Runaway Baby pt.2

"Paging for Wong Lee, Wong Lee Will be the next one" a loud voice from a speaker came up.

As I go outside a large school of students chatter around an area in Infront of an entrance to a building. There was a massive screen at the top of the entrance, shows the name of the one who's being called.

"Right here, right here."

A man raised his hand from the crowd. Tall has spikey hair, quite muscular as well. Looks like he's a foreigner, I forgot that the school was international too. That must've been the reason as well for dormitories. Lee hurried himself up onto the entrance.

"Once you enter you must show all skills that you've learned with your power, understood?" say's the voice from the speaker.

"Yes sir, I'm prepared," Lee said confidently.

I'm confused about what's going on, is this still part of the enrollment or this is the first lesson itself that is being thought to us already by the guy behind the microphone. I asked someone to explain to me what is this about.

"excuse me, sir, I got late going here, may I ask what are we doing?" I asked a man next to me, he was wearing sweat pants, looks like I didn't come prepared. he was the same height as I am, quite of a long hair too. One thing that's is quite odd is that he's wearing gloves on his hand.

"Ah, this is for the power trials" he replied politely.

"power trials?"

"We're going to show off what can we do with our powers basically, it's also for them to know and how will they teach us on our power."

"I see,"

"My name's Red, like the color red" he introduced himself unexpectedly.

"My name is-"

I should probably make up a name, since last time my name almost made me not enter the school.

"Bruno, Kars"

Totally not a popular name that just came up to my head then I used it as a replacement.

"Nice to meet you, Bruno,"

"Thanks, you too,"

I can't believe he fell for it.

Suddenly the massive screen at the top of the entrance changes scene, it appears to be showing Lee in the middle of some kind of room? a big one actually, a really big one.

"The first challenge will be reflexes, next will be endurance, and last will be strength," the voice from the speaker said.

The screen suddenly changes the one that is showing, it shows that Wong Lee's power is Barrier, he could manipulate black energy into a barrier. From what I know, most of the time its integrity or durability is as equal as to how the user's strength will be. This means that Wong Lee will be better at supporting people, he would excel on the endurance challenge.

"The first challenge, reflexes will start... Now"


An alarm started off the challenge. the screen changed back to Lee, guns started popping up on the walls of the room through left and right then it started to fire bullets. Lee acted quickly, he put out his hand and made a dome of the barrier. All he could do was to defend himself, but this challenge was supposed to be for his reflexes. After a while he was inside the dome, the tiles underneath him then started flipping as they uncover holes in the floor. Lee tried to leap out of the dome and where the guns aren't shooting at, he scraped his legs on the floor and his face then smack the floor as he falls. The holes underneath him awhile ago spitted out a large number of flames.

"Hey, isn't this a bit much?!" Lee asked the commentator that is talking through the microphone.

"This is for everyone to force themselves to the limit of using their power, didn't I say a while ago, to give everything you, got?" the commentator replied.

Even more guns, Gatling ones started appearing in the walls, the holes underneath Lee started appearing again where Lee landed after he jumped. Lee quickly got up and run around the room, as he circles around he then put out his hand by the walls.

"Fine, then I'll give this a shot. Haaaa!" Lee then started a war scream of his own while lifting his hand.

Hexagonal-shaped barriers started appearing, Infront of the guns in every wall and even on the floor. Lee created barriers at the top of the guns and on the holes underneath. The room is filled with his barrier.

"Hey! That's epic."

"That looks so cool"

"Let's goo Wong Lee!"

The audience started to cheer on Lee. Lee then heard the cheering outside, unfortunately, he missed one gun to block by his Barrier. The gun then fired at his leg.

"Huh?-.... AHHH!" Lee's reflexes didn't cope with the fire of the bullet at his leg resulting in him being wounded.

All of the barriers in the room started to fade away leaving Lee without one. The guns then started to point at Lee.

"This is enough," the commentator said.

The guns started going back from where they belonged while the holes that spit fire started closing.

"Wong Lee, you were stubborn to fill every tip of the guns a barrier, you tried to outsmart the challenge, but what it needs is to test your reflexes." the commentator commented Lee.

"I'm at a disadvantage anyway, I could only make barriers and not see where the bullet is going," Lee said with disappointment to himself.

"No you're not, you could've seen this easily, there is a pattern in every gunshot, you could've felt it with your barrier because your barriers can sense the bullets that are hitting it, you could've reserved your energy and focused on minimal usage because your barrier's strength is as equal as how much energy you can use and how much strength you have, but you didn't do it. Because of that, it's obvious that you didn't listen to your power." the commentator replied to Lee.

Lee failed to speak for a moment after hearing those words. He accepted the fact that he wasn't focused.

"Even so, guns? and flamethrowers underneath? wouldn't these challenges hurt other students?" Lee asked the commentator.

Students outside the building started murmuring around. judging on their reactions some are worried about it some are quite angered.

"He's right we can't take that much."

"Yeah, that's dangerous."

"How come we didn't get told about this?"

students started asking questions.

Out of the blue, a door on the other side of the room opened. A man came out of it, an old man, gray hair, wears glasses, seems overworked, and wears a coat with sunglasses over the front pocket while holding a microphone. He walked menacingly as if he's mad at Lee. His eyes squinched while looking at Lee.

"I really need to change these glasses," he murmured after looking at Lee.

He then walked outside of the room after looking at Lee for a moment. Lee then was confused after what happened.

"My name is Cole Morgan. I'm a teacher here in Legend high, I've been teaching here for the past 6 years, and my power is Illusionary."

He spoke through the microphone he's holding at the entrance to the other students or us.

Students started to again murmur around.

"If anyone may wonder this training are all but just a fake one. these bullets aren't real." The bullets disintegrated into nothingness in his hands as he hold them.

"The fire is fake as well, So now we put that out of the way, yes I am the one who is creating all of those illusion materials but that doesn't mean the gunshots won't hurt as what we've seen from Lee's case, I could also project pain onto illusions so what Lee is feeling isn't real, but the pain is still as equal as what real pain is," he said with such a menacing face. this man, almost everything about his personality is menacing.

"Now if you would please stop worrying about how it feels, let's continue the trials because if you don't I'll make sure to make it more painful the next time anyone gets a gunshot."

This guy is just scary now.

The trials continue. I'll make it short one what happens after, In the endurance challenge, Lee excelled on it easily. while In the strength, well he tried his best to punch a massive robot that Cole made. yeah, a robot that is an illusion. After Lee's other students go in, various powers have been shown through the trials by other students. Each of the students had a different kind of concept on each trial, I can't believe Cole manage to make so much of it, not to mention how realistic it is.

Then finally my friend got called.

Tall, taller than me, he's hair as black as the night, wears a gray jacket while wearing a white shirt underneath. I guess that's one of the reasons why I can't find him a while ago, almost everyone here wears a jacket. I met this man since my childhood, funny we made compact blood with each other, I guess you could call us brothers but from another mother. He once saved my life after an accident and until now this guy still saves my ass up.

Leo Sato.

His father is a foreigner, while his mother came from a wealthy family as well. He was adopted by his family, truth be told my family and I were the first ones to meet him. He was on the street at night when my family and his 'about to become family' were there as well coincidentally. After years we became close friends since he most of the time only talks to his parents and me.

"Leo Sato, you can come inside now."

Leo started to walk towards Inside the building.

"Hey!" I screamed as I can to make him hear me.

He then looked back and saw me as I wave in the air. other students started looking strangely at me.

"Show them what you've got," I said. Leo then nods and gives a smug face back to me. what was that face supposed to be? well-

"The challenge will start in... Now"

Leo then disappeared from the screen.


The thing is...

My friend is overpowered

that is why he could give off that smug face as proudly as he can to anyone.

A large explosion went off inside the building, smoke came out of the entrance and almost all of the students are coughing because of the dust. The screen made a static image after the explosion, Everyone outside started to worry about what might've happened inside, until suddenly the screen went back on. On it shows a room with a massive crater on the floor, walls cracked up and pieces of debris everywhere. A room that is used to be a training ground is completely obliterated, by whom? let's see for ourselves.

The students went shocked after seeing the image.

"What in the world happened?!"

"Where's the guy that was supposed to challenge?"

"What is going on now?!"

Suddenly a voice spoke again in the microphone.

"What the- SATO, where are you!"

Cole shouted in the microphone, making a strong frequency go wild in the speaker.

"I am sorry about that sir." a voice also spoke in the microphone.

"Ah- how did you get here?!"

Cole got jumped after seeing Leo just by his side in the commentator room.

"I just walked up the stairs," Leo replied.

"You know what, Just get down there, I don't even care anymore..." Cole gave up on mentoring Leo, sarcastically.

"I'll be meeting you later in the faculty Leo," Cole said to Leo through the microphone.

"I'm sorry sir Until now I'm working on controlling my power..." Leo lied. yeah, I know this guy much that I know when this guy makes a lie.

"Stop lying Leo, Your power is ultra strength, the ability to enhance every single movement you want to make. Your parents trained you with that power of yours, so Stop acting like you don't know your power." Cole saw through Leo so easily, with cole knowing that information, he must've talked with our parents before.

"Ah- I'm sorry sir." Leo made a sad face, this one is a real one for sure.

"Now Leo STOP, MOVING IN MACH 20!" Cole shouted again in the microphone to Leo.

Yep, Leo just moved in Mach 20 and destroyed the whole illusion that Cole made.

"Yes sir." Leo again is sad after getting scolded.

"We'll retry again, this time fix your reflexes and stop overdoing it. You understand?" Cole said.

"I'll try my best sir"

"you better be"

Cole Started setting up the illusion again, the floor and the walls suddenly got fixed, guns materialized on the walls, the fire pits got built-in no less than a minute.

"The challenge Will start... now!"

Once it started, the guns begin to shoot at Leo, Leo on the other hand started disappearing, and reappearing again and again, he's dodging so fast that the camera on the can't keep up with him. he doges every bullet easily and even doesn't step on fire pits. The students outside are quite amused by his performance.

"Woah this guy is insane!"

"This guy's has such an overpowered power"

Quite right he is, an overpowered friend.

As the time ends, Leo went to the next trial, endurance. Cole then begins his illusion, a Canon then materializes Infront of Leo.

"This isn't a simple canon Leo, I made the cannonball so it won't stop until I want it to," Cole said to Leo.

"So that means I'll only need to endure it as much as I can," Leo replied.

"Until a minute and thirty seconds run out you mustn't drop the ball" Cole said.

"The challenge will start... now!"

The time begins and The canon began to shoot and went straight to Leo's hand. The ball was pushing onto Leo while the floor underneath Leo started to crack up as he stands in that position. I can't believe Leo is actually struggling through holding his endurance. He's faced curled up as he holds to stop the ball from getting through him until he went and sits on the floor on where he is. he grabbed the cannonball that is pushing him so easily and went and sat down like nothing is happening.

This piece of shit isn't taking it seriously again, yep this is normal to me.

The students went in shock again as they see him just sitting down. I'm starting to wonder what is this guy thinking.

(Leo Sato's perspective)

I wonder what'll be my lunch for today,

oh shit, I forgot today is the end of the sale at the grocery.

Talk about groceries, did I write down everything I need to buy.

Crap I don't want mom to scold me again.

(Back to Aiden Morino's Perspective)

You know what, I'm guessing this guy is thinking about groceries right now.

"That's enough..." Cole said with tiredness.

(Cole Morgan's Perspective)

Ugh, this kid...

I really wanna go home now and rest up, these kids are tiring.

Oh, I forgot today's the last of the sale.

Shit, I should buy the groceries or else my wife's gonna kill me.

(Back to Aiden Morino's Perspective)

Looks like sir Cole is tired from this Leo, I could exactly feel that pain, if only I could say to Cole "heh, first time?"

"Anyway let's continue on the challenge."

Leo went on to the next challenge which is strength.

"Hey, I'll bet 50 Pesos, this guy will destroy the whole building."

"Make it hundred Pesos, he'll get expelled before that happens."

Students started making bets around the next challenge, funny I'm pretty sure both of those will happen unless such a miracle would happen.

As Cole made the illusion, he materialized a dummy on the room and nothing else.

"Hey come on that's not fair"

"How come he only gets a dummy to fight on"

"Yeah that's not fair"

Students started ranting outside because of the unfairness of the challenge.

"Leo, I'd like you to give the most power you give out on this dummy" Cole asked Leo.

"Oh ok," Leo said

"Remember, I know whenever someone is serious or not Leo. A dummy is no different from a massive robot. That means no matter how powerful an enemy is, your power is equal to how you use it normally. Unless you showed me that I'm wrong." Cole said to Leo.

Leo started to look worried that he might disappoint Cole.

"I'll do my best sir," Leo said quietly

Leo then slowly pointed to the dummy.

As he points his finger onto the dummy, Black energy started to grow onto his finger. A large amount of energy is entering his finger, he's focusing his whole power only on his finger. the air inside of the room went wild because of how much energy is being collected.

Leo slowly walks onto the dummy and slowly touches his fingertip on the dummy.


The dummy suddenly disappeared, he disintegrated the whole dummy without a trace.

Students went in shock again,

"So this is the best you can do, not bad kid. You redirected every single energy onto every piece of the dummy that's why it looks like it disappeared out of thin air, all that is left is the dust on the floor. You showed what you can do properly." Cole said.

A miracle happened, Leo didn't destroy the whole building, great looks like he won't get expelled. not to mention he miraculously impressed Cole.

"Ah- it's done, thanks sir," Leo said while being sleepy.

This guy likes showing how many balls he has.

As Leo went outside, the students murmured around him. some felt worried after seeing how strong Leo is.

"Hey Aiden, did you see what I did?!" Leo waved on to me as he walks, making everyone who looks at him also look back straight at me. looks like this is where another commotion begins.

"Uhh hey, yep I saw," I replied uncomfortably.

"so this guy is the Morino,"

"What! I didn't think this guy would enroll here"

"I thought they didn't let him pass on the entrance"

Ahh shit, here we go again.

Suddenly, Sir Cole finally announced the next one to enter the challenge.

"Next, Aiden Morino. Please enter the building"

Saved by the announcement, nice. Now that's a miracle. Once in a while, I'm glad that someone called me for an interruption, I wish I could thank sir Cole right now.

"Good luck man," Leo said to me as I go up to the entrance. The other students' faces look so disgusted at me, I wish I could finish this as fast as I can. I nod back to Leo as thanks.

"Aiden, I'm taking you've already heard and know what to do in the trials?" Cole asked.

"Yes sir," I replied

"your power is resonance, the usage of two powers at the same time," Cole said. as I hear already the murmur of the students outside the building.

"Yes, that's my power sir."

"What are the powers you're having right now?" Cole asked me.

"Void, and pyromancy sir, it's from my mother and father. I could only resonance so far with my own parent's power." I said.

My mother is a pyro user, she could bend and sense heat from anything even in a human body, which also means she could easily find out if I have a cold or not. while my father is a void user, the power to create a small tear in space that sucks things up, basically like a small black hole but doesn't disintegrate anything that goes inside. Although as how cool it sounds, it may still be dangerous since it could suck up anything it encounters.

Besides the power of my mother and father, until now, I'm still trying to figure out how to resonate with other kinds of power.

"That'll be fine then, well begin with the challenge then," Cole said as he makes the illusion for the reflexes challenge.

"The challenge Will start... now!"

As the bell rang, the same as what Leo had in the first trial, the guns begin to shoot at me simultaneously. I began using my pyro power to sense which guns will fire. The first one was at the right at me than in front, then at my back, I tried to dodge the bullets and leap through locations it isn't firing out. While holding up my hand in Infront of to make a hole using my void power, a bullet went through the palm of my hand,

"AHHH!" I shouted in pain.

The Tear wasn't made fast enough to suck up the bullets. The blood from my hands dripped down on the floor. I went and continue to move and dodge the bullets, the floor underneath me begins to change into a fire pit. I quickly leap onto another place, I noticed that my spaces to go onto are getting smaller and smaller, suddenly I thought of an Idea. Later the place where I can defend myself left is in the middle, I went there quickly then put my hand upwards and made myself a reverse black hole.

All the bullets that are firing at me a while ago suddenly bent their trajectory, that's how much force this reverse black hole I made until I sensed there's heat underneath me, the floor now underneath me where I'm standing changed. I leaped myself out of the middle before the fire burnt me, Unfortunately, My hands that were pierced by a bullet smacked the floor while I fell.

I am now internally screaming.

After a while, the guns stopped firing. Until I sensed that every tile in the whole room will turn into a fire pit. The whole floor is turning red because of the heat. This is making me panic, how can I dodge this? Shit! think Aiden Think!

I went to the middle of the room then used all my power in pyromancy. My mother thought me how to control the fire so let's see if I can bend this many flames.


As the Fire rose I put out my hand to control the fire underneath me, I managed to make myself a chamber of flames that is bent, giving me space from all of the fire shooting out from the floor.

After the Fire went down, the bell timer sounded again, looks like I'm done with the first one.

"Good job at handling your own power Aiden, I didn't expect you to sense that last fire pit I made," Cole said to me.

"Thanks, sir, my mother thought me how to sense heat" I replied with tiredness shown on my face. Looks like now I've learned that bending flames in a sea of it is hard.

I'm impressed that most students aren't making any sound outside. wait.

As I look at the entrance window, there are much fewer students watching my performance,

I can't believe they took their hatred to this level. I could only see Leo at the back watching and almost the whole front of the entrance is spacious.

"Alright, Aiden onto the next challenge, endurance" Cole said.

The hole in my hand and the blood on the floor a while ago suddenly disappeared now.

"Yes sir," I replied.

As Cole makes the illusion he materialized a massive Anvil at the top of me.

"That Anvil will fall to your head, if you can't carry it, now let's see If your void power can take up a mass like this," Cole said.

"The challenge will start... -"



As the anvil falls in my head I went and hold up my hand to put out flames and with a high pressure to carry it.

"Haaaaa!" another battle cry.

This move is too excessive of my energy, I might blackout because of this I need to think of something else quickly.

As thirty seconds pass, the pressure of the flames is getting lower and lower. Shit. this again. think Aiden Think.

I went and passed the flames onto my right hand then made my left-hand use void power.

I used the void power to create a reverse black hole again then combined it with the flames I put out. then redirect where the flames will go upwards to the anvil.

The pressure that is being put out by my fire is now supported by a reverse black hole which is instead spitting out nothing, it is now spitting out flames as well. It's as if I have two of myself putting out this much fire to carry the anvil.

Luckily I survived the next seconds because of the idea.

"You combined your void power to increase the power of the flames to create even more pressure to carry the flames, good thinking Aiden. but not as what I expected," Cole said to me as I fell splat on the floor because of how much energy I used.

"Wh-why sir". I replied with a thumbs up on the air while on the floor.

"lookup" Cole said.

I went and look up then saw a massive melting Anvil. this could've fallen through the tear I made and fallen to my head.

"there's always a melting point remember that, good thing this is all but an Illusion." cole said while walking back.

He was right, I didn't think about how the heat would affect the anvil

"Last challenge, Aiden." Cole started to create the next illusion. I can't believe this man could still make illusions after making trials onto a hundred students. this man is insane.

"The challenge will start... now"

A large robot was materialized Infront of me, it was the same as what Lee fought. I'm too tired after the two challenges so I concluded to end this already with one move.

It was a move I've discovered through the journey of my childhood, I brought out my hand upwards while trying to stand still, While the robot is beginning to fire a cannon at me, I began to create a tear, a small one. This might be dangerous but unless I could control it I could fix this easily when something goes wrong. It's time to create a small black hole.

I discovered making one when I was twelve or ten while I'm playing outside, It first made an earthquake, then it began sucking things up until it sucked up my neighbor's pet. First, the skin got shredded onto bits then the flesh, then the organs, then lastly the bones. At first, I thought it was just but a small black hole but after seeing horror I know to myself that it'll be a memory I won't forget.

I started to create a small black hole then controlled it to how much power I should counter. The robot began to start firing at me but all the bullets just went on to the black hole. The air went wild around me, the room's ceiling started to crack up a bit because of the earthquake, the tiles went floating then it gets sucked up inside the black hole. I was putting in the least power I could but It's still too strong. What is this, I don't feel like I want to seep.

I felt dizzy

I felt I wanna sleep.

"AIDEN STOP!" Cole shouted at me.

I then noticed that I'm now holding a black hole that is stretching to the ceiling.

oh... shit. that's bad.

OH SHIT. I finally wake up from my senses.

As I try to open my eyes because of the dust, the whole room is destroyed because of the black hole I made, luckily it didn't tear out the whole room. I went ahead and closed my hand to retrieve it. the black hole quickly disappeared from thin air.

The robot then began to dematerialize as well. It seems sir Cole is mad at me.

"You're sick aren't you?" Cole asked.

I forgot, so this is the reason why my energy gets depleted so fast.

"Your temperature is too high a while ago, I'm surprised you managed to go through the other trials. Go home kid, you need rest," Cole said.

"Ye- yes sir," I said.

I thought he'd be madder about this considering I forgot that I'm having a fever

"Oh, and tomorrow meet me in the faculty" Cole followed up.

Oh, looks like he is mad.

As I go outside, I noticed that Leo and a few students are the only ones left. Then there was a girl staring at me with a grin on her face, it was that famous Princess Amelia that walked passed at me at the entrance. Looks likes she's mad that I got through the entrance.

(Amelia's Perspective)

How the fuck did this guy get through the entrance.

(Back to Aiden Morino's perspective)

"Hey, what did sir Cole say to you?" Leo asked as I walked up to him.

"He said he'll talk to me tomorrow, he wants me to go get some rest for now," I replied

"I saw what you did, hey you tried your best at least," Leo asked.

"I thought you're being called by sir Cole in the faculty?" I asked.

"He said he'll meet me tomorrow," Leo said.

"Alright, looks like we're on the same case," I said.

Looks like we could leave the venue now, As we leave an unfortunate event happened again right before my eyes, An eye contact with madam Amelia herself. I wish that eye contact won't make her call me out. please let us leave safely.

"Aiden Morino," Amelia said.

Ok. here we go.

"Please let me go home, I don't wanna do this right now," I said tiringly

"go on," Amelia said gently.

"Wait really? you're not gonna say something else?" I said confused, seems like she changed her mind talking to me.

"you're too tired to get a conversation from me, go ahead," she said.

And I thought she changed for a moment, looks like I'm wrong. I went ahead and turn myself around without a reply. She's not wrong about the fact that I'm tired.

As we left, I and Leo went separate ways.

(Leo's perspective while he's at the grocery)

Oh shit, it's Cole

(Cole Morgan's perspective while he's at the grocery)

Ah- it's that kid.

(back to Aiden Morino's perspective)

Later at night,

My fever seems to have gone away now. It's a good thing Mom didn't notice this time after I left the house a while ago.

"How's the enrollment? Aiden?" Mom asked.

"you didn't tell me that there will be trials," I said

"I thought you already know? you didn't read the guidelines on the enrollment paper didn't you?" Mom said.


Mom looks at me with a face that I know of through the centuries of me getting scolded.

"You went not prepared let me guess?" Mom asked calmly.

"Yep..." I replied gently.

Looks like I'm about to get beaten up later.

*buzz* *buzz*

Mom's phone rang while scolding me. That phone is my dear savior, thank smartphone. As I eat through my dinner, news came on our television.

"Breaking news, recently a large explosion erupted on a gas station, five-man were found dead, three were severely injured. We have one of the reporters in the scene right now, Sarah Cruz onto you."

"Thank you so much, Michael right now we are here at the site of the explosion that recently erupted, as you can see here all the locals and firefighters are working as hard as they can together to put out the fire. Oh- wait hang on Michael, it appears the police already found the one who caused the explosion that happened."

The reporter followed the police who is keeping a criminal hostage.

"Sir, excuse me, may I ask why did you make this whole explosion? sir" The reporter asked

The man slowly looks at her then slowly smiled at her.

"you better runaway baby, Hahaha" the

The criminal laughed and laughed and laughed as he gets dragged inside the police car.

After the report, the news then changed to a different topic.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps that is getting louder and louder,

I realized it was mom rushing to me.