When I was your man

Stage 1 (Denial)

What in the world did I hear. I might be having an ear infection again, or maybe I didn't hear that right. No, no, wait, It must've been an illusion, haha.

Stage 2 (Anger)

What the fuck are you doing!? This is bullshit; she's ruining the plan; imagine if they knew about this. AGH!!

Stage 3 (Bargaining)

I wish I should've not trusted her... I should've known in the first place. I should've been brilliant in my decisions.

Stage 4 (depression)

I'm done for. It's ruined. I'm sorry, mom, I'm sorry, dad. I wanna die.

Stage 5 (acceptance)

You know what if this is how things should go. Then let it be. Let her find true love. I wish her the best. This is fine. My life may be short, but at least I had fun.

I just suffered 5 stages of grief at that moment.

"Did I hear that?!"

"hey guys, she confessed to him."

"oh my god! this is so cute."

"Aghhh!!! I'll be rooting for both of you!"

The class went wild about the information. I'm starting to think she meant to say that in a lower tone voice so that no one would hear it. Amelia blushes as the crowd cheers at the both of them, Leo; on the other hand, his face looks a bit confused. Well can't argue with that; she never talked to Leo once before; they only saw each other once after the trials last time. It was such a bold move of her to say those words at this moment. It has only been yesterday since that event, I feel suspicious about this.

"Hey uhh," I tried to excuse Amelia out from the crowd.

"Oh, you in the same class as him?!" Amelia asked.

Did she really forget that I'm in the same class as Leo? The other students then looked at me ferociously; of course, I'd expect that reaction from them.

"This doesn't matter to you, Morino; go home already."

"Yeah, that's right."

"Go home!"

Ahh shit, here we go again. I continued packing up my things and headed straight for the door. I had enough already from hearing them. I've decided to just go home already and deal with this some other time. Before I walked through the door, I heard amelia whispering to me while not looking.

"I'll tell you later about it."

So she does have a plan, but I've never expected it to be this kind. Good, I thought she was affected by some sort of hypnosis or an illusion. I went ahead and got out of the room; it felt relief after that. Sorry, Leo, this one's yours to solve. She's the one who approached him in the first place. It may look like I'm jealous of them, but I disagree; I didn't have any liking for Amelia in the first place. Sarcastically.

As I got outside of the campus, a person I met a while ago back in the trials greeted me. It was Red; he approached me like he already knew me from before. I've never really talked to him after the tests. It might be awkward for me to have a conversation considering I lied about my name last time.

"Hey, good afternoon Morino."

"Ah- hey, sorry about last time."

"Nah, It's fine; I'm quite new here in this city. That's why I never knew anything about your controversial name." He said confidently.

"Oh, is that so"

A new person In town, I see. I've never met anyone new here. Wait, what if he might be in someone's hypnosis or maybe brainwashed? I must be overthinking again.

"From where did you come from."

"Back in Lagoona"

"That's where one of my Uncles lives."



"So tell me, what is it about your name is one of the most hated in this entire city?

"Long story or short story" I made him pick which way should I tell him.

"Oh uhh... Short for now."

I told him a quick backstory about myself and my Morinos. He had pretty of an odd reaction from my explanation.

"Whoah, really, your family must be really cool huh, I wish I had a backstory like that," he said confidently.

Did he just really ignore how much murder did the Morinos did. It's either his giving off a sarcastic response, or he might be an actual psychopath. I'll brush off my overthinking-ness for now.

"How come you're not the same as the others to me?" I asked.

"Did you do those things?"

"What things?"

"Murder? Robbery? Kidnapping?"

"I... I never, of course, you wouldn't believe it."

"Of course I won't, to be honest, I don't even trust you-"


"But you know, even the dumbest person in the world can tell that you're not a bad guy."

Where did he get that line? It feels like something I've watched before. There are many times when I've met a new friend but stayed away from me immediately. Some don't even wanna be acquainted with me. Either way, I've never really focused on building up a relationship with other people. Of course, this doesn't mean I purposely want to be lonely; I just let them choose what they want. I find no reason to find a friend by myself, but when they're the ones who want to befriend me. I still am welcome to be their friend. You might ask about Leo. He's the one who wants to befriend me in the first place.

"Thanks, but does that mean the people who told me that I'm a bad person are even dumber than the dumbest person in the world?" I said, being both thankful and logical.

"well, as your friend, of course."

"Thanks again."

It looks like I've made a new friend. Suddenly a girl called red from afar back at the entrance. She was carrying a lot of stuff. Same height as Red has a ponytail, a relatively smooth skin for a girl like her. Man, how lucky girls are to have such soft skin most of the time.

"Hey! Red! Hold on! you forgot these."

"oh, thanks, Emma."

As she gave Red's books, she looked at me confusedly.

"Why are you talking to this guy?"

"What's wrong?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot, your new here. he's a member of a group called morinos-"

"ah, Don't worry, I already explained it to him," I interrupted.

"Oh, you did? let me guess, you told lies to him."

"No, I don't," I denied.

"Oh shut up, disgusting morinos-"

"Ok, let not get ahead of ourselves. Don't worry, I didn't trust him in the first place-"

Red assured Emma he wasn't being harmed nor being lied to. As for me, I quickly ditched myself away from the scene. I could tell that Emma is quite of a short-tempered-person one. That's why I don't wanna get in trouble. I went ahead and got out of the school as fast as I could when suddenly a van stopped in front of me while I exited out of the gate.

"get in."

It was the girl last time who saved Amelia the previous night. She was sitting in the middle row seat of the van. Two bodyguards sat behind her, another on the front seat beside the driver. I felt I needed to be cautious about my decision, considering what happened last night. I tried to set up my phone and was ready to call Leo again if anything happened.

"There's no need for you to do that, Aiden."

Ah- she saw right through me. I think it's safe to assume they won't harm me after last night's consideration. The door closed as I immediately sat down beside her.

"Don't worry about anything. We'll take you home, of course." She said while looking at the window.

"I could've just gone home by myself?"

"It isn't quite safe now. Both of our family is at high protection protocol at this moment. The attack last night was from an outsider. It didn't come from anyone's side of the family. As of now, we're still trying to figure out the culprit. Both parties agreed to exchange information about the attack if they found any clues about the culprit. So if there's anything unordinary happening to you, just let us know."

Unordinary things always happen to me.

"Ok, sure, thanks. I'll keep an eye out." I said.

"Your marriage with my sister."

Sister? Wait- oh. Amelia is her-

"I thought you were just another bodyguard of that girl but a high-ranked one," I said with my assumptions.

"Huh!? It's so obvious that we look a lot like sisters!? You must be blind!" She said as she leaned on me closer. Her eyes widened with anger. It's almost scary.

"you know you two don't look a lot alike."

"We're sisters by blood. It doesn't have anything to do with the looks of the person."

"Well, I guess you're as hot-blooded as your sister," I replied as a joke.

"What did you say!?"

She does have a little bit of her sister's personality, well, just on my own assumptions since I've barely met them in my life. One appears more of a princess, the other appears as a gothic one, but both are hot-blooded. It's like they have their own sides but still have their own matching personalities.

*sigh*"Back to the topic at hand" Lilith resumes the topic.

"I assume sis already confessed to her loved one?" Lilith asked.

"You call that a confession?"

"How dare you say that!"

"Does she even know how to say I like you or I love you to someone?" I ranted to her.

"Just to be clear, what did my sister say?"

"She literally asked Can I ask you for your marriage?"

"wait, what- HAHAHAHAHA" Lilith busted out a laugh.

I'm starting to think she's on my side now. Her laugh was undoubtedly unexpected and probably the best one I've heard so far.

"Uhh, mind if I asked, aren't you laughing at your own sister?" I said.

She tried to stop her laugh and calm down before answering.

"Of course, I know she's my sister and the princess of the family, but that doesn't mean I can't bully her any longer," she replied.

"ah, of course-"

"So she still doesn't even know how to interact with people."

"what do you mean by that?"

"Nothing for you to be concerned of."

My question got turned down so fast. It would be pretty odd for a person as famous as her to not interact with people. Hasn't she already had good communication with the people? I've already seen her a lot of times talking to strangers, so what does she mean by that?.

"Amelia said that she has a plan. Please tell me this is a part of it."

"Yes, it is. I believe Sis should be free to choose whom she loves because of this."

She handed me an envelope with a circular shape and a silhouette of a pigeon at the top right corner. It was the writer's family crest. Inside it was a piece of paper, and a letter was written on it:

"This letter will be sent to my dear daughters on the night of February 26th.

To my daughters,

Amelia and Lilith.

How have you been? have you two been eating well? How was school? Is Nylon taking care of both of you well?

I would assume this letter will be delivered after my death. If it does, then how lucky am I right? Haha.

Don't be down or sad. I've always told you two that I'm always right by your side even when I'm gone.

To my dear Lilith,

Have you been studying well? Of course, you are my daughter anyway. Haha, Have you read the latest release of your favorite novel? If I came back, you better don't spoil me, ok? Have you been taking your sister well? You better be, don't disappoint what Nylon taught you, ok? When I get back, I'll cook your favorite dish. Lastly, spare me some books in the library, so I still have something to read, will ya?

To my dear Amelia,

How were the studies? Stressful? Don't worry, I've expected that already. Haha. How was your sword training with Vern? has he thought you well? Have your moves and reflexes improved? Well, I shouldn't ask a lot, your my daughter anyway. Have you found that person you call "the prince"? If so, then I hope he treats you well. Remember, tell your big sister Lilith if something goes wrong, ok? It'll be even more challenging to you from now on Amelia, things will be even more difficult, but I know for sure you're my daughter, and you will be all right.

These are my last will. You two will be the only ones to find this.

If Amelia finds her one true love, she will not participate in any organized marriage, and Lilith will be placed in my position after my death.

Father will try his best to catch dinner, ok?


John Randal Write"