Runaway Baby

"You better be running, Aiden." said the person on the phone.

*cough* "Dam it, I am running," *cough* I replied.

"I thought you're already reserved the same as me."

*cough* "Yeah, I thought so too. *cough* looks like my papers got mixed up there or something."

"We'll check onto it later. Just get over here asap."

"I'll call you back when I'm nearby,"


And here I am, I thought that the papers that I passed on enrollment were already okay, but it looks like they didn't. Do you wanna know what's sad?... There's traffic today in the streets because there's a festival ongoing, so transportation isn't possible. And what's even more, sadder is that I caught a cold last night after showering. Yeah, that's right, life does get miserable sometimes.

This is the best "first day of classes" ever happened to me.

Well... Sarcastically speaking.

Aiden Morino.

My name is Aiden Morino. While on the way, Here's a short backstory from me to you.

I'm from a wealthy family, well my father is, The Morino family is commonly known here, almost every impression of the people here would be something like-

"Morino? shhh, we don't speak that name here."

"Please, we have no business with the Morino family; stop asking."

"we'll call the police or else!"


My family name is known for being an organization of syndicates. A wealthy family that deals with things known as "illegal." Fortunately, my father never really brings his "illegal" dealings with me and my mom. He swore never to put danger on us.

Now that's enough backstory for now and on to the point, the reason why I'm running as fast as I could. The papers I've passed, I'm dead sure that they've confirmed a spot already for me since last month... but why am I not on the list on the reservations...

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you.

You see, all schools here are mostly populated, each school has its limitations which is why most students rush their reservations for the enrollment, But it's OK if a student didn't get a reservation, they could wait in the line and wish that they would still get a slot for enrollment.

Cause Goddam...

I'm telling you when it's the day of enrollment, you better be there at the start of the day.

Anyway, it looks like I'm near Legend High, yeah that's the school's name.

*buzz* *buzz*

"Are you near?" the voice from the phone asked.

"yep," I replied.

"I thought you're gonna call me first."

"no time, meet me at the entrance," I replied while running to the entrance.

"I can't. It's too crowded, ah-"

"hold on, Aiden, someone wants to talk to you."

"Good morning Mr. Aiden Morino. I'm your class advisor. I've found the papers for your enrollment. It seems the Morino name brought you a lot of trouble anywhere..."

"Let me guess, someone doesn't want me to get enrolled that's why they tried to steal it or were planning to burn it, huh?"

"Good guess,"

"Alright, so does that mean I could easily pass through the gate?"

"I'm afraid there's one more thing you must do."

"don't tell me I'm still gonna wait in the line?" I said with disappointment on my face.


"Can't I just pass through the line?"

"that would make a misunderstanding to the people since some of them are here already since 5 in the morning.

"that is a good point," I said with disappointment and tiredness.

"Not to mention your name's reputa-"

"I'll wait in the line," I said with disappointment + tiredness, + sadness...

"and that's why we'll go to you instead."

Well, That made me smile,

Huh, it looks like my advisor passed the phone back to my friend.

"Aiden, just try not to make eye contact with other people. We'll go there now."

And then they hang up the phone. Wait, I thought they couldn't get out cause it's too crowded. I guess they might know another way.

It looks like all I need to do is wait for them to come...

uhh... I think some people are looking at me. Ok, it seems like they already know who I am...

"Hey, I know you,"

"you're a son of the Morino, aren't you"

"yeah, he is the son of the guy from the Morino."

"What kind of business do you need in this place huh?"

"We don't want your stuff around our children."

"He's right. Get him out of here."

This is normal to me. I tend to have this kind of situation when I'm outside of the house... Most of the time, I'll just go do what I need to do, and just brush them off away. They're not wrong. I can't say anything to it.

"Everyone, please try to understand I'm only here for the enrollment," I replied with all my honesty.

"Enrollment? He's planning something, aren't you?"

"What do you want with us?"

"Please leave our school alone."


I got nothing to do... I got nothing to say to them. I can't defend anything because they won't listen. All I can do is just stare at them and give a sorry face to them.

Amid the chaos, a girl came from my back, brown long hair, her eyes are as blue as a sapphire stone, skin as smooth as I've never seen, almost the same height as me but she's taller, she dresses as if she's going on a date with someone. This moment looks like it came out from a romantic novel, unfortunately.

"Sorry to bother everyone, but may ask what's the problem here-"

Looks like she'll be my savior to this commotion. I'm starting to like her...

"Ah- wait, never mind, it's a Morino. Go on ahead. Please continue what you're doing."

Wow, this girl is a bitch.

Well, that's a turn-off from my feelings. She speed-run from being a beautiful girl into a hoe. It's as if she's going for a world record. Well, she's dam right winning the top one. However, I'm pretty impressed that she can tell if a person is a Morino or not in just a glance.

"Everyone, princess Amelia is here. Quiet it down."

"It's ok, sir, it's fine. I'll be here as quick as I can," she said to the people.

"No, please take your time. We can let you pass through from us. Consider this as a part of our gratitude to you."

"Thank you so much. I'll be heading now."

The girl walked and then turned around then gave me the smuggest face I've seen. This girl won every world record of being a bitch. After she headed for the entrance, a man in a suit came after her, then six more of them came after her, looks like she's a real deal to these people, how come I haven't heard of her.

"Hey you, Morino, go ahead, leave us here." a voice from the crowd shouted.

I had enough of this chaos. I'll just message my friend and make him do my stuff since all that's left for me to do is just attend the first orientation. I don't think I'd want this to get out of hand.

"Sorry to bother everyone, I'll be heading now as well," I said sincerely to the people.

As I walked out of the gate, a man stood before me. He waved at me as if we've met before. Tall, black hair and curly, wearing a top hat, has a piercing under his lip. he wears such formal attire, I guess he's one of the men in suits that came after that Amelia girl. He's holding some paper while giving a kind smile.

"We finally met, mister Aiden."

That sounds like a line from a final boss, wait he's the one talking to me a while ago—my advisor.

"Sorry, but are you the one I'm talking to a while ago?" I asked to correct myself.

"Yes, I am. I'm sorry I almost forgot to introduce myself to you. My name is Ken Agomaz," he replied.

Ken Agomaz, I've heard that name on TV or in the news. Oh, I remember now.

"You're one of the members of the grand blade masters, right?"

"Yes, I am. It looks like we're still quite known to some people."

I'll break this down for a good explanation. The Grand Blade Masters are people who hold passed-down weapons in their families. You see, there are weapon users in our world. When a user can't handle their power, they tend to use weapons or other kinds of objects to transfer their power so they can wield it easily. Some weapons are passed down to preserve their usage throughout generations, and the most passed down weapons in history are called the nine blades of eternity. As the name says, only nine surviving weapons are left that are still being passed down in this era. These blades are distributed to nine members or what we call the Grand Blade Masters. They're known as a group of masters who wield the oldest weapons in history.

Although there aren't quite popular anymore, they used to be quite known back then from what I've heard from my mom.

"My mother used to talk about you guys," I said.

"I see, now onto the topic at hand, if it's ok, I'd like to take you on another way of getting inside the school."

"Thanks, please lead the way. Ah, I forgot where's my Friend at?"

"He said that he'll just stay inside instead."

As we head off, the crowd seems to be lessening now. looks like the enrollment will be ending soon. As we entered the school, I was greeted with a small Indoor fountain inside. Ken said that this is just the backroom of the school, yet it feels like an entrance already. There were two stairways on each side of the fountain that led to the second floor. The room feels too grand for a backroom of the school, not to mention the ceiling even stretches until the second floor so it's pretty spacious. There are florals on most of the corners and paintings that look fake, not to mention the floor, the tiles, and also the carpet surrounding the whole room. It's as if I'm in a hotel lobby.

"You should try to memorize these places here. Do you want me to explain to you the whole campus while on the way?" Ken suddenly informed me.

"Sure, thanks, sir"

Ken starts to explain everything I need to know about the campus.

"Legend high has Four buildings, excluding the dorms. We are right now in the main building, as you can see. For now, I'll start explaining the main building. The main building contains forty classrooms. Each classroom has 24 seats, meaning there will be 24 of you in one class. Right now, where we are standing is the right-wing of the building, there are ten classrooms on the 2cnd floor and 3rd floor-"

"what about here on the first floor? Aren't these classrooms as well?" I asked while looking at the doors we passed through.

"these are clubrooms where we are going through," Ken replied.

"I see."

"Here on the first floor, most rooms here are either used for clubrooms, faculty, seminar room, meeting room, or just storage room."

As we walked, I glanced by the window next to me and noticed bushes and trees on the other side, but we were still inside the school.

"you might've noticed the indoor garden already by the window. That indoor garden is in the middle of the whole main building. Most students tend to eat their lunch in there." Ken explains.

"what about that big dome at the back."

"ah, that's where we came from, well from the back of it. That is a stage for events," Ken replied.

"Oh, so you guys put up events as well like a normal high school."

"of course, we wouldn't want our students to have a breakdown here. Well, that is still an option if it's needed, haha," Ken replied with a mischievous face.

"ah- I see."

"now, for the third last floor, at the top, there is a helipad and a library, you should come by visit the library sometime," Ken suggested.

"I'll be sure to look onto it."

"Now, it looks like we're near, I'll let the other teachers explain to you the other buildings, but for now, you should sign some extra papers."

I signed some papers to complete the enrollment. It included things about my locker and some medical and health items.

"Almost done now, Aiden. You should head now to the power training building."

"Wheres that power-building thing?" I asked with confusion.

"Just head to the right-wing door, and it'll take you outside, then you'll see the building." Ken pointed out his hand onto a door far to the right from me.

"Alright, thank you so much, sir." I tanked him with all my gratitude.

"No problem"

As I walked away from the faculty, I started Wondering where my friend was. Maybe he's already at the power training building. I should head there now. While walking towards the door, a sound outside grew even louder. It sounds like an announcement. I went ahead and opened the door for me to hear the announcement.

I gently open the door