heat from it.

{Well… since it's Scarlet request… I guess I don't have a choice.} She said, embarrassed.

{Be a bit more honest Dusk, we can all feel and smell that you want it as much as we all do.} Said Scarlet, still lying on her back next to them.

Dusk then looked away in embarrassment.

"What Scarlet means to say is that there is no shame in expressing what you want, especially to me Dusk." Said Max while rubbing her soft furry thighs.

{I-I know.} She said after moaning from her master's touches.

"From now on, don't be scared of saying what you want okay?"

{O-okay, I'll try.}

"That's my girl."

{W-well… h-here I go.}

Dusk then started with rubbing herself against the hard meat stick, making her wetter and raising her heat as well as coating it in hot love juice. When she couldn't hold it anymore, she raised her hips and aligned herself correctly before slowly inserting it inside her soft and burning love tunnel.

{Ahh! Master, it feels… so good.} Moaned the fire/psychic pokemon.

"I… agree." Said Max, containing a moan.

{Wow Dusk, the only time I see master that happy is when he does it with me. You must be good really.} Commented Scarlet.

When Dusk began to move up and down, Scarlet rolled on her belly, put one elbow on the ground with her chin resting against one of her hands while her other hand was rubbing Max's chest.

{She must be… burning hot master.} Said Scarlet with a grin.

"She sure… can hold her ground with that." Said Max, feeling his pleasure rising quickly.

{I guess we all have our specialty. I have my tightness, Bonny her softness, Dusk her hotness, and May her cuteness. You sure are quite the lucky one master.} Said Scarlet while rubbing in his belly, awfully close to where the action was.

"Sure… am."

{M-master… I can… feel it coming.} Said Dusk with her eyes closed and panting like a dog in pleasure.

"Me too."

{Already master? You're way too sensitive.} Scarlet said before starting to make out with him.

Kissing and mating in the same rose Max's pleasure, even more, getting him near his climax sooner. When it hit him, he exploded inside the braixen, making her moan in delight before cuming as well shortly after in an ecstatic loud moan. When they were all done, Scarlet broke the kiss.

{Well, I think we have played enough for today.} Said Scarlet while looking intently into Max's eyes.

"I think I have played enough for my entire life." Retorted Max.

As Scarlet was giggling a bit, Dusk then unplugged herself from Max after she retook her breath.

{Don't know about you girls, but all of that fun made me a bit tired.} Said Scarlet.

{Yeah, me too.} Said Bonny, resting on her back.

Scarlet then looked at Dusk that only nodded and May that had already fallen asleep.

{Alright, let's make all of us clean before going to bed.} Said Scarlet before using her powers to make everyone clean.

"Maybe I should put on some clothes before going to sleep."

{Why master? You're perfect like this.} Commented Bonny.

"I know you like it very much Bonny, but having it all the time in your face would only make you grow tired of it, don't you think?"

{Hmm, I don't think it's possible, but I understand what you mean. Only your underwear then.}

"What an obsessed lopunny you are." Teased Max.

Bonny's response was to look away innocently while shrouding her shoulders with a smile.

After Max put back his underwear, they all went to their respective places with Scarlet and Dusk beside him, Bonny between his legs and nudging his flaccid member and May on his chest, put there with the help of Scarlet.

"Alright, good night girls."

{'Night master.} They all responded.

"And Bonny?"


"Try to control yourself this night."

{I can only promise that I'll try master.}

"… Mhe, good enough." Said Max, seeing no point in trying to negotiate with a nymphomaniac pokemon.

After Bonny chuckled a bit, they all closed their eyes and fell into dreamland a couple of minutes later until the next day morning.

[… Master? Are you about to wake up any time soon now?] Said Scarlet's voice inside Max's head.

"Wha… 'Koof' 'koof'"

[Oh my, you don't seem to feel very well.] Said Scarlet, a bit worried.

Opening his eyes, Max saw that beside Scarlet that was next to him, the tent was empty.

"Nah, I'm 'koff 'koff' okay." Said Max, coughing again.

[No you don't. Let's see.]

Closing her eyes, Scarlet focused her power inside Max.

"You're checking 'koff' 'koff' my temperature?"

[No, I'm checking something more reliable.]

"Like what?"

[Like your brain. Hmm, I see that your brain is a bit more active than usual, like if it was responding to some kind of threat. Sorry to say it like that master, but you're now sick.]

"Hurray 'koff' 'koff'." Sarcastically said, Max.

[I'm afraid you will have to rest in here until you're healed.]

"What? No, I…"

Before he could finish his sentence, Max was interrupted by more uncontrollable coughing.

[You should speak through your mind, it will be easier for you.]

(I suppose.) Thought Max while coughing.

[And it's not negotiable. You stay in bed and rest.]

(Tsk, you're worse than a mother sometimes.)

[Maybe, I don't know. I'm gonna get you food while you stay here and rest okay?]

(But I don't have rations anymore.)

[That's why I said I'm gonna get you food. Be quiet while I'm gone.] Said Scarlet before leaving the tent.


Before he could add something, Max was interrupted by more coughing again.

(God damnit.) Angrily thought Max.

After a moment of staring at the tent's ceiling, Max grew a bit tired and decided to get up. As he was about to leave, Bonny popped inside the tent.

{Where do you plan on going?} Said Bonny with a raised eyebrow.

"Just… get some 'koff' 'koff' fresh air."

{I don't think so. Scarlet told me about you and she charged me to make sure you stay down and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.}

"Are you really planning on keeping me inside the tent?"

{Until you feel better, yes.} Said Bonny before pushing Max on his bed again.

"Come on, that's gonna 'koff' 'koff' be boring as hell."

{That's why we all gonna keep you company.}


{Poor master, it's not fun to see you like this.} Said Bonny, hugging Max.

{Hope you will get better soon because I'm not really into mating with someone that is sick.}

"Shit, life is hard on you girl." Mocked Max.

{You have no idea.} She responded with a smile.

Not feeling very well, Max then closed his eyes to get as much rest as possible.

"Sorry girls…"

{For what?}

"For being like this. I'm sure 'koff' 'koff' that you must be worried about me."

{Don't be master. Of course, we are but it's not your fault. Everyone gets sick from time to time.}

"I guess. So, what are you gonna do? Are you 'koff' 'koff' gonna switch for who's gonna trap me here?"


"Great. None of you will be too bored then."

{We are not switching because of that, we do it so that we're not suffocating you by being too much around you.}

"Should have guessed."

{Scarlet was clear with that.}

"Eh, despite what she is 'koff' 'koff', she's very nice and devoted."

{… Yeah. She'll do anything for you.}

"In both good and bad ways."

They then went silent for a moment before Scarlet opened the tent zippers and got inside.

{Thanks Bonny, I'm gonna take it from here. We're gonna switch later like I told you.}

{Okay. You better rest well master.} Said Bonny before leaving them.

[Alright master, I gathered some berries that are known to help the immune system a bit. They have an awful taste, but it will help you get better faster.]

"… Thanks."

When Max stretched a hand towards his gardevoir, she lowered it.

[Come on master, you're too sick to do physical effort. Here, say ahhh…] Said Scarlet while making one of the berries float toward his mouth.

"I can still 'koff' 'koff' eat on my own Scarlet."

[… Do I need to force it into your stomach?] She said while glaring at him.

"… Fine." Said Max, rolling his eyes.

Opening his mouth, Scarlet dropped a yellow-colored berry in it.

"… Gha, the taste really is awful." Exclaimed Max when he chewed on it.

[Told you, but it will help you to feel better, so stop complaining.]

Having no choice, Max swallowed the food despite himself with a wince.

[Stop being such a baby master.] Teased Scarlet.

"Easy to say when you're not the one that eats it."

[I already ate that plenty of times before meeting you. It's just a taste you have to get used to.]

"If you say so."

[Feeling better?]

"Can't tell for now. I'm still feeling tired and very weak."

[I don't hear you coughing anymore.]

"… Damn, you're right." Said Max when he noticed that.

[Those berries also help against sickness symptoms.]

"Since when did you become a doctor?"

[Since that I learned from your brain what symptoms mean.]

"Eh, a good thing for you that I'm not completely stupid."

[Yeah, just partially is enough.]

"Fuck you."

[When you're feeling better, I promise.] Said Scarlet with a grin before pinching one of his cheeks.

"Yeah, but unfortunately it will screw up my week and half promise."

[Your well-being is more important than anything else.]

"Eh, well, I guess we can suspend it until I feel better."

[Ah Max, you're such a wonderful master. If only you weren't sick.] She said lustful eyes.

"A little break won't be that bad anyway."

[Last month was enough of a break.]

"I was talking about me."

[True I suppose. Waiting a bit for your mating power to get as high as possible could be good.]

"See? There is always something positive in anything."

[… Anything?] Said Scarlet a raised eyebrow.

"Well, almost anything."

[Anyway master, you still have to eat the rest of your breakfast.]


For the next moment, Scarlet was feeding her master with berries, making Max a bit red in embarrassment.

[Was it enough master?] Asked the gardevoir when Max ate everything.

"Yes, thanks a lot Scarlet."

[No problem. Just be sure to get back on your feet quickly.]


[Well, I think I'm gonna let you rest and leave then. I'll leave someone close the tent so that you don't leave that bed.]

"Geez Scarlet, I'm not five anymore."

[But you're still a dumb human.] Teased Scarlet with a grin before exiting the tent.

"… Well, if I can't leave, might as well make the best of it." Said Max while taking out his pokedex and getting comfortable before starting to browse information as much as possible.

Outside, Scarlet joined the group that was all sitting next to the campfire

{Is master gonna be okay?} Asked May.

{Yes May, don't worry. I think he just caught a cold.}

{At least we enjoyed him the best we could yesterday before he got sick. I love him a lot, but I'm too not really into mating with a sick person.} Said Bonny.

{Not only that, but the more he rests, the faster he will get better.} Said Scarlet.

{Also true. But what now?}

{Well, there is only one thing that we can do on our own in the meantime.}

{Training?} Said, Bonny.


{Why not. There is not much more to do anyway.}

{And there's always room for improvement. Dusk, do you want to be the first to watch over master?}

{Sure thing Scarlet.} Said Dusk, almost happy to be the first one to be chosen.

{Good. Feel free to go see him, but not for too long. Come girls, let's go.} Said Scarlet to May and Bonny before going further in the woods with them following her.

When they were out of sight, Dusk sat on the tree trunk next to the campfire, facing the tent. Unfortunately, she quickly grew tired of only watching and wanted to go see her master.

{… Master?} Shyly asked Dusk while getting her head inside the tent.

"Oh, hi Dusk, how are you doing?" He asked when he heard her.

{Well, at least a bit better than you.} Tried to joke Dusk.

"Hehe, that's good news." Said Max, laughing a bit.

While smiling upon her success to cheer up her master, Dusk then sat next to him.

{Scarlet said I shouldn't stay with you for too long so you can rest.}

"Nah, don't listen to that overprotective gardevoir. You can stay as long as you can."

{I… don't really want her to get mad at me…}

"If she does, tell her that it was my fault and I held you against your will. At worse, tell her to come to see me." Said Max while petting her head.

{O-okay but… she's kind of right. You won't have plenty of rest if you're too much disturbed.}

"Gha, not you too? Come on, it's just a cold, I'm not dying."

{M-maybe but…}

"Don't worry too much, I'm fine."

{S-sorry master, but I have to.} Shyly protested Dusk.

Max then sigh a bit while looking at Dusk with a desperate face.

"You know what? I'm your master and I order you to stay." Playfully said, Max.


Dusk couldn't finish her sentence when Max grabbed her and pulled her to a hug on a spooning position.

{M-master? W-what are y-you doing?} Said Dusk, heavily embarrassed.

"Giving my little braixen some affection, why?" He said while tightening his hug a bit.

{Y-you… shouldn't…}

"I know, but I was a bit cold so, I thought that maybe you could keep me warm." Lied Max.

"Just think that you're helping me."

{Y-yeah… but…}

"Don't you like it? Or perhaps you don't like being close to someone who is sick?"

{Not really and… I do like it but…}

"Warmth will also heal me faster don't you think?"

{I… guess…}

"Then everything is fine."

{… O-okay master. But not too long.} Finally complied Dusk.

"Fine, since you don't want to see me that long." Teased Max.

{That's not true master.} Protested Dusk.

"Hehe, just kidding girl. I know that you only care for me." Said Max while petting her head.

{Geez, master, you're teasing too much.} Shyly said Dusk with a faint smile.

"Eh, that's just how I am."

{True, and I-I love you just the way you are m-master.} Said Dusk with a blush.

"Me too I love all of you for what you are." Said Max while rubbing Dusk's chest fur, making her blush even more.

{I hope Scarlet won't be mad at me.} Said Dusk, a bit afraid.

"You know her, I'm sure she's already aware of that."

{What?} Exclaimed Dusk, surprised.

"She's a psychic Dusk, she's aware of everything that happens in my brain. She probably already sensed that I was hugging a very soft plush." He said while still petting her.

{So much for discretion.} Said Dusk, disappointed.

"Don't stress out Dusk, I'm sure she was already knowing that it would happen when she left you here. She's a nice girl Dusk, you don't have to be afraid of her."

{I'm… not. I just don't like anyone being mad at me.}

"… Eh, like everyone else."

After that, they stayed in that position for a moment before Max spoke up.

"Say Dusk, we already passed some time together, but I never really asked about your life before we meet."

{No problem master, since there's not much to talk about.}

"I'm sure there is. What about your parents?"

{Never had ones. The human that was called professor was what you can call something close to that.}

"No pokemon parents?"

{I hatched from my egg in that building you chose with that human as the only parental figure, alongside with a couple of other pokemon that were in there.}

"Never asked about real parents?"

{I could have tried, but humans don't understand pokemon language.}


{But others pokemon told me that one day he left home and came back with my egg. Never knew more about that.}

"If I knew about that, I would have asked."

{I don't care that much about that master. Now that I have you, nothing else matters.} She said while pressing her paws against her master's arms.

"Yeah, I guess what is the past should stay there. Then what about your stay with the professor? Was he treating you well?"

{He was, as well as most of the other pokemon. I never lacked anything.}

"Good to hear."

{But I was feeling lonely before you chose me. Between human males that didn't want to choose me and… well, the human females that I didn't want to go with… I was glad that someone finally chose me. But you know, not being chosen until now wasn't that bad of a thing I guess.}

"That's a very positive thought. But why you didn't want to go with a female trainer?"

{… I… I already told Scarlet and the others but…}

"I don't remember you saying it to me."

{… It's… a bit embarrassing to say.}

"It can't be that bad."

{… Kind of… alright, but don't laugh okay?} Complied Dusk.

"Why would I? You know me Dusk."

{… I… I didn't want to go with a female human because… I didn't like their smell.} Shyly said Dusk.

"… Their smell?" Said Max, puzzled.

{Y-yes. You should know by now that the fennekin family have a pretty strong sense of smell.}

"I get you but… that's quite odd. I mean, they're just… humans."

Dusk then stayed silent while looking embarrassed for no particular reason.

"Is there something else you want to tell me?" Said Max, noticing that she was hiding something.

{N-not really…}

"Come on now Dusk, the pokemon shouldn't be affected by a human smell that much."

{It's nothing master.}

"You can tell me, sweety, you know that you can tell anything. Damn Dusk, I'm a human that mates with pokemon, who am I to judge?"

After a moment of hesitation, Dusk then turned around to face her master, still hugging.

{Okay master, but promise me that you won't see me differently okay?}

"Sure thing Dusk, you know you can trust me."

Dusk then hesitated another moment.

{… Okay. I didn't tell the others, but if I wanted a male human… it's because that I was always into humans.}

"… You mean, you always wanted to mate with a human rather than a pokemon?"

{Not mating like, right away, but eventually, maybe. When I grew up enough, I even started to have a few… dirty thoughts after a few human males had passed by.}

Dusk then covered her face in shame with her paws.

"Come on Dusk, there is nothing to be ashamed of. You were always into humans, so what?"

{It's really embarrassing master. Pokemon don't go with humans normally.}

"Well, Kalade the gallade at the dojo told me that that kind of stuff happens pretty often."

{… Really?} Said Dusk, a bit less ashamed.

"Yeah. It's most likely to happen with trainers since they are always with them though."

{… That could be understandable, but to actually be attracted to a human at the very start, I'm sure it never happens.}

"I have to admit that I'm sure it's rarer, but I'm also sure that it already happens before."

{How can you be so sure?}

"Come on girl, do you know how many humans and pokemon had already roamed that planet? Surely you're not the first."

{… I… suppose…}

"See? Nothing to break a fuse over. Now, stop hiding that pretty face of yours." Said Max while pushing her paws away, revealing her cute and red face.

{Sorry master… it was kind of stupid of me. I should have been more open to you.}

"Don't worry Dusk. In fact, I also have a little secret of mine."

{A secret?}

"Yup. A secret that only you and probably Scarlet will know."

{What is it?}

"To tell you the truth, I also was always into pokemon."

{… No way.} Exclaimed Dusk, a bit shocked.

"Let's just say that loneliness can mold you into some kinky stuff."

{Were you always… like that?}

"Honestly, I don't know. I never had success with girls and was mostly on the internet checking on what we humans call porn."

{What is… porn?} Asked Dusk with a puzzled face.

(Damnit) Thought Max when he realized that he now have to explain that to her.

"Well, porn is a diminutive for pornography and, it's kind of like a movie."



{What happens in those 'movies'?}

(Here we go again.)

"Well, it's a movie for needy people like me where you see… humans mate."

Dusk's eyes widened a bit before having a puzzled face.

{Why would you look at 'human mating' rather than doing it?}

"Human mating is a lot more complicated than how pokemon mate. It can be a long process, and only with the girl you like."

{You're a really nice human, why wouldn't female humans want to mate with you?}

"Eh, human standards are very high Dusk. So high that some human, like me, can't reach it and are meant to be alone for a huge part of their, if not all of it."

{That sounds horrible.} Said Dusk, almost mortified.

"It is actually. And that's where porn is useful. Human males sometimes have some 'needs' and we use that to relieve ourselves."

{I… think I understand.} Said Dusk, heavily blushing.

{But that doesn't explain why you're into pokemon.}

"Was getting there. One day when I was young, I came across a pretty well-hidden porn site that had a lot of weird fetishes, one of them was pokephilia. I always loved pokemon, but not that way, but I was curious how that could be and I saw a few videos about humans mating with pokemon. I think you can say that my pokemon fetishism was born that day."

{That's… quite something.} Said Dusk, quite surprised.

"I always knew that pokemon could be sentient beings since almost all of them are almost equally if not more intelligent than humans, so when I saw the pokemon on those videos expressing pleased and lewd faces, I began to see them differently. Some of you are really cute and have a very human-like morphology. Gardevoir being the best example."

{… Wow, master, I guess I will also see you differently. In a good way, don't worry.}

"It's something I never told anyone. But I guess it's something I can tell you, since, you know…"

{Yeah, I got it.}

"I just don't understand how there are still people thinking that you're dumb creatures, barely smarter than animals."

{I guess every race has its idiots.} Said Dusk.

"Oh, Dusk being mean, that's new."

{No… I…}

"Haha, just kidding girl. You're right, there will always be stupid being around somewhere."

{If they can't see how much we can love each other and there is nothing wrong with it, then they are the dumb animals.}

"Couldn't have said it better." Said Max before tightening his hug.