Marry you






It felt warm,

Warm, very warm,

"HEY! Wake Up!" A man in Infront of me shouted.

It was dad calling me, shouting at me.

"Wha- what Happened," I said with my mind being hazed.

"Hey, you're finally awake," Dad said.

I remember now, something exploded. I was in the middle of eating my dinner, mom was about to scold me, but she then got interrupted by her phone. I was watching the news as well until mom ran after me.

"Wha-what happened, where's mom?"

"I'm here, Aiden. Are you alright?" Mom replied while lying on the floor, she had burns on her arms.

As I look around. A tremendous site behold on my eyes.

It was my house. Our own family house is up in flames. Everything, everything I own, my laptop, my clothes, my books... it's all destroyed. Who could've done this to us? Is this because of our own name's reputation? Is this how much hatred they'll give us onto our existence. We're just a typical family; we just want to live normally.

Why does it have to be like this?

Why do we have to lose everything?

All of the things that I've invested a lot in are destroyed.

Where do we get to live now?

People would just say that we're rich already and that we can afford a new house quickly. But I disagree, this very house has memories on it. I grew up, in here, I lived here. Memories can't be bought so easily.

This is where I began. This is where I was born, where my family and I ate breakfast every morning, lunch every noon, and dinner every night.

This is where Leo and I played all of the time as we grew up; this is where I honed my power with dad.

This is where my mother taught me how to cook.

This is where I took a bath every day.

This is where I slept peacefully.

This is where I laughed, cried, and loved more than any place I've gone on.

This is my home.

And. It's all gone now.

I can't keep it to myself anymore.

My emotions are getting through with me. At this point, I want to shed tears.


The neighbors looked at us in disgust. Of course, they won't help us.

I cried over the sight I was seeing. Mom stood up and hugged me from the back.

"It'll all be fine, Aiden." Mom said while patting my head.

I cried like a kid who got scolded. I cried like a kid who had bruises. I cried like a kid who had nightmares. I cried like a person who lost everything.

Dad went and hugged both of us as well.

"Don't worry, Aiden, we'll get through with this," Dad said.

A few days later.

Fortunately, Leo's parents let us live at their house for some time. My parents and his are pretty close; they gave us a room, clothes, and food. Leo, on the other hand, tried his best to cheer me up after the tragedy. Although it didn't quite work a bit, I'm still glad I have a friend who supports me. After some time passed by, my father and mother started working again at their jobs. Dad went ahead and continued to work in his family; mom continued her work on her company. Leo and I continued our classes normally as we usually had.

Until my father had a plan for our family, an unexpected idea of his.

It was a Saturday noon father told me to get myself suited up, and I meant like literally suited as if I'm going through a wedding. My mom called me over to get prepared,

"What's the occasion?" I asked.

"It's nothing much Aiden, Your dad wants you to join him in the Morino Mansion." mom replied while helping me get suited.

"wait, like his family house?" I re-assure myself.

"Yeah, stay by him always, ok? I don't want any trouble before you go home again," mom replied.

Never in my life have I been to the Morino Mansion before. My father never wants me to be there, considering how many problems that the morinos caused. Come to think of it, how come mom is so calm to say that I'll be going there? I know for a fact that she doesn't want me to be in a dangerous place, but this time she's letting me go.

I felt suspicious, her eyes a while ago; she wasn't even looking straight at me while we were talking. Is she lying? No... no... I must be overthinking.

I gotta stop overthinking. Over the years, mom and dad are always honest with me. They only lie if it's needed.

We then finish up wearing my suit. I looked through the mirror in our room,

Dam, I look handsome in a tuxedo. Yes, I self compliment too. This is starting to get off now. Are they preparing something for me? as my mom left the room, I could see her face through the reflection of the mirror while leaving the room. She seemed sad.

Somethings wrong.

I should give Leo a heads up before we leave, just to let him know.

A few minutes later. Dad finally called me on my phone, he said to wait for him outside. While I waited outside, a car stopped Infront of me. Slowly the driver's mirror went down. It was dad; he also seemed to be wearing a suit.

"Come on, get in." dad said.

I went and got in the car; it appears to be the new car he said to me from before. It smelled brand new.

"Hey, Dad, where are we going?" I asked him during his driving.

At first, he didn't reply.

Then for a while,

"How would you like to get married to someone?" dad asked.



My mind is confused. It appears a portion of my brain cells left me. What kind of question was that?

"I need you to marry someone." dad said.

Ok, this is starting to get funny; at my age, I can't marry anyone yet. I may be a young adult now I'm still on the stage of starting to be one. I'm eighteen, and here in my country, Twenty and above is the "allowed" age to get married. Not to mention I don't even have a job yet, and I had just started my university days about three weeks ago. This is too much for me to handle. Surely he's just joking around again, right?... right?

"Dad, even if I tried to marry someone. I don't even have a job yet." I said to dad.

"It's fine, my family will provide you the money, then you'll be one of us-"

"But you said-."

"you'll serve under the godfather-"

"Dad, please stop."

"Through years, you won't need education anymore, we'll take care of it, your future will be settled-"

"No, I won't!" I shouted at him as he also stopped the car.

I'm being forced to marry someone. All my life, I thought he promised us that he'd keep us away from his family. This is for the house, isn't it? The Morinos will provide us money if I get forced marriage, right!? This is bull shit. You're pushing your son to love someone just for the money, aren't you!? That's it, right?!

What the fuck, dad. I trusted you.

"You don't understand, Aiden," dad said.

"Of course I fucking understand, dad!" I replied madly

"Watch your mouth Aiden!" dad screamed.

"How the fuck will I respect you if I can't trust you in the first place?!" I screamed at him.

This is getting out of hand. I quickly opened the door and left the car. Dad then followed.

"Don't you see we need this for our family?!" dad shouted.

"Tell me, you didn't even see Mom's face, didn't you?! She didn't want this, didn't she? but you still pursued it." I said.

"Get back here, Aiden!"

"I won't," I replied.

"That's it!" dad then used his void power to create a void sphere so he could pull me back to the car.

I quickly made myself one as well, but the opposite version. Unfortunately, my father is still far stronger than me. The magnetism from his power was still too strong for me to handle. It made the air go wild because of the opposite magnetizing.

"Stop this, Aiden!" Dad shouted at me.

"Let me go!" I replied.

"Your Mom wanted this as well. She already agreed to it. She wants this for you, Aiden!" dad said.

"what-" he got me off-guard after hearing those words.

My body quickly fell to the ground as dad pulled me using his void power. Luckily he catches me before my face touches the floor.

"No, but she was sad," I said.

"Do you think we'd like you to get forced marriage? You're still our son-" dad said.

"So then why do we have to go?" I asked.

"Because you were ordered to do so..." dad replied.

"By whom?"

"The godfather himself, Aiden," Dad said worriedly.

The God Father, the leader, the founder, the mastermind. He's the person capable of giving orders to any Morino member. As a person, being asked to be married by someone by a godfather sounds scary and somehow interesting to me, but the fact that I'm being forced to do so makes it worse.

This is starting to get weird. The godfather chose specifically me to marry someone? There's a ton of Morino's out there that is legal to marry and is experienced already. Why does it have to be a young person like me? Well, I guess I am a young adult.

I have no power to turn down this request. Even if I tried to, I didn't want my parents to be in harm. This decision will either bring something tragic to my family or a fair consequence. No matter what it is, I must make the right choice. I'll talk to him by myself.

"Aiden. Your mom and I would never let you be with someone you don't love," dad said sincerely.

"But I don't have any control to disregard the godfather's claims, but you, you're the one who's being asked onto, so you may still have a chance to change his mind. If and only if you can." dad followed up.

It looks like it's all on me.

"I'll try dad.. I'll try," I said.

"let's go. We don't wanna be late,"