Asteroid P1

The day was just getting started on the SHIELD hellicarrier, but Nick Fury was already up and about, before the sun had barely risen above the horizon. The Director of SHIELD was never one to sit back, and wait for the day to start; rather it was Fury who started the day, each and every day. The SHIELD director did not even need a morning cup of coffee like many of his subordinates did, he was always on, and always, always watching.

Fury was the one that gave the rooster the kick up the ass as well to crow in the morning. That was how early he always got out of bed.

The equipment on the flying fortress above the city came to life, and everyone scrambled around the base, with Fury moving forward at a rate and speed that was surprising. Fury continued to move, before he barked to the nearest agent that he could find.

"I want to know what's going on, and I want to know it yesterday!"

Fury did not have to wait long for any answer to be given, even if said answers had been given in a baffled and unassuming manner, with the SHIELD agents struggling to really keep their heads above the situation, and taking several pained breaths, before one of them began to spoke, practically stammering to get his sentence out.

"S-sir, we might have a problem, there's some kind of magnetic disturbance, our satellites have picked them up and…no they got shut off line."

Fury cursed, whilst slamming his fists down upon the table, the fact of the matter was that those satellites were his means to monitor all air travel on the planet. Furthermore, they extended above the Earth's atmosphere, which mean someone shut them down for a reason, and that reason was that they did not want anyone to know what they were moving.

"Spread out!" Fury barked, causing his subordinates to startle, and they scrambled for back up. "I want those satellites back on line, yesterday, do you hear me?"

They all nodded, looking like overgrown bobble heads, and the scene on the SHIELD fortress was one of absolute chaos, coupled with a fair bit of anarchy, as no one seemed to have the foggiest notion of what was going on. All of them scrambled, and a few of them were in a bit of a panic, taking several deep breaths to calm themselves, but there was no calm allowed, none at all.

Fury paced up and down the SHIELD fortress in the sky, and the scanners picked up a faint trace, when suddenly, it all made sense to him. He should have figured it out for the start, over the past few months; Fury's attention had been directed to other matters. How he could have been so blind, that was the question, but one that Fury would resolve to answer at a later date. Right now, he stood, hands firmly on the ledge, and his eyes peering out of the windows, high into the sky.

"Magneto," Fury growled, spitting out the name with the distaste that he thought it deserved, knowing full well that the Master of Magnetism had escalated the battle to the next level.

Now Fury was a man who was going to take many things in stride during his time, for he had seen a lot in his day, but what was occurring at this moment took the cake, and then some. Fury slammed his hands down, and many things became clear to him, crystal in fact.

Magneto was recruiting members to his Brotherhood, and had stashed his key lieutenant in a very public position, to divert Fury's attention from matters that were higher up in the stratosphere, above the clouds, and into the stars. It became clear that Magneto had some kind of base of operations up in space, and now Fury felt himself sweating just a tiny bit.

Not many things could make Nick Fury sweat or to lose his composure at that point. Yet, there was something in the offing that had made him lose just a bit of his steely composure.

It was hard to tell what could have been up there, for all he knew; Magneto had some kind of insane weapon up there, to really hammer home the point that Fury was helpless. The SHIELD director gritted his teeth, and took a moment to settle himself. Panic would not help him now, far from it, so Fury focused, and turned to his men. His determination was swift, but something that had been bred from handling situations like this for years.

"Keep on it, we need to find Magneto, and figure out what he's up to," Fury managed, but he realized taking anything made of metal close to the Master of Magnetism was going to be a problem.

Fortunately, SHIELD had tracking drones that were made of plastic, because truly, plastics made it possible. Fury proceeded to have his men deploy them, hopefully they could get close enough, to figure out what Magneto's game was, and if necessary put a stop to him, once and for all. It was going to be gut check time, time to separate the men from the boys.

It was not going to be easy, but Nick Fury didn't do easy, the harder it got, the more thrilled he was. This was going to be hair raising.

A rare moment to enjoy the downtime, and take a deep breath was something that was appreciated by all, even if Harry had thought that it was the calm before some kind of storm. There was just something about the entire situation that seemed too calm. Perhaps Harry was being glorious pessimistic, but that was just how he was feeling.

Professor Xavier, Scott, and Logan were all off to follow up on a new energy signature that Cerebro picked up, Jean was on the grounds on the other end of the property, Storm was inside, Kurt was elsewhere, and Harry was on the ground with Rogue and Kitty, both girls leaned up against him, just enjoying the day. The three watched the clouds, and enjoyed the moments of time they spent together as music blared from a boom box that sat across from them.

"So, you think that this spell would make me able to touch people normally," Rogue said, looking a bit more hopeful than she would have liked to, not wanting to show the slightest bit of vulnerability.

"I think it can," Harry told her, trying to give his second girlfriend an encouraging smile, but he decided to add a warning. "The problem, as with many magical spells, is that there is a drawback. It will only work for a period of a few hours, before I have to reapply it. I'm trying to figure out how to work the charm into a bracelet, or something, where you can wear it, and it's sell applying. The problem is…"

"You're not nearly close to figuring it out as you would have liked," Kitty offered, and Harry decided to nod at that moment, but Kitty just smiled, leaning over, and offering Harry a light kiss on the lips. "Harry, don't work yourself too hard, these things take time. I'm sure Rogue will wait."

"Yeah, some things are worth the wait," Rogue answered, with a slight smile, and she leaned forward, to give Harry a light kiss on the lips. It was a measure of encouragement to make sure Harry did not work himself up under heavy amounts of stress.

Jean stood off to the side, towards the bushes, rubbing her temples to nurse the headache that she had acquired. The fact of the matter was that she really needed a bit more control of her abilities, for they were picking up some rather strong and perverted thoughts regarding Harry from Kitty and Rogue. This had made it rather hard to focus, given how vivid some of these thoughts were.

Harry at least had the decency, or perhaps the ability to shield his mind, which Jean was grateful for, but still it was causing her to become very much distracted.

Not to mention that she was in need of a cold shower sometimes because of some of the images that had been put in her head. Jean tried to not focus on how much that distracted her.

It was at that point, where there was a rustling in the bushes, and Toad hopped out which caused Jean to step back at that moment. She had moved as far from Harry, Kitty, Rogue, and really the Mansion in general as possible whilst stilling be on the property. The slimy mutant had randomly hopped out of the bushes, and looked ready to engage Jean into battle.

"Alright, it's open season on you X-Men, so give me your best shot," Toad replied, putting his hands up in a fighting stance, and Jean looked at Toad like he was completely, and utterly mental, for that's how he was acting. The slimy mutant took a step back, and waved his hands. "Come on, X-Girl, I can take your best shot, hit me with everything you got."

Jean would have been amused, but Toad pulled out a really big branch, and tried to waffle Jean with it. The key word was that he tried, for Jean had blocked it with her telekinetic abilities, and hoisted Toad up over the fence, before dropping him in the fresh mud outside of the gates.

How he got in here, Jean had no idea, but perhaps she would be having a word with the Professor about having tighter security. The Mansion could use a bit of an upgrade.

"Ah man, I just had a bath last month!" Toad groaned, when he was in the mud, utterly humiliated, and defeated as he thrashed around in the muck.

A smile crossed Jean's face, but that smile was wiped off of said face when a humming large metallic orb could be heard across the distance. The orb dropped down on the ground, and Jean could tell that it was a threat immediately. She focused her telekinetic abilities to try and stop the orb, but it repelled her attacks.

The attacks ricocheted back off of the orb towards her.

Without warning, several heavy cables shot from the orb, and wrapped around Jean. She grunted in surprise, the cables nearly crushing her from the impact. The red haired telepath tried to get out, so she did the next best thing, she offered a muffled cry for help.


Jean was going to rip apart whoever did this, with the orb containing her body, and going off into space.

Kitty, Rogue, and Harry appeared after they just barely heard Jean's screams for help; just a few seconds late, with them seeing the orb carry Jean off into the stratosphere. Kurt popped up behind them at that moment, after he had heard the screams for help as well.

"What was that?"

Harry was the one who chimed in with a response, and pointed up in the sky. "That was Jean, she got kidnapped in that thing."

Harry jumped high into the air, taking flight in an attempt to grab the orb, but some defenses were activated, creating a field that repelled back. The orb gained velocity, and it must have been powerful technology to be able to maintain its field in such a matter, or at least that's what Harry thought in his opinion.

An attack of magic barely caused the shield to bend, and Harry once again tried to move closer. If the orb was not moving so fast, Harry could have analyzed the shield, and broke through it, but now he had the problem of how to release Jean safely.

Harry tried to slap a tracking spell on it, so he could follow it later, but there was one problem. The tracking spell died once the orb got to a certain height, and Harry flew back down, to join Kurt, Kitty, and Rogue, who had run onto the pathway. The orb was merely nothing, but a silver dot high in the sky, going further and further until it reached its destination.

It was not over yet, and Harry, Rogue, Kitty, and Kurt scrambled, with Harry trying to see if he could lock onto the spell somehow. While the tracking spell was not active, magic left a trace that he could hopefully pick up on in due time.

Harry was about to go for help because this might be a situation where they would be one situation where they might be in way over their heads. It was at that moment where something happened that prevented Harry from going for an attack.

Suddenly, at that moment, tremors rocked the ground, and Harry flew up into the air over it.

"Avalanche," Kitty grumbled, and sure enough, the Brotherhood were in fact in the house. "Really, are you guys sick of getting your butts kicked by now?"

Harry gave Kitty a warning look not to get too cocky but she seemed to be more annoyed about their presence than anything. The Brotherhood just stood, they had no time for this, but the truth was that the X-Men had to make the time.

It seemed like the Brotherhood were itching for a fight, and judging by their attacks, were not going to go down easily this time. The X-Men moved in for what proved to be a more even battle than previously.

The day had started with a surprise, with the new version of Cerebro on line after it had been destroyed during the Juggernaut's attack in the Mansion, and it was new and improved as well. Immediately, it picked up the energy signature of a new mutant, and Scott peered out the window, the truth was that this one was someone who was near and dear to his heart. The Blackbird touched down, with Logan and Scott exiting it, and Xavier wheeling himself out as well.

The mutant's name was named Alex Masters, and he shot optic energy from his hands, much like Scott had done with his eyes. He was a surfer who lived in Hawaii, but Xavier had been able to dig even deeper into the fact of who he was.

When he was young, Scott was in a plane crash where his parents and younger brother, Alex, had apparently died. Scott was left in a catatonic state for months, with a head injury, that caused his powers to be the state they were in, only being able to be controlled by the visor that he wore over his eyes. Scott thought that he had come a long way, all things considered, but that was beside the point.

Once Xavier had done some digging, there was only one conclusion that could be drawn, and that was that Alex Masters and Alex Summers, his long lost brother, were one and the same. Scott looked forward to reuniting, and he was also kind of nervous. His eyes snapped towards the Professor's face, and the three of them noticed a surfboard lying in the sand.

Scott frowned, taking a look at it, and he paused at that moment.

"Are you sure we're in the right place, Professor?" Scott asked at that moment, and Xavier took a moment to survey the situation, when a young man with blond hair rushed up to Scott, an excited expression on his face.

"Scott, I can't believe it, it's really you!" the young man said in a cheerful voice, and he moved forward to greet his older brother.

"Alex?" Scott asked, hard to believe it, but the truth was one could not deny the fact that Alex was standing before him, a bit of a grin on his face. "I remember the last time I saw you, you were this high."

Scott held his hand to indicate that point, and Alex just responded with a bit of a smirk, before looking at Scott.

"Hey, I might have been that high, but now I'm almost as tall as you," Alex answered, looking at Scott, and shaking his head.

"Yeah, well I can still take you," Scott answered, and Alex just shrugged his shoulders, a bit doubtful about that fact. Logan and Xavier hovered in the background, taking a moment to allow the two brothers to get this reunion underway. "So, how are you doing?"

"Man it's been wild, the last couple of days, my hands started hurting, and these energy blasts just came out of them, it was insane," Alex answered, without really missing a beat and Scott just nodded his head.

"I know, that's your mutant abilities coming to light, but you'll get used to them, after a while," Scott answered, and Alex just responded with a nod.

"I know, that's what he told me, and he offered to give me help, to help me evolve to my full abilities," Alex answered, and it was Xavier who popped up and chimed in at that moment.

"Who was the one who told you that you would evolve to your full abilities?"

"He called himself Magneto, I thought for a minute he was pulling my leg about this entire mutant thing, but his powers are the real deal," Alex answered, nodding his head.

"Careful kid, Magneto is nothing, but trouble," Logan warned him, knowing full well from many past experiences.

"It is charming you think so highly of me, Wolverine."

Sure enough, the group spun around, and speaking of the devil, the Master of Magnetism stood there in the flesh, his face covered in a helmet, and his cape billowing in the breeze. He stood on the island, tall and proud, facing the assembled group before him. Xavier did not waste any time, before addressing his once friend.

"What is your game this time, Erik?"

Magneto seemed to be calm and collected, the moment that he spoke. "There is no game at all Charles, but rather the future, and the necessary steps that I shall take to ensure that all live to see it."

"The future is still being written by the actions of the present," Xavier warned Magneto, but the Master of Magnetism just allowed himself a moment to lean back, and reflect about everything.

"Yes, and those actions that I choose to make will ensure the survival of the entire mutant race, for all of us will now continue to thrive, and survive. There is no question about it, my friend, either you are with the future, or you against it. Either you are part of the solution, or you are a huge part of the problem. That is my word on this entire situation."

"Yeah, I've got a word for you alright," Logan grumbled, taking a moment to step forward, but Magneto waved a hand and Logan was down on the ground, thrashing against the battle.

"You must learn to teach your pet some manners, Charles," Magneto remarked, clicking his tongue in mock remorse, before he turned towards Scott, Alex, and Xavier. "Do you wish to see the future? I can give you control over your abilities, both of you, without the pain."

Scott seemed a bit reluctant to go along with it, but Magneto was about to make his sale pitch.

"The world is a lot more wonderful place when one sees it in a multitude of colors. There is a lot more in the world of seeing it in a shade of red. And that is all you will see, as long as that visor is on your face. You can lead better, and be a better person. Just think about it, Mr. Summers, you can be part of the revolution, or you can be left behind. The choice is yours."

Scott felt seriously tempted by what he heard.

"Yes, Scott, remember the choice is yours, but there are other options," Xavier answered, trying to convey his misgivings to Scott, but Scott was rather reluctant to say much more than he did. "Consider the choice you make wisely, and remember no matter what, the consequences will be yours to bare."

Scott took a moment to incline his head in a thoughtful manner, but at the same time, there was no more choices to make, rather this was the one where he felt would serve him the best. His eyes turned to Magneto, and offered a crisp nod, with Alex agreeing with him. The pain in his hands was stabbing, and one that Alex preferred to live without.

Xavier feared that this might have happened; the temptation to offer the easy fix for powers, and knew that such a bargain did not come without a price.

"You naturally may come along Charles, to make sure that my intentions are, hospitable," Magneto responded, latching onto the wheel chair with his powers, and pulling it to the ship that he had stashed on the island.

Xavier decided to follow at that moment, allowing Magneto to lift his wheelchair into the ship, and Alex and Scott followed without another word, excited by the fact that there powers might have gotten control.

There was one thing about Magneto that no one could dispute, and that was that he talked a good game, and one that he could back up more often than not.

Logan grumbled, pulling himself to his feet, and the ringing in his ears still was prominent, but he saw Magneto leave. He was not going to let him go away, at least not without a fight. Logan rushed Magneto on the ship, trying to jump up, and latch on.

Magneto, it seemed, had seen Logan coming, and focused the full extent of his abilities towards Logan, forcing him off of the ship. Logan tried to get back to a standing position, but this was a futile endeavor. The ship flew out of range, and Logan landed straight into the ocean with a splash, not injured, unless one counted the fact his pride had been wounded.

It was now off to Asteroid M for the Master of Magnetism, and Xavier hoped to find out more once they had arrived there. Given what happened in the past, Xavier was less than trustful that his old friend's plans were benign.

The ground rocked because of the efforts of Avalanche, but Harry transfigured the ground below them slightly, causing the Brotherhood to get tripped up by Avalanche's own attacks. It was to the point where Quicksilver turned towards Avalanche, his eyes widened in an agitation manner, before he spoke.

"Quit doing that!" Quicksilver snapped, and the mutant took a deep breath, before Kitty dodged the incoming attacks of the Blob. With a bamf, Kurt appeared on the Blob's head, and the Blob tried to reach Kurt, but Kurt vanished, causing Blob to smack himself on the top of the head.

"So close, oh try again!" Kurt yelled as he teleported out of the way and once again Blob had smacked himself on the top of the head. He caught Kurt when he tried the attack for the fuzzy mutant had gone to the well one too many times.

Rogue tripped up the incoming Blob, and he landed right onto the road, with Avalanche rushing forward, for more. Toad tried to leap into the attack, but Rogue ducked, and offered him a back hand, before Harry knocked him back, causing him to land over the trucks. The spell only stung him, for the X-Men wanted to keep the Brotherhood awake to learn their plans.

"Remember, we're superior to these guys!" Avalanche grumbled, and the ground continued to rock, but the repelling field from Harry pushed back the assault.

"Really, try telling them that!" Toad exclaimed, once again knocked down, and into the waiting arms of Blob.

"I got ya, buddy," Blob managed, and suddenly, Kitty popped out of the ground that she phased through, grabbing onto Blob's ankles, and pulling him forward, so Harry could blast him hard with a banishing spell, before ropes tied around the Blob, momentarily holding him into place.

Quicksilver rushed forward at super speed, but the attack repelled him back and to the ground, causing him to stagger. Avalanche was knocked back down onto the ground as well, and the four X-Men stood, feeling like they got a mission well done.

"I wonder if these guys any practice attacking a moving target," Harry remarked casually, shaking his head, when suddenly four gigantic orbs appeared from the sky, and barreled down towards the three of them.

The X-Men were ready for the attacks, but the Brotherhood saw their opportunity, rushing the X-Men from behind, and there was a loud crash, when they had jumped the X-Men from behind. The two teams engaged each other in a short, titanic struggle.

Four of them had made a mad dash for the orbs, and four of them had been left behind. It was not until the dust settled until the four who had been left behind saw them all get left behind, and the orbs were long gone, on the way to their destination.

Ororo took a moment to walk around the grounds on the Mansion, things seemed a bit quiet, and in many ways extremely unsettling with the entire group having left the grounds. Still, in many ways, it was nice, allowing her some peace and quiet, and peace of mind. The weather witch paused, hearing a sound that gave her a short start, but relaxed her stance when she saw a cat on the outside of the step.

"You know, you weren't the Kitty, that I was expecting," Ororo replied, and she bent down. "Must be a stray, let's see if you have a collar."

The cat offered an angry hiss when Storm had touched it, and this took the weather witch aback, when suddenly the cat shifted its form, turning into Mystique. Mystique kicked Storm in the face hard, sending her through the open door into the mansion, and tried to punctuate the attack by stomping her in the face with a high heel shoe. Storm blocked her ankle, holding it tightly, and twisted it, causing Mystique to tumble head over heels, and land on the ground.

Mystique landed on a table, causing it to crack into splintered wood, but she bounced back to her feet at that point. A very angry weather controlling mutant had bounded upon her.

"You dare enter our home, again!" Ororo bellowed, calling on the full fury of the wind, and Mystique took a step back, raising her hands in the air, before aiming another punch, but Storm dodged it at that moment.

Mystique was in a towering temper, finding it hard to believe that she was reduced to having fight for her spot in Magneto's world order. After all of the sacrifices she made for Magneto, this was something that was beneath her, and in fact, it demeaned the shape-shifting mutant to an insane degree.

This caused her normally top not fighting skills to falter, and for Mystique to not be as good against Storm as she would have liked. The weather witch took a moment to blow Mystique off guard, and Mystique crashed to the ground. She did a kip up to her feet, and turned into a bird, that tried to peck out Storm's eyes, but Storm blocked it, and hurled Mystique into the wall.

The full force of lighting was called upon and Mystique was startled by the lightning hitting the carpet, leaving a burn mark. This allowed Storm to swoop in, pivot on her foot, and knock Mystique down hard to the ground. Mystique tried to use a knife to stab Storm, however, Storm saw this coming, and blocked it.

The two women struggled over the knife, neither giving the other any quarter, and eventually Mystique slammed Storm into the wall, causing her back to hit. Storm kicked up a huge whirlwind, which knocked the shape shifting mutant back a bit, and caused her to drop to her knees, panting.

"No, I cannot lose, this is my right, my purpose, I won't allow you to beat me," Mystique ranted, and raved at this moment, trying to get a drop on Storm, but once again, Storm was a few steps ahead of her.

Storm knocked Mystique through the wall with an attack, and Mystique crumpled down to the ground, utterly defeated, and humiliated.

Ororo moved over, to bend down, and interrogate Mystique, trying to determine what her stake in this game was, but before any of that could happen, something crashed through the windows. This caused the dark skinned mutant to be thrown onto her guard, but the orb before her had shot cables out towards her.

Ororo tried to fight the cables off, but she had fought what amounted to a losing battle, with the cables wrapping tightly around her, forcing the woman to her knees. She tried to get out, by summoning the full force of the lightning, but it just barely dinged the side of the orb.

The orb had encased Storm in it, like it had several others. She had been proven to be worthy, more worthy than Mystique, and Mystique had been slumped on the ground, completely and utterly out of it.

Mystique's fingers twitched and the feeling came back into them, along with the anger in her being that she had been outgunned, and outmatched. Fury flashed in the eyes of the shapeshifter for the next couple of moments, and her breath became almost like a snarl, as she watched her chance for the future fly away.

This was not over, not by a long shot.

Logan was on the ground at this moment, rolling over, and grumbling after Magneto had thrown him into the ocean. The mutant made his way back into the shores, and thought that he had many better days. Before he could collect his thoughts, and old friend, or rather an old foe, dropped down, giving in a loud growl, and Logan came face to face, with Sabretooth.

He thought the air had gotten a bit fouler around here.

"I was hoping that you'd die in that explosion up in Canada," Logan growled, while he popped his claws, and faced his greatest enemy ready for battle.

"Ha, you can't get rid of me that easily, runt," Sabretooth growled, and with another swift motion, Sabretooth charged Logan. Logan blocked the attack, and both mutants took a moment to jockey for position, struggling to get the other to move, shifting back and forth.

Logan stabbed his claws towards Sabretooth, but Sabretooth blocked the hand, and knocked Logan down. He kicked his old enemy right in the ribs, staggering him down to the ground, before he grabbed him around the arm, and flipped Logan onto the ground.

Sabretooth was bending over Logan, his face snarling, and drool coming down from his mouth, splashing on Logan's face.

"You think you're hard, don't you?" Sabretooth growled at that moment, and Logan just grunted at that moment, before getting back to his feet, and slashing away at Sabretooth, not giving any quarter up. "Well, it's just like old times, I'm still whoopin' on you."

"We'll see about that, bub," Logan growled, and with feral fury, Logan rushed Sabretooth, with the two mutants pushing back and forth against each other.

Neither of them backed down, not in the slightest, and both remained on their feet, pushing back and forth.

Sabretooth sank his fist into Logan's ribs, smashing it several times, over and over, with loud cracks. The healing factor sure did not cancel out the pain, and Logan eventually went deep with the claws, trying to get Sabretooth off of him. The battle continued, and suddenly, Logan felt a weak telepathic echo in his head.

'Logan, can you hear me?' Xavier asked.

'Kind of busy, Chuck, what do you need, where are you?' Logan grumbled, and continued to battle.

'I need you to throw the fight to Sabretooth,' Xavier projected, as Logan pushed Sabretooth back at that moment, and his eyes bugled out at the thought.

'Are you nuts?' Logan asked as he wondered if the Professor had finally fried his brain.

'No, I can assure you that I am in sound mind,' Xavier replied back, and there was a pause, before Xavier responded back. 'Throw the fight, and get back to the Mansion, and follow the coordinates that I placed in your mind.'

Logan paused at that moment, allowing Xavier to do so, and took a deep breath at this point.

'Got it,' Logan growled, and Sabretooth knocked him down.

Logan had to make the throwing the fight thing rather convincing, or Sabretooth, even in his lack of intelligence, would not have been able to believe what was happening. He growled, and charged Sabretooth, going for him, but Sabretooth grabbed him high into the air, before slamming him down, and stomping the ever living snot out of Logan. Logan did a spasm underneath the attack.

"Looks like my ride is here," Sabretooth growled, and he looked at the orb which appeared. "Man, you really turned into a pussy. You're even less of man than that waste of seed that I sadly call a son."

Sabretooth willingly entered the orb, and it flew off, with Logan watching him leave.

"All part of the plan, Creed," Logan remarked gruffly, before he set off to do as Xavier asked, hoping that this nutcase plan would work.

The four hovering orbs that contained the Brotherhood landed in a front corridor of a large fortress. Three of them cracked up, and Lance, Fred, and Todd all exited the first three orbs. The Brotherhood were rather proud of themselves for the fact that they had pulled the wool over the eyes of those X-Geeks, and snuck on, leaving them stranded on Earth with the rest of the humans.

"Hey, Pietro, we're here, you can come out of there now!" Todd yelled, and the orb burst open, causing the mutant to jump back, and give a surprised scream. "You!"

Pietro Maximoff had not been in the orb, like the Brotherhood had planned, but rather Harry Potter had, and the dark haired mutant wizard popped like toast out of a toaster, staring down the Brotherhood.

"You have two minutes to explain what's going on," Harry demanded to them, and there was time where the Brotherhood shook their heads, not wanting to cause much trouble, before backing off at that moment.

"Hey man, no…"

Lance was so sick and tired of Potter, just sick of looking at his face, and the ground beneath him began to rock and shift, with Lance trying to attack Harry, but a commanding voice yelled from the other side of the corridor.


The three Brotherhood members fell into line, for he had shown up, that man being Magneto, and the Master of Magnetism had surveyed the latest four guests who were in attendance, and noted who was not in the house. "Very interesting, my son appears to have missed his chance to join the revolution, a pity, but not something that was completely unexpected. Still, I cannot help, but find myself to be a bit disappointed because of the outcome."

Magneto stepped forward, and Harry was one that wanted answers, and he was going to get them, one way or another. His expression remained resolved, and with another motion, he stared down Magneto, his gaze fixed upon him.

"Just what is going on here?"

The Master of Magnetism surveyed Harry with a calculating expression, not taking his eyes off of him, and opened his mouth, before speaking.

"This, young Harry, is the future. The future of the mutant kind, the future of the world, this is Asteroid M, and aboard it, is the means for all of mutant kind to achieve their full potential, when we evolve to the master race that we were meant to be."

Despite the situation, Harry felt himself rather intrigued, and had a feeling that Magneto would be enlightening him on what he meant by the future of this Asteroid M. All Harry had to do was be patient, and wait a moment before Magneto to speak, and sure enough the Master of Magnetism opened his mouth, to inform Harry about the role that this asteroid would be playing in the future.

And as such, Harry was trying to determine what plan he was going to use. He was taking a journey into the unknown.