It was not too long before the cat was out of the back, and it was known that Kitty and Harry were dating. The fact it only took less than a week actually was astonishing. Everyone in the Institute found out, and after the standard words of warning about safe sex, everything was fine.
The High School rumor mill did tend to work fast. Once again, Harry thought that there were very few differences the world over for teenagers. Harry and Kitty walked into the High School, holding hands. There were several dirty looks being given to Kitty by several girls. If looks could kill, Kitty Pryde would be dead would be dead.
"Really, they're being really mature," Kitty said. She looked at Harry with a smile. "You know, if they act like that, then they won't be in a very stable relationship."
Harry would have to agree. Jealousy would be one of the more frustrating emotions to deal with as a teenager. He had been down that road before, but had matured and grown past that. Well for the most part, Harry would be lying if he was not capable of some immaturity. His hand was held on Kitty's, and the two walked forward. Rogue and Kurt joined them. Rogue looked at Harry and Kitty for a few seconds, before she straightened her posture.
"I've never seen that many angry girls in one place," Kurt commented.
"Believe me, I have," Harry said, shaking his head.
"Where?" Kurt asked.
"It's a long story," Harry said.
"Is anything with you ever a short story?" Rogue asked. Harry just shrugged, and offered her a smile. Rogue really wished he would quit doing that, it was distracting. "Well, it's not hard to see where they are coming from. I mean, you can't really blame them."
"No, I guess you couldn't," Kitty agreed. She leaned closer to Harry. Harry wrapped his arm around her. She was honestly surprised that Harry only had less than a handful of dates, and had not gone so far. He was such a natural, and Kitty could hardly wait to go further. The two of them would be each other's first, and whatever happened from there, would happen. "Good taste, bad attitude, that's really a dangerous combination for sure."
Harry offered a smile, and the three of them walked. They saw a new student, or at least one that they did not notice before. He was a rather large student.
"Well there's someone that's going to stand out in a crowd," Kitty commented.
Harry just looked at this young man, and tried to figure out what to make of him. He could not help, but think that this large student had made Dudley look positively anorexic. Not that Harry was one to judge, but he looked like he ate Dudley and his gang.
"Yeah, in the worst ways, and looks like he has a bit of a temper," Rogue said, watching the scene before her. She saw the young man get a bit agitated when he walked by. Rogue winced, and saw the path he left.
Off in the distance, Todd and Lance stood by watching, the scene. One of them simmered with rage and jealousy. Lance watched Harry and Kitty, barely guarded contempt in his eyes. This caused him to lose some control of his powers. The ground was beginning to shake beneath him.
"Hey man, cool it before you sink the school into the ground," Todd said. He then paused, and added. "On second thought, keep it up, go nuts."
Lance just turned around and looked at Lance. "What does she see in him?"
Todd looked at Lance. Surely, he could not be for real. Granted, they were friends, by default, but even Todd had to call a spade a spade.
"Well, I could start making a list, but we'd be here for a long time," Todd said. "Hell, if I was a girl…"
"Enough," Lance said with a shudder. He did not need the mental images. He stood back, and continued to watch. There were many things that were going through his mind right now. "I wonder what that Darkholme woman wants us for. She has us holed up in that dump, because of some grander plan."
"Hey, I don't question her, bad things happen when you question her," Todd said with a shudder. His eyes looked up. "Hey, is that the new guy that she mentioned the other day?"
Lance's attention was diverted towards the large blonde teenager that walked up.
"What's his name?" Todd asked. He took a moment to think about it. He shook his head. "Oh yeah, Fred Dukes."
"Looks like a blob," Lance said in a surly voice.
"Yeah, he kind of does," Todd agreed. "So, we better try and get to class. Darkholme threatened pain on both of us, and I kind of believe she'll follow through on it."
Lance just gritted his teeth. Darkholme tended to expect a lot of them, with giving very little in return. And there were a number of threats. He had a feeling that Darkholme worked for some higher power.
Speaking of the devil, Principal Darkholme walked up. She passed Todd and Lance only with the barest amount of acknowledgement. She turned towards Fred.
"Mr. Dukes, I trust you are not having any troubles," Darkholme said.
"Yeah, no trouble," Fred grunted. He stared down Darkholme. His large form stepped forward at that moment. "Just trying to fit in here, High School is a new thing for me, after working at the freak show."
"Good, and I trust you'll find your way to class on time," Darkholme said. "The first bell rings in three minutes, and it's unwise to linger. I trust you'll not be late. I don't tolerate tardiness."
"Yeah, I won't be," Fred grunted. Did she think that he was stupid or something. He took a thunderous step forward. He saw a group of Football team members laughing. "What are you laughing at?"
"Nothing, man," one of the jocks said.
"Even if you're just a big joke."
Fred stopped walking in the school, and turned around. He tried to keep his temper in check. It had been a problem. He hated when people laughed at him. Everyone laughed at him, but he was not a joke. His fingers twitched.
Harry and Kitty walked by at that moment. Kitty noticed that Harry had a calculating expression on his face. She decided to call him out on it.
"What is it, Harry?" Kitty asked.
"I'm beginning to think that Darkholme is someone else," Harry told her in an undertone.
Kitty looked up at Harry in confusion. Harry seemed certain about this, so curiosity got the better of Kitty.
"Okay, who do you think she is?" Kitty asked.
Harry decided to drop the bombshell. "I think she's that Mystique woman we fought a few weeks back."
Kitty's eyes flickered, and suddenly she looked at Harry.
"Are you sure?" Kitty asked.
"You don't believe me," Harry said.
"Of course, I believe you," Kitty said. The girl was incredulous that Harry did not believe that she would believe him. "You can read the body language of people, can't you?"
"And that's how I picked out that she was Mystique," Harry whispered.
There was a moment of silence, which Kitty broke a bit later.
"Maybe you should tell the Professor about this," Kitty said.
"I wonder if he already knows," Harry said.
"Maybe, but if he doesn't, you could tell him," Kitty suggested. "It's up to you, whatever you want to do."
Harry debated whether to tell the others as well. He knew that Rogue would flip, given what Mystique did to her. Harry was reluctant to tell her, due to this fact. Then again, Harry hated when people kept information from him.
"There's the bell," Kitty remarked, breaking Harry's attention.
"Yeah, don't want to be late," Harry said.
"Darkholme's a bit of a bitch, whether or not she is a shape shifting mutant in disguise," Kitty said. She and Harry exchanged a brief kiss before they went their separate ways to their first period classes.
Harry had a lot of things to think about and ponder on. He would need to think about school, and keep his mind on that. Then he could worry about other matters, later on.
"Scott, I'm just showing him around, it's no big deal."
This had been the scene that Harry had walked in after school on that day. Scott and Jean seemed to be having a heated discussion about something. Harry would loath to have called it an argument, because it was not that heated. He had seen some arguments in his day. They could be pretty violent, and sometimes he had been stuck in the middle of them trying to play peacemaker.
"I know you're just being helpful with showing the new guy around the school, and that's great. Really Jean, it's really great. However, Dukes does seem to be…well there's just something about him that's wrong."
Jean folded her arms, and she inhaled for a moment. The red haired telepath looked at Scott, and kept a calm expression on her face. "Fred's just trying to fit in. He's in a new place, and he doesn't know anybody. You remember what it's like, don't you?"
Scott did not answer, even if he did remember it with picture perfect clarity. Harry tried to walk away slowly and casually before he had been sucked into this argument. He tried to avoid being sucked into arguments on general principle. Unfortunately, Scott had seen him, and called him over.
"Hey, Harry, did you hear?"
"Hear about what?" Harry asked. Feigning innocence was the best possible thing, to keep him out of trouble. Granted, there was a fact that he heard many things, so strictly speaking there would be many things they could be alluding to. Harry always had keen observation skills. Of course once something was heard, it could not be unheard. That was the biggest problem.
"Jean is showing this new guy, Fred Dukes around the school," Scott said. An exasperated expression crossed on Jean's face. Harry could tell that Scott was just concerned. He was just showing it in a way that was rubbing Jean the wrong way. Harry could tell he was not going to like being drawn in this, if he could help him. "You've seen him."
"He's rather large, kind of hard not to," Harry remarked in a flat and dry voice.
Scott nodded. "And he has a bit of a temper…"
"I'm not denying that he is, Scott! It's just that…well Harry knows what it's like to be in a new place."
"It's not exactly the same thing."
"Well, it kind of is."
Harry shook his head, frustration mounting. He waved off the argument. The truth was that Harry desperately needed to have a word with Professor Xavier, and did not have the time or energy to deal with this. He took a deep breath, and decided to go for the most diplomatic answer he could.
"I'm sure both of you have valid points. I've only seen Dukes, and not met him. Therefore, I can't say, and I kindly ask you to not ask me of my opinion. I don't have an opinion either way, and I'll talk to both of you later."
Jean and Scott were left by Harry at this moment. Harry had no doubt the conversation continued. He walked inside of the Xavier Institute. His mind was going many miles a minute. The Mystique thing kind of bugged him when it happened, and when Xavier just allowed her to leave, Harry did wonder. He wanted answers, and insisted on getting them. He knocked on the door of Xavier's office. He did not have to wait long for an answer.
"Come in."
Harry clicked the door opened, and walked in to face Professor Xavier. He sat behind his desk, and began to file paperwork. Xavier looked up to Harry, with a friendly and approachable smile.
"Harry, what can I do for you today?" Xavier asked.
"I noticed something odd at school, that you might want to know," Harry said. Xavier made a motion with his hand, inviting for him to continue. "Principal Darkholme I think she's Mystique."
Xavier looked at Harry, as if trying to figure out how he had come to this conclusion.
"An interesting accusation to make Harry, and one that could be possible. Given that Mystique is a shape shifter, she could pose as any person, including me or you."
Harry noticed the lack of surprise in Xavier's tone. Perhaps he was being paranoid, and seeing things that were not there. Yet, paranoia was the one thing that often kept people alive. At least that was Moody told them all about a year ago.
"Their movements were similar, and the way both carried themselves," Harry said, and Xavier responded with a brief nod. The two of them exchanged an expression. Time tended to stand still with the two of them. "I want to ask a question about what happened a few weeks ago, with Mystique."
Xavier figured that this was coming. It actually was always interesting when students questioned him, as it allowed him to gain an entirely new perspective on a situation. Even if he sometimes did not agree with the disagreements, Xavier did welcome all feedback. "Given the circumstances, an explanation is in order. You did meet Magneto upon your arrival here."
Harry's mind flashed back to that night where he arrived here.
"Hard to forget something like that," Harry answered.
Xavier remained rather calm, and decided to explain the facts of the matter. Harry folded his arms.
"Mystique is working for Magneto. I believe she may be recruiting troubled mutants. These youngsters would be easy to entice, with a small amount of power and respect, offered as a dangling carrot. Magneto and I are at a crossroads with each other. Putting Mystique in prison would expose mutants before we are ready."
"And when will we be ready?" Harry asked.
There was no harsh tone in Harry's voice. He framed his question as calm and crisp. A year ago, he might have screamed, and came across as an angsty teenager. A long time had passed, and Harry had kept his emotions in check.
"I cannot say that," Xavier said, and this was a rather honest answer. "I do understand your concerns, and appreciate your information. Humans will know that we exist in due time. It will be a long and hard road to achieve tolerance."
Harry understood better than anyone that some people tended to be intolerant to others that were different from them. The fanatical racism towards magical creatures moved that much. And the less said about his experiences with the Dursleys, the better.
He did know one thing. Harry would be keeping an eye on Mystique, and trying to figure out what she was going to do. If she made a wrong move, Harry would step in, consequences be damned. The last one was a free pass, this time; Harry was going to take whatever heat he would get from Xavier and the others. Even if it got him kicked out of the Institute, Harry had to do what he had to do. He was accumulating a decent amount of resources, and training. He had been saving every dollar he could find, and had been researching other potential avenues of income. If push came to shove, he would be fine.
"Thank you for your time, Professor Xavier," Harry said.
Harry walked off, and nearly bumped into Rogue in the hallway. Rogue winced as Harry brushed against her, and remembered that he could in fact touch her. It was taking every single bit of her self-control to actually bring up this subject with Harry. She figured he knew, and he knew that she knew, so Rogue did not feel the need to bring it up. The fact that Harry was currently dating Kitty had also caused Rogue a bit of pause, and reluctance to bring up the subject.
"Sorry, Rogue," Harry told her in an apologetic voice.
Rogue waved off Harry's apology. She looked at him. "Don't apologize; I was the one that wasn't looking where I was going. My mind was elsewhere."
Harry did not ask where her mind was, and Rogue was not about to tell him.
"Rogue, I need to tell you something, but promise you won't freak out on me," Harry said to her.
Rogue looked at Harry, and a frown spread over the Goth girl's face. That was never a good thing when someone asked another person not to freak out on them. She looked at him for a moment, and nodded.
"What is it?"
"Mystique is Darkholme," Harry told Rogue.
Rogue's expression darkened, and a bit of anger bubbled to the service.
"Rogue, calm down, please," Harry told her in a voice. Rogue took a deep breath, and for Harry, she would remain calm.
"Did you tell the Professor?" Rogue asked.
"Yes," Harry replied.
"And what did he say about it?" Rogue asked.
"Not too much," Harry admitted.
Rogue thought that Professor Xavier meant well. However, if it was up to her, she would not have let Mystique escape after what she did. Had she been given the chance, the shapeshifter would have killed everyone. She was ruthless, and Rogue had seen a bit of that first hand.
"We'll keep an eye on her," Harry said. "Kitty knows about it too."
Rogue agreed. If Mystique was posing as the Principal of a school, that meant she was up to something. The real question was what. They all had to keep an eye on Mystique. Whatever plan she was up to, they would find out, and stop her.
Fred Dukes was someone who was short of temper, and did not care who knew it. The one thing that gave him clarity was the fact that no matter what, nothing could move him. There had been people who had tried to budge him, to laughable results. It would take a super natural force to knock him back even a few inches. Since no one could move him, he figured that people should move out of the way of him.
Harry stood in the hallway, preparing to head to his next class, when the immovable object brushed into him. Cool as a cucumber, Harry stood his ground.
"Hey, you could watch where you're going," Fred grunted.
Harry just stood back. He was not about to take this, and braced himself for a fight "Well, I was watching where I was going."
Fred did not look the way that this pipsqueak was looking at him. At that point Jean showed up.
"Oh, hi, Jean," Fred said, and any anger was forgotten at that moment.
"I was just wondering if you were doing alright fitting in," Jean said in a kind voice. Fred looked at Jean.
Harry could already sense that there was going to be some amount of trouble with Fred. He could see it in his eyes, with the way he was looking at Jean. Harry doubted a girl had showed Fred Dukes any kindness before. Or really anyone for that matter, but that was beside the point. So it was going to entice him, and in all of the wrong ways.
He prepared to deal with what was to come.
"Yeah, it's been great," Fred said. He shifted on his feet, and looked at Jean. A hungry expression flickered through his eyes. "With my powers, I've been able to cut a wide path. No one can get in my way."
It was at that point Jean frowned. "Fred, I know you're struggling to fit in. But with your powers, they could really hurt people."
"Yeah, they could," Fred agreed.
Harry saw the red warning signs right away.
"So, I'll be going right now, I don't want to be late for lunch," Harry said.
Fred's eyes brightened up. Harry shook his head, way to play into the stereotypes.
"See you around Jean, um…." Fred said.
"Harry," Harry replied helpfully. "Harry Potter."
"Right," Fred said, and he turned around, and walked off, or rather lumbered off.
Jean looked at Harry. Harry turned to Jean at that moment, his expression was questioning. The red head telepath threw her hands up. "He's really…"
"Jean, if you want to help people, it's your business," Harry told her.
"Would you have?" Jean asked.
Harry remained silent, a flicker of grin spreading over his face, and he responded to Jean honestly.
"I think we've established that I'm not a people person," Harry responded.
Jean nodded, if that was not the truth, Harry did not know what was. Harry did tend to open up to very few people. There were some rather prominent trust issues that Harry was still working out. Although, the people that Harry did open up, he would fight for, providing they wanted his help. So that was something that could have been appreciated.
"I take it you didn't just want to talk to me for a casual conversation," Jean said.
"What, did you read my mind?" Harry replied, with a teasing expression.
"I would never do that," Jean said. She then paused, and added. "I get the impression that for some reason your mind is a very disturbing place to be."
Harry thought that Jean hit the nail on the head, and then some. The truth of the matter was that he was afraid of the things that had been going around on the inside of his mind. There were those thoughts and memories Harry was certain that were not his.
He briefly debated on enlisting the help of someone, but after Snape, people going around inside Harry's head was something that the wizard was a bit tentative about signing off on. Harry was seriously considering asking, although he did need a telepath who might not take some of these memories the wrong way. The flashes could be disturbing. Xavier might be out on that note, and Harry was not sure Jean would be in either. She was still mastering her powers anyway, and Harry did not want a novice poking around on the inside of his head.
"We may have a little bit of a problem," Harry said. Jean leaned in to listen closely, and made sure no one else was around. "It's to do with one of our old enemies, you know Mystique."
"I know her all too well," Jean said. She folded her arms. "Do you think she's up to something?"
"Yeah, up to being the Principal of this school," Harry replied.
Jean cocked an eyebrow, and looked at Harry. "Please tell me you're kidding."
Harry just offered a smile. "I really did wish that I was. Did you notice her demeanor?"
Jean frowned, and pondered the situation over in her mind. That was a problem if Harry was onto something. Mystique being the Principal of this school could allow her to keep an eye open for potential recruits. The redhead asked the one question that had been on the tip of her tongue.
"Did you tell Professor Xavier about this?"
"Told him, he said that he would look into it," Harry said.
Jean seemed a bit miffed about this for some reason. While she did appreciate everything the Professor did, there was sometimes where he did certain things that Jean found herself rather skeptical about.
"Rogue and Kitty know too," Harry added.
Jean offered a knowing smile. "Of course they do, and we should really let everyone know, but that's up to you."
Harry had thought about it. Logan likely would have flipped out, and maybe called Xavier out on the entire mess, or at least kicked up a fuss about it. Storm's reaction might have gone either way. Harry fully expected Scott to not question the Professor too much, even if he was secretly miffed about everything that had been going down. Harry tensed up before he could think of much more about what was going on.
"Harry, what is it?" Jean asked.
"I thought I heard someone," Harry said.
"There's no one around here, but the janitor," Jean retorted, a frown spreading across her face.
Harry relaxed, just a little bit. The truth was that this janitor did tend to lurk around just a little bit too much for his liking. Harry wondered if he was being more paranoid than Moody when he suspected the janitor to be part of any wrong doings.
"We better get to lunch, before everyone takes all the edible food," Harry said.
Jean nodded, that was actually a sensible suggestion. Her mind was still on Mystique being in the school. Harry was right to be concerned, and be on his guard. A shapeshifter proved to be a rather dangerous foe for the obvious reasons. Jean walked off, and went her separate ways with Harry.
Clint Barton walked off into the shadows. This assignment had not been dynamic, or exciting up until now. He might not have found out anything about Potter, but he knew that one of Magneto's chief people had been put in a key position at the high school thanks to overhearing that conversation. He had a feeling that Fury would have kittens when he found out. Providing of course that the Director of SHIELD did not already know, and Clint made a note of that. Perhaps this janitorial gig did have its benefits, and the pay was halfway decent as well.
On the other hand, Clint missed the glory days of being shot at by HYDRA troops. The toilets awaited him.
"The teachers didn't quite seem to bury us with too much homework tonight," Kitty said, as she compared notes with Harry outside. The two decided to walk home together to the Xavier Institute, on the account of it being a beautiful day. If the walk went long, Harry could always transport them home.
"Speak for yourself," Kurt said popping up as if he had teleported out of nowhere, and Harry would not be surprised if that was the case. "I swear, they're trying to kill us, or at least make us very miserable."
"Well, guess some teachers remembered we actually had something vaguely resembling a social life," Kitty commented.
"Or they're just luring us in a false sense of security," Rogue inputted, when she just walked over to join the group.
The four walked together in silence. Scott joined them after a little bit. He decided that it would be prudent to ask the question that was on the tip of his tongue.
"Hey, have any of you seen Jean lately?"
"Not since when I talked to her before lunch," Harry said.
"Yeah, she told me about that," Scott replied. His expression was neutral, and Harry could not read what he was saying. Whether or not Harry would have asked Scott his opinion was not important for now, that could wait until later. That moment was lost for right now.
Harry's ears perked up, and he noticed something with his keen instincts. There were a signs of a struggle. Harry's steps quickened. His instincts told him that there was something that should not be. He left his fellow X-Men in his wake, before Harry slid to the ground.
The dark haired wizard stopped, and stared at the situation that was before him. Jean's boyfriend, Duncan, was currently on the ground. He had been knocked out by some brutal force. Harry paid little mind to the jock on the ground, just stepping over like he was a non-factor. It was not Harry's business to meddle in other people's relationships, although he might have wondered what Jean saw in Duncan that had made him a fitting relationship. Harry's steps got closer and closer, and he zeroed in on the source.
Jean had been caught off guard by Fred Dukes. Something told Harry that something like this was going to happen. The logical thing would be for Jean to use her telekinetic powers to defend herself, or so Harry thought. Jean had appeared to have frozen up, and lost every bit of her nerve. Her breath quickened.
"Just want to talk to you, that's all," Fred grunted.
"Yeah, well I don't think…"
Harry stood before the large blond teenager. An expression appeared on his face, and Harry folded his arms.
"You know, you might want to back away from her," Harry said. Fred Dukes laughed. Harry thought that he had been underestimated. That was a mistake many people had made. "There are other people around the corner, people who wouldn't appreciate what you're doing."
"Yeah, and they'll be on the ground just like the Quarterback was," Fred said with a chuckle. Duncan's pained breathing was all that Harry needed to know. "And just like you're going to be. So get out of my way."
"Let her go," Harry stated in his most dangerous voice. "I'm not warning you again."
Fred had thrown Jean onto the ground. The large mutant had tried to attack Harry. Harry dodged underneath his arms, and spun around. He staggered and spun around. Harry used a tripping spell to cause Dukes to fly onto the ground with a crash. The impact no doubt got more than a few people's attention. Dukes landed, and rolled over. Harry stood over him. The wind blew through his hair, and the expression in his green eyes, was stoic.
Now Fred Dukes might have not been the brightest bulb in the box. However, when someone moved him, when he was pretty sure that could not be done, something was up. The real question was what, and Dukes pulled himself to his feet. An energy field of some sort had blocked in.
The rest of the X-Men showed up at that moment. Other students and teachers had crowded around. Jean regained her bearings at that point, and Fred Dukes found himself stared down by Scott Summers. Scott had put two and two together about what happened, and was not too pleased.
"Really, that's low, even for trash like you," Rogue said.
Dukes just grunted. "I'll take you all on, this pipsqueak got lucky."
Harry frowned. He thought that Dukes was the one that might as well be considered lucky. Once again, magic utterly bitch slapped physics. He had moved what was considered unmovable by his powers.
"Mr. Dukes!"
The large boy turned around. Darkholme marched out of the school doors, and spun around, to turn her attention to Fred. The larger boy did show a modicum of fear now, his bravado having been erased.
"I was just trying to…." Dukes said.
"You're coming with me," Darkholme demanded harshly. Dukes would have likely gotten into a great deal of trouble for assaulting one student and trying to kidnap another. She sensed an opportunity to pull another one into the Brotherhood fold.
Harry frowned at what had transpired, and really it could have gone better. Jean walked by, a bit tentative. She looked at Harry.
"Um, thanks," Jean muttered and shifted carefully.
"No problem, I'm sure you would have done the same for me," Harry replied. "But, remember next time you do have mutant powers."
Jean suddenly looked a bit cross at that statement.
"Yeah, I froze a little bit, okay, Jean replied defensively.
Sympathy crossed over Harry's face.
"It happens, just learn from the experience," Harry stated.
Jean walked over to rejoin her fellow teammates. For some reason, she got the impression that Harry was a bit too used to life endangering experiences, where he had to think quickly on his feet. He was mysterious and an enigma in many ways to Jean. Scott looked like he was going to say something to her. Kitty walked over to join Harry.
"You really knocked him down, and made it look like he just tripped," Kitty commented.
"Well that was the idea," Harry said to her in an undertone. "Now, I believe we were walking home."
Kitty held out her hand, and Harry took it, squeezing it firmly in his. The two leaned forward, and exchanged a kiss. Harry wrapped an arm around her waist, and pulled her in. Kitty melted into his arms, and nearly phased into Harry. Thankfully she got a grip on everything, and the two broke apart with an unspoken promise to do a bit more later after they got their schoolwork and training done. They bid their goodbyes to their fellow X-Men.
The walk home was nice, mostly because they were together.
Fred Dukes sat in the office of one Principal Darkholme, his arms folded across his broad chest and a surly expression etched over his face. The severe looking woman had her eyes on Dukes. Today, he had lost his temper in the worst way. What was worse was that little pipsqueak Potter had moved him. No one had moved him before. Darkholme's gaze burned into the large teenager's forehead. Time ticked by, before the principal began to speak to him.
"Well, it seems like we're in quite a tight corner Mr. Dukes," Darkholme said. "Attempting kidnapping of a student, attacking another, and getting into a fight. And it's not like I can punish Mr. Potter for what he did, because he didn't put one finger on you."
Fred realized that the principal had a point. The fact of the matter was that Potter did not put one finger on him. Which made the situation even more humiliating and potentially demeaning, and the large teenager crossed his arms. He looked at the woman.
"I brought you here, and it means that you're my responsibility," Darkholme replied. Her gaze burned into the face of Fred Dukes. Silence occurred in the office for a moment, with the tension being able to be cut with a knife. "I do wonder what I would be able to do with you."
"You can't do anything to me, just give me another crack at Potter," Fred said.
Darkholme's face snapped towards the young mutant. Her gaze burned into his face. Fred slid back into the chair, and thought that he had taken one step too far with his bravado. Despite his girth being three times the size of Darkholme, he still felt a small amount of humiliation. There was a lengthy pause between the two of them, before Darkholme responded to him. Her voice was cool, and deadly when she had spoken.
"I have a place for students that have potential like you. I know of your abilities, and there are others like you. Others who need guidance, and rest assure that will be something that you will be receiving. Just stop, and consider the deal I'm offering you. Join this group, and I can choose to look the other way. Fail to join, or do as I say. and the consequences will be harsh to bare. Just consider what your future is."
Fred's eyes narrowed and the large mutant thought about it. To everyone else, he was nothing, but a blob. Someone who would be cast aside, and someone who would be mocked. Anyone who was nice to him would have been done so out of pity. Fred thought that if he was going to be a misfit, at least there was something that he was going to be in good company with.
"Yeah, I'm in," Fred grunted.
Darkholme folded her arms and nodded.
"Rest assure that your training will only be harsher from here," Darkholme responded in a crisp voice. Her stern gaze focused on Fred's face once more. "You can meet your fellow roommates. They are waiting for you outside the office."
Fred got up to his feet, and took a large step forward outside of the office. He pushed open the office door, and his eyes narrowed. He saw Todd and Lance standing outside of the office. Lance surveyed Fred for a moment, before he responded.
"So, you got taken out by Potter, too," Lance said.
Fred's expression twisted to gritted teeth. He would have not liked to be reminded about that fact.
"No problem, we'll get him next time," Lance said.
Todd's expression changed. "I don't know. I mean the rest of those X-Men; they look like they'll let you go the other way. Potter on the other hand, I don't think that he's going to let us go without a fight. He could really mess us up. Potter gives me the creeps, to be honest."
Todd shuddered at the thought. The slimy mutant's words were fallen on deaf ears. He was not necessarily being afraid. Todd just enjoyed the fact that he was alive, and that was always a positive thing. Messing with Potter might change that fact.
Was it his fault that he enjoyed living?
Logan watched the latest session in the Danger Room, and the doors opened up. Harry stepped out, and brushed his hands off.
"I guess you can go to the next level," Logan grunted. There was almost an approving vibe to voice, and an expression on his face that indicated that he enjoyed the challenge Harry offered.
"Logan, I would advise not overwhelming him," Xavier said.
"No, it's not overwhelming me," Harry replied. "There were times that I was getting a bit bored in there, to be honest."
"Don't get too cocky kid, you might not be able to take that back," Logan warned him.
In truth, Logan had a sense that Harry was all too used to being in near death experience. The young man had a sixth sense of when something was going to try to kill him. Logan now saw it as a challenge to create a program that would trip Potter up. The rest of the team was moving along well. The team sessions did slow Potter down a tad, mostly because he had to adapt his surroundings for the other team mates in his training.
Harry walked out of the area around the Danger Room, and felt rather pleased with everything that had happened. A pair of hands popped out of the wall, and grabbed him, before pulling him through wall into the next room. Harry readjusted his surroundings, and Kitty stood before him. The brunette girl was dressed in a blue t-shirt that showcased her midriff. She had changed into a short black skirt, and black boots. A confident smirk spread across her face.
"Kitty, you know that I could have done something to you, with you catching me off guard," Harry said.
A smile spread across Kitty's face. "You can't deny it isn't worth the risk."
Harry felt that he could not deny that fact. Harry placed his hands on Kitty's waist, and he peered into her eyes. Kitty peered back, and she leaned against Harry.
"So, Harry, are you ready to study?" Kitty asked to him. A smile spread across her face.
"We got all of our homework done," Harry replied to her.
"Oh, I think that we could brush up on our biology," Kitty said. She placed her hands on Harry's face, and Harry looked back into her eyes. "And maybe a bit on our oral presentation as well. How are you coming along on the charms?"
"I believe I got them down," Harry answered her.
A mischievous grin spread over Kitty's face.
"Well, how are you supposed to master something when you don't have a living, test subject?" Kitty asked. She posed for Harry, and Harry felt himself stir a little bit. Kitty reached forward, and placed her hand on Harry's crotch. "Maybe you need a little bit of motivation."
Harry was on the bed, his arms wrapped around Kitty. Her face rested against his chest. Kitty's eyes snapped towards Harry, and a smile crossed her face. The brunette mutant took a moment to allow herself to regain her composure.
"That was amazing," Kitty commented.
"Glad you agree," Harry replied.
Kitty looked at Harry. She was sure that Harry only had the slightest idea what he was capable of. Women would be lining up around the block for him, and wanting a piece of that action. Kitty was just glad that she got on the ground floor. The brunette wondered if she would mind if Harry had slept with other girls than her.
The brunette mutant came to the conclusion that as long as she got her Harry time, it was more than fine with her. A shifty grin crossed over Kitty's face, as she thought of the kinky possibilities that multiple partners would create.
Her parents had told her never to be selfish. Although Kitty was not quite sure this was what they had in mind, but the advice applied.
When the time was right, Kitty decided to gently break the subject to Harry. And if she was honest, she wanted to go a few more rounds with Harry. Then they could decide if they wanted to expand. Kitty already had one person in mind, and she could almost tell that Harry was curious. And Kitty could tell that this person was looking at Harry, and undressing him with her eyes when she thought no one was looking.
Not that Kitty minded, because she could not fault someone for taste. And hey, they were all friends, so what was the harm in a little fun? Even if Kitty could not really touch Rogue, she could tell that Harry could, even if he had not tested how long, or how intimate things could get.
"What are you smiling about?" Harry asked.
"Just thinking about something, tell you later," Kitty said. "We can sit here a little bit, and relax, unless you want to go another round."
Harry smirked, and pulled Kitty into a long kiss. The brunette mutant sighed into Harry's mouth, and Harry ran his hands over her body. Kitty responded in kind.
Both enjoyed the sensations that each other gave them. Somehow, both felt stronger than ever, and more relaxed, along with being less tense.