Malice Of A Mad Thinker

The Baxter Building was the scene, the headquarters of the first family of super heroes known as the Fantastic Four. They have had many tough battles against many tough opponents but there was one battle that many of them struggled with many times on a day to day situation. It was a problem that many families dealt with and that was the fact that they tried to get along underneath one roof, with super powers.

"Hey, get back here matchstick!"

The bellowing voice of the Thing echoed throughout the Baxter Building when he rushed the Human Torch. The Torch snickered when he rushed forward, with the Thing right beside him. Ben Grimm was a very laid back man but there was sometimes where Johnny got under his rocky skin. He passed the half amused, and half exasperated look on Susan Storm, who turned around and folded her arms. The nineteen, almost twenty year old member of the Fantastic Four turned to Reed Richards who was hovered over an experiment. Nearly a decade older than her, Reed was always enamored in an experiment to the point where it was almost obsessively frustrating.

"Just another day at the office," Susan stated when she threw her hair back and saw Reed at work. "You've been at work with that for three days, I wonder if you actually have remembered to eat."

"Yes…but this is….our guests haven't arrived yet, have they?" Reed asked when his eyes remained fixated on the experiment. He had been studying this for almost a year, after the time-space continuum opened up and there was a rift that appeared shooting the person now referred to as Arcane from it. It was his belief that there could be other things that could have brought into their universe besides their guest.

Susan only kept half of her attention on the antics of Ben and Johnny, and also turned around, to remember about the arrival here in this dimension. Reed was like a kid in a candy store, thinking that this arrival was some kind of alien life that popped in. He was only mildly disappointed that the young man that showed up was apparently not an alien but rather he was someone from an alternate universe not unlike there's. Although that was something that Reed got excited about.

There was a knock on the door and Susan's ears and eyes perked out, before she walked towards the door with a smile. Ben and Johnny stopped, before she opened the door.

Gwen Stacy, Kitty Pryde, and Harry Potter stood on the other side.

"Thanks for inviting us to the Baxter Building," Harry responded with a smile and Susan blinked before she got ahold of herself and her bearings, shaking the cobwebs from her head.

'Focus, Susan,' Susan thought to herself. 'No need to act how Reed acts around science, just keep a cool and professional head.'

"No…problem, especially after what happened last time. I can assure you that Reed's upgraded security, at least he was supposed to. Doom won't be stopping by any time soon."

Harry smiled, he sure hoped so. He did not enjoy being attacked and nearly dying every single time he entered somewhere. He could tell that Kitty and Gwen would enjoy a day out without any stress and drama. Peter would be with them but he got sidetracked with something, so he might be a little late or perhaps he might not show up at all.

"Thank you for inviting us Ms. Storm," Gwen stated in a gushing voice, she was a bit of a fan girl, although she was trying her hardest not to show it.

"Please, Susan," she responded with a knowing smile when she looked at Gwen, knowingly eying her before she invited Gwen, Kitty, and Harry inside. "I'm glad you came and so is Reed…REED!"

"Oh our guests are here," Reed responded when his eyes looked up from his work finally. It had been three days since he really looked up from what he was doing. He eyed Harry with a smile. "You must be….Arcane, isn't it? It was fascinating how you arrived here."

Ben stopped and offered a smile, before he inclined his head slightly. "Word of advice, kid, if Stretch here starts looking at you like you're some kind of science experiment, the exit's over there."

Harry smiled before he shrugged but Reed acted like he didn't hear what his rocky friend said.

"So how exactly did you arrive here?" Reed asked when he looked at Harry, eying him. "Did you perhaps access some tear through the fabric of time and space, that would allow you exist in this plane of existence? Have you ever contemplated a way in which you would return home? Did you wonder if your trip here might only be temporary and you might be recalled to your universe?"

"I walked through a veil," Harry responded carefully, when Kitty offered a snicker and a smile, before stood next to Harry, placing her hand on his arm. "I woke up here in the Vegas desert. And I haven't considered ever returning home. And yes…"

Harry stopped; he always wondered if someone would recall him home. He feared that someone would try and go through the Veil after him. Of course, given the state of Sirius, he did not recommend that at all. He was not in the best spirits and despite Harry using every method at his disposal, he did not wake him up. If he did not refused to give up hope, he would have given up hope.

These dreams were getting more intense, he saw things around him, weird symbols of a language that he almost understood, and he wondered if it was some kind of side effect of the veil that was just being delayed. He didn't reveal this to anyone, not even any of his girls. Harry wanted to figure out this journey on his own, he had a feeling that there was some greater purpose.

"So do you think that you could be recalled home?" Kitty asked, she tried not to act like she was freaking out about this, even if she was freaking out about this eventually. She grabbed Harry by the arm and Gwen grabbed him by the other arm .

"Even if I'm recalled to that world, I'll find my way back," Harry responded, but he looked out.

Home, what was home anyway? There was always something missing in the back in his mind, it got more prominent when these fragments, these dreams continued to flicker through his mind.

He was something that transcended humans and also mutants, and the fact was that he would be able to live for a long time nagged in the back of his mind. And the scary thing was that his powers were still getting stronger, even though he wanted to hold himself back a little bit, he might not have much of a choice, as the threats were getting tougher. His powers were such to the point where he could hurt someone if he was not careful. And not hurt someone who deserved to be hurt, but hurt someone in the crossfire.

Harry turned his head, when he heard a rattling in the side of the walls, carefully edging himself around.

"What is it?" Susan asked, she watched Harry a little bit, and saw that he teased up. Gwen and Kitty noticed the same thing.

Harry felt his hearing was getting sharper for some reason and he heard individual sounds, everything from the loudest boom to a pin dropping.

"There's someone here," Harry stated and Johnny was the one who spoke up.

"That's impossible, there can't be anyone here…."

"That is where you're wrong, Jonathan Storm."

The voice that echoed through the Baxter Building distorted and creepy, giving an echo and a hum, before it began to speak once again, with Reed trying to access the computers to pinpoint the source of the intrusion.

'Do Richards and Xavier use the same security company?' Harry thought in exasperation.

"You have spurned me once before Reed Richards, but now the Mad Thinker is not easily spurned," the distorted voice responded, when it echoed through the building maliciously. "And I will create your tomb within your beloved Headquarters. I shall bring down the Fantastic Four."

"Ah, been there done that, get a new line," Johnny yawned but Susan gave him an exasperated expression. It was time to shut up so he did when he snapped his eyes towards Reed. Reed looked more frustrated than Johnny ever seen him before. "Problem?"

"Yeah, we've been locked out," Reed responded when he clicked his fingers. "I'll try and access it but it won't be easy."

Gwen, Kitty , and Harry all exchanged looks of frustration and despair. So much for them having a day where they were not going to run into any trouble. That was never in the books.

Reed closed his eyes, in all of his genius, he rarely had been this challenged. It was an obsessive mania to know all, to be that bit better than anyone else. His intelligence grew, and he decided to use it to better serve the world. He kept the Fantastic Four together out of some kind of guilt because he was responsible for them receiving their powers and in the case of Ben, ruining their lives.

Granted, the Thing tried to keep on a happy face for the public eye, but Reed could tell that he was disappointed at the loss of his looks, forever turned into a man made of rock. It was a sad irony that the one that looked like the monster was also the most dedicated and personable member of the team, the one who threw his all into the charity work. His big personality made his fate even more tragic.

Right now ,none of that mattered, Reed found himself locked out of the Baxter Building and he tried to access the core, but found himself unable to do so. He tried every trick in the book and for Reed, that was many tricks. Someone compromised the systems, which he spent millions upgrading.

"No matter how much you upgrade, you are just one step behind me in the theater of the mind, Richards," the Mad Thinker taunted him, the distorted voice echoing through there. "I have your building and soon I will have your head on a plate, Reed. You will bow before your intellectual superior."

"Wow, another villain who doesn't know when to shut his mouth, there's a surprise," the Human Torch stated when he offered a mocking yawn.

"I'll show you who needs to shut their mouth, you diseased child," the Mad Thinker responded through the distorted voice and the doors opened, to reveal robots marching towards them.

"Robots, really?" Susan asked as she rolled her eyes.

Harry offered a raised eyebrow, he was sick and tired of dealing with robots, and he wondered where these villains found the time to make all of these robots. Granted they blew up easily, even though these offered EMP shielding which made Harry have to work harder with his spells. Still he got them rather handily. He speared several blasts into the robots, backing them off and rocking them completely.

"You know, it's getting kind of old, fighting these robots," Kitty responded when she phased her hand through the chest plate of the robot, rocking it to pieces. She phased one robot into the other, causing an explosion to echo.

"About the fourth, or fifth time this week, wouldn't you say, Ben?" The Human Torch stated in a bored voice, when he blew up the robots.

"At least two times before breakfast on Wednesday," Thing answered casually when he smashed through the robots, sending them crashing to the ground and breaking apart into pieces.

Reed watched the robots with interest, his eyebrow raised when he studied them. A smile crossed over his face when he began to talk about them. "These robots, they are quite fascinating, their design are without peer. Sure they break apart easy in the face of our attacks but their craftsmanship is amazing. And how they conserve their power, remarkable and…."

Johnny snapped to interrupt Reed's statement, using a fiery attack to knock out the robot that Reed was checking out. "Sheesh Reed, marry one already!"

Reed stopped and remained focused, using his limbs to stretch around the robots to send them down to the ground.

"That was merely the first assault," the taunting voice of the Mad Thinker echoed throughout the building. "I am just getting warmed up; it's time for the second volley. And Fantastic Four will quiver at my feet, quiver, and they will be brought down to a level that they could not imagine!"

The doors opened once again, to reveal hovering droids.

"So you react to us defeating your robots by sending more robots," Kitty stated when her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "Yeah, because that totally makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?"

"Silence you insolent child, do not speak of what you do not understand," The Mad Thinker retorted when there were more blasts from the robots that flew through the air.

The Fantastic Four circled around each other, carefully trying to formulate some kind of battle plan that would lead to them not going down in a blaze of glory. Even though that would be extremely hard not to do, they had to try. The droids circled around them and the Human Torch began to flame on, but foam shot at them, causing his skin to sting from pain, but his powers not to flame on. He dropped to his knees, breathing heavily and gasping for air, his chest burning.

"Johnny, it's…" Susan stated but there was a pause when she was trapped inside her own force field.

"These things, they turn their powers against us," Reed responded before his limbs stretched and wrapped around his throat, choking the life out of him, causing him to slowly black out. "Fasc…ah."

The Thing clobbered one of the droids, while Harry whipped his hand, blasting them apart. Kitty helped them, while Gwen made her way to the computers, to try and lock out the Mad Thinker.

"Your powers are unlike anything I've ever seen before," the Mad Thinker responded when the voice twisted with malice. "I will look forward to your dissection."

"That's just messed up and disturbed," Kitty answered, when Harry launched her up and distracted the droid, so he could smash razor sharp spikes into it from behind blowing them up.

As for the Fantastic Four, well they were dragged off, and the doors sealed behind them. Harry rushed forward, trying to blast through the force fields but his spells only barely bent the force field for a few seconds. He needed to find the source but where that source was, he had no idea.

'Now the security works, that's about right,' Harry thought, feeling the need to bang his head against something.

Gwen bit down on her lip, trying to get into the computer.

"Do you need any help?" Kitty asked when she edged over towards Gwen.

"No, I just…got it!" Gwen stated in a cheerful voice before she responded with a smile. "Ha, I'm smarter than Reed Richards!"

Harry snapped back at her with a smile. "Don't let it get to your head."

Gwen gave him a mock glare but secretly she was smiling and now they had a chance to track down the Mad Thinker. Whoever the Thinker was, they were in their grasp, and now all they to do was find where exactly in the Baxter Building they were sent.

Susan, Reed, Johnny, and Ben were now strapped down to the table and slowly came to their senses. They had no idea how much time passed but they knew it was a lot. The quartet struggled against their bindings, but there was no easy way out. No matter how hard they fought, the bindings kept them down, making hem unable to break free no matter what. They pushed themselves up, but the straps that bound them, were forced back down. The group tried to push them down.

"I forgot this lab existed, we moved out for the bigger one," Reed remarked, when he watched his fellow team members.

"I thought this place looked familiar," Johnny answered when he tried to get himself out of the attack.

"I wouldn't struggle, those straps might not seem like much but they will hold you. Until I am done with you, and then your demise will be at hand."

Reed's head turned towards the sound of the voice. "You know all things considered, it would be prudent to kill us now, whilst we are at a disadvantage that you can easily exploit. I'm saying that we could escape if you stall for too long, it has happened numerous times before."

"Reed, don't give the crazed psychopath pointers," Johnny winced but the voice snapped.


"Oh boy, she's going crazy," Susan murmured to herself but she tried to push herself out. There was no give to the straps and she sank down onto the table, sighing a little bit, when her blonde hair draped over her face.

"If you mind me asking, just who are you?" Reed asked when he turned his head, trying to figure out who he was dealing with. The scientist paused, before he also added. "I mean, someone like you, I assume that we've fought in the past. You seem to be the type to hold a grudge over a longer period of time, letting it fester until you unleashed it in a psychotic rampage."

Susan thought that Reed spoke some sense, even though it distressed her that he would still be analyzing things when they were tied to tables. Potentially they would be about ready to be dissected, at least that's what she feared. She tried to twist herself out of the bindings, but the woman collapsed onto the table, unable to get herself free from the bindings.

"Perhaps I shall beg your indulgence for one second," the voice stated, before a young girl, a teenager stepped from behind the curtain. She had jet black hair and taunting black eyes that flickered towards them.

"You're just a kid," Ben remarked carefully but she sighed.

"A kid who was spurned by Reed Richards," she stated when she looked at him. "Does the name Rhona Burchill ring a name to you?"

Reed paused before he considered this question. "I can't say it rings any bells."

"Well it will after today, it will be the name of the one that kills you," Rhona responded when she placed her hands down on the table and stared into his eyes. "After all that time, I've spent the past three years thinking about it. How I wrote you a letter and you never responded to me. Your arrogance knows no bounds but it matters little because I'm your intellectual superior in every way conceivable and the intellectual savior of the masses."

"Really, this is all over about Reed not responding to your little fan letter?" Johnny asked when he rolled his eyes and his voice dropped to a whisper. "Think someone might be overreacting just a tad."


This reaction was in fact shrieked at the top of Rhona's lungs and she stated this claim, snarling practically when she said it. Her eyes narrowed with fury and she watched them all, before she carefully contorted her face into a smile, tapping her hand on the side of the table.

"I didn't….think that it would be a problem," Reed answered when he looked at his team members.

"Well, I hope this teaches you a valuable lesson," Susan stated when she could have rolled her eyes. It wouldn't be the first time that Reed got caught up in his work and neglected to do something. Only this was perhaps the first time that that him neglecting something could have gotten them killed.

"Yeah, always answer your fan mail, you never know when someone might take it the wrong way," Johnny remarked in a grim voice but he gulped when he saw Rhona brandish a buzz saw above him. "Hey watch it with that thing, lady."

"There won't be the next time to correct your mistakes, for I will correct the ongoing mistake that is your existence," the Mad Thinker stated, she looked much like her name sake. She appeared quite mad and was deep in thought. Her face twisted into a grin of pure malice and her eyes looked over the Fantastic Four. "There are any number of ways where I can bring about your painful and humiliating demise. All I need is the right tools and the correct motivation."

"By all means, take your time," Ben offered, despite his strength, he could not get free.

"No, no, I've taken too much time, Richards was correct, I should strike whilst the iron is hot," the Mad Thinker remarked, when her eyes stared them down. "It is a matter of how to take you down; there are so many choices, so many options. I'm trying to determine which would be the most feasible."

"Take your time," Susan remarked breathlessly, but Rhona placed her hands on the head of Susan.

"You are the least reprehensible member of this team, therefore I will allow you a quick death, devoid of the agony and humiliation that the rest of this team shall receive," Rhona responded when her teeth twisted into a smile.

"No, Sue she…."

"I thank you for your irrelevant opinion," Rhona stated before she held the saw in her head and to Susan's throat. "Farewell Susan Storm, I am saving you from being in the presence of that simpleton any…."

The saw in her hand transfigured into a rubber chicken and Kitty popped from underneath the floor in one fluid motion. She pulled the straps, releasing the Fantastic Four.

"What is this?" Rhona demanded, before she pulled out a laser blaster. "Don't move, or I shall…."

The blaster transfigured into flowers in her hand which levitated from her hand and then turned around, before the flowers shot razor sharp thorns at her. Rhona threw herself on the ground, ducked and rolled, before she tossed a knife that with a flick turned into a paper airplane.

Harry dropped down to face her and she watched him, carefully studying his motions. She cracked her knuckles and swung for him but he blocked her attack.

"You know, you've been here, but what is your game?" Harry demanded of her, carefully watching her, but she attacked him. "Not much of a talker, are we?"

"You meddled in my plans, you insufferable fool!" Rhona stated, her eyes flashing in fury.

"Really, she pulled that one out of the clichéd super villain guide," Johnny stated but more robots arrived to engage the Fantastic Four, Shadowcat, and Arcane. "Really, again?"

"Quiver before my malicious plan!" Rhona stated in a crazed tone, eyes widened and unblinking, when she twisted a dial on her wrist and her molecules shifted through the wall.

"Really, that's her plan of escape," Kitty responded when she heard the sounds of combat over her shoulder but she phased through the wall as well, chasing after her adversary.

Rhona dropped to the ground and aimed a swing at Kitty but the brunette mutant dodged the attack, grabbed her wrist, and twisted it. Said wrist snapped back with a pop, and Rhona was driven to the ground.

"And you're not much of a fighter," Kitty stated, when she dodged the attack that Rhona sent at her. She knew better than to go intangible all of the time, after what Sin did to her. "That didn't hurt at all, that…."

There was a humming sound and Kitty stopped before Rhona laughed. Her laughter became more prominent to the point where it almost got kind of creepy. It really spooked Kitty to be honest and the brunette turned around, her eyes carefully on Rhona, before she managed to voice one simple statement, towards her.

"What is it?" Kitty demanded, trying to grab Rhona, but a force field appeared around her body, which propelled Kitty back.

Harry arrived and Rhona smirked, looking positively crazed when she watched them all.

"The Baxter Building is above to go up, taking the entire neighborhood with it," Rhona stated when she bit her lip down, showing her crazed expression. "Either stop the explosion or stop me, it's your decision, make the wise one."

"That little…." Kitty grimaced but there was a flash and she vanished.

"She's packing some pretty heavy technology," Harry stated, careful not to let Reed hear that. The Fantastic Four finished off the robots in the other room. There was a loud crash, and a slight crunch, which put them all on pins and needles.

"Gwen, I hope you're still in the computers, because Miss Mad Thinker triggered a meltdown of the core," Harry responded when he talked to one of his girlfriends.

"Yeah, I'm in it, and I'm ready," Gwen stated when she hacked into the computers. She bit down her lip and sweat rolled down her face, the pressure was most certainly on but what was life without a little bit of pressure. Everything pushed down her face and she thought about what she needed to do. "This is going to be a close call."

"And trying to stop technology that I don't understand with magic, that's just asking for people to die," Harry remarked but Kitty turned to him, a suggestion on her tongue.

"Maybe you could use your powers to…."

"No need, I'm in," Gwen answered when she managed to get inside. The pressure was immense but that was what made life worth living. Her heart throbbed against her chest when she carefully accessed the central core of the Baxter Building.

She was so close.

And she got it figured out, with only a few minutes to spare.

Everyone let out the breath that they had been holding. It only was a few minutes later before they came to one conclusion. No matter what the tried to think about, no matter what they tried to do, Rhona was gone and she disappeared without leaving a trace.

Someone like that would be back soon.

"So, thank you for your help today," Susan stated when they managed to settle back down.

"Yes, today could have gone a lot worse had you not been here," Reed answered when his eyes narrowed. "Her technology though…"

"Not now please, Stretch, her technology almost killed us all," Ben stated, when he turned around with a grimace on his face. He thought about it before he mentally added. "But that's the way things go."

"That is true," Reed admitted when he turned around. "I can't help but think that we haven't seen the last of our mysterious Mad Thinker."

"You've been at this for how long and you don't know for sure," Johnny stated when he threw his head back and rolled his eyes slightly. He clucked his tongue before he thought. "Yeah, she'll be back, she'll be back before too long. She can't be stopped."

Harry thought about that, with the twisted irony of the situation, he knew that Rhona, despite her best efforts, did not finish off the Fantastic Four. He thought that he might be able to take her out, but her technology found a way around his magic. He did wonder if there was some kind of mystical element around it. Magic was not the catch all and be all situation to everything and that was something that he reminded himself about time and time, something that Strange pounded into his head.

Magic, while versatile, was merely a tool and like all tools, there were flaws that could be exploited by an outside party.

Yet she had a plan and a backup plan and a backup to the backup plan, so it all worked together. That much alone caused Harry to have a mild amount of respect for what she did, although she was still out there. Tracking charms would have worked, although they were faulty, especially when the target moved out of range. And also given the armor she wore, Harry could only tag that.

Likely someone like Rhona, shed the armor and made her getaway elsewhere. He would have to check to see if he was wrong in a few seconds.

"So, thanks for coming to the Baxter Building today and thanks for bailing us out of trouble," Susan responded before she added carefully, with a grimace. "Again."

"Yes, it was much appreciated," Reed responded, not even bothering to look up, he would have to fortify the building's security even more than it was.

Gwen, Kitty, and Harry all turned to each other, smiles crossing their faces. Today was a great day and they hoped to make the most out of the rest of the day they spent to together, hopefully things would be better.

They worked together and solved the crime to the best of their abilities, to them that was a win.

"Well today was an interesting day," Gwen remarked when the three of them sat in her bedroom, unwinding and relaxing. Kitty and Harry would return back to the Mansion in a little bit, there was a Danger Room session in about two hours. In the meantime they hung out at Gwen's. "Too bad you couldn't grab the Mad Thinker."

"She was quite bent that one," Harry responded when he turned his head, carefully looking forward and thinking about everything. "But I can't help but think that she'll be back."

"Well you heard what the Torch said, they always come back," Kitty stated when she began to rub the back of Harry's neck with her hands, carefully feeling the flesh underneath her hands. "You look like of stressed, Harry."

Harry had to admit that his girlfriend had a point. "Well today was a stressful day."

Gwen leaned forward, before she offered in his ear in a whisper. "Well it might be time for us to unwind."

She slid herself onto Harry's lap and wrapped her legs around him, before she straddled him and pressed her mouth onto him with a searing kiss. Harry returned the favorite, when Kitty grabbed him from behind and started to kiss on the back of his neck. The two girls worked their hands and their lips all over his body, before the real fun began.

SHIELD was always busy, always with the hustle and bustle of a well-oiled government agency. Nick Fury took a moment to reflect the events of the year that was, his eye focused on what was below. Harry Potter or Arcane rather, arriving in this universe had been what one might call a game changer and something that kept Fury on his toes no matter what. The eagle eyed director of SHIELD understood about how much this was a potentially sensitive situation and his head turned around, the footsteps of an approaching figure could be heard.

"Speak," Fury responded when one of the SHIELD agents who approved him. Fury spotted his reflection from through the window.

"Another portal has opened above the Vegas Desert, much in the way that Arcane arrived," the agent stated, waiting for the other shoe to drop. He held a metal box in his hand, turning it open. "And this dropped from the sky on that point. SHIELD was able to pick it up but we've been unable to open it, no matter what."

Fury's interest piqued and he spun around carefully eying the SHIELD agent. He reached forward and snatched the box into his hand. When Nick Fury became fixated on something, he was second to none with how he carefully studied every single of inch of what he had at his disposal. He carefully studied the box, keeping his eye glued to it. There were times where Fury thought that the box would get away from him and might even slip from his hand.

He stopped and stared, he was almost sure if it was sentient or something among those lines and he put an ear to it carefully. There were whispers within the box but they were in a strangled language that he could not fully comprehend when he listened to it. The language was unlike anything that he ever heard of on Earth and he tapped on the box, carefully analyzing it. He wondered if it was indestructible which could pose a problem if the box turned out to be a threat.

So far other than the whispers it seemed rather harmless but Fury was one to hedge his bets carefully, keeping an eye on the box and studying it, keeping it close to hand.

"We've studied it slightly, Commander Fury, the alloy is like nothing we've ever seen on this planet or any other," the agent responded when he nervously bit down on his lip, watching Fury, trying to gauge his reaction, because it might not turn out to be one that was considered well.

To his credit, Fury did not explode into a fury, he rather held the box. Black Widow and Hawkeye turned up carefully.

"Another gift arrived, spit out in the same point where Potter was," Fury informed them before they could even ask and he held the box in his hand. There was three letters on the box but they were so small that Fury could not read them.

"So what's in it?" Hawkeye wondered but Fury eyed him carefully.

"I don't know, that's the problem," Fury responded when he turned to them.

Black Widow offered a statement to Fury that posed a lot of truth to it. "Do you think that given that it arrived in the same way that Harry did, it was meant for him?"

She realized what she potentially implied with that statement, but the statement was out and the damage was done. Fury gritted his teeth and continued to ponder the box, turning it over and looking at the inscription on the bottom of it. There was something inscribed on it but it was microscopic. He would have to blow it up and take a look at it in the not so distant future.

"What does it mean?" Hawkeye wondered. "And what would this have to do with Potter?"

"Maybe we should ask him," Fury responded and the SHIELD agents nodded but another SHIELD agent rushed over.

"We've found something at one of the HYDRA bases," the SHIELD agent stated when he held up a photo. There was a busted containment tank and several HYDRA goons were done on the ground, with stab marks in them, blood dripping down from them.

Fury recognized the indentations of the claw marks immediately.

"It appears that Arcane isn't the only X-Man we'll be getting in touch with," Fury responded, he suspected that HYDRA appropriated Logan's DNA for some use but now this was the proof he needed to push forward with the investigation.

Well whatever their little experiment was, it did not take too kindly to being held captive and being conditioned into a weapon. Given that it was made from Logan's DNA, that much was obvious.

Just another day at the office for Nick Fury, uncovering more questions than he had answers.