Marry you pt.3

A familiar voice came amidst the chaos, Leo appeared right in front of me to save my ass up again. I'm certain for sure he won't like this one, funny thing is he hates seeing blood. yeah, for a person with such an overpowered power that could almost destroy the entirety of a wall with just one punch. the other side of the room was almost completely wiped out after the punch, a massive upside-down u shaped hole was made after that. All that's left was a piece of the floor and a wall behind amelia where she was standing a while ago and a girl in front of her holding out some kind of power that looks like a barrier almost the same as wong lee's one


She wears a gothic look, almost the same height as mine, and long lavender-colored hair. Her dress got a bit tattered because of the massive punch Leo made, same as Amelia's, fortunately, she made a dome-ish barrier to protect amelia sadly it's not enough to contain the force. I'm starting to think Leo didn't even think about how dangerous his punch had been.

"Princess are you ok?... Agh!" Lilith asked as she suffer from the pain she took.

"I'm fine, but are you?!"

"I can still hold myself for a bit"

I'm impressed, most of the time Leo would've made the enemy pass out in just one punch without even touching his fist through the opponent. She's the first one whom I've seen who took a punch like that from Leo, well of course she'd still be in pain.

Wait... wait, I'm forgetting something. How did she even get here?

"Sorry if it hurts miss, but I don't like my friend here getting hurt." Leo lies he's not sorry for seeing blood, he's just that afraid.



Suddenly two-man showed up from each side of the doors. at the left where I entered a while ago was Nylon, at the right side it was dad. black Chains then suddenly appeared from the floor binding on to my knees and hands. It brought me down to the floor, falling into a splat. It was Nylon using his power, I see, so that's his power. Leo noticed Nylon's power then tried to act but unfortunately, the chains were too fast for him to handle. It also chained onto him quickly. The chains were too strong it's as if I can't even move a muscle, this is how powerful nylon could be, looks like we've underestimated him.

On the other side Dad quickly acted out aswell, he used his void power to magnetize Nylon's hands away from us. Amelia on the other hand notices it then quickly strikes for dad with her rapier. Fortunately, dad's reflexes were too fast for her, she got magnetized back to where she belonged beside Lilith.

"Agh! Nylon what's going on!"

"This is an ambush princess, we have to get outta here!"

"Ambush what are ya talking about!?"

"Don't talk like you know nothing, you all are planning this in the first place."

"We never planned anything from the beginning!"

"Then what the hell is happening in here!"



An eruption from the distance interrupted their conversation. From cold blue and bright yellow of city night lights to red Flames and black smoke of explosions, it erupted continuously. Towers of smoke topple over the sky, clouds of blue turned gray, sirens in the distance rang wild, car crashes occurred everywhere, civilians shouting from the distance, The whole city is in chaos. We were too distracted by what is happening in the background. I can feel the tension around us.

Just what is going on!?

Without a doubt, this attack wasn't from anyone's side here in this building. This must've been from someone else. Immediately Dad and Nylon release their powers. They seem to be on the same page now.

*Boss the Father is secured, we're heading back to the van now* a voice from the radio by Nylon's pocket came up

"Got it"

"Princess, miss Lilith. Let's get going" Nylon called them.

"Aiden, and... Leo?... Come on let's go."Dad called us, while seemingly confused as to what is Leo doing here.

"Hi mister, haha"

We went ahead and run back to the main entrance just to keep safe, I'm pretty sure they won't mind about what happened to the wall a while ago. While running ahead I asked dad what's happening.

"Dad, the explosion wasn't from us right?"

"There was an explosion on the gate where we entered aswell, and I don't have any Intell of us ambushing them. I thought at first they're the ones who are attacking us. But after seeing that, and his reaction to it, I don't think this came from them."

"Just what's going on with the explosions, first our house, now almost the whole city!?"

"I don't know Aiden, but first we gotta get you back home, Leo get him home, I have to get back to father first. And Aiden, tell your mom that I'll be late again."

"Keep safe dad!"

"I will, go on!"

I and Leo went ahead for the entrance lobby

"Hey, Leo do you got any assumptions about the explosions?"

"I don't, well for now. All I could think right now is the fact I didn't finish my dinner."

"Ah- really?"

Out of everything this man could've thought off in the middle of a somewhat anarchy.

"Yeh, Oh, who was that girl on the back who's being called as a princess."

"It's Amelia Write, we came across her last time remember?"

"Oh, that's her?"

"Yeah. I'm surprised she's the first one you noticed."

"We'll she looks beautiful in that dress"

"Wow, I see."

Oh? he seems attracted to her. Haha.

"what? I'm pretty sure you thought the same too."

Sad to say, I'm being forced to marry her Leo.

What gets my attention more is that girl who saved Amelia, Lilith was her name right? I wonder what kind of power she does. She looks like a sorcerer or a witch because of her gothic look and the book she's holding.

As we reach back to the main hall of the building, the alarm finally stopped. A bunch of men in suits run after the entrance door, It was Lilith, Amelia, and Vern getting cover with their bodyguards as they exit away from the hall. I bid them farewell.

While we wait for them to get away, the news went up on the televisions in the hallway. Almost all of the men were focused on watching it.

"we're live here right now bringing news for you, Multiple explosions went off suddenly through the whole city simultaneously"

"We don't know yet if this must've been a work of a man, but all we know for now is that people are suffering. here we have live footage up in the air. Onto you Cruz."

"Yes sam, right now I am up above in the air for a clear footage, as you can see there have been at least sixteen explosions so far that happened. you can see all of the amounts of smoke from up here."

"Cruz is there a clear detail of what is the biggest explosion yet?"

"So far sam, nearby the central plaza. the whole explosion bursts and covered almost half of the sky tower."

We were all in shock. people were screaming, there were children in pain and suffering. So many victims. there's no way this could've been just a work of a man. what kind of power be this powerful to almost put the whole city in flames.

"You still haven't left?"

A voice from behind suddenly came, It was the Vergillio himself.

"I thought you tried to escape already."

"Sir!- oh Aiden you're still here?" Dad came from behind him.

"and you must be?" Virgilio asked while looking at Leo, Ah I completely forgot he's an outsider.

"Leo Sato sir, a friend of him"

"Oh, an outsider,"

"Leave him be, it's fine. I asked for his assistance either way."

"I believe that you should know outsiders aren't allowed here. unless invited."

"Sorry, just this time please"

"sigh. You should get back home Aiden, oh, and don't let yourself feel enlightened because of this meeting's interruptions. Remember we still have a deal to settle. For now, take time to think about it." Virgilio said as he looks at the television showing news about the explosions. A little bit part of me says that I should be thankful that this meeting got interrupted, for now, then again when everything settles we'll be back on this topic again.

We left and walked back home. good thing Leo is by my side on the way, who knows if the explosions still aren't ending.

The next morning.

After class, an event right in front of my eyes happened. I'd say the most random event that I've experienced and watched for a long time.

"Leo. right?"

"Oh hey."

It was Amelia talking to Leo. Amelia was a student from the next classroom to ours. It seems unusual for her to make the effort to come into this classroom and talk to Leo. Not to mention this is her first time talking to him.

"Umm, Can you.."

She seems like she's blushing over him.

"Can you what?"

"Can you ask me to marry you?"

What the fuck?