Demons In My Mind

Harry entered his room, after a long day of school, and training, in a bit of a tired mood, yet he saw something that had gotten his attention, to bring the dark haired mutant out of his dull mood, and get his motor running just a little bit.

Kitty sat perched on the bed, her legs crossed, wearing a schoolgirl uniform. She had a short white top that reached down to her midriff area, a mini-skirt which wrapped around her hips, to showcase her rear end, and Harry caught sight of her lovely legs, which were covered in a pair of white stockings and dress shoes. To top off the entire picture, Kitty had her hair tied back in pigtails, and she was slowly and seductively sucking on a lollipop.

Her tongue swirled around the lollipop, with Kitty's eyes locked upon Harry's, and she offered a smile, crossing her legs over each other.

"Hi, Harry," Kitty remarked in a bright tone, licking her lips as she saw him, or rather how a certain part of him. "Do you see something that you see?"

Harry's eyes widened and a smile crossed his face, when he drank in the vision before him. "How about all of the above?"

"I can live with that…whoops," Kitty answered, as the lollipop slipped out of her hand, and landed on the floor. She gave a little shrug, and got down on her knees, a remorseful look spreading over her face. "I dropped my lollipop, I hate it when that happens. I guess I'm going to have to suck on something else."

Without warning, Kitty reached forward, and began to unbuckle the belt around Harry's pants, before pulling it down to his ankles, and then removing his boxer shorts.

Harry breathed heavily, once he had made his way through the mountains that had been erected through the magical simulation, and saw the flaming beasts of fire peering down on him. They would be ready to pounce if he did not do anything against them. Normal spells would not work on these things, as Harry quickly found that point out the hard way. The dark haired wizard rushed forward, dodging the flaming axe that had been created, before he blocked it with a shield.

Harry closed his eyes tightly, and tried to master his surroundings to the point where he could deal with these monsters, with the ground shifting, and sure enough Harry managed to conjure heavy vines that cut through the fiery creatures, before their flames had been snuffed out by a conjured tidal wave. The young mage dropped to his knees, and waved his hand, blinking his eyes, and had a feeling that the worst was not to come.

Sure enough, a large creature, a giant who breathed fire stomped the ground, but Harry managed to do what anyone should do against any opponent much larger than them. The legs should be taken out on all costs, and that's what Harry did, blasting with a series of fiery spikes at the knees, trying to cut the legs out from underneath the creature. Harry took a moment, taking a deep breath, and Harry sprung up, flying high into the air, before sending a blinding blast into the giant's eyes.

Harry dropped down, dropping to both knees, and taking a deep breath, before the mist swirled around him, and Doctor Strange appeared before him, giving Harry an appraising look.

"You have performed in an adequate matter, but there are times where you put a bit too much power into your spells, when a simpler solution could be at hand," Strange remarked without taking much of a breath, and his eyes peered upon Harry. There was times where Strange and Harry stared at each other. "But regardless of that fact, you have shown marked improvement, and are getting better at manipulating your surroundings. The more creatures you fight, the harder it is, and then once there is a versatile enemy, you have to become more adaptable."

Harry just allowed that all to set in, he had come leaps and bounds since the moment he had left Hogwarts and his own dimension, with more than a couple of months having passed, but he'd be lying if he said he was completely satisfied. Feeling that there was more room for improvement, Harry resolved to push him harder, nearly to the point of absurdity, and the dark haired young man sat himself down on the ground.

"I feel as if my powers are growing every day," Harry said, before he spoke himself.

"Power is a strange concept, when one really considers it," Strange mused, taking a moment to reflect. "There is no true metric it could be measures. Even the most powerful of sorcerers have a day where they seem to be weak. There are many instances where I reflect upon past battles, and think of what I should have done differently."

Harry found himself doing that as well more often than not.

"But, it is much easier to look at these things in hindsight, as opposed to once you are in the moment. There are instances where the most logical step to win, is not the most logical step to win the battle once we are in the moment."

"I understand," Harry answered, with a slight nod of his head, offering a smile, and taking a long and deep breath, before fixing Strange. "There are activities that seem to boost…my powers, shall we say."

"Shall I assume that you are speaking about your romantic relationships," Strange replied in a delicate and professional manner.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about," Harry responded to that moment, and Strange seemed to be considering exactly how much he wanted to delve into that particular topic.

The truth be told, there were many interesting ideas of how sex and magic worked in term, and whilst Strange did not have ample opportunities to study the matter up close, and personal, or at least to the extent that he wanted to, it was a fascinating subject for study. He understood that Harry already had two young ladies, and would likely captivate many more, both the right kind and the wrong kind.

"Without understanding how magic works in your world, I can only offer a scant few theories," Strange replied, and then he added in an afterthought. "Not to mention whatever lineage that you might have throughout your bloodline."

Harry realized how little he knew about his bloodline from his old world, and there was the fact that he never would know. For all he knew, the Potters could have a rich and fascinating history.

"Intercourse has often been known to be an empowering activity in many circumstances," Strange explained, and Harry responded with a nod. "Magic born from such activities could be extremely powerful, and potentially dangerous."

'Never a good combination,' Harry thought to himself.

"I believe that you may have some kind of allure to you," Strange answered, and Harry looked at him with a quizzical look. "It will lower the inhibitions of girls who would otherwise be attracted to you, but may be hesitant to follow up on it for various reasons."

Harry wondered about that, but that would make sense. This might have been another mutant power, because if Harry had this power in this old world, he would not have had the poor luck that he had with girls. Still that was the past, and his luck was improving a lot with the girls.

"I can assure you that the allure will not force girls that would not be willing," Strange answered, and Harry just looked at him with a smile. "However, given someone of your power, and also the vibe of mystery that you give, you may find that there are many girls that are willing. I would highly suggest you choose wisely, for many of the girls who are willing, might not be someone who have your best interests in mind."

Harry thought that was a good suggestion, and one that he was keeping in mind.

"And my powers seem much stronger ever since, well I started having sex at least one time a day," Harry responded, and Strange just stroked his chin, nodding. This was one of the last conversations that he expected to have with an apprentice, but then again in his line of work, one would have to expect the unexpected.

Strange got to his feet at that moment, and turned around, he would have to consult more books, as many of the learned magical users of the world had many interesting ideas about how this sexual intercourse would work. The Sorcerer Supreme just adjusted his stance, and looked at Harry.

"We have been here for several hours, I believe it is time for you to return," Strange answered, and Harry nodded, thinking that he learned much today, with his head swimming with information, too much to really consider. "I bid you farewell, and hope your journey back is safe."

Harry nodded, before he walked off, another session having done, the hours just flew by.

Strange meanwhile was left to ponder about his apprentice, and wondered if this young man had any clue about the full scope of his power. There were many instances where Strange could tell that there was a lot of untapped power that Harry might be restraining, but it was just as well. Very few could have handled that level of power this soon, and Strange knew if he had that level of power at Harry's age, he might have been sorely tempted to misuse it.

Harry could be extremely powerful, but Strange decided to keep these observations under his hat for the moment, not wanting Harry to rush his development. There have been many who were far older, although perhaps not that much wiser, who had allowed the power to get away from them. Strange was impressed by how quickly he had come, as not many could obtain this level of power before the age of thirty, or around that.

Yet, much like all users of magic, Harry had a lot to learn, and the Sorcerer Supreme also thought that he would have more lessons to learn himself due to this unique situation. Even Stephen Strange understood that each day that there was more and more lessons to learn, whilst moments in time passed.

Strange paused and sat rigid, sensing a presence of some sort that was near, but that was nothing new. There were many presences that were unsettling, and as the Sorcerer Supreme, there were many dangerous sources of power that he located. Yet, this presence was only around for a second, before it disappeared.

Harry had sensed the presence as well, and quickened his strides to the Xavier Institute, there was a sense that something was up, although Harry did not know what. Until Harry could figure out what was happening, he was going to remain worried, and most importantly, he would be on his guard.

Harry made his way back to the Xavier Institute, but stopped the moment he touched down outside of it. The dark haired wizard sensed a presence, and it was not the good type of presence either, rather the presence was quite evil, and extremely malevolent, and immediately, Harry took a step forward, his hand on the door knob.

There was no time to shift around, and figure out what plan he was going to make, for there was a loud scream that came inside the Mansion, before the scream was silenced. Said scream sounded like Kitty, and that caused Harry to break open the doors, not caring if he had bust it off the hinges, slide inside, and look around.

There was no one around, and the silence was in fact deafening. Harry could barely keep his head above the water, and there were times where he thought that someone tried to poke into his mind.

Immediately, Harry dropped to his knees, and he felt something slam up within his head, causing a ringing sensation that echoed for miles around. The dark haired wizard continued to take a deep breath, pausing at the slightest moments, and he entered the study, to see Kitty, Kurt, and Rogue sitting around, looking positively catatonic.

Their eyes were opened, but no one was in fact home, even when Harry snapped his fingers again and again. Harry tried to revive them with a few spells, but still nothing. He would like to have slipped inside their minds to try and see if he could bring them out of their state, but Harry was nowhere nearly as confident with his mind magic abilities. The slightest wrong nudge at the wrong part of the brain could turn one of them into a vegetable.

Harry was trying not to freak out, because bad things happened when he freaked out.

Harry stepped back, hearing a thump in the wall, and there was another thump in the wall, and once again, someone appeared to try to take hold of Harry, but once again, something forced them out, all at great pain to Harry.

"Your mind may be strong, but you cannot evade my power forever, young one.'

A deep and mysterious voice with no body seldom meant something good, and Harry quickened his steps, to see Scott downed in the hallway, his eyes closed, and his visor knocked off. Jean was on the ground a few feet away from him, and even Logan was down, even though his arms twitched every few minutes, and his claws popped out.

"If they perish in my domain, they will perish in the real world. Do you think that you can save them?'

The voice was taunting and tormenting, with Harry wondering where it had come from, and the dark haired wizard continuing his movements, further and further with each passing instance. There was some kind of problem that Harry needed to solve, and the dark haired wizard took the deepest breath and his eyes snapped to the windows which rattled.

This was done because Storm was yelling and thrashing in the next room, lighting was crackling outside, and a heavy wind kicked up.

"No, I will not allow you to take me again, I escaped you, I escaped you!" Storm yelled at the top of her lungs.

Whoever this person was, he knew Storm, or Storm knew him, and their past was not a good memory for Storm. Harry thought that his roll call was all on line except for one, and he noticed that the Professor was missing. Xavier was not present, but Harry made his way over to his office, which had been barricaded shut.

Barricaded shut to a normal person maybe, but not by magic, with Harry busting open the office door, and entering, hands glowing with the personification of power. There was a moment where he stood, to face Xavier.

Xavier like the others, had his eyes wide open, but there was no response, none at all. The leader of the X-Men's breath had become shallow, and Harry could tell that his face contorted in pain, with his mouth trying to articulate a word. Whoever had a grip on Xavier's mind, they had a tight one, but the headmaster was given quite the fight, despite someone outgunning him.

Harry summarized that Xavier could have only been taken by such a matter by surprise, but he noticed something else. There was a slip of paper on his desk, with a word hastily scrawled on it, which Harry deduced had happened when Xavier was possessed, and whoever this mysterious force was, he utilized Xavier's powers to ensnare the minds of the X-Men.

Snatching up the piece of paper in his hand, Harry read the sole word on it.

'Shadow King.'

Harry had no idea what it is, but he knew when he was outgunned, so he bolted from the office, when suddenly, the whirling winds and thunder kicked up.

"Do you really think that I'm going to allow you to leave since I cannot possess your mind. Now that you're here, you will not be leaving this place alive."

"You'd be surprised of how many people tell me that," Harry managed in a dry voice, and with the reflexes that were born in Quidditch and fine-tuned in the Danger Room, Harry managed to throw his way through the hallway, before deciding to throw himself through the nearest window.

A tornado kicked up outside, but all Harry had to do was fly behind the scope of this anti-teleportation shield that this man put around the Institute, before popping back away.

"What you do is futile, you cannot stop me."

Again, if Harry had a piece of gold for any time someone said something like that to him, he would be far richer then he would be right now, and he flew into the sky, high above the clouds, and made it past the wards, the tingling sensation stopped, and Harry popped off without another word.

He just was glad that he had just left Doctor Strange, and Strange would be unlikely to have disappeared after the events that occurred on this day. Hopefully Strange could help him get to the bottom of this, and could save his team, because Harry had a feeling that his time was running out.

"I'm sorry to come to you about this for help," Harry responded, but Strange's eyes just snapped forward, and he shook his head.

"No, Harry, you did the proper thing, it takes true strength of character to admit and know your limitations," Strange replied, and the Sorcerer Supreme just allowed the statement that Harry had given him to properly settle in. "So, you said the Shadow King was behind this?"

"Yes, that's what it seemed by what Professor Xavier wrote on his paper," Harry replied, and his green eyes were fixed upon the Sorcerer Supreme for the briefest of instances. "Do you know of him?"

"Yes," Strange answered without pause, or pre-amble, before taking a long breath. "He is a spirit that feeds off of the worst elements of humanity, mostly hatred, but he is not picky to what he is fueled by. He has existed since the dawn of me in many forms, and legend has it that he has influenced many of history's greatest monsters."

Harry allowed this to all sink in.

"The last time he was present upon this plane was ten years ago, where he possessed a man named Amahl Farouk, and led a group of street children in Cairo to commit crimes, stealing from them, and one of them was Ororo Munroe, or Storm as she was known," Strange explained briefly, as he consulted a book whilst he explained. "Ororo picked the pocket of Charles Xavier, who discovered that Farouk was a telepath. The two had a duel of the minds, and eventually, Charles managed to banish the vile spirit, sealing it away upon the Astral Plane, until the moment where he broke free apparently."

Harry wondered what he had to do, and opened his mouth.

"I believe I can assist you in recovering your team from his grip, but the Shadow King is a dangerous foe and one that should not be taken lightly at all," Strange told Harry in an admonishing tone, and Harry nodded in understanding, taking it all in, resigning himself to the next battle. "Shadow King might have been defeated by Xavier, but he took Xavier's legs from him before he was able to finish the job. And he intends to take much more this time."

Strange slammed the book shut.

"Now sit down, and focus your mind, open the door, and allow him to lead you in, I will be right behind you," Strange responded, and truthfully he would not be doing this if Harry was not prepared. "And remember to tread lightly, for if you die on the Astral Plane, then your heart will give out in the real world."

Harry nodded, sitting down, cross legged, and his mind was opened, before a strange sensation overflowed him.

The next thing Harry knew was that he appeared on the Astral Plane, and he tried to focus his mind, and sure enough it worked. A layer of armor wrapped around Harry, hopefully protecting him from the assault of the Shadow King, thick, but not too thick where it would be cumbersome for his movement. Harry stood, on the ground, which began to rumble underneath him.

The fiery demons appeared in the air, and Harry ducked his head, rolling, before he sent a series of flaming spikes out of his hand. They were hot, but his fire was hotter, and the demonic creatures screamed, their teeth bared at him. The young mutant wizard rushed forward, and threw himself behind a set of rocks, but suddenly the rocks had come to life, with a towering rock monster.

The rock monster tried to smash Harry with its fist, and swung around, but Harry used a vibration spell to break the creatures apart. The broken bits reformed into several rock monsters, but Harry had a good idea how to deal with this as well. With expert spell, and agility, Harry dodged around, and caused the rock monsters to crash into each other.

Harry focused his mind, and the debris vanished before they could be reformed, before he took a step forward. A muffled scream was heard, and Harry knew that he was close. The loud laughter of the Shadow King echoed, and Harry could sense that Doctor Strange was behind him, offering him subtle guidance.

"You are a fool to enter this domain."

"We'll see," Harry replied, and the pillars had come to life, twisting it hideous creatures, with many eyes, and many limbs. Once one had taken many trips into the Forbidden Forests, and fought creatures like Dementors, these creatures did not seem too bad. In fact, they seemed quite cuddly.

Well, Hagrid would find them quite cuddly at any rate.

Granted that did not mean they were good, and Harry sped up his attacks, dodging them all, and once again, the blasting charms managed to work well, with Harry super charging his attacks whenever he could. Harry had an inkling that he was getting closer than the Shadow King wanted him to, and understood the reason why Strange had sent him on ahead.

Harry would be underestimated, and treated as a light threat, whilst the Sorcerer Supreme would be given the full intent and fury of the Shadow King and his powers.

Harry reached one of the mystical pods in the Astral Plane, and saw Jean inside in suspended animation, trying to fight. Her eyes were glowing yellow with power, and her body thrashed in the confinement. Harry thought it would make the most sense to free her first, and then Xavier, once he found him.

Harry grabbed Jean and tried to pull her away, but the red head was struggling with all of her might, eyes flickering in and out of focus all of the time.

"Jean listen to me, whatever is happening, it's in your mind, nothing is real, just it's a manifestation of the Astral Plane, and your mind is stronger than his, just fight him," Harry said without taking much of a breath.

Jean's eyes began to fade, and flicker out of touch, before she managed to comeback, dropping down, and collapsing into Harry's arms. Harry caught Jean, and she looked into his eyes, trying to shake everything off, to clear the cobwebs from her mind.

"Thanks," Jean murmured, trying to get rid of the splitting headache she felt, and she managed to detach herself from Harry.

"Don't mention it," Harry replied with a smile, and Jean looked at him with a quizzical expression on her face, which Harry took as a call for an explanation. "I'll give you the short version. There's an evil spirit who managed to catch the Professor off guard, and used his powers to trap all of you on the Astral Plane, and we do need to get everyone out, before he destroys us all."

Jean just nodded, taking those words in stride, and turning around, surprised to see how calm Harry seemed to be in this situation, but then again it really should not be a surprise any more. If he was freaking out on the inside, Harry neglected to show that fact, and the two of them moved forward at that thought.

The two of them did not encounter any resistance, and they found Scott, Kurt, Rogue, and Kitty all bound on the Astral Plane, and with Jean's help, Harry managed to free them from their confinement. Kitty and Rogue landed to the ground, and Harry went to check on them immediately.

"You two are alright, aren't you?" Harry asked Kitty and Rogue, and both girls nodded their heads with a smile.

"We are now," Kitty answered, and Harry led them over. Kurt shook his head, taking a deep breath.

"All we need to do is get Storm, Logan, and the Professor," Harry replied, before Scott could open his mouth. "Which that might constitute as a problem, with Storm and the Professor, it's personal for the Shadow King."

Harry led the team towards a large vortex of light, and there was a loud scream of anguish, with a flood of darkness that surrounded the entire lot of them.

"What is it?" Rogue asked, and Harry took a sigh.

"We're about to enter the mind of Professor Xavier, I think," Harry answered, and he saw a small speck of light. "The Shadow King is trying to rearrange it to suit his needs."

The team walked forward, and Logan was tied in vines on the ground, trying to cut himself through. Immediately, Scott lowered his visor, and a blast of light cut through the vines, allowing Logan to rip himself out. Two bright lights appeared from Harry's hands, and the vines had been blown up at that moment.

Logan staggered around, taking a deep breath, before he slumped to his knees. Shaking his head, the mutant's eyes snapped up to his teammates. "What took you so long?"

"Got lost along the way, I guess," Kitty answered with a shadow of a smile, and the X-Men looked, to see Storm down on the ground, trapped in a box, in an enclosed space.

Storm was freaking out because of this arrangement.

"Storm, it's all in your mind!" Jean yelled, trying to get through to her. "None of this is real, snap out of it, fight it!"

"It's mind over matter!" Rogue yelled, trying to get through.

"Oh, man, she's not hearing us," Kurt answered, and Harry took a step forward, but suddenly a ripple hit him.

Spinning around, Harry faced the rest of the team, and his expression never waved from the stern look that flicked through his eyes.

"Jean, I'm going to need your help to get through here, if I can, we can break down this barrier," Harry answered.

'Doctor Strange, I hope you're with me,' Harry projected to himself throughout the astral plane.

"The door has been locked. Did you really think that you would be allowed to leave this place alive?'

"Oh, for crying out loud, get a new one, that one's getting old," Kitty answered, putting her hands on her hips, and rolling her eyes, offering a frown at that moment. The brunette mutant moved her arms up, and folded them.

"You are merely children, scared children."

"You couldn't beat the Professor head on, so you had to back jump him," Harry answered, not backing down.

"I find it amusing that you of all people are offering the bold statements that are you. For, if it was not for your arrival in this dimension, I would have remained dormant. You split the dimensional barriers when you went through, and released a source of supreme evil, that empowered me."

Harry stopped, but shook his head, there was a moment of indecision, and doubt. Could it have been possible?

"No, you're wrong, he's trying to play mind games," Kitty replied at that moment, and grabbing Harry's hand, and Rogue grabbed his other hand. Kitty proceeded to direct the Shadow King directly. "It's mind over matter. Hope you don't mind, because to us, you don't matter."

Suddenly, Harry did what he needed to do, and he broke the Shadow King's grip on Storm, just in the nick of time. The spell allowed him to break through, and he peered down, with Storm breathing heavily. Kurt and Kitty moved over, to help Ororo up to her feet, but the Shadow King appeared not to be concerned; in fact there was a moment where he just laughed.

"As long as I have the Professor…"

Jean tried to strike the Shadow King with a powerful psychic blast, and Harry had a point, on the Astral Plane, the things were only real in her own mind, and she assaulted the mind of her opponent. The Shadow King was unconcerned, despite the mild annoyance Jean's efforts had given him.

"You are merely like a fly on the windshield, little girl."

Jean tried block these taunts out of her mind, but she was losing rather badly, with the two forces pushing at each other, back and forth, back and forth, until Harry added his own input, than a wide blast of energy shot out, locking onto the Shadow King.

The Sorcerer Supreme was in the house, and the three powerful forces managed to loosen the grip that Shadow King had on Xavier, long enough for Xavier to take control of his own mind.

"I believe once again, you have lost."

"No, I can't lose, I am…"

What the Shadow King was had never been stated, because he had been blasted hard, and his grip shattered. The X-Men had woken back up in the real world, where their physical selves remained. They were sore, and beaten, but they would survive.

Xavier's head was ringing, but at least his mind was his own once more, completely and utterly intact.

'Thank you, Stephen.'

'No need to thank me, if it were not for Harry and Jean, I would not have been able to get as far into the Shadow King's realm as I did. They were the true heroes of today.'

Charles Xavier responded with a nod, that was extremely true, and something that he would keep in mind.


The X-Men had been beaten, battered, and amused from their little adventure on the Astral Plane, and even Logan was feeling the burn. Harry was the only one who seemed to be mostly one hundred percent, when he sank down next to Kitty and Rogue at that point, and both of them leaned against Harry.

"I tell you, I hope I never have to go through another day like that ever again," Kurt stated, and everyone nodded in agreement to that.

Ororo was the one who broke the silence, with a nod when she spoke. "I'll second that notion, one hundred percent."

Harry, Rogue, and Kitty all could tell that Ororo had fought one of her own personal boogeymen in the Shadow King.

"Yeah, well it's good to see that our minds were strong enough to take the beating," Logan grumbled, shaking his head.

"Yes, that kind of strength is important for the coming challenges ahead."

Professor Xavier was the one who spoke, and wheeled indoors to face the other members of the team, a smile crossing his face as he seemed to be back, and raring to go.

"It is good to see you back on your feet, Professor," Scott remarked, being the first to speak at that moment.

"Well so to speak," Professor Xavier said, indicating the wheelchair, and they were all happy to see him in mostly good spirits. "The Shadow King is a dangerous foe, so the fact that you all survived the battle today speaks well of your future prospects."

"Do you think we've seen the last of him, Professor?" Kitty asked at that moment.

Xavier responded at that moment, and shook his head. "Evil like that always has a way of finding its way back no matter what. But, the fact is that he can never win, no matter what, as long as we keep strong minds, and an able heart."

Those were words to live by, and team just allowed themselves some downtime, knowing that there would be more challenges to come, all too soon.

Destiny was a word that was thrown around way too often, in an attempt to get people to justify their actions for some kind of greater good. Yet Magneto felt it was his destiny to lead the mutant race to the promise land, and to a brighter future. The Master of Magnetism stood, eyes glowing with power, while checking several things to make sure that they were in order.

There was a time where people would either have to hang together, or they would all hang separately, and that was a statement that was completely accurate for the future of the mutant race. The X-Men and the Brotherhood would learn some hard truths that he had a long time ago, once humans had learned of their existence in a wider degree, they would turn on people they once considered friends.

It did not matter who was in what group, all that mattered was that these people were different. Magneto had seen the atrocities up close during his childhood, watching in horror as his parents were led off never to be seen again, likely to the gas chambers, but he was kept, experimented on by that madman, to try and force his mutant powers up. Magneto managed to kill most of the scientists who had done so upon his escape, but not the one who had been behind it.

Magneto had no idea what happened of the scientist who had experimented upon him, the man's name was Nathaniel Essex, and he was extremely tormented, those barely spoke of him in kind terms, with the word Sinister being the mildest of the insults that had been given to that sadistic menace.

One day, should he still be alive, Magneto would have to meet him again, and pay him back for the years of torment that he suffered. But, in many ways, Magneto felt he should be thanking that sinister scientist, for what does not kill a person, made them stronger, and Magneto felt his strength grow. The Master of Magnetism stood on the precipice of a revolution, and it was one that he would lead.

Mutants would assume their rightful place, but there would be some that would not pass the test into the new world order that Magneto had created. So be it, only those who were considered to be worthy, would be offered a place, while all of the others would be swept into the current that the change was given.

The winds of change had blown, and Magneto made sure that the shields around his new base of operations were in working order. From his vantage point, Earth looked but a mighty speck of dust. He had been planning this for weeks and weeks, and the plan that he plotted would be delivered in spades.

In fact, if Magneto should choose to do so, he could lock into the Earth satellites orbiting above the planet with his powers, and send them crashing down upon the head of all of the hapless humans, but that was not in the cards. Magneto had far loftier goals in mind then destruction, and given what he knew about humans, they would end up destroying themselves before too long.

All Magneto felt concerned with was the fact that his fellow mutants did not get swept into the undercurrent of that inferior race. His hands stood, and the shields were in place, when he stood on the structure that had been dubbed, Asteroid M. The technology aboard it was second to none, and he could hardly wait to utilize its full capabilities.

The world would change for the better, he would make sure about it, and no mutant would ever suffer like he did during his childhood.

Magneto could see the future, and it was one that would be bright for mutants, when they took their proper place.

Humanity on the other hand, Magneto could see them get put in their place properly, and suffer the indignity of defeat, but to be honest, they had brought it upon themselves through their arrogant actions.

The future was now, and the future would be mutants first, with Magneto preparing his next stage, to test only those who would be worthy.

Only some would pass the trials that were ahead.