Chapter 3

It has been a week since the late night encounter between Tina and David but neither of them had talked about it, They've me a few times that week but for some reason they both pretended nothing had happened; but whenever Tina was alone, she kept seeing David's huge cock to the point that she even touched herself a few times. She didn't know but it was same thing for David, he had been seeing her tits all week long it was like he is just seeing them for the first time but he is not he used to to bang her back when they were in highschool but the sex that night had hit differently.

Ada was totally surprised when Tina told her about the late night sex with David, she knew it was going to happen but not that fast it had just been three days since David moved into town. A week had passed uneventfully, then; on a Monday morning, Tina's car developed a fault so she couldn't go to work in it so, she was going to walk and she left home super early so she could get there on time but it suddenly started raining when she was mid way to the school and she had forgotten her umbrella at home, so she hoped a vehicle going her direction would pass before the rain got heavy cause after all, she knew almost everyone in town. To her greatest surprise, David's car was moving along; she waved him down and He gave her a lift to the school.

Being together in same car David had thoughts of the other night on his mind, "if she could do it, why can't I!" he thought and while driving with one hand, the devil in him made his other hand move over to Tina's laps; He couldn't focus on the road he kept looking at her nipples through her now almost transparent soaked white shirt, she had no bra underneath. Tina most definitely felt David's touch but didn't resist and let him do what he wanted with his hands. David had almost lost focus when he drove into the school parking lot hurriedly, They had gotten there earlier than usual so no one was around yet, and her tits was all he could see and he is a huge fan of boobs so the view turned him on, As they pulled up in the parking lot, David slid his fingers up her skirt and to his delight, she was soaking wet. They had a very passionate kiss but the space wasn't comfortable for Tina so, she pulled the seat lever and moved to the back "Join me in she back" she whispered softly, and that was all he needed to hear.

David climbed in the back and just jumped on her. He pinned her down on the seat and climbed right up on top of her. In seconds their mouths were intertwined and their hands were everywhere. David had wanted to get at that body for the last week and now she was offering herself up to him. His hands slipped under her top and in seconds it was sliding up over her head, she made no effort to stop it. She was caught up in it now, and there was clearly no stopping David.

Her top off, and unurprisingly no bra underneath, Tina lay there in just her skirt. Her tits were full and perfect, with nice pink little nipples standing out straight and hard. Her skin was golden. Her stomach washboard flat. David leaned down and attacked her tits. He started sucking and teasing and licking and touching. Tina threw her head back and let him go. She was loving the feeling of his mouth on her body. Then she felt his hand slipping up between her legs, she just spread them wide and let it happen, waiting to see what he could do.

David's fingers found their way inside her. She was warm, and wet, and soft. As he was sucking her tits he buried one, then two, then three fingers inside her. That third one was the one that made her scream. When his thumb found her clit a few moments later she grabbed onto him so hard he thought she couldn't breathe. Tina had actually stopped breathing entirely for a moment. Her whole body was trembling and ready to explode. After reveling in the feeling for a few moments, she pushed him off of her.

Tina was enjoying this, but that feeling between her legs was driving her crazy, she wanted satisfaction now. She pushed David off of her and sat up. She kissed him, long and hard, and dropped her hand to his pants. She was happy to find them already undone, good. David lifted his ass enough for her to pull his pants down and free that monster she had been thinking about all week. Without a single word, she kissed him again and straddled his lap.

David wasn't expecting to bang Tina that morning but now Tina was almost naked on his back seat and he was set free on those beautiful tits he had been thinkingof all week. Not waiting for an invitation as he sucked on her nipples, he slid his hand right up to start exploring her pussy, she opened her legs to him almost involuntarily. Judging by the way she was screaming, he kept finding the right spots. When she pushed him off and sat up, he figured she was ready for a go at him now.

To his surprise, Tina yanked his pants down, kissed him and then swung one leg over his lap, straddling him. She reached down, grabbed hold of his cock and slid right down onto it. She hadn't been sure she could go through with this, but there it was, sliding up inside her. Right now she didn't care if they got caught or not. It felt huge going into her. All week long she had marveled at its size and now that it was inside her it felt even bigger. It wasn't just the length though, he was thicker than every other guys she had fucked. Yes, all of them. It filled her cunt instantly, and she felt fuller than she ever had before.

David was in heaven. Tina's pussy grabbed onto him like none her could remember for a long time. She started up and down on it, taking it deep. Her tits were bouncing in his face and he leaned forward and attacked them as Tina took over what was happening below. David would only be able to go for a few moments before she would do something that would make him lose all concentration on her chest. He would just lean back on the seat, the only thing in his world right then was her pussy devouring his cock.

Tina rocked and thrusted, grinded and bounced, and squeezed his cock with every muscle she could use. She was lost in how amazing this thing felt inside her. He had reached down and found her clit, she had almost reached her breaking point when suddenly, he reached his. David lost all control. He grabbed hold of her ass, pulled her tight to him, thrust into her as hard as he could and erupted inside her. Nothing had ever been that deep inside her. It was like she could feel him all the way up to her stomach. She could feel the wave after wave that he released just filling her pussy. Even after he shot everything he had they kept going. David was a machine and he just kept pounding into her. Tina eventually just collapsed on his lap and rested her head on his shoulder. His cock finally dwindling, but still inside her.

Tina was spent, but it was all worth it. That was the most spectacular fuck she had ever had.

Minutes later they were both dressed and this time, Tina was wearing one of David's emergency shirts that were always in his car cause hers is wet and transparent now so she left it in David's car. And for the first time they talked about what happened "well, that was great" Tina said still feeling his huge cock inside of her "yeah, umm I'll like for us to keep this a secret" he replied "And It'll would probably be great if we could keep doing this" he added "Duh, I'm not dumb I know it should be kept a secret and I do not wish for this to go on, you have a wife" she replied not wanting to accept on first offer "Nicole?" he asked "are you talking about Nicole?" he asked again "she doesn't satisfy me like you do" he replied almost immediately, There was a long pause and she broke the silence when she told him she'll think about it.

By this time there was three cars in the parking lot and Tina was on her way to the class while David had driven away and the day went away as quickly as possible.