Truth and Dares [2/2]

After a moment of silence and presence enjoyment, Dusk was the next to speak.

{Thanks master.} Said Dusk with her snout in her master's chest.

"For what?"

{For being there for me and, for caring for me. The professor was nice and all but, he wasn't as caring as you.}

"I guess he was not the pokephiliac type of man." Joked Max.

{Probably not, alongside the fact that he had a lot of others to take care of.}

"Perhaps. Have you ever had a thing for the professor?"

{Not really. I always saw him more like a father.}

"I see. What about the other pokemon? Surely some male pokemon were interested in you at some point."

{Not as much as you think, but a few. The one that wants me most was that chespin you saw with me and the froakie.}

"Did you ever…"

{No. Like I told you since I was into humans, I never really saw other pokemon as a potential mate. I never told them the truth of course, but only that I wasn't interested.}

"Well, I must say that I'm quite surprised."

{About what?}

"That even pokemon can have fetishes and deviant sexuality. Another proof of your intelligence we have here."

{It's not something that I'm really proud of.}

"Without being something you're proud of, it's something that you shouldn't feel bad about. I mean, look at all of you. I love all of you and I'm proud to have such nice and beautiful girls with me. You even provide me things that I'm sure female humans could never do. I won't scream it on the roof about that so that you and I won't be in a hard position, but if it was more accepted, I wouldn't mind."

{… You're really a nice human master, I don't understand why other humans didn't want you. But it's their loss I suppose.} Said Dusk, now being the one that tightens the hug.

"Not that bad. If I were to have a girlfriend, I probably wouldn't have the chance to meet you."

{That thought makes me have goosebumps.}

"So do I."

After a couple of minutes, Dusk broke free from the hug and stood up.

{I think it's time for me to let you rest.}

"You sure? I still have my love fever that needs to be healed."

{That's a medicine that the others can also provide.} She said with a smile before leaving the tent.


A bit disappointed, Max then resumed his pokedex browsing while Dusk sat on the trunk and watched over the tent while playing with the fire of her wand. When half of the morning had passed, May arrived from the woods to replace Dusk.

{Alright Dusk, it's my turn to watch over master, so you can join Scarlet and Bonny.}

{Thanks May.} Responded Dusk while standing up.

{Is master feeling okay?} Asked May.

{He's not in perfect health, but he's okay. I shouldn't tell you that, but he's fine enough to get some visitors.} Told Dusk with a smile.

{Yay.} Happily exclaimed May.

{But not for too long okay? He must have rest as much as possible.}


After Dusk left, May slowly entered the tent.

{Master?} Lowly said May.

Max, who was not on his pokedex anymore, was only relaxing in the bed without sleeping.

"Oh, if it's not the cutest pokemon of my team, my little May." Said Max after raising his head.

{S-stop it, master, I'm not that cute.} Said May with a red embarrassed face.

"Of course you are."

Smiling while blushing, May sat next to Max. Not happy with that, Max grabbed her and put her on his belly, and moved his legs so she can rest her back on them.

{You sure it's a good idea master?}

"You're not heavy May, I don't mind." He said while petting her favorite spot.

{… Okay. But Dusk told me…}

"Not to stay for too long, I'm sure she did. You can stay as much as you want sweety."

{… Well… if it's okay with you…}

"Of course."

{So, how are you feeling master? A bit better?}

"Having all of you caring for me, how can I not?"

{We don't do much.}

"Just being there is enough to fill me with energy."

{That was a bit soapy master, even for me.} Teased May with a smile.

"Oh, May playing the smartass? Well, take that."

Max then assaulted May with a barrage of tickles all over her, making her roll in laughter on her master's chest.

{Haha… m-master… haha… stop it.} Hardly said may between breathes.

After a few more tickles, Max stopped his assault to let her retake her breath. When she had, she was on her belly, her legs were bent and her hand resting on her chin while staring intently at her master with her ruby eyes.

"… You are really cute May." Said Max, unable to resist her and petting her favorite spot again.

{You're saying it a bit too much, don't you think master?}

"Nonsense. I can never say enough how much I love all of you."

After petting her a bit more, Max wanted to do the same thing he did with Dusk.

"So May, I'm a bit curious about you. How was your life before your previous trainer?"

{I didn't really have one since I was born in his hands.} Said May, looking a bit morose.

"Oh, forget what I asked then. Sorry."

{That's okay master, I never told you so, you couldn't have known.}

Max then looked away a bit awkwardly.

{But if you want to learn more about me, I can tell you how I learned all of my moves.}

"Not sure I want you to speak about your life with your previous trainer."

{Don't worry, I almost forgot all about him. Anyway, he's not very related since I mostly trained all by myself.}

"Tss, talk about a shitty trainer. Alright, if you want. I'm quite curious at how awesome my little mawile is anyway." Said Max with a smile, making her blush again.

{Alright then.}

For the next few hours, May and Max talked to each other, mostly about everything and nothing. When noon arrived, Max heard some movement next to the tent.

"Well, it's time for the switch I think."

{Aww, already? Time passes too fast.} Said May, a bit sad.

"There's always later in the day May. At worst, there is also tomorrow, since I'm sure I won't be in top shape in only one day."

{I suppose.} Said May, slightly cheering up.

Then, Max was a bit surprised when he saw Aurora's head popping into the tent. He was expecting Bonny or at least Scarlet, but not her.

"Oh, hi Aurora."

Not responding, Aurora got inside the tent. Max then saw that she was carrying berries in her paws.

{You can leave. I'll… take care of him.} Said the lucario, obvious that she was forcing those words.

After the mawile looked at her suspiciously, she left Max's chest and goes toward the tent's entrance.

{You better be nice with master.} Said May a bit provocatively before leaving the tent.

{… Are they all that obnoxious?} Asked Aurora, displeased.

"If by obnoxious you mean protective, then yes."

While huffing, Aurora dropped the berries next to him before turning around to leave.

"You're not gonna feed me?" Joked Max.

{Feed you? Like hell, I would. You're old enough to do it yourself.}

"But… I'm so weak. I can't lift any of them." Said Max, teasing her.

After sighing and rubbing her face almost angrily, Aurora turned around and sat next to him.

"Thanks." Said Max with a smile.

{Shut up and eat.} Aggressively said Aurora after she took one berry.

Opening his mouth, the lucario threw the berry in his mouth, almost choking him in the process.

"Softer please Aurora, you're gonna choke me otherwise."

{Always complaining, aren't you?}

"What can I say, I'm a hard-living human." Said Max while shrouding his shoulders.

{I almost sympathize with the others.}

"It's not that bad when you learn to know me better."

{Looks like a waste of time to me.} Said Aurora while putting a berry in his mouth more gently this time but not that nice either.

"… Why are you here helping me then if it's a waste of time?" Said Max after swallowing the berry.

{Because.} She simply answered.

Max then raised an eyebrow at her, making her sigh in desperation.

{Scarlet stumbled on me when she was looking for food for you. When I asked why she explained me your situation.}

"… So?"

{When she told me that you caught a cold, I knew it was my fault.}

"You gave me the cold?" Said Max, looking at her suspiciously.

{No you idiot, it's because you went in the cold rain all day long yesterday.}

"Then it's not really your fault."

{Look, I'm trying to be nice for once okay, why don't you just take it?} Said the lucario, annoyed.

"If it's implying accusing you of something you didn't do, then I don't want it."

{If it's wasn't for me, you wouldn't be sick right now.}

"If I recall correctly, I was the one that decided to come after you. No one forced me."

{Ghra. You know, you're really good at playing your role.}

"What role?"

{The role of the too nice and naïve human that loves everyone for no reason.}

"It's not a role, it's just the way I am."

{Yeah sure. You get sick and even hurt by someone who doesn't care about you, and you still stay nice to that person? Sorry but, you're not gonna make me swallow that.}

"You swallow… I mean you believe whatever you want, but I am what I am. If you really can't believe, asked Scarlet, she can even physically prove to you that I'm really myself."

{I won't believe her lies either.}

"Then I don't know what to tell you anymore besides that humans are not all the same and I'm not like your previous stupid trainer or whatever."

Only huffing as a response, Aurora put another berry inside Max's mouth.

"… However, I have to ask you something."

Aurora then looked at him curiously.

"If you hate me that much, why don't you just leave then?"

{Because you have that stupid ball.}

"The pokeball? As far I know, those balls only serve as transportation. I'm sure they don't have any kind of mechanism that prevents you from going too far."

{It's also because of that deal. I may not like you, but I still have honor.}

"Then why don't you force me to get back on my words?"

{I… never go back on words.} Said Aurora, starting to sound a bit nervous.

"Then why don't you make another one and force me into submission this time?"

{Because… I…}

"… Because?"

{… Oh shut up will you.} She said while shoving a couple of berries in his mouth to make him shut up.

After a moment of swallowing, Max was again able to speak.

"… Then why are you still here, helping me with something that's not even your problem?"

Aurora then remained silent.

"You don't have to be like this with me Aurora." Said Max while putting a hand on one of her paws.

For the next few seconds, Aurora only stared at his hand over her paw for a moment before pushing it away.

{… You can do the rest by yourself.} Said Aurora while dropping the berries on the ground before leaving.

After Max sighed, Scarlet teleported inside the tent next to Max.

[She really needs to be more honest with herself.] Said Scarlet before making all the berries levitating around her.

"She's more stubborn than all of you combined. It won't be for tomorrow."

[Despite whatever she says, I'm sure she likes you more than what she shows us.] Said Scarlet while feeding her master.

"… If it's the case, she's good at hiding it."

[She still doesn't trust you, so it is to be expected.]

"If only she could agree to let you show her how I really am."

[She said it herself, even if I do it, she would deny it. Also, she looks like the kind of person that doesn't like others' help and wants to accomplish things by themselves. If she wants to trust you someday, she wants to do it on her own.}

"… Yep, not for tomorrow." Repeated Max, a bit desperate.

[See that as an opportunity to train your patience.]

"I'll try."

Scarlet then finished feeding Max in silence. As Scarlet wanted to leave, Max stopped her by her hands.

"You know you can stay a bit more Scarlet."

[I shouldn't. You have to rest.]

"What if I tell you that I'll heal faster if you all spend time with me?"

[It's unlikely to be possible.]

"I don't care."

Max's actions made Scarlet stared at him.

[… Fine.] Complied Scarlet while lying next to him.

[You can act like a spoiled brat sometimes.]

"I know." He said while hugging her.

"I was wondering, can your Healing Pulse can help me with my cold?"

[Not really. It's meant for physical wounds only.]

"Tss, that would have been too easy."

[Come on now, don't you like us taking care of you?]

"… I do. Good point."

[Then shut up and enjoy the moment.] Said Scarlet while tightening the hug.

"Eh, I'll try."

After a moment, an idea got inside Max's head.

"I was wondering Scarlet, is it possible for you to make me able to understand all pokemon in one shot?"

Scarlet thought for a moment.

[I guess with the proper preparation and being extra careful, maybe. But it would be a very long process and there is still a slight chance that your brain can't endure it.]

"Like killing me?"

[The chances are very slim. You have more risk of being brain dead or get a severe mental handicap afterward if I don't know what I'm doing. Luckily for you, I do.]

"So the risk…"

[Is almost nonexistent.]

"Cool. How long could the process take?"

[I don't know exactly, but I estimate that it could take around 24 hours.]

"That long?" Said Max, almost shocked.

[I won't implant the pokespeech per se like I was doing until now, but more like unlocking or implanting the universal pokemon language in your brain. It's really hard to explain to a human, but all I can tell you is that it's a unique task but more complex, which is why it can take time. The benefit of that is that you will be able to understand every pokemon in a shorter amount of time than if I were to implant them one by one. The counterpart is that it's riskier for your brain if I do a wrong move.]

"I don't know, you're looking very exhausted each time you do it, so if you're doing it for 24 hours…"

[Don't worry about me master, for you, I would do anything.]

"Forget it, I can't ask you something like that when I know what it does to your body."

[I can make you forget about it if you want.] Joked Scarlet.

"That wouldn't be nice of you."

[I know, but I can also make you forget that I made you forget something.]

"I think you're missing the point."

[Hihi. Well, if you really don't want me to help you, then fine.] Said Scarlet with a grin that Max didn't notice.

"Thanks. I prefer not understanding pokemon than making you exhausted."

After that, they stayed silent until Max fell asleep, with Scarlet staring at him a moment before closing her eyes as well, but without falling asleep. Their alone time however was interrupted by Bonny who had entered the tent.

{Isn't my turn now to take care of master?}

{… Yeah, sure.} Said Scarlet.

As Scarlet was about to pass the entrance, she turned toward Bonny.

{I can trust you to keep your urge at bay?}Asked Scarlet.

{Of course, who do you think I am?} Said Bonny, sounding almost offended.

{A sex-crazed lopunny that is almost worse than me?}

{… True, but I'm not really into a mate that is sick.}


{But he's gonna get it the second he's feeling better.} Said the lopunny while looking at Max with an almost predatory face.

{I'm not asking more. Take good care of him.} Said the gardevoir before leaving them.

{Sure thing.}

After Scarlet left, Bonny's next action was to lay down next to Max, put her head on his chest like it was a pillow, and closed her eyes with her paws above her head.

"… That's it?" Said Max with a surprised tone.


"You're not even trying to take advantage of me or just doing something inappropriate?"


"You're just gonna lay there and do nothing?"


"… I'm kind of surprised actually."

{Come on master, I know when to take a break from something. I may have a dirty mind and into a few kinky things, but raping a sick person is not really my thing.}

"It must really gross you out if you aren't even trying to touch me."

{I won't say grossed out, but it sure is not very appealing.}

"… Sorry I guess."

{Don't be. Like I said, I'm gonna catch up on the lost time as soon as you feel better.}

"Why do I have the feeling that I'll get sick again just after I'm healed?"

{Don't know, why would you?}

"Because you're gonna suck out the limited life force I would have gathered."

{If it can reassure you, it's not your life force that I will try to 'suck' out.} Said Bonny with slight lewdness in her tone.

"I'm not even the slightest surprised by my dirty little lopunny. Now I think I know why the Funboy emblem looks like a lopunny."


"A human company that does erotic and perverted stuff in magazines."

{Hm, look interesting.}

"You won't see a lot of human males in there."

{… Why do you need to tell me that? Is my master jealous?} Said Bonny with a grin.

"O-of course not." Said Max, failing at protesting.

{Hehe, don't be master. I was only curious about mating ideas, but if you say there are none in it, then it doesn't seem that interesting after all.}

"And there are only girls in there."

{Lame then.}

Bonny then rolled on her side so she was facing him.

{But it's kind of cute seeing you jealous.}

"I wasn't." Tried to protest again Max.

{Of course not master.} Said Bonny while gently tapping his chest with a grin.

{But it means that you really care for me, which is very pleasant to see.}

"Yes, I do. I hope you don't still doubt me."

{Not really, but it's nice to see it from time to time.} Said Bonny before going back to her previous position.

"Tsss… girls."

After sighing, Max placed one hand on Bonny's belly and began to rub it, making her slightly moan in glee. After a few rubs, Max wanted to tease her a bit and lowered his hand slowly closer to her lower region.

{Please master, don't tempt me.} Said Bonny, barely reacting to his lowering hand.

"Hehe, just want to tease you a bit." Said Max while getting his hand back to her belly.

{You know that all of that teasing will backfire on you someday huh?}

"If it comes back to the form of a fluffy butt, then I'm okay with it." Said Max with a grin.

{You're talking about mine aren't you?}

"Who knows?" Said Max with a faint innocent tone.

{… Hm, you can count on me for that revenge to happen.}

After more silent rubbing, Max spoke up again.

"I know I already said it a couple of times now, by I'm really happy to have all of you with me."

{So are we master, to be with you. You have no idea how it means for me and probably the others to have you as master, as a family.}

"Family… sometimes I wonder what I would be without you."

{… Don't think too much about it master.} Said Bonny while one paw over Max's rubbing hand.

{We are here now and that's what matters.}

"I know. I just can't stop thinking about how my life was empty without lovely beings like all of you in it."

{Contain yourself, master, don't get too cheesy.} Said Bonny while chuckling a bit.

"Sorry. I just love you so much and…"

To make him shut up, Bonny move her head toward him and kissed him for a couple of seconds. After she broke it, she stared intently at Max's eyes.

{Just shut up already and enjoy the present day okay?}

Staring back at her black and red eyes, Max placed his hand on her furry and soft cheek.

"… You're so cute, Bonny. It's a shame that I don't feel very well because I really want you right you."

{I already asked you to not tempt me master, or otherwise, you will force me to make me something that I could regret later.}

"Forgive me, but you're just…"

{Shhh, that's enough okay.} Said Bonny while placing a finger over his lips, starting to have a hard time containing herself.

"… You're right, sorry." Said Max when she freed his lips.

When Bonny got back to her place, Max took a few deep breaths to calm himself.

"You have to admit though that there is not a lot to do right now."

{Of course not, you're sick. Unless you feel like training with either me or Scarlet?}

"… No thanks." Said Max, feeling his weakness.

{Then get a hold of yourself and get better already.}


Quickly getting bored, Max then grabbed his pokedex and resumed his browsing. However, when Bonny saw him, she snatched the thing away from him and tried to press a few buttons.

"Sure, you can take it." Said Max, sounding slightly unpleased.

{How does this thing work?}

"I could have explained it if you asked me first."

{You still can explain now?}

"Rhaa, even when you're not in your mega form, you can be very bossy. Here, let me show you."

For the next few hours, Max explained how the pokedex was working before they had fun searching for a lot of things in it.

{Haha, mega gardevoirs sure seem to have a big-looking butt.} Said Bonny while giggling over the picture of a mega gardevoir.

"Eh, and I'm sure this is where they store all of their powers."

As both of them were laughing a bit, a voice could be heard from the outside.

{Alright Bonny, it's time to leave master some restful lone time.} Said Scarlet when she popped her head inside the tent, making the lopunny sigh a bit.

{… Well, I guess the fun is over.} She said while getting up, a bit disappointed.

"Looks like it."

After Scarlet moved out of the way so that Bonny could leave, she popped her head inside once again.

{Me and the girls are gonna get you food a bit later. Just stay there and have plenty of rest.}

"Sure mom." Said Max, sounding almost annoyed.

After Scarlet looked at him suspiciously, she left the tent and sat next to the campfire, where all the others also were.

{Suck big-time that master is sick like this.} Commented Bonny.

{Yeah, but that's something that can happen. Remember that humans are weaker than us pokemon.} Said Scarlet.

{And yet it doesn't prevent him to know how to please them.} Added Bonny with a grin.

{We taught him well, don't you think Dusk?} Said Scarlet, wanting to tease Dusk a bit.

{Oh hmm… y-yeah.} Shyly said Dusk, looking away while blushing, making everyone chuckle a bit.

{But still, there's not a lot to do besides training when master is not there, and we already trained mostly all day.} Said Bonny.

{We still have that bath over there.} Said Scarlet while pointing at the improvised hot spring.

{Ah, that's true.}

{And what it's good about it, is that the hot, relaxing, and fresh water can help master feel better.}

{… Good indeed.} Said Bonny with a slightly mischievous smile.

{But no physical activities okay?}

{Yeah yeah, I heard you. Geez, I want him so much that I'm almost about to do it myself.}

{What prevent you do to so?}

{I prefer master.}

{Figures.} Said Scarlet while rolling her eyes.

{But first, we gonna let master rest a bit more. In the meanwhile, we can already start gathering wood for the campfire. It won't be dark until a few hours, but by the time we found what we need, it won't be far from it.}

{Alright, it's gathering time I suppose then.} Said Bonny while standing up and stretching a bit.

{Yup. May, you can go with her.}

{Sure.} Said May, standing up as well.

{Dusk, I'll need your 'hotness' over here.} Continuing Scarlet while moving towards the rocky bath.

{S-sure.} Said Dusk, following her.

As they separated, Bonny and May went to the wood to get as much wood as possible while Dusk was using her power to heat the bath's water.

{Make it as hot as possible. Since we won't be in just yet, it will let it the time to cool off a bit.}

After nodding, Dusk raised the water temperature until it was boiling. Since it took less time than the others, Scarlet and Dusk waited for the rest of the group on the tree trunks. After a little while, Bonny and May appeared from the wood with plentiful dead wood, Bonny carrying most of it with her huge ears.

{Here we go, I'm sure we will have enough for tonight.} Said Bonny before her and May dropped all of it close to the campfire.

{Good job girls.} Praised Scarlet while putting some of it in the rock circle.

{Okay, I think we can go for a little dip now.}

{Yay!} Happily exclaimed May while getting up.

{Just get in, I'll get master.} Said Scarlet, going toward the tent.

As all of the team went in the water, Scarlet opened the tent and got in. As she was about to wake him up, she noticed that he wasn't moving. Moving silently closer, she saw that he was napping. When Scarlet saw his cute sleeping face, she couldn't fight it anymore. She slowly and carefully floated above him before landing on him, with her legs and arms beside him. Staring intently at his asleep face, the urge was stronger, than she kissed him. After all, she was pretty sure that human viruses and bacteria can't affect pokemon, as well as the reverse. At first, it was just an innocent and soft kiss but quickly turned into a more passionate one, waking Max up from his nap. Aware that he was now awake, she continued kissing him for a minute before breaking it.

"Scarlet, aren't you the one that said we shouldn't do stuff like that?"

[Come on master, it was just a harmless kiss. Anyway, I needed to wake you up.]

"The usual method was not good enough?"

[It's not as fun.] She said while gently stroking his hair, making him rolls his eyes.

"Why did you wake me up anyway?"

[It was bath time, so I thought that maybe you'd want to join us.]

"If I'm allowed to leave the tent, then sure."

[Splendid. Come whenever you're ready.] She said before teleporting out of the tent.

"Even it's only for the bath, I can at least get out now."

After that, Max stood up, undressed, and exited the tent before walking toward the improvised hot springs while covering his junk.

{Still a bit too shy master?} Commented Bonny when she saw him.

"Better safe than sorry, when I see what you do as soon as you see me naked." He said while getting in the water.

{That's offensive master, thinking of us as mindless sex monsters.} Said Scarlet.

"Well, I won't say mindless but…"

{Careful with your words master.} Said Scarlet while getting out of the water a glowing hand with a smile.

"Such hostility." Playfully said Max, making all the girls chuckle a bit.

{How are you feeling now master?} Asked the gardevoir.

"Actually, better. I'm not coughing since you gave me those awful berries and I'm feeling less weak."

{That's good news. Who knows, maybe tomorrow you will already be back on your feet.}

"That would be good."

{Very good indeed.} Lustfully said Bonny while sticking herself against Max with a lewd smile.

(Maybe I can pretend still being sick for a few days.) Thought Max.

[That wouldn't be very nice master.] Said Scarlet, looking at him defiantly.

(You're all about to rape me as soon as I'll feel better and I'm the bad one?)

[You only have yourself to blame for being that desirable.] Said Scarlet with a lustful grin.

(Come on now, I'm not 'that' pretty and nice as a human.)

[You sure about that?] Said Scarlet while looking at Max with a mischievous grin.

Wondering why Scarlet had that grin, he understood a bit too late.

{Hey girls, what do you about master? Is he the most appetizing human you ever saw?} Said Scarlet, making Max roll his eyes while sighing.

"Are you exaggerating a bit?"

{Well, you already know my answer. I could 'eat' master all day.} Said Bonny while rubbing his thigh, very close to his manhood without touching it.

"Strangely, coming from you it doesn't surprise me that much." Commented Max, more or less comfortable about the lopunny's paw position before she giggled a bit.

{Master is simply the best. And I love when he uses his tongue and lips.} Said May while blushing a bit.

"May, aren't you ashamed from saying such dirty things?" Said Max, half playfully.

{But it's true master. I just wish we could do more.}

Before anyone could say anything, May speak up again.

{But I'm happy with what I already have mastered, don't worry.}

"… Sorry." Said Max while stretching a hand to pet her on the head.

{Hmmhm, don't be master. I know you're doing the best for us.}

"It's true."

{What about you Dusk? Since you're carnivorous, don't you want to shove your teeth on master's meat?}

{I-it would hurt him.} Protested Dusk.

{I'm sure he would even like it. Why don't you tell her master?}

"Of course…"

For half a second, Max stopped talking before resuming.

"I would like it Dusk. Just the thought of you nibbling and softly biting all parts of me is enough to make me hard." Said Max, making Dusk almost hide in embarrassment.

After he was done speaking, Max shook his head and looked toward Scarlet. Knowing her by now, he was sure now that he saw for a microsecond her eyes glowing before quickly closing them.

"The hell Scarlet? You can also make me say whatever you want?" He said while glaring at her.

{I don't know what you're talking about master.} She said with a pretty convincing innocent voice and expression.

{But you sure went raw with our poor little Dusk. You know she can barely talk about it.}

"Those weren't my words." Protested Max.

{Master master, you should at least admit to your acts.} Said Scarlet before crossing her arms.

Max then narrowed his eyes at Scarlet, which she did the same as a response.

(If it wasn't from your psychic power…)

[Too bad you don't have any then. After all, you're still a weak human.] Defiantly and a bit arrogantly said, Scarlet.

(Don't push your luck.) Threatened Max.

[And what a weakling like you gonna do?] She said with a defiant smile.

"Why you… that's it. You're gonna get it."

With that, Max quickly stood up and launched himself toward Scarlet, trying to grab her.

{Kyhhaa!} Falsely and playfully screamed Scarlet before easily dodging him.

"Stop fleeing you chicken." Said Max before trying again, only for the gardevoir to dodge again.

With the others watching in amusement, Max tried to catch Scarlet for a moment before he felt his tiredness hit back.

"Yeah… you better flee… or else." Said Max, panting with his arms resting outside the bath and on the ground.

{Or else what?} Said Scarlet, hugging him from behind.

"… Or else that."

One last time, Max turned around to try to catch her, only to fail miserably again.

"Damnit." Said Max, giving up.

{Don't push yourself too hard master.}

Seeing that he had forfeited, Scarlet then sat between his legs with her back lying against his chest before wrapping his arms around herself.

{Looks like you finally got me, master.} She said while resting her head on his shoulder.

"Tsss, let's say that I did." Said Max, tightly hugging her.

{… Well, I guess I've passed enough time in there. Time to leave.} Said Bonny before getting out after a moment.

{Yeah, me too.} Said May, following Bonny and shortly followed by Dusk.

"You just got in girls." Said Max, still hugging Scarlet.

[It's no big deal master, they just want us to be a bit alone.]

"Why would they do that?"

[Because that's how your team is master. I'm surprised you even asked that question.]

"… Yeah, you're right." Said Max, a bit morose.

[What is it, master?] Said Scarlet, sensing it.

"It's just… I think you're giving me too much credit."

[Bullshit I say, but for conversation purpose, I'll ask you why.]

After rolling his eyes, Max explained why.

"All that praise you're giving me, I think you may be exaggerating a bit. I'm not that nice of a person."

[Now now master, how can you possibly think such a thing?]

"I may be a decent pokemon trainer and caretaker, but that's the only thing I can do. Before meeting you, I couldn't do anything right. I couldn't keep a job for more than a few months, I never was successful with girls, and when I lost my mother, I was even not a good son for my father."

[Please master, stop that. You're only hurting yourself.]

"But it's true."

[No it's not. Whatever you may have or haven't accomplished, it's the present that counts.]

"But I failed at so many things."

[Maybe because you weren't doing what suits you. A pokemon trainer seems good enough for you.]

"I'm not that good either. You're the one that trains my team, and I almost lost at our first real battle."

[Yet, you didn't.]

"Thanks to you."

[Looks, I may be the one that is helping 'your' team, but I don't think I ever meet someone that can brag about having four girls loving him at the same time, maybe five if we count Aurora.]

"Not sure about her."

[And I'm sure about the contrary. Giving the time of course.]

"Maybe, but still, am I just good at that? Giving you girls a bit of affection?"

[It's plenty enough, don't you think.]

Max didn't respond and stayed silent.

[Don't underestimate what a bit of love can do to someone. I am the perfect example. And no, you're purpose is not to only love us. It's also to be with us, improving everyone in every possible way so we can bring you to the summit. You could do anything if you want and I'm sure you're good at a lot of things, so don't underestimate yourself as well.]

"… Well, I sure am good with pokemon, but I wish I was good or successful at something more… rewarding."

[… Rewarding? What do you mean more rewarding?] Said Scarlet, getting a bit angry.

[Are we not enough for you?] She continued while turning around before glaring at Max.

"No, that's not what I meant."

[… You better.] Said Scarlet while calming down, sensing Max's sincerity.

"Sorry, it came out wrong."

[You should be careful with words, master.] Said Scarlet, returning to her previous position.

"I know. What I meant is that I wish I could be someone better so you girls could be proud to have me as a trainer."

Sighing and rolling her eyes, Scarlet stood up, turned around, and sat again on him but in the opposite direction so she was now facing him.

[We already are master.] Started Scarlet while placing her arms behind Max's neck.

[Just ask May how of a better person you are compared to her last trainer, or Bonny how better you are from her parents.]

Max then stayed silent while glaring at the gorgeous blue eyes of the gardevoir.

[We all have a reason to love you and as I said, don't underestimate what love can do. In this world, many don't have our or your chance.]


[You're special master, in more ways than you think. Just looks at how many problems you've managed to take care of.]

"… I… guess."

[And again, like I already said, you were probably not in your element before going to that pokemon trainer journey you humans do. But what I'm sure now, is that you are now.]

After another moment of silence, Max put one hand on one of her cheeks and softly rubbed it.

"… Thanks Scarlet, despite being a bit nasty sometimes, you really know what to say when you have to."

[I may have my personality, but I know how to take care of those who I love and cherish the most.]

At the end of her sentence, Max pulled her toward him and gives her a kiss, which she quickly returned. After a few seconds, Max broke it.

"You sure do."

[Gha, such a shame I want you to rest.] Said Scarlet when she felt Max's shaft getting a bit hard against her.

"Sorry, you're all pretty good at turning me on."

[Coming from a poke-molester, it doesn't surprise me the least.] She said with a grin.

"You love calling me that, don't you?"

[Because you are, and 'that', is what turns 'me' on. Knowing that a human is looking at my body in a perverted way and with a hungry look… Gnha, I should stop before I lose control.]

"You're such a depraved and obsessed gardevoir."

[Shut up human.]

This time, it was Scarlet that initiated the kiss. Since she was the leader now, the kiss was more passionate and wilder with her shoving her tongue inside her master's mouth. After a moment, Max broke the kiss by pushing her away.

"Yeah, we better stop before one of us loses control."

[Good plan.] Said Scarlet with a lustful tone.

"But you know what I can do that doesn't require a lot of energy?"

[What… Gaaa!]

Not having time to finish her sentence, Scarlet felt fingers touching and pressing against her most sensitive spot, next to her lower lips.

[What… are you… doing master?] Said Scarlet, starting to moan softly.

"You said that I was turning you on, so I thought a little relief could be good."

[No… you don't have to… Ahhh.]

"I know, but I want to." Said Max with a grin.

[But… it's not fair… Ghyaa!] Loudly moaned Scarlet when Max inserted a finger inside her while trying to rub her clit with his thumb at the same time.

As planned, Max's stimulation seems to work well since she was moaning louder and began to slightly buck her hips instinctively in pleasure.

[But… that's no fair.]

"How so?" Said Max, increasing his power a bit.

[Because… I'm the one… that is supposed to please you… I won't be able to… after this.]

"Don't worry about that. For now, just enjoy."

[Ahhh, damnit! That feels so good.] Moaned Scarlet, bucking a bit harder.

After a moment, Scarlet's orgasm wasn't coming fast enough to Max's taste, so he went for her most sensitive part.

{GHYAAA!} Loudly moaned Scarlet with her own voice when she felt her master's tongue against her crest.

{Will you… ever… leave my crest… alone… someday?} Hardly said Scarlet from the intense pleasure.

"Why would I do that when it's so much effective?"

{That's just… too much…}

In a matter of seconds, Scarlet's orgasm was already close, hitting her after only a minute. When she was done with her muscles contracting and ecstatic moaning, she let herself fall on Max, resting from the intense pleasure she experienced.

{You're such… a vicious human…} Said Scarlet, panting a bit.

"You taught me that."

[… Well, you better watch your back when you will be back on your feet.] She said while rubbing his cheeks with an almost unhealthy smile.

"I always have to with all of you." Responded Max while rubbing her soft hairs.

[I think I have passed enough time in there. Are you coming?]

"Just go ahead. I want to enjoy the bath a little bit more."

[Good answer master. See you later then.] She said before slowly getting out of the bath.

"… Sure." Said Max, wondering why she said it like that.

When Scarlet wasn't in sight anymore, Max closed his eyes and relaxed all of his muscles until he heard footsteps behind him. Turning his head, he saw Aurora that was walking toward him with something in her hand.

"Oh, hi Aurora. Long-time no see." Joked Max a bit.

{Don't worry, I won't stay long. I just happen to have passed in front of those berries bushes that can help you with your sickness.} Said Aurora while showing him the nasty tasting berry that stopped him from coughing.

"Oh yeah, those berries that taste awful."

{… How do you know that?}

"Oh hmm, well…"

{Figures. Scarlet probably gave you some. Never mind then.} Said Aurora angrily, but Max could distinct a faint sad tone in her voice.

"… Wait." Called out Max when the lucario turned around to leave.


"Actually, I'm not feeling that well, so I'm sure the berry would help me greatly."

{W-whatever.} Said Aurora, faintly blushing.

Headed back toward him, Aurora almost threw the berry at him but Max managed to catch it.

{I'm done here now.}

"Wait." Called out Max again when she turned around to leave.

{What now?} Said Aurora with a more annoyed tone.

"You probably have already noticed, but we have a hot tub now that resembles a hot spring."

{I do, I'm not that stupid.} Angrily retorted Aurora.

"And since I know you like them, maybe you want to get in?"

{I don't… like hot springs that much." Answered Aurora, obvious that she was lying.

"If you say so, even though that I'm sure you were the only one that wasn't skipping a day without getting in at least once. And I think you also went two times in a single day at that dojo."

{How… were you spying on me?} Said Aurora, wondering how he knew all of that.

"More or less. Since I was interested in you, hmm I mean, not in the way you think, but you know, just what you like or not."

{W-well, I do like hot springs but not being stalked.} Said Aurora, blushing a bit more.


(Why does he always make all those effort for me?) Thought Aurora.

After a moment of hesitation, Max spoke up.

"But perhaps you prefer me not being in there. I'll leave." Said Max while getting up, covering his junk.

{W-whatever you stay or not, I-I don't care.} Said Aurora while turning around so her back was facing him so he couldn't see her face.

"… You sure?" Asked Max while stopping moving.

{But if you plan on staying, just stay away from me.}

"Well, I do want to enjoy the bath a bit more, but if it makes you too uncomfortable…"

{I already said that I don't care. For someone who is 'interested' in me, you don't listen a lot.} Said Aurora while walking toward the bath while making sure she didn't look at the human.

"You know I didn't mean that way."

{Whatever. Go over there.} Said Aurora while pointing at the other end of the bath so she could be as far as possible from him.

After sighing, Max complied.


After getting to where Aurora wanted him, the female lucario then slowly got in the water while still making sure she wasn't making eye contact with the human.

"So? How is it?" Asked Max.

{It's okay I guess. Not as hot as the hot springs at the dojo, but nice enough.}

"I can ask Dusk to heat it a bit if you want."

{No thanks.} She said with a casual tone while crossing her arms with her eyes closed.

"… It's been a few days since you got in hot water. I'm sure you missed it."

{Not that much. Either way, since I'm trapped with you, I have to let go of some habits. After all, we'll not always come across hot springs.}

"… True I suppose. You know Aurora, despite being a bit distant, you quite the strong-willed pokemon."

{Whatever you talk good or bad about me, I don't care.} Said Aurora, not even pleased the least by Max compliment.

"… Hehe." Laughed a bit, Max.

{What so funny?} Asked Aurora, annoyed.

"Nothing. It's just… your tough and 'cool' attitude is quite cute actually. I guess it's part of your charm."

{W-whatever, I'm not here or acting like that to please you okay.}

"I know, it's just you're pretty awesome in your own way."

{W-will you shut up? I-I already told you that I'm not interested in humans. Anyway, you would have to be cuter than that to even thinking about seducing me.} Said Aurora with now her blush being quite visible now.

"Oh, so if I were to be cuter, I could have a chance?" Said Max with a grin.

{I-I never said that.}

"Haha, chill out Aurora, I'm just kidding."

{Rha, you're such a pain in the rear when you want.}

"Yeah, all of my team said that to me at least one time each."

{Not even surprised.}

Then, they stayed silent for a couple of minutes before Max broke it.

"You know Aurora, I'm… really sorry." Apologized.

{For what?}

"For taking you away from that dojo, the place you called home."

{I don't care that much you know. What is done is done. Anyway, you were there when they were about to throw me out of there. I guess if it wasn't for you, I would just be roaming aimlessly in the wild.}

For a moment, Max then thought about the plan that he, Scarlet, and Ashura made up to lead Aurora into his team. He also thought that if he should tell her about it.

[I don't think it's a good idea master.] Said Scarlet's voice inside Max's head.

(I know but, I don't like hiding the truth, especially from my friends.)

[… Do as you want, but you know that it could lead her to hate you more and break the little relationship you have built up until now.]

(I know, but maybe I should pierce the abscess while it still small.)

[Alright, I'll be ready if she burst out in anger.]

(I don't think it would be necessary, but thanks anyway.)



"There… something I have to tell you."

{If it's that you love me or something stupid like that, you better keep it to yourself.}

"No, it's something else. Remember the moment when Ashura wanted to test you and me proposing to come with me?"

{Unfortunately, yes.} Said Aurora, faintly blushing.

"I… suppose we weren't all honest with you that day."

{… What do you mean?} Said Aurora, opening her eyes in curiosity.

"Well… from the moment Ashura asked to test you to me capturing you… it was all planned."

{… Planned? The hell are you saying?} she asked, confused.

"What I'm saying is that all of this… was my plan to get you into my team."

For a moment, Aurora analyzed what Max had said before her eyes widened a bit.

{… You're saying that… you all lied to me?} Said Aurora, anger slowly rising in her voice.

"In a certain way… yes."

{… You little…}

Without any warning, Aurora stood up and jumped on Max with one paw on his neck with the other ready to hit him.

[Master!] Said Scarlet in his head, worried.

(That's okay Scarlet, I can handle this.)

"Hit me if it can make you feel better."

Looking at her eyes, Max saw that they were mostly filled with anger, but also with sadness and desperation. Moving her hand a bit more backward, Max closed his eyes and waited for the punch. Fortunately for him, the only contact he felt a few seconds later, was a pretty weak hit that had landed on his chest. Opening his eyes, he saw Aurora with her head lowered, with a few tears flowing on her cheeks.

{Why?} She said, sobbing a bit.

{Why does this world hate me so much?} She continued with more tears dropping from her.

A bit taken off guard, Max didn't know what to do for a moment. When he heard and felt her sobbing getting more intense.

"Hey hey, now Aurora." Said Max while gently grabbing her chin and raised her tear-filled face.

{Don't touch me!} She angrily said before strongly pushing his hand away.

"… I don't know about the world, but I don't hate you Aurora. I planned all of this because I noticed that you weren't happy there, even if you called it home. I just wanted to help you. I hate seeing a pretty girl like you being unhappy."

For a moment, Aurora stared at him with her eyes, now mostly filled with sadness.

{Why… have you gone that far and lied to me… just to help me… someone, you don't even know?}

"I don't know. I guess it's just how I am. I can't just abandon someone that needs help."

{Who told you… that I needed help?} Said Aurora, lowering her head again, almost crushed.

"No one, I just… saw it I guess."

{I don't… need your help. I don't need… anybody's help.}

As Max saw her sobbing more uncontrollably, he wrapped his arms around her, which she either didn't notice or didn't care since she didn't protest.

"Just keep in mind that… neither I, Ashura, or most of your companions back there hated you. They were even worried about you."

{I don't… believe you. It must be… another lie.} She said between sobs.

"I'm afraid not. You are not alone as much as you think, even from the beginning."

{… Why… did no one tell me…}

"Perhaps because you were a bit… inaccessible."

Quite devastated, she kept crying until she finally calmed down a couple of minutes later, with Max still softly hugging her.

{I still… don't get it.} Said Aurora, still sobbing a little while raising her head.

"You don't get what?"

{… Why you wanted to help me so much. You didn't know me and the few interactions we had… have been a bit… rude.} Said Aurora, getting off the hug.

"Like it told you, it's just the way I am."

{… Hmpf… that's so stupid.} She said, blushing a bit.

"Can you forgive us?"

{I don't think I can ever do that… but…}

Aurora then looked away, unable to say it.

"That's okay, you don't have to say it." Said Max while petting her head gently, stroking her short amount of hairs between her ears.

{You have no idea how I want to want to punch and hurt you right now.} She angrily said while pushing his hand away.

{… But… maybe it wasn't that bad of a thing. I was slowly thinking about leaving myself recently anyway.}

"I just want you to understand that I didn't want to do that, but had to in order to help you."

{You already said it like a hundred times, I get it. I'm not that stupid. Since you made me unable to see that throh's face again, I guess I could forgive you, but probably in the next century.}

"Eh, works for me."

{Can you lay off me now?} She said, still feeling his arms around her body.

"Why? You don't like being hugged." Said Max while tightening his hug a bit before pulling her closer to him.

Then, a second after her body made contact with his, Aurora's eyes widened when she understood what she was touching. Under the water, the lucario's entrance was pressing against the human's semi-hard shaft.

{Get. Your arms. Off me. Right now.} Said Aurora, containing her rage.

"Shit! Sorry Aurora, I didn't mean to." He said while quickly uncoiling his arms from her.

{You're disgusting.} Said Aurora with a very displeased voice while quickly getting off him and leaving the hot water.

"I'm so sorry Aurora." He called out again before she was too far away.

Not even responding, Aurora disappeared into the woods.

"… Damnit. It was going so well." Said Max before facepalming and dropping his head on the edge of the bath.

[Master master, can you even control yourself?] Said Scarlet's voice in a mocking tone.

(Shut up. You're the last person that I want to hear that from.)

[That's not a very nice thing to say.] She said with a fake offended voice.

(That just proves my previous point.)

[Who said she didn't like it?]

(Because she did?) Thought Max, quite skeptical.

[I won't say she liked it, but maybe slightly more than you think.]

(Yeah, sure, with that angry face of her.)

[Remember that she's not very honest with herself.]

(… If you say so. But things like that will only make things more difficult.)

[Or easing them.]

(Won't take the chance. I'm not interested if she's not first. Anyway, life isn't always about sex or mating.)

[You're right, there also the nice lovemaking and the rough raping.]

(Tss, I forgot to whom I'm saying that to.) Said Max with a desperate smile.

[Hehe, you should know me by now.]

(I do, unfortunately.)

After a moment of silence, Scarlet began speaking again.

[So, how long do you plan on staying on there?]

(I'm about to leave actually. Why? Already missing me?)

[You know every second away from you is torture.]

(Aww, how cute is that?)

[Careful master, remember who's the one that has psychic powers.]

(Yeah, and she's always using them to please me and makes me feels incredibly good.)

[… Wait, are you… starting to like my punishments?] Said Scarlet, a bit surprised.

(O-of course not.) Thought Max, hoping she will not stop.

[Great, now I have to think about other methods to punish you.]

(Why? You're good at that.)

[Not very punishing if you like it.]

Scarlet then felt a faint sadness feeling coming from her master.

[Buut… perhaps I can change it to be a 'reward'.]

(That's my Scarlet, sweet as always.)

[Always up to satisfy you.]

(Good to know.)

[But what would satisfy me now is that you join us in the tent.]

(Alright, coming.)

After getting out of the water, Max remembered that he didn't have anything to dry himself up.

(Hemm, can you toss me a towel?) Asked Max to Scarlet when he was near the tent.


A few seconds later, Dusk came out of the tent.

(I said toss me a towel, not Dusk.) Thought Max, while covering himself.

[She's way more effective than any towel. And I'm also doing both of you a favor.]

{S-sorry master, but Scarlet told me that you need help.} Said Dusk while looking away when she saw her master naked.

"Alright, let's get this done over with then." Said Max, a bit reluctant.

{I'll… make it as quick as possible.}

Max then could feel a bit of sadness in Dusk's voice.

"No Dusk, I didn't mean it that way. It's just that you don't seem very comfortable yet with me being, well, unclothed in front of you. You know I don't like seeing my team doing things they don't like to."

{I don't… d-dislike it master.} Said nervously Dusk.

{B-but I am indeed still a bit embarrassed when I see you, like this. I-I guess I… I j-just need m-more practice.} Said Dusk, trying to get a few peeks at her master, only to look away a few seconds later each time.

Dusk was so embarrassed and nervous with her last words that they came out a bit broken.

"Hope you don't force yourself."

{N-not really master, d-don't worry.}

(Well, I guess the position of the most normal one is this team is now Aurora.) Thought Max.

[For now.] Commented Scarlet, making him sigh.

"Alright Dusk, whenever you want."

{Sure master, but…}

"Something wrong?"

{Well, your hands are kind of… in the way.} She said while pointing at his hands that were covering his manhood.

"… Really? You can't do this like that?"


Max then saw her blushing madly while looking away in embarrassment.

(Am I dreaming or Dusk just told me that she wants to see my dong?)

[Looks like it.] Said Scarlet with an almost proud tone.

[I think she's into you master.]

(You don't say.) Sarcastically thought Max.

Staring at her, Max saw her playing nervously with her stick while giving a few glimpses towards her master from time to time.

(She's so cute though. It's hard to say no.) Thought Max.

[That's my perverted master.] Said Scarlet, chuckling a bit.

(S-shut up.)

"O-okay Dusk, if it's really necessary."

After a moment of hesitation, Max then uncovered his junk, making Dusk able to see it in all of its glory. When she saw it, she blushed even more but managed to keep her eyes on Max.

{H-hold still master.} Said Dusk, hardly able to focus anywhere else than his lower region.

Shortly after, Max felt a familiar heating sensation that was burning away the water that was all over his skin, making him all dry after a few seconds.

"Thanks, Dusk." Said Max, covering his junk again when she was done.

{N-no problem master.} She shyly responded.

A second later, a pair of underwear appears in front of Max, which he grabbed before it fell on the ground. After putting them on with Dusk discretely staring at him while doing so, both of them got inside the tent. Inside, they were all lying on their respective inflatable mattresses, relaxing.

"Thanks for the underwear love." Said Max to Scarlet.

{You're lucky that you're sick, otherwise you would have to get in naked, and oh boy, you would have passed a very bad time.} Lustfully said, Scarlet.

{I can confirm that.} Added Bonny.

"Guess every bad thing has its bright side." Said Max while lying on his own mattress.

"Well, it's not nighttime yet, so what do you guys want to do in the meantime?"

{What about…} Started Scarlet.

"Besides another truth or dare game." Interrupted Max.

{… Let me think then.}

A few seconds later, Bonny had moved toward Max, got between his legs, and laid on him with her belly resting against his crotch while having her elbows resting on his belly.

{Why not just enjoy each other's company?}

{Hm, why not.} Added Scarlet while laying her head on Max's shoulder.

{Well, maybe a just plain little rest won't do bad master.} Said Dusk.

The little braixen then moved in front of Max's head, sat on her legs, and made it rest on her lap, making her acting little a really warm pillow.

{Master is quite lucky.} Said May, who had moved to the opposite side of Scarlet and lay on his side a bit like Bonny.

"About what?"

{For having all of us with you silly master.}

"Eh, of course, I am." He said while petting the mawile's head.

"… I hope you guys are ready for the next gym battle."

{You can count in me master. Now that I can control my mega evolution…} Said Bonny.

"Yeah, that will be a huge advantage for us."

{I have faith in your victory.} Said Scarlet.

"Well, we trained for a whole month, so there is no way we will lose that easily."

{Yeah, I won't let that happen either.} Said May.

{Me neither, even though I didn't make a lot of progress.} Said Dusk, feeling a bit down.

"You may have not trained a lot your usual specialty, but you trained almost harder than the others nonetheless. I'm sure you will surprise everyone, even yourself." Said Max while rubbing her hips.

{… Thanks, master.} She answered while rubbing his hair.

"I'll have to look what type that gym leader use."

{Leave it to me.} Said Bonny while retrieving the pokedex.

Having it in her hands, Bonny then pressed many buttons in search for 'gym leader' a little while, but was unable to.

{What the… where the hell is that thing?} Cursed Bonny, getting a bit upset at the device.

"Still having a hard time?" Mocked a bit, Max.

{Whatever, just do it. Stupid machine.} She almost angrily said before giving it to Max.

"Eh, more practice could be good."

After Bonny huffed, Max then browsed through the pokedex until he found what he looking for.

"You were close Bonny. Alright, the gym specialty is… grass type. Looks like you will be our main firepower Dusk, literally."

{Oh… hmm… I'll… do my best.} Said Dusk, suddenly feeling a bit of pressure.

{Relax Dusk, remember that you trained for this.} Said Scarlet, trying to reassure her.

{You're… right.} She said back, slightly feeling less nervous.

"I'm sure you will do just fine. After all, I have no weak pokemon in my team." Said Max, rubbing her thighs, making her blush.

{If… master says it.}

"Because I know it. Though, I don't know if…"

{You should include Aurora?} Finished Scarlet.

"… Yeah. Our relation isn't really at its peak yet, and I don't even know if she will want to fight with us."

{The only way to know is to wait until there.}

"… I suppose."

{You can still count on us if she ever lets us down master.} Said Bonny.

"I'm not even scared of that." He said while caressing her cheeks, making her smile happily.

{Things have been getting slightly better between you two. I wouldn't be surprised if she likes you the day we have that battle.} Said Scarlet.

"Yeah, until this evening."

{I already told you that she didn't mind that much, whatever she may have said or acted towards it.}

{What happened?} Asked Bonny.

{Long story short, our master can't control himself as Aurora briefly had a glimpse of what she could have.} Explained Scarlet with a mischievous grin.

{Master! I knew you were a beast, but with someone that doesn't even like you…} Said Bonny, faking being disgusted.

"It was an accident."

{Yeah yeah, it always starts with an accident.} Continued Bonny, rolling her eyes with a smile.

"S-shut up with that already." Said Max, starting to feel embarrassed.

{Hihi, he's so cute when he's embarrassed, don't you think girls?} Said Scarlet while pitching his cheeks, with what they all agreed.

For the rest of the evening, they all had some trivial talks before they decided it was time to go to sleep after maybe an hour with the sky getting dark. Now all placed on their favorite and usual spot, they all fell asleep shortly after.