First kiss

Miranda was dragged with a heavy grip landed on her by Molly that was furious, she had meticulously plan a scheme for Helena only to be completely ruined by Miranda stupidity.

"Molly, stop it ! it hurts!! what is wrong with you?"

Molly stopped from jerking Miranda that was shouting towards her.

She turned to face Miranda that rubbing her wrist with a twisted face unsatisfied with the outcome. Eyeing her from top to toe, Molly sneered and gritted her teeth still annoyed adding with Cade lusting eyes on Helena the entire night, she took a deep breathe and rubbed her pregnant belly in circular motion to find the best words to retort at Miranda.

"You are stupid, you know that?"

Eyes widen displeased being called stupid, Miranda was about to reply and she was cut by Molly.

"I have a plan for her today, and you have ruined it."

"How am i supposed to know that" feeling dejected she completely acting out of control, she was consumed by rage as she saw Daniel cant keep his eyes away from the wretched woman. Slightly guilty she approached Molly and smiled..

"it is not too late to teach her a lesson, and you are right, she has changed.." Miranda take Molly arms and hooked it with hers so they can strode together sharing the evil plan both had in mind to get back at Helena.

Right after the two exchanging their plan, they left the hallway to join the rest of everyone that has seated at the banquet hall to start the dinner hosted by the Anderson.

Daniel sat on the main table with the rest of his family members while Helena seat was assigned away from them and completely beyond the eye. Daniel keep glancing trying to find Helena but to no avail, at the same time Miranda was given a seat next to Daniel making him frown as his eyes locked with Molly in front of him. Miranda being a thick skin as she is just casually sipping her champagne not wanting to raise suspicious from the other on lookers that dejected seeing her next to Daniel, they had a high hopes for their daughters to be noticed tonight.

Helena gets even more frustrated seeing her table is by the wall and seated at the back from the view with people that she has no clue who are they and annoyed seeing Daniel seated with Miranda next to him confirming her theory that he might have taken fancy to the fake bitch.

'of course, basic man and their basic type'

Her restlessness was too obvious, she did not even bother to hide it, losing her rationality, she left the banquet to go home. Her dignity worth more than any man. She blamed it on the old Helena, perhaps the feelings she had right now is a trace from old Helena, keep trying to justify she has no fall for him.

"Stupid man!! stupid! stupid! stupid!!!!!!!!"

She screams and kick the rocks outside of the mansion, walking alone in the dark. Taking a deep breathe over and over again, she finally back to her sense. she has noticed since she had found out about Cael, her heart soften every time she sees Daniel, a man that can have every thing and woman choose her to be the mother of his child. As sick as it sound, she is honored, he is an outstanding man. She continued walking with a chaotic mind refusing to admit she had fall for him, reaching the end of the walkway completely away from the mansion she saw an incoming car approaching her.

The light from incoming car glaring on her for few seconds making her caught off guard as she heard the screeching sound. Her hand was grabbed and it took her completely off guard when she dodge the baseball bat swung onto her from the back, she can feel the wind from the swinging alerting her to duck and turned her back. Few men looking like a local thug laughed seeing her dodging their attacks.

"Well, well.. lucky us, we didn't know she will be this beautiful"

rubbing both hands like a pervert finding a victim, the guy charged towards Helena and his tracked stopped when she landed a kick on his stomach making him fell on the floor holding it with both arms and crouched in pain. Helena stepped on his head with her heels and curling her palm to taunt them.

"Hi boys! i was angry today, thank god for you guys, i can finally vent my anger"

Still squishing the men she stepped, she used the back of her heels to poke his eyeball and stabbed it deep. The men halted upon seeing the cruelness, they were hired to just toy with her and no one had mention about murder, their comrades might be alive, however he was unconscious as soon as Helena stepped on him mercilessly.

He contemplate for a second when he heard another friend had charged onto Helena and seeing his neck was snapped effortlessly, he peed on himself from fear. He took out a gun from his back pocket that he kept for safe keeping and pointed at Helena who stand next to his dead friend's body.

Her eyes illuminated by rage, as if fire has been lit leading to her violence.

She keep walking towards him counted on he wont pull the trigger, however the men was too scared and fired the gun towards Helena, thankfully he wasn't a sharp shooter that the bullet landed on Helena's shoulder instead.

She recoiled from it and grabbed the gun from him and put him in a chokehold position, she whispered to his ear..

"Who hired you...." soft manic voice sends chill on his spine..

"Mrs Anderson, the first young mistress Molly" right after he pleaded for mercy, Helena snapped his neck and he dropped together with her on the ground.