Chapter 2

It was 1 o'clock midnight and Tina heard a knock on her door, she took a peep through the door hole and there he was, David patiently waiting for her to open the door. she first decided it was best for her to turn back and tell him she was asleep later cause sooner or later they were going to meet but her body acted faster than her mind, she had opened the door and right in front of her was the last and the only person she wanted to see.

"Oh, hii" she greeted him while immediately feeling weak in the kneel, He was more good looking and radiant than before. She was in trouble. "Hi" he replied "I just came to check on you, Ada told me you have a sprained ankle '". "Oh, yes I do have a sprained ankle" she replied remembering she told Ada to cover up for and she instinctively limped on her right foot to make the story more believable, "Well I'm alright now, and I was just about to change and go to sleep soo, umm see you tommorow?" she was trying her best to not say anything out line right there but ..."oh, no I made you come down here with a sprained ankle, it's only right if I help you up into your bedroom" he replied while looking at her for a reply, she was just about to reply when he bent over and swooped her into his arms and carried her up the stairs and as she was in his arm, she got a very crazy idea.

David carried her to her room and gently placed her on her bed "there you are" he said as he was spontaneously turning to leave but then he heard Tina tell him to wait so, he turned and asked her why." I need to umm take off my trousers, I'll need your help cause of my broken ankle". "Oh, alright" he replied, after taking of her clothes, she was left in her bra and panties "you are beautiful" he suddenly said breaking the silence that had been there but she couldn't even reply thinking what she was about to do is dangerous, Then she took her bra off and she didn't care anymore.

Tina's tits were beautiful. Big, full, firm and thrust right out at him. Within seconds, she had her panties off too. Tina was in a hurry to get naked. She took David by the hands and pulled him to the bed, where she pushed him down and went right for his pants. She unbuttoned him and zoom, off they went, the boxers close behind. She stopped for a moment to admire the cock that she had set free standing at attention, waiting for her. She climbed on the bed beside him and cuddled up close, then they're hands started to explore.

Tina's hands drifted right to his cock and started taking long hard strokes. She whispered under her breath "Damn that's nice".

David's hands were everywhere, her tits, her ass, her stomach. He spoke up softly "I have to say, I never expected this would happen."

Tina said "David…"

"Yeah?" he answered.

"Shut up" she said.

She pushed herself up and straddled his chest, pinning him to the bed. The she leaned down pushing those perfect tits right in his face. Taking the hint, his hands took hold and his mouth latched onto one of those nipples and started sucking, and licking, and teasing. Tina started to moan and sigh, and grabbed onto his head hard, pulling his hair and pulling him tight to her chest. She was an animal.

After what felt like hours of Tina caressing him and fondling him, she told him to sit up against the head board of the bed. They propped all the pillows up and he sat up, leaning slightly back against them. Tina straddled him again, on her knees this time, and once again pulled his head against her chest. As David returned his attentions to her nipples, Tina reached down between her legs and directed his cock right into her hole. In one swift move she lowered herself down, taking him all the way in.

David just sat back and let Tina do whatever she wanted, and she did it well. She climbed on and started riding him slowly at first, taking as much of him as she could and then grinding her hips against his. Up and down, then back and forth, she knew what she was doing, and she knew what she liked. She started moaning and making little grunting sounds as her thrusts on him turned into a hard rhythm. As she started to get faster and harder, David grabbed onto her ass and started thrusting right back. Their grunts got louder and more urgent.

Tina let go of his head and leaned in against him as she thrust hard onto him. Her hand drifted down between her legs and started working her clit. Soon her grunts became moans. Loud ones. He put one hand over her mouth and told her to keep it quiet. She buried her head against his neck and moaned into his shoulder. David held out until she came and after she did, He grabbed her ass hard and thrust into her as deep as he could, letting everything go inside her. Her body tensed up, she let out a longer moan, as everything started to flow. David could feel her orgasm, it was so strong. Tina lay down on top of him and hugged him tight, his cock still inside her, but deflating fast.

David stood up absolutely confused about what had just happened, went to take a shower while Tina was lying on her bed looking blissful as hell and when David came out of the shower, she was sound asleep so, he left quietly now wanting to disturb her sleep.