Doom's Law

The Doom Bots began to arm themselves for battle. Harry looked at them, and calculated the threat. Pressure was something that he could handle, it had only happened too many times with him. And he was confident that it was something that his teammates could handle as well.

Harry levitated Kitty up into the air, and he flung her magically through one of the Doom Bots. Kitty shifted herself, and short shorted it. The Doom Bot crashed down to the ground. Suddenly, Kitty tried to punch through another Doom Bot, but it exploded back into her. The brunette mutant was unharmed, and rather rattled.

"Guys, these things are becoming adaptable," Kitty said. She frowned, and Rogue moved over, dodging the attacks.

It was just like in the Danger Room, only more real. Rogue maneuvered herself, and two of the bots blew each other.

"Yeah, I got the message," Rogue dead panned.

The Doom Bots stampeded towards both of them. Kurt latched onto one of its arms, and grabbed it. It was ripped off in the impact. The X-Men and the Doom Bots continued to engage each other into battle. The Human Torch assisted, and sent blasts of fire. Once again, he was extinguished, and dropped down to the ground.

"Oh, come on," the Human Torch said.

He rolled over, and coughed. This was not one of his better days. Harry turned to the X-Men, and tried to usher the shell-shocked civilians out. Some of them were rather faint, and had frozen in battle.

"We better work on getting the civilians out, they can't…." Harry started. He was stopped when he saw Gwen out of the corner of his eye pick up one of the Doom bot arms that had been severed, and aim the laser in it, taking out three of the robots at a time. The lasers cut through the Doom Bots like a hot knife through butter. "Okay, never mind."

Gwen got her share of strange looks. She sighed.

"What?" Gwen asked. "Oh come on, I'm not going to hide in a corner and bawl my eyes out because I don't have any super powers."

There was a bit of a pause, mostly so Harry could readjust his charm work, and divide and conquer his enemies. Kitty nodded her head.

"Fair enough," Kitty said.

"Yeah, more power to you," Harry said.

Gwen began to fire more blasts at the bots. Harry managed to encircle them with magical energy. Taking out multiple targets at once could be tricky, especially so without hurting them. However, his training with the Sorcerer Supreme was something that gave him a leg up beyond what most would have. Harry blew them out with the magical energy.

Doom watched the battle, making sure to analyze every single move. The Human Torch was once again into the battle. That annoyance was not something that was within Doom's notice. Rather, he watched the dark haired child who had appeared months ago in a flash of light. He was worthy of further observation. While his skills were only blooming, he had potential. Potential was something that Doctor Doom respected, and felt could grow. A blast of energy had shot through his creations. Doom continued to watch, and wait for this battle to play out.

Kitty and Harry did a tandem attack. This set them up for Rogue dodging the attack. The agility that had been formed through battles in the Danger Room had caused her keep ducking, dodging, and bobbing around the attacks. The robots blew up each other rather nicely. The other students were ushered out. Except for Gwen, who despite her powers did not run away, and had stayed to help. Harry's awestruck expression was kept on Gwen's face, and he decided to ask a question once the dust had been cleared.

"How did you learn to fight like that?" Harry asked her.

"When your Dad is a police officer, you have to learn a few things about self-defense," Gwen explained. She continued to keep up with everyone. "With all of the drug dealers, mobsters, and just general nut-jobs…kind of have to learn something to keep yourself from being picked apart as an easy target. You know, there has been some level of survival instincts."

Harry would be hard pressed to disagree with that. He continued to help lead his team through the battle. There were miniature explosions that rocked the castle that they were at.

"Stay sharp!" Harry yelled.

"Staying sharp, and on our toes," Kitty agreed.

"I don't know how many of these tin cans he has," Rogue said.

"Too many," Johnny said, knowingly. He wondered how many of these things Doom had on hand.

The explosions continued to ring out around them, and the battle intensified. The Doom Bots dropped down to the ground. They formed a barrier in front of their leader. Harry and Kitty saw that barrier as only another way to blast through. Harry aimed his hands, and a powerful attack cut through the air. He was getting closer and closer to the throne. He would have reached his destination much sooner; however he also directed his shield charms to protect his friends.

"Hey, um guy, see if you can get a close shot at Doom," the Human Torch said. Harry focused his attention on Doom. "I've got your back!"

Harry did try and blast Doom at close range. An energy field appeared around him, and bounced off the magical attack. That was just what Harry thought. He would have had his throne shielded.

"Damn it Reed, why couldn't you make something that couldn't get fried?" Johnny grumbled.

The Human Torch once again was knocked down. He flamed on once again, and immediately was doused once again. Harry siphoned the foam off of him with a charm, and he gave his nod of thanks. The Human Torch shot off like a cork into the night, and flew around.

The Doom Bots were dropping like flies. Of course, the bots were one thing. The man at the top of the throne was another thing entirely. Harry stood, and watched, keeping an eye on the rela threat. He wondered if these robots magically multiplied. The thought seemed absurd to most, but for Harry's life, absurdity did seem to be the order of the day. A deep breath was taken, and Harry continued to look forward, waiting for the opening that he needed to gain the definite advantage.

By now, he was certain that they would have been missed. It was only elementary. Fighting the battle was one part.

"Don't let up now, we're almost there," Harry grunted. "Keep it up, everyone don't lose your heads, we're doing well!"

His words of encouragement were shouted to his teammates. A part of him hoped that they could lead them onto victory. Everyone was still in the battle, which raged on, and they choked in the smoke of the destroyed Doom bots.

Doom continued to watch, and wait. He was perched, and stared down his enemies. The powers of this strange young man were something that he would find a use for in due time. Right now, he was content to wait, and watch, and plot.

Jean rushed around, breathing in and out. She tried not to panic, because bad things happened when she panicked. A telepath was not someone to be trifled with when she was in a state of distress. Scott treaded lightly as he stepped behind her, and watched his friend. Jean folded her arms.

"So, you did see that?" Jean asked.

"If you mean that half of the students just disappeared, including our team mates, than yes," Scott said. "Who did this?"

"Does it really matter?" Jean asked hotly.

Scott took a step back. Red heads and telepaths tended to be rather high strung, and since Jean was both, he knew better than to agitate her right now.

"It matters, but the real question is whether or not we're going to get them back."

Jean spun around, and saw Ororo and Logan walk up to join them. Jean's expression was fixed, and rather calm, almost eerily so. She took a few seconds to compose her thoughts before she began to address Logan.

"So, I take it you heard about what happen," Jean said.

"Yeah, I heard," Logan said. He sniffed the air, and the face of the mutant turned into a scowl. "Smells like Doom Bots."

"Yes, I was afraid of that."

Reed Richards showed up at that time. Ben Grimm and Susan Storm followed him. Three fourths of the Fantastic Four stood before them, and stared down the X-Men.

"Hey, Logan, it's been a long time," Ben said in a gruff voice.

"Yeah, last time, I drank you under the table," Logan replied.

The Thing just looked at Logan. He waved his rocky hands. "Ah, I seem to remember that happening a little bit differently than you do. But, hey, far be it for me to get in the way of a good story. I do wish we could have met up under better circumstances."

"You and me both," Logan said to the Thing. He looked out the window, and tried to get a sense of what was going on. "If it's Doom, we could have a bit of trouble."

"A bit of trouble does often come with the territory when one deals with Victor," Reed said. He sighed. "His vendetta never seems to cease. In fact, it gets stronger with each passing year. But, why did he come here, of all days? He seems to be keeping the peace, and did not attack us for some time. I won't say things are better between us, but it is different, almost like a cease fire."

'I don't know if we should tell them about Harry,' Jean projected to the entire group telepathically.

Logan, Ororo, and Scott all nodded, but kept their faces grim. Doom would have noticed Harry's arrival, and would have been waiting for the right opportunity for weeks. It would suit Doom's king sized ego to abduct someone out from underneath the nose of Reed Richards, his most hated enemy. The rest of the team mates, they could not say. Hostages, maybe, for some kind of collateral, or perhaps they just got caught up in everything.

"I'm sure if we all work together, we can find out what Doom is up to and stop him," Ororo said.

"Yeah, there's a bit of a problem with that," The Thing said. The member of the Fantastic Four sighed. "Latveria is restricted space, and Doom has diplomatic immunity. We don't like busting down his door any more than we have to, even if we do it."

Sue was quick to notice the discomfort of at least one member of the group. "However, given the circumstances, we might not have any choice. We don't want to see anyone get hurt at all, and whatever Doom is after…"

Sue trailed off. Her brother had gone off with them. While Johnny could take care of himself, well most of the time, it still did not stop her from worrying.

"Yeah, Suzie, we know, and we'll get him back," The Thing said in a gentle voice. He gave his team mate a reassuring look. Sue wished she could be a bit more cheerful.

"What are we waiting for then?" Logan asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"Right, we need to go into there with a plan, because Victor will be expecting us," Reed said. "If anything he's obsessively prepared."

"Ain't that the truth, stretch," Thing grumbled.

Reed Richards punched in a number of coordinates. If he could trace what happened back to its source, then he could find out where Doom had taken the guests in the Baxter Building. There were a few moments before he had struck it.

"I believe we have it, where Doom has taken them," Reed said. "They're at the Latverian Embassy."

"Just perfect," Logan said bitterly.

"Then we have little time to waste," Ororo said.

"What could Doom be doing to them?" Jean asked. She tried not to look worried, but the expression betrayed the red headed telepath.

Logan shook his head. "They'll be fine. We've trained them for battles like these. Even though someone like Doom is far beyond the most extreme levels of the Danger Room. The guy's nuts."

"Took the words out of my mouth," the Thing said.

The members of the Fantastic Four and the X-Men all nodded. It was time to separate the men and the women from the boys and the girls. The entire group moved out, and was ready for action. Logan remembered the last time he tangled with Doctor Doom. It did not end all that well, and Doom had humiliated him. His teeth gritted when he remembered that moment. He knew that the Fantastic Four had a handful of battles with this guy, and it was always a tough battle.

"The three of you better stay sharp, because Doom ain't a walk in the park," Logan warned them.

"We're not going to go down without a fight," Scott said. "He took some of ours, and we're going to bring the fight to him."

"No, we get the kids and get out," Logan said firmly.

Logan was looked at strangely by the group.

"Never thought I'd see you of all people back down from a fight," Ororo said.

Logan shook his head. "I ain't backin' down, just playing it smart."

"I'd agree," Reed said. "We should try and to not indulge Victor in whatever he is doing."

The Fantastic Four and the X-Men got the transport Reed had offered. It should have cloaked them until their arrival. They were ready. Doom was not going to be a day at the beach, and they just hoped that their young charges could hold their own.

Harry's teeth gritted together, and determination flashed through his green eyes. Several of the Doom Bots froze in ice. That allowed the group to continue to fight forward. Harry kept his eyes on both the Doom Bots. Suddenly, the man on the throne clapped his hands, and his remaining metal servants took several steps back. Harry looked up at this dangerous individual. Doom stood before him, and there was a long moment where they exchanged a stare down.

The silence continued, passing through each moment. Doom's steel gaze fixed upon the entire group. Everyone waited for the all shoe to drop.

"Is he going to say something?" Kurt wondered.

Kitty and Rogue wondered that as well. The Human Torch stepped forward. He had never danced with Doom one on one himself. It had been always been with the members of his team. Not that Doom was one to offer that much one on one time with his adversaries. The ruler of Latveria was an individual who sent legions of his Doom bots at his enemies.

"I have seen as much as I wish."

Doom spoke in a slow and deliberate voice. It was the tone that commanded absolute respect. Harry only knew a small amount of information about Doom. Knowing your enemy seemed to be the order of the day. However, without that knowledge of an enemy, a person no matter how much power they had was outgunned. Harry's gaze remained cool, and focused. Doom looked back to him, not showing any emotion in his eyes. The eyes were the window's to the soul, and the only visible part of Doom's costume.

"I noticed your arrive here, young sorcerer," Doom told him. His voice rumbled throughout the castle. "And I have prepared for this opportunity. Much to my dismay, you have decided to join up with a foolish dreamer in Charles Xavier. Such untapped potential should not be at the disposal of a fool. Both Xavier and the Sorcerer Supreme lack the imagination needed to properly understand your gifts. Doom has an ample imagination, and could see the potential that you have at your disposal."

Harry just allowed Doom to drone on. While Doom was speaking, Harry was trying to calculate a way to get one good shot in on him.

"I sense your skepticism," Doom declared. "Many have likely told misguided tales about Doom. Yet, I do what I must to take hold of the world, and to keep it from following into decay. And I can sense a kindred spirit deep within you. The two of us could do much together. There is great potential that is untapped. A greater purpose that could be utilized, and the two of us could work together. Harry Potter, join me and together we will rise above all of these fools."

There was a long pause. During this pause, Harry focused his gaze up at Doom. He gave the impression that this was done to stare down Doom. In reality, the dark haired wizard scanned the throne, trying to find some flaw in the defenses of Doom.

Gwen was the one that broke the silence. "Well, at least he didn't tell you he was your father."

Kitty shook her head, and folded her arms. Harry looked eerily calm, and it was almost like he pondered this. Kitty seemed a bit worried. Harry seemed too independent to willingly follow someone like Doom.

"Harry?" Kitty asked.

"Your offer is interesting, Doom," Harry said, and Doom leaned forward, eyes flashing with interest. The ruler of Latveria thought that he had Harry in the palm of his hand. His gaze continued to linger on Harry's face. Harry decided to drop the bombshell. "However, I will have to respectively decline your offer. I don't know if you've figured this out, but people normally don't like when they are kidnapped against their will. And I'm nobody's pawn."

Doom's demeanor remained unchanged. The calm before the storm was prominent. Doom clutched the side of his throat. The monarch stood up to his full height, and his eyes never waved.

Several more Doom bots were summoned. The group stood up on their feet. The Human Torch shot up, to try and get his hands on Doom.

"No one will pass," Doom said. He raised his hand. The Human Torch was blasted out of the air.

The Human Torch, never one to give up, pulled himself to his feet. The Doom Bots stormed forward. Kitty, Rogue, Kurt, and Harry engaged them into battle, swiftly and fiercely.

"Look on the bright side," Kurt said.

"There's a bright side to this?" Rogue asked.

"Well yeah, this will prepare us for the next time Logan throws us in the Danger Room,' Kurt said.

Kitty grabbed the arm of one of the Doom bots, and phased it through the other. While her bare hands would not do, this attack seemed to do well. Harry caused a quarter of them to blow up with a well-placed Reducto field.

"Where does Doom find all of these things?" Rogue asked.

"Maybe he buys them in bulk,' Kitty suggested.

"That wouldn't surprise me," Harry concluded, and he sent another wave of energy towards them.

The Doom Bots broke apart. They could tell that Doom was going to take a chance to get out of there. Not that the X-Men had any delusions about their ability to beat someone like Doom in at this point in their training. All they could do was stall him Kitty dodged the attack, and Harry looked at her with an encouraging expression.

Kitty took out three of the Doom Bots. Rogue blasted one of the Doom Bots with the arm. The laser fire cut through it. Kitty jumped into the air, and tried for another attack. One of the Doom Bots smashed into her, and knocked her to the ground.

Kitty winced. Her elbow popped. She bit her lip, and a bit of pain folded at her. The Doom Bot moved in for the kill. Harry's eyes narrowed.

"Everyone stand back!" Harry shouted at the top of his lungs.

Kitty tried to convey that she was okay. Sure her ribs and arm was sore, but that came with the territory. Yet, perhaps that would fire Harry up, and Kitty was too transfixed by the magic Harry was displaying.

Harry's magical field expanded. It was a trick that Doctor Strange taught him. However, it was one that he was struggling with. The struggle was one of Harry's more frustrating moments.

The right kind of motivation could allow him to do anything. The energy concluded. The Doom Bots blew up into nothingness. The remaining Doom Bots that Doom had were fried. The Ruler of Latveria pressed on a button. He stepped back, and tried to escape. However, he looked up in the air.

"Richards," Doom said. The word was spoken with even more contempt then when Snape spoke the word "Potter" back at Hogwarts. He stepped forward, and tried to make his escape. This would be a situation that he would have to obtain further information on.

Harry shot cords around Doom to bind him. He was surprised by his success that he had caught one of the most dangerous criminals in the world in his grasp. The entire group looked at him with amazed awe.

For some reason, Harry thought this was too easy, but he was not one to jinx what happened. Doom seemed to grow silent and cold at that moment. Now Harry really did wonder, but he was about to find out.

Harry kept his eyes on what seemed to be Doom for another couple moments. The Invisible Woman, Mister Fantastic, the Thing, Wolverine, Storm, Cyclops, and Jean all stormed the palace. They half expected some kind of battle to walk into. The last thing they expected to walk into was smoldering Doom Bot remains, and Doctor Doom bound with Harry and the Human Torch standing by him.

"You actually captured him?" The Invisible Woman asked. Her mouth opened and closed in absolute astonishment.

Johnny chuckled at the expression on his sister's face. It was a true Kodak moment.

"Hey, Sue, good to see you too, yeah I'm fine," the Human Torch said. He turned and inclined his head towards Doom. "So, we've got old Victor wrapped up, and ready to go."

Reed stepped forward. He was rather skeptical on sheer principal. The scientist took a second to tap on the form of Doom. Sure enough, his theory was justified.

"I'm afraid that's not Doom," Reed confirmed. Sure enough, Reed broke open the bot, and there was a microphone inside.

"Figured it was too easy," Harry said.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me, a Doom bot again!" The Human Torch exclaimed. He could hardly believe it, but it was true. There was some times where Johnny wondered if they ever went up against the real Doctor Doom, or had fought a never ending stream of Doom Bots, who answered to other Doom Bots.

"I wish I was, but the scientific proof is there," Reed said. His voice was humorless. "This model is nearly flawless to the point where it could pass for the original. In fact, until the moment Victor deactivated it, I would not be far off from hypothesizing that it would think it was actually Victor Von Doom."

Reed analyzed the Doom Bot. It would be foolish to bring it back to the Baxter Building, at least until he gave it a detailed scan. Knowing Doom, there were a few surprises that would have been left in behind. Reed expected a Trojan to be left behind. Doom had done that before, and Reed had learned that lesson the hard way.

Harry only half paid attention to this. He stepped over, and walked towards Kitty. The brunette hunched over. Harry offered his hand to her. Kitty took it, and Harry held her steady. A smile spread across her face. Harry held her close to him, and concern flooded his face.

"Are you hurt badly?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, my ribs are a bit sore and my arm, but it could have been worse," Kitty said. She shook it off. "I'll live. Maybe not comfortable for a while, but I'll live. That was an advanced move, and I should have waited before trying it in battle. Guess I just jumped the gun."

Harry looked at Kitty.

"But you have some great moves, I didn't think you could do that," Kitty added.

Harry just smiled his smile. "Well, we don't know what we are capable of, until we do it. I guess I really just decided to throw all caution to the wind. And it worked."

"Well it's robots, so it's not like you had to hold back," Kitty said. "And keep doing it, if it saves people."

Harry would have to agree. They were robots where he was sure were shielded from magic, at least most magic. The longer he fought, the easier it got. The more he understood what he was fighting. Even highly advanced technology had patterns. Kitty walked over, and Ororo looked at her.

"Don't worry, you'll get medical attention when you return to the Institute," Ororo told her in a consoling voice.

Kitty was about to protest to say that she was fine. Her breath went short. The stabbing pain in her side had told her differently. The entire group moved hastily to the transport. It was going to take some smoothing over to figure this out.

Harry did not envy anyone having to explain what happened to all of the parents. Gwen just shook her head and walked towards the transport that was being offered off of the Latverian Embassy.

"My Dad's going to flip out, and lecture me," Gwen said. The blonde girl had a smirk on her face. After the incident with the pepper spray, her dad should have known better that Gwen was not going to sit back and be a good little girl when people were in danger. "Especially when he finds out that I got involved in the fight. Given that he's a cop, he really has no room to talk, but there you go."

Gwen looked at Harry, Kitty, Kurt, and Rogue, and pondered on what to say.

"Right, and I'll see you around sometime," Gwen said. She jotted down her e-mail address, and handed it to Harry. "If you need my help for any reason at all, you shoot me an e-mail."

Kitty looked at Gwen with a quizzical expression.

"Don't worry, I'm not trying to steal your boyfriend," Gwen teased her. Kitty just offered a brief smile, and Harry raised an eyebrow.

Neither Kitty nor Harry corrected that misconception. Mostly because of the fact that time ran rather short and Gwen was on the transport the next moment. The X-Men exited the building. Reed Richards had dismantled the Doom Bot, and had taken it along for further study when he was certain that there were no nasty surprises behind it.

'So any idea what happened to the real Doom?" Rogue asked.

Harry thought that was a good question.

"I hope we never run into him again," Kurt shuddered.

Kitty and Harry exchanged nods. That was a sentiment all of them agreed about. The real Doctor Doom would be ten times more dangerous than this imposter they fought today. The only thing all of them cared about was returning home. The team boarded the jet, and it flew off. This would take some smoothing over, and Harry wondered if his life would ever be anything, but complicated.

That would be food for thought for later. He had thought that his first official mission where he was technically de-facto leader had gone better than could be expected. Perhaps there was some kind of potential for this entire team work mess. Harry had been having his reservations. Call it a gut feeling if one might, but Harry tended to pay closer attention to his instincts.

Until he amassed some level of resources, Harry had to wait and ponder what to do. As much as he hated to admit it, money did make the world go around. There were a few ideas in his head, and there would be time to expand on them in the not so-distant future.

Doctor Doom's latest scheme had reached the ears of SHIELD Commander, Nick Fury. He paced around, nearly wearing a hole in the Hellicarrier floor. Doom had always been a national security threat ever since becoming the ruler of Latveria. What pissed Fury off the most was that he had his hands tied, thanks to the diplomatic immunity that Doom enjoyed, and flaunted in front of face. Doom and Fury had gone around a few times, and Doom had slipped out of trouble.

Fury was only mildly interested about what Doctor Doom had done, and majorly interested about the other results of the day's events. His intelligence had revealed that some of the students from Xavier's school had been among those kidnapped. Whatever Doom was after, no one was talking. Fury saw that as a challenge. He would just have to dig even deeper, until he found what he wanted. The Director of SHIELD tapped his fingers, and stood poised. He turned to his agents.

"Did you at least get one stinking surveillance photo from the entire mess?" Fury asked his agents.

The agents shook their heads. Fury stood up straight. The Director of SHIELD brought himself to his full height. He continued to stare them down. People would have backed off by now, and cowered.

"Just this one photo, sir but it's blurry," one of the agents aid timidly.

Fury snatched the photo in his hand. He studied it through a narrowed eye. There was much that was interesting about the photo. He saw Xavier's students in it. There were faces that he could scarcely make out.

"This was taken before Doom's security camera's short circuited," another agent added as an afterthought.

Now Fury was interested. There were a number of theories that he could follow up on, and investigate. A man like Nick Fury did not put much stock into theories or guess work. In his line of work, there was much to be lost if he did not have the right information. Teeth gritted, and Fury studied the photo. Being a secret agent, he was used to picking out the details. It was the difference between certain death and living to fight another day.

Fury looked up at the agents. He turned around.

"Barton!" Fury barked.

Clint Barton spun around, and his eyes were on Fury. Barton was an expert archer, who could hit any target. It had earned him the nickname Hawkeye. He was one of the most valued agents of SHIELD, even if he and Fury did not see eye to eye. At this moment, Fury needed someone who would be able to be able to think outside of the box.

"Yeah, Fury, what do you want now?' Clint asked. He leaned against the wall. The archer was calm and collected.

"I need you on the Potter situation, and fast," Fury told him. Clint remained calm, and waved Harry. "Someone shows up at random, and it isn't a coincidence. Xavier and his group are harboring him. And that Institute has always been a potential security snafu waiting to happen."

Barton nodded his head. He had seen the files. Maybe not read them from cover to cover, because he was not that meticulous. However, Clint had scanned enough of the files to be interested. Fury was collecting biographical information on every single member of the Xavier Institute, every time a new student showed up, Fury seemed to know. How he learned such things was one of the greatest mysteries of SHIELD. New agents tended to act those questions. Older agents just decided to go with the flow, and see what happened. Nick Fury knew things, that seemed to be his super power.

So when he did not know something, he got on edge. This Potter situation put Fury on edge.

"So what do you want me to go?" Barton asked. "Tail some kid twenty four seven?"

"Just keep an eye on him, Barton," Fury replied. Fury cracked his knuckles and his eye narrowed. "We need to know information about him. These biographical details are just too clean, too arranged. Xavier might have fooled most, but the lack of any kind of paper trail to follow up on anything. Potter seems to be paranoid about making sure anyone sees him doing anything. Every one of his actions has been mostly discreet. We've only been able to pick up the slightest of hints on security camera footage."

Barton leaned against the wall. This was again not news to him. His eyes flickered on Fury.

"Paranoid, and trying not to see, seems like he'd be a good fit in SHIELD," Clint said. "Maybe one day he'll take your job, Fury. Is that what you're afraid of?"

Fury ignored the flippant comment from the archer.

"Yes, but that could mean he was a tactical mastermind," Fury said.

Barton blinked. "We are still talking about the sixteen year old mystery boy, aren't we?"

"Don't let appearances fool you, things aren't always as they appear," Fury said. "We have a bigger problem than this one boy. Xavier and Lehnsherr are on the borderline of some kind of war. It's an arms race between the two of them to collect mutants. SHIELD needs all of the information they need. Keep an eye out Barton. I've gotten you a job at Bayville High to keep a closer eye on everything. You will be cleaning up."

Barton stopped, and stared. Clint Barton cursed the very day that Nick Fury was born. He had to work undercover at a high school as a janitor. That was not the lowest mission he had, not even close.

"Can't Natasha do it?" Clint asked.

The archer realized that the woman in question would likely pummel him senseless if she ever found out she was being volunteered for an undercover work as a janior.

"You're more of the janitor type, Barton, and Agent Romanov is on a deep cover mission," Fury said gruffly. Barton read that as something that was on a need to know basis. "I trust that won't be a problem."

Clint offered a nod. Fury always had a way of talking people into things. So he might as well skip the middle man, and do it. Perhaps he could get back in the good graces of Fury after his last than stellar results on the last mission.

Fury remained calm, and kept his temper in check. Xavier and Magneto were recruiting mutants for their respective groups. One might argue that these super powered people could be used as weapons. Fury had no problem with mutants; it was the damage that they could cause that worried him. And this Harry Potter could potentially be a doomsday weapon.

Harry thought about the events of today's impromptu mission. Things could have gone much better. Everything could have gone much worse. Harry walked down the hallway, towards Kitty's room. He went to visit her in the infirmary. However, Harry had been informed that Kitty had been released. Harry knocked on the door.

"Kitty, are you in there?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, come in, Harry!" Kitty called brightly.

Harry opened the door. He walked inside the room that Kitty and Rogue shared. It was still early, and Rogue was down having recovering from the latest Danger Room session. Harry stopped, and paused when he looked at Kitty. His heart skipped a beat when he saw her.

Kitty was sitting cross legged on the bed. Her hair was not tied up, but rather flowed freely down her back. The brunette wore a short black-shirt that stopped before her waist. The shirt showed her midriff, and Harry found his eyes lingering on it. She wore a pair of black panties. Harry's eyes traveled down to her legs. He found himself staring at them. Kitty cleared her throat, and Harry looked up to her. Harry saw the grin on her face, but she quickly shifted her expression in an innocent expression.

"Kitty, I didn't know…you weren't…" Harry managed.

"What, decent?" Kitty asked. She slid to the side of her bed, and looked up at Harry. "It's not that bad. It's not like you walked in on me when I was naked, or anything."

That was not the mental image that Harry needed right now. Kitty patted her hand on the side of the bed. Harry took the invite to sit down, and sat down beside Kitty on the bed. The brunette looked at him. Her blue eyes met his green ones. She smiled at him, and placed her hand on his leg.

"So why did you come in here?" Kitty asked.

"I just wanted to see if you were doing alright," Harry said.

Kitty could barely conceal the glee she had.

"I'm doing fine Harry," Kitty said. She scooted a bit closer to Harry, so she could look at him properly. "I'm a bit sore after what happened. That will teach me to remember I can, you know, go intangible more often."

Harry smiled. "It's a lot easier to think about what we should have done, then what we did do out there."

Kitty fired back with a grin. Her hand still rested on Harry's knee. "I can see what you say. There are a million things that we could have likely done differently every time. However, everyone got out fine, and we learned a valuable lesson. Doom is still out there, but he wasn't really there to begin with, so that's not something that we can do anything about."

Harry just looked at her, and nodded. Kitty scooted just a little bit closer to Harry.

"We need to talk about something," Kitty said.

Harry was curious. "What about?"

"The two of us," Kitty said to Harry. Her hand was still on his knee. She then reached forward, and put her hand on Harry's. "We've kind of been dancing around everything a little bit. We're out there, fighting together. And we've been spending a lot of time together, and I enjoy your company. I don't know if you feel the same."

"I do," Harry said. Kitty tightened her grip on his hand. "I really like spending a lot of time with you."

"I'm glad," Kitty replied to Harry. She shifted by Harry, and it seemed like she was choosing her next work. "The truth is, I really like you a lot."

Harry decided to have a bit of fun at Kitty's expense.

"Well we are friends," Harry said. "So I should hope you like me."

Kitty just shook her head. "No, I mean as more as friends, kind of like this."

The brunette leaned forward, and wrapped her slender arms around Harry's waist. Kitty leaned forward, and her lips met Harry's in a kiss. Harry was caught completely off guard by this action. His brain managed to kick into gear, and he did the only thing that made sense. Harry kissed back. He felt her lips on his. It was very nice. He put his hand on the small of Kitty's back, to pull her in close to him.

The kiss continued to linger. The two were a bit nervous. They had never truly kissed anyone. Both hoped that they did not screw up.

Harry and Kitty slowly pulled apart after a couple of minutes. Both wanted to get an assessment of what the other felt. The two stared at each other, and Harry was the first one to break the silence.

"That was…well wow," Harry said.

"Yes it was," Kitty concurred.

Kitty curled up into Harry's lap, and Harry wrapped an arm around her waist. She shifted slightly, squirming against him. Harry decided to break the silence.

"So, I guess that makes us boyfriend and girlfriend then," Harry said to her.

"Are you asking?" Kitty asked.

"Kitty, will you be my girlfriend?" Harry asked her.

Kitty spun around, and kissed Harry once again. Harry returned the kiss. Kitty ran her fingers through Harry's hair. The brunette broke the kiss. She practically straddled Harry on the bed, and was slowly pulling his shirt up over his head. Kitty slowly traced patterns over his chest and abs. The training in the Danger Room was starting to do him a lot of good. Kitty stroked his chest, and a smile crossed her face.

"I'm sure you've done this sort of thing often," Kitty said to Harry.

Harry shifted, and was a bit nervous. "Actually, I didn't really have much time for dating, with everything that happened. There were…complications. I had about two dates. They both ended in disaster. One was to a school dance, and one was with a girl a year older than me that I had a crush on. We kissed a few times, but she was crying so it was not nearly as nice as yours."

"Why would she cry?" Kitty asked, completely confused. Harry was an amazing kisser, and would likely get better with experience. She felt a little wet just thinking about it, and what else Harry could do with his mouth.

Harry sighed. This was not a pleasant topic to talk about.

"Well, she was thinking about her dead boyfriend, and then she kissed me," Harry said.

Kitty's eyes snapped up. She felt a bit bad for Harry. "Talk about your mixed messages."

"Tell me about it, that entire relationship was messed up," Harry said. Kitty stroked his face, and looked into his eyes.

Kitty's wrapped her arms around Harry's neck. She was draped over his lap. Kitty whispered into his ear. "So, Harry, you have a half-naked girl in your lap? What are you going to do?"

Harry paused for a moment. He looked at her. The expression in her eyes danced with mischief, and Kitty shifted over to the side of him.

"Kitty, don't you think we might be…"

"Going too fast?" Kitty asked. She pulled him into another kiss. This one was short, but nice. It was enough for Harry to be eased slightly. "For some people, maybe they could say that. Some people might argue that we're not mature enough to do this. But, don't we have to go into deadly training simulations every day, where we have to dodge lasers, robots, and all kinds of insanity? If we're mature enough to do that, than I think we're mature enough to do this. I think any norms for any relationship should be thrown out the window, given the situation."

Harry had to concede that she had a point. Deep down, he would have to agree, and he tightened his grip around Kitty. The brunette gave him a wicked grin. Kitty placed her hand on Harry's pants, and slowly phased her fingers through them. She brushed against him, and brought Harry no small amount of pleasure.

"Did you just…"

Kitty laughed. She withdrew her hand from within his pants.

"Do you like that Harry?" Kitty asked Harry in a sweet voice. "Would you like me to touch you like that again?"

Harry's expression looked at her. He tried to hide his want. Even if his face did not betray him, the bulge in his pants did.

"I think I'll take that as a yes," Kitty said.

"What about…"

"Contraceptives?" Kitty asked. "Um, would they even work on people like us?"

Harry looked at Kitty in confusion.

"Well, we're supposed to be evolved, so wouldn't we have something a bit stronger."

"Yeah, that does make sense," Harry said. "I know they won't work on magical users, at least normal ones. Condoms wouldn't work either. Because of the magical discharge within wizards causes them to break or worse vanish. It really depends on the power."

Harry looked thoughtful at that moment.

"There are contraceptive spells," Harry informed her. "I've been looking into them, but I haven't really mastered them yet."

Kitty could not resist commenting on this news. "Oh, you've been looking into contraceptive spells? I guess you've been scheming to get into my panties for a while now."

She said this in a teasing manner. Harry reached forward, and placed his fingers on the edge of her panties. This was a more bold action that he had ever done. Kitty went intangible, and Harry's fingers passed through the fabric of her panties.

"Judging by how wet you are, it seems like you've been thinking about me getting in your panties too," Harry fired back.

"Alright, I guess two can play that game," Kitty conceded. She went solid, and Harry's hand was "stuck" in her panties. Not that either was complaining. "So, I guess the two of us can have a little fun, and then we can go all the way once you learned those charms."

Kitty thought that she might be able to go intangible before Harry erupted in her. However, she might get lost in the moment and forget. It was best to play it safe, for now. There would be plenty of time for more fun later. They could just pleasure each other, and go further later.

"So what do you have in mind?" Harry asked her.

Kitty just grinned, and arched her hips up, to meet Harry's hand. The fun had just begun.

Harry grew rigid. He looked at Kitty at that moment, and felt something.

"Someone's coming, I better go," Harry whispered.

He waved his hand, and his clothes were back on him. Harry leaned forward, and kissed Kitty goodbye. He disappeared with a soft pop. Kitty immediately put her clothes back on, and the door clicked open. Rogue entered the room. She looked about ready to collapse.

"Rogue, how are you doing?" Kitty asked.

Rogue walked forward in a dazed state, resembling a zombie.

"Don't want to talk about it," Rogue said, and she stepped forward. "The good news is that I survived the entire session in there. If you can call it survival. Harry didn't break a sweat in there."

'Well not until now,' Kitty thought, barely suppressing a grin she had.

"Whatever Harry has, he should bottle it, he'd really make some money," Rogue said.

Kitty could barely suppress a grin. She had some of what Harry had alright.

"I'm glad that someone's feeling better," Rogue told her. She looked at Kitty, and her expression softened. "Seriously, are you doing alright?"

"Fine, everything's just great, a bit sore, but I'm recovering," Kitty said.

The truth was that Kitty was feeling much better after she had her fun with Harry. She could not wait to go further. Kitty looked pleased. Rogue stared at Kitty.

"There's something on your chin," Rogue said. "What is that?"

Kitty brushed her chin, and licked the excess off of her fingers. She responded in a very casual and innocent voice. "Cream."

"Cream?" Rogue asked.

"Yeah cream, tastes good too," Kitty replied, smacking her lips.

Rogue looked at Kitty. Perhaps her mind just went in the gutter, but Harry walked up here to visit Kitty. He did not return downstairs, and might have been up there for a while. Kitty had something white on her face, and Rogue just was struck by the sudden realization. Rogue was able to put two and two together.

"You're lucky it was just me that almost walked in and not Logan or anyone else," Rogue said, after a moment of silence.

Kitty's expression fixed to one of innocence. "I have no idea what you mean."

Rogue just looked at her roommate with a scandalous expression. The Goth girl rolled her eyes. Innocence did not suit Kitty. She decided that she was going to collapse on the bed. After today, that did seem to be logical.

"Harry came to visit me," Kitty said brightly.

"I'm sure he did," Rogue replied. She turned around, and closed her eyes. The girl could crash right now and be dead to the world.

"And he asked me to be his girlfriend," Kitty said.

"That's great Kitty," Rogue replied dryly.

"He's amazing," Kitty said with a sigh.

Rogue's mind ran wild with the possibilities of what Kitty could be implying. She shook her head to dislodge her mind from the gutter.

"I'm sure he is," Rogue remarked dully. The truth was she had given the matter some thought, but Rogue dislodged her thoughts immediately.

Kitty just turned around. She had really not thought about boys in that way, before she met Harry. Perhaps she was too distracted in academics, or something.

She was confident that Harry would learn those charms. Then they could cut loose, and had some real fun.

It was a great way to relieve stress that was for sure. Kitty had a feeling that there would need to be a lot of stress relief if days like this became common place.