Marry you pt.2

The morino mansion is located in a private area by the mountain, they live quite separately from the city. Talk about being a member of an organization, it's like I'm going to our hideout. While we drove off along the road, dad went to a different path rather than taking the central road. We're heading upwards to the mountain, I could see it from the window of the car, the mansion. It's lighted up very well in the night, not to mention it's also quite big. Later then we came across a gate, there were cameras all around it and guards patrolling, there were many of them.

We stopped for a moment of surveillance. One of the guards just glanced through the driver's window. His eyes were glowing as he looks at dad. It seems he has some kind of power through his vision. We were then passed through the gate, dad begins to start running the engine of the car again. Looks like every guard has some type of power that is required for surveillance or security, I'm quite amazed already. After that the road ahead was quite dark, oddly dad didn't open his headlights.

"Hey dad, don't you think it's too dark here? I can't see a thing outside, It's full of trees." I said to dad.

"we're not allowed to open headlights during the night while entering the compound" Dad replied.

"why?" I asked.

"To avoid letting other people know the road of course,"

"Then what about in the morning?"

"Didn't you say that it's full of trees that's why you can't see the sky?"

"Ohh," I replied.

"We're here," dad said. as he stops the car in literal darkness.

What the- where is he going now.

Dad then went outside of the car.

"Hey, dad what're you doing?" I asked.

Dad then holds his hand out, looks like he's going to use his void power.

"The void of the world is my power, so help me show the light, Morino."

A sudden burst came out in front of him, it was a different kind of power, I could tell that it's not my father's void power. A large barrier began to form in front of him, while I look out through the windows of the car, this barrier was the biggest one yet I could ever see. It stretches back down to the foot of the mountain and onto the peak of it,

Holy shit, this is insane.

A massive dome of barrier is protecting the whole mountain. Woah.

After that, dad went back inside the car then proceeds to start the engine again. as the engine starts, lights were coming on to light up the road to the mansion, what an entrance.

"Dad, what's that supposed to be?" I asked as we enter the barrier.

"It's a code we've been given, it's just an entrance code basically," dad said.

"so every Morino has their code to enter the mansion?"

"of course, you know that we aren't allowing any unexpected guests to enter right?." Dad said.

"Oh, I see," I replied.

Eventually, we reached the mansion there was another gate that we came across, this time there were no guards, the gate then opened automatically as we enter it. There's massive parking in front of the big mansion almost all of them are already full. We then parked our car nearby the gate ahead of the entrance, It was quiet outside.

We then headed for the entrance when suddenly a voice from behind greeted us.

"Ah, you're finally here"

a butler was smiling at us, and- wait a minute, where the heck did this guy come from?

"Good evening, Johan," Dad said to the butler.

"Good evening to you too Mr. Morino," Johan said.

"This is him, my son, Aiden Morino,"

"I see, good evening to you too, Mr. Aiden, a lot of people are expecting you to come here tonight," Johan said to me.

"Good evening too, uhh a lot of people?" I replied.

"Yes sir, you are very famous here you know?"


Wow, I can't believe I'm famous in a place like this.

"Now I think it's best for the two of you to go ahead now since there is a lot of people waiting," Johan said.

Am I that really important to these people, well I guess I am a newborn Morino, as we step closer to the door, the door opened by itself, these entrances do be hitting off my expectations?

A flock of the crowd, wait for no- a flock of-- serial killers looking people welcomed us.

Shit, this is scary.

These people look like they came from hell, Ok I want to go home now. And I thought the Morino mansion would look much more calm and grand, this shit looks like chaos in silence. Well, we are a mafia after all. All of the men wear black suits like the same as amelia's bodyguards from last time.

speaking of... that "princess"

What the hell is she doing here...

"Good evening Aiden," she says while trying to smile.

A beautiful girl wearing a beautiful dress in front of me just greeted me, considering how she treated me last time when we first met, It's an excuse for me to not greet her back.

"Aiden, greet back." dad whispers behind me.

Never mind, fine I'll play the kind guy for a bit.

"Hey, uhh, a beautiful evening to you too."

(Amelia's Perspective)

A Beautiful evening!?!?

Oh yeah, it's beautiful alright. So god damn beautiful!?...

Of course why not, why would he not be here.

(Back to Aiden Morino's Perspective)

I really wanna go home now.

"May I introduce you-" Johan said but got interrupted.

"Sorry but may I'll be the ones to introduce her myself." a tall man beside Amelia said.

"Gentleman, By the authority of the Write family, I hereby Introduce you to The great Princess Amelia Write." The tall man said.

Great?! Great?! Where in the world can I find the greatness in her!? Plus that's so much for an introduction, I can't believe we need to have authorization first before we get to know her.

"Gladly to meet you Miss Write," Dad said respectfully.

"Greet Aiden," Dad whispers again.

Ugh- fine.

"Glad to meet you as well," I said, trying to hold my emotions.

"Now, since we've already gathered together, we should head to the dining room now for the dinner," Johan said.

I completely forgot to mention how grand the entrance is, the ceiling goes way up through the second floor, There's also an indoor fountain in the middle. A massive red carpet leads us through the hallways as we walk to the dining room. It's as If I'm in a hotel lobby.

As we enter the dining room, A long table full of plates, forks, and knives, and glasses awaits us. we all sat down in our seats, I and my dad sat on the far right side, while Amelia and the tall guy a while ago sat on the far left side, I could feel the tension just by the distance between us. There were a bunch of other people as well that sat with us, most of them are quite old.

"Please wait until the godfather comes, then we may serve you the food," Johan said, then walked away.

There we're a bunch of maids around the room, and also bodyguards, of course, a massive chandelier hangs under the ceiling, shelves of vases and ceramics, and a massive window that reaches the ceiling as well with long curtains. The room feels so rich and grand.

Now that I think about it.

Judging the fact that Amelia's last name is Write and there we're a ton of guards following her last time, not to mention that her family name is quite known to some people as well. I'd assume that they're also like the same as us, although I don't understand their reason to be here, maybe they're going through some negotiations with the Morinos. As long as I'm not included in their reason for the visit I'm alright with that.

"Ladies and gentlemen I would like to introduce the head of the Morino family, Vergilio Morino," Johan said as he came inside the room.

An old man with a cane, he's wearing a tux same as the others, a wrinkly face with a beard. His glasses are as shiny as a golden bar. His long black hair is tied behind the back of his head. As from what I've seen in the movies, he's a godfather-looking one. After that another old man came up from the opposite of the table, he wears a white suit with a bowtie around his neck.

The tall guy by the side of Amelia suddenly stood up after the announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Our great father and our leader of all, Vern Write." The tall guy said.

Wow, two mafias and two fathers in one room, this must be history to them.

"Thank you, Johan, First of all, I'd like to thank you Mr. Write for accepting our invitation," Vergilio said.

"No problem at all, besides this event would happen eventually, considering we've finally finished our agreement," Vern said.

"Yes, everyone this event has a purpose, and that purpose is to ally with the family write to make peace between us, hence we will help and contribute when they are in need. I'd like to announce our new Partner, The Write family."

Oh god, I think I know the reason for my forced marriage.

(Amelia's perspective)

Holy shit, please tell me my thoughts right now are wrong.

(Back to Aiden's Perspective)

The crowd went shocked and gasped everywhere. Their faces were unbelievable.

"To forge this alliance between us, we've had an agreement that we must make a pact by one of our members," Vern said.

"That's why an arranged marriage must happen." Vergilio followed.

"that goes for you two"

Vergilio looks at both of us, Amelia's eyes are in shock while my jaw begins to hang in my mouth as he glances at us.

So I was right, the girl that I will be marrying is Amelia Write,

"I- I, No, no I can't," Amelia said as she stutters.

This is wrong, It shouldn't be like this, we should have the freedom to love someone not be forced to. I'm not gonna let my life be controlled just because of an alliance.

"I can't marry her-" I said.

"Now that announcement is out of the way, I think its best to start the feast, shall we?" Johan Interrupted me.

Maids and Butlers went inside the dining room carrying various dishes, as they began to distribute the food to us I could see amelia's face still shocked after what they said. I got nothing to say, I could tell that we have the same reactions. This isn't fair at all, It shouldn't be like this.

"Sir, how come we didn't know what's going to happen?" a random person from the table said to Vern as we eat.

"I apologize for the late announcement, but we've been talking in private recently about some disclosures," Vern said to the man.

"I'd assume that the marriage is only a part of the private disclosure with him, Even as I as the secretary don't know about this Intel." The tall man beside Amelia said.

"Know your boundaries Nylon," Vern said to the tall guy.

"My- Apologies, sir." Nylon replied.

I see, so The tall man's name is Nylon and he's the secretary. It seems he's also in charge of being the head bodyguard of Amelia. Speaking of Amelia, she still hasn't started to eat her food. Fortunately, I could bear the pain while eating the food.

"Aiden, How are your family coping with the recent tragedy?" Vergilio asked me.

"we're trying our best, sir"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yes sir?"

"Do you object to the marriage?"

Do I object? Of course, I would, I know I'm powerless to say this but I still know that I deserve something rightfully.

"Sir, I feel like I still should have the freedom of choosing whom I want to marry and love." I tried to act bravely as I speak but the sweat on my face is showing my cowardly.

"Yes, but you also have to be responsible for your parents right?"

"wha-what do you mean."

"I'd like to propose a deal with you"

"what is it?"

"You marry the girl, then I'll give your family a part of every wealth that the Morino has, that includes a new house, no more taxes, every protection we have, and anything you can think of."

"But I thought we're already a part of the-"

"Your father only works for me, Aiden."

"But he's your son."

"Did I stutter?."

"Considering you object to this marriage, we all know that every person in this room doesn't want to object from a person like me," Vergilio said as he shows his dominance through his words.

It trembles me to say these words, but I know I have to be brave and show what should be right to me.

"And what if I still say no?" I asked.

"You and your family will be no one to us, but the society will know what you were once a part of."

Straight to the point as he said it.

"I see..."

Suddenly, Amelia spoke on the other side of the table.

"Vern, tell me this is a lie," Amelia said as her hands shake while holding her fork and a knife.

"Please sit down princess" Nylon tries to calm Amelia.

"Dad didn't want this, you know him that much, you know to yourself he doesn't want this."

"I am in command now Amelia, my orders are what you'll follow," Vern said to amelia without hesitation.

Amelia tries to slap Vern's face but Nylon catches her hand before it lands on his cheek.

"Please behave, princess," Nylon says as he holds her hand.

Amelia slams the table with her frustration then leaves the room as she cries with disappointment.

She has the right to feel like that. Although I wish I'm brave enough to give an act like that. I don't know how I should feel now, I don't know what should I choose. I don't wanna bring down my family considering what I'll get if I deny the deal. It's either my own life or my family's life. I need to think this over first.

While the crowd continues to talk to one another I excused myself for a moment to go to the bathroom, also to get my mind straight.

Oh, nature calls, good timing.

"Dad, do you know where the restroom is?" I asked him.

"Right next by the-"

"Ah sorry but unfortunately that one's on maintenance, There's another one upstairs. Take the left side stairs, you'll see it at the end of the hallway. You'll see a white door nearby the stairs." Johan interrupted Dad.

"I see, I'll excuse myself for a bit Thank you," I said as I went ahead.

I went ahead to the restroom.

Let see, The door should be white. Hmm. Almost all doors here on the second floor are colored black and look a lot like antique. With the number of carvings these doors have, I'm starting to wonder how much are these.

Later on, as I walk around endlessly, I finally found the white door Johan is talking about. Although it isn't that nearby the stairs.

Anyway, I should just enter. I mean what could go wrong? doesn't hurt to try.



It was Amelia, crying inside the room.

I must've gone on the wrong one.

"Sorry about that," I said.

"get out."


So that's where she went. I shouldn't disturb her.

Or should I..?

Oh god, I'm starting to feel like I should care for her a bit. No, I shouldn't disturb her, it's a matter of privacy. Then again we're in the same situation so I have a good reason to talk to her. Should I take this opportunity?

If she could've been somewhat friendly to me when we first met this would've been easy, maybe I should talk to her.

Ahhhh... Should I? Well, at least it's worth a try.

I enter the room again.

"I said get out didn't I?" she said as I open the door.

"Can we talk for a bit?"

"I said get out"

"Please hear me out"

"I don't wanna hear you."

"Don't you think we're on the same page?"

"Yeh, I know but I don't need your help."

"Ah- You know what, Why are you always like this, What even did I do to you?"

"You? you think I'm crying because It's you I'll be marrying?"

"Then why do you even hate me?"

"It's not just you Aiden, It's all of your kind?"

"My kind? What are you even talking about."

"A morino my Father Aiden, that's why."


I didn't expect that. I see, so this is where her anger leads too. I froze myself after hearing that information from her. Of course, I'm well aware that the Morinos are dangerous and had dealt with murderous actions. But I never expected that the ally's princess's father was killed by us in the first place. This may be the reason why we're getting married in the first place, after her father's death, Vern took the position and made this plan along or I might even be wrong. I see now.

"How come your reaction is just something like that?"


"Your family and my family are always at war Aiden, Then after my father's death, everything changes so drastically. How come it changed so fast? Don't you even think that's odd?! Even your family members are questioning your godfather's decision awhile ago."

"Ah. sorry I didn't know."

"Didn't know?!"

"Your father is one of the most trusted sons of your godfather and you didn't know?! What kind of family even are you all!?"

"Don't put my family part of this."

"Your family is already a part of this Aiden, I know what happened. And let me guess, Vergilio wants you to marry me for the fortune and alliance right?"

"Ye-yeh, your right."

"How come you don't know any of this?"

"My father promised me to be never involved in any of this."

"Unfortunately you are now."

How unfortunate I am.

"Still, I think it's best if we helped each other out on this one."

"Do you even have a plan? planning a false love are you?"

"Got any other ideas then?"

"Eventually, I will."

I doubt that she could think of one soon.

"Aiden, we both know you and we don't wanna live on a lie."

"I know, but I'm already being treated like scum by the people. Your lucky your family isn't treated the same as us."

"so what is it then? your family's protection or your love life?

I want to be safe, I want my family out of this. So I'll sacrifice my marriage out for protection.




"What was that!?"

"I-I don't Know."

Amelia suddenly looked at me, she held out her hand then a sword materialized onto it. it was a rapier, it's sharp and pointy. Its guard has a decorative white rose covering her hand while holding the handle. Frost suddenly appeared by the edges of the blade, the rapier became moist and the atmosphere went cold. She quickly then swung her rapier towards me. Spikey ices formed heading towards my foot. Unfortunately, it was too fast for me to dodge. My feet got frozen by the Ice she made. Amelia then lunges at me pointing her rapier at my neck.

"Don't move or I'll put a hole through your neck."

She's too fast.

"This was an ambush, wasn't it!? tell me or you won't feel your knees in the next seconds."

"Ah- you don't wanna do this Amelia.."

"Try me."

"No really, you don't want me to get hurt or at least drop a single blood."

"Tell me! or you won't see the next light of the day!"

"You sure about this?"

"I'm not letting you go Morino"

"so you chose that way then"

Leo then hangs up the call I secretly started a while ago with him on my phone after the unexpected alarm went off.


It's a good thing I have quite of a vigilant friend on my side, well in this case there's a word more suitable for it.

An Overpowered friend.

"Am I late again?"

"Just a nick of a second."

"I could see she made you bleed"

"just a little bit"