First Kiss (2)

Daniel face darken outside the hospital room when Troy informing him about the attack that happened outside of the mansion involving Helena, he dismissed Troy and walked inside the ward waiting for Helena to wake up.

The doctor manage to removed the bullet on her shoulder and the injury she sustained was not severe, the bullet fragment did not sever any artery and luck is the only way to described it.

He sat on the bed and run his fingers through her soft silky hair down to her cheek, caressing it with love and tender feelings in his heart. He knows he had fall for her few months ago, throwing his complete rationality and emotions in check, he is obsessing on every little details about her.

He had instructed Troy to clean up the dead bodies found when he went after her right away as soon as he was informed by one of the guards that she has left the banquet.

The sound of the gun shot startled him making him and several other guards quicken their pace only to discovered her laying on a pool of blood.

He hated the fact she seems to be mysterious enough to keep everything secret from him. As if he is not matter to her, her independence annoyed him at times, he had just wished she would have come clean of who she really is.

"I don't know how to say this when you are awake, but i am not a good husband to you before, i never take an interest in your life, however lately i have been catching myself thinking about you a lot.. huh! me Daniel who has never fallen for a woman, and never felt fear was completely scared to death seeing you laying on the ground covered in blood, what should i do about you, tell me who you are? i know you are not Helena.." he said it with a heavy feeling and dare enough to voice it since she is unconscious.

Helena heard every bit of words that came out from Daniel, she can sense him and smell his aftershave scent, it wafted in her nose and making her a little weak on her knees.

She tried hard from not responding, her cheek suddenly turned red when Daniel fixed the blanket completely engulfing her, she cant no longer hold it, opening her eyes she said

"Get off me peasant!! I saw you flirted with Miranda last night, dont you worry she will find it and sulk? what are you doing here. " her hoarse voice sounding seductive definitely able to melt anyone that hears it.

Daniel raised his eyebrow and chuckled, he stares at her and curved his lip upwards seeing Helena shows a small sign of jealousy and seems to be not on guard around him.

"You mean 2 nights ago?" He sat back on the lounge chair crossing his legs.

Helena realized she is in a hospital and tried getting up to see his face. It has been 2 days since the incident, she slowly inspecting her wound that is covered in a bandage and sigh..

"Lay down, your shoulder hurts, if you don't lay right now, i will give you your first kiss" He rolled his eyes teasing her.

"How do you know it is my first kiss? i am beautiful and i have so many potential suitor"

Helena tried sitting so she can see him better, not believing his bluff, also reminding him how she can easily replacing him.

Like a speed of light, Daniel landed his lips onto her pink plump lips and sucked the lower bottom of her lips, and parted her lips to let his tongue swirl in motion with hers, Helena eyes widen in shocked, the kiss was unexpected move by Daniel, he was not happy to hear about her having potential suitors, not rejecting the kiss she lets him deepening his kiss and taking the lead to guide her.

His hand reached her nape and travel to her neck and gently to her jaw and stays there while he deepen more of his kisses. He wants her so bad, and her not rejecting it gives him more hope than he first thought.

"hmmm..." Helena let out a gentle cry moan making him lose control. He tighten his grip on her jaw and continue to deepen the kiss, while his other hands run smoothly on her back.

Like being possesses, Helena dug her nail deep on Daniel arms and moan making Daniel bewildered as if Helena completely given him free reign on what he can do to her. He stopped and cupped her face for a second to see her glisten eyes and red cheeks under the dimmed lights, her swollen pink lips has turned red.

He wanted to make sure she understand what it means now, that they are no longer two strangers but someone that will enter a relationship phase..he wants to be committed to her.

Helena eyes twitch for a second and realization dawn on her she is kissing Daniel Anderson.

she looked away avoiding his gaze, she was suddenly triggered by her trauma from a previous life about love. Exerting force she pushed him off and ran towards the bathroom locking herself.

"I need Cael now!! please!" her voice cracked can be heard pleading behind the wall.