Project X-23

Harry arrived at the SHIELD Hellicarrier, walking forward with a purpose. When Nick Fury called someone over, there was something that piqued the interest of a person. While they had a choice regarding whether or not they would answer the call, often the person in question did. The young wizard carefully walked forward, moving one step at a time. Logan followed behind him, they were both called to the ship, and both wondered the same thing. It was simply Logan who voiced the question to Harry first.

"So, what do you think this is about?" Logan asked when he looked towards Harry with widened eyes.

Harry shrugged his shoulders before he stood on the ground and looked suddenly thoughtful. "That's a pretty good question and I guess that's a good question that we're going to answer."

He walked forward, keeping his strides. The SHIELD agents stood forward.

"Barton," Harry responded with a careful nod of his head, before he turned to the hero known as Hawkeye. "Cleaned any good toilets lately?"

Barton shook his head, biting down on his lip to the amusement of Logan. He gave Harry an exasperated look. "You're a real laugh riot, you know that."

"I try my best," Harry responded when he walked by the agents and they were all crowding around.

Fury stood before them, arms folded and Harry could already tell instantly that he had a certain amount of intentions on his mind. The young mage eyed the agent of SHIELD, there were times where this particular man looked completely serious. However, this was an amount of seriousness on his face that Harry did not really see before and it was at the point where Harry deduced he masked some true worry. He carefully kept an eye on Fury, before the silence and the tension stopped, when the air cleared.

"So you wanted to see both of us," Logan stated in a crisp voice when he watched Fury.

"Yeah, you should have figured that much," Fury responded when he spun around before he eyed them carefully. He motioned for the group of agents to step forward, carrying the security photos and also an object wrapped in a red cloth. Fury's eye watched Harry carefully before he cleared his throat with a solid cough. "Another one of those portals opened and something fell through before you. The same exact spot where you arrived."

This was news to Harry and he raised an eyebrow before he slowly spoke to Fury. "What is it?"

Fury had his agents unravel the clothe from around the box and the silver box glowed before Harry. He eyed it, the design was unlike anything that he ever remembered seeing before yet he had some degree of familiarity to it. It was extremely weird to that extent; he slowly picked up the box and held it in his hand. He eyed it and he heard the whispers. He strained to hear them completely but it appeared that the whispers did know that there were other people around.

"When the time is right, you will know," the whisper in the box stated. "When the time is right, all will be revealed."

'Cryptic much,' Harry thought to himself with a frown when he eyed the box carefully, flipping it over in his hand. The box remained held in his hand, when he carefully watched it. There was something on the box and the symbols on the box; they resembled what appeared in his dreams. His dreams got even more cryptic, as Harry wondered what he truly was. He hoped to find some answers but he did not want to share this revelation with Fury when it happened, thus he declined opening the box.

Hell, he didn't even want to share the revelation with his teammates either. This was something that was private and for him, this had information about his heritage. The memories of the field moved through his head and he smiled a little bit. Perhaps this box, providing it opened, held the answers.

Harry had one question to ask the agents of SHIELD. "Have you been able to open this box?"

Fury shook his head when he eyed Harry. "No, I have been unable to ever get it open. I was hoping that you were able to open it and shed some light on it."

"I'll handle this, and I'll take it," Harry responded when he turned to walk away but Fury placed a hand on his shoulder before he slowly spun Harry around. Casually, but firmly, Harry pushed his hand away. His eyes stared down Fury, before the two men stared each other down. "Is there a problem with me doing that?"

Fury prepared to enlighten Harry on that fact. "Yes, the problem is it could be dangerous."

"So could you, so could I, and so could Logan," Harry answered as the SHIELD agents stepped forward before they watched Harry with trepidation. "Whatever is in this box, you messing with this, if it came from my world, will cause more trouble than good. Providing this box came from my world."

Harry was happily able to chalk up what was in the box as being a coincidence but he was also willing to keep his mind open despite everything that he learned. He bit down on his lip carefully, before his arms carefully swung around. The box in his hand gave him the feeling of something that contained answers and he peered at it. Temptation to open it visited him but yet dread of what could come when he opened it.

'She will be your treasure.'

That was the inscription written on the box and Harry frowned, whoever sent this box, they obviously were trying to send him some sort of message.

"Leave it alone, Fury," Logan stated in a warning voice when he spun around towards the Director of SHIELD. "You said you wanted to see me."

Fury scowled before he nodded, folding his arms across his chest. "Yeah, this came in today."

He handed Logan the photos of the destroyed HYDRA facility and the claw marks in the wall. The downed HYDRA agents obviously tried to subdue whoever did this but it ended badly for them. Now Logan's curiosity was grabbed and he wondered what the hell happened.

"We've known for months that some of your DNA may be used for a project by HYDRA," Fury added when he looked at Logan, who scowled at not being let in on this news but Fury was not finished. "One of the scientists has been in constant contact with SHIELD."

"Wait you knew this and you didn't feel like telling me until now," Logan responded when he turned to Fury. Somehow, he should not be surprised but yet he was surprised. It was like Fury to keep secrets from those around him.

Fury waved off his question, with a scowl on his face when his eyes fixed on Logan. "Don't jump down my throat Logan; it was handled that way because we don't know what we were dealing with."

"Seems like you had a pretty good idea," Logan offered, that was about all he said, although one could tell from his eyes that he was seriously peeved.

Harry kept his eyes on the tension between Fury and Logan, before he studied the claw marks in the wall and the three HYDRA facilities. One of them, he swore he visited before but he could not place it.

"So what's he like?" Logan asked, he needed to know what he was dealing with.

"She, actually," Fury responded when he watched Logan with a half-smile on his face, even though it was a pained one. "She is more or less your daughter, the cloning process had to be done through a woman and the child was kept for years in isolation, trained to kill. HYDRA took control of the old Weapon X facility but obviously months back they wanted you, because why only have one expert tracker when they can have two."

Logan turned around to talk to Harry but he vanished. In his place there was nothing but writing in flames.

Call it a crazy hunch, but I know where she went. Try that HYDRA facility down by the Hudson, that's the next one on her list.

Fury nodded his head; he figured out the same pattern come to think about it and turned to his men, who awaited him to give the order.

"Just don't stand there with your thumbs up your asses, move out," Fury barked and they SHIELD agents spun around.

Logan was not convinced somehow and he doubted that Arcane was either. The kid lead SHIELD off in that direction on purpose, it was almost too easy.

He had other plans, what they were, Logan could only begin to guess.

The dark haired girl, dressed in black garb with a mask pulled over her face, edged closer to the mansion, she felt a buzzing in her ears. During her entire life, she felt nothing but violence. Yet, she could heard them, the sound of children playing, having fun. Such a sound was something foreign to her, she did not understand it. She frowned, essentially scowling when she pushed herself forward, eyes narrowed carefully when she walked forward.

The situation was foreign therefore she had the temptation to act hostilely, almost like a threat.

The New Mutants stood at the side of the Mansion and Multiple perked his ears up before he turned to his fellow mutants.

"Hey did you hear something?" Multiple asked as he jumped up.

Boom Boom shrugged her shoulders. "I….come to think of it, you're right."

Jubilee stepped forward, edging towards the bushes. "Hello, come out we won't…."

The figure jumped out of the bushes and moved faster. The New Mutants scattered, they could not believe what was happening, everything was happening so quick. This attacker caught them completely off guard.

Bobby was the one that kept his head up before he turned to the New Mutants. Someone had to take charge and Iceman swung around, before he faced them all. "Amara, Sam, Ray, take the right side, Rahne, Jubilee, Tabby, take the left side. Roberto, Jamie, and I will take the middle."

On paper this seemed like a sound strategy but there was one flaw to something sounding like a sound strategy on paper. Often times in practice, the strategy seemed to be a little less sound. Of course, there was no use thinking about this now.

"What's going on here?" Scott asked as he walked outside, he could have sworn he heard something.

"There's someone in the bushes, be quiet!" Multiple whispered but Scott frowned.

"Step aside, I'll handle this," Scott stated, likely it was some kind of animal that spooked them.

Amara frowned and opened her mouth but Sam shook his head when they watched Scott move forward. It was like waiting for some kind of bomb to drop and they watched him.

"There's nothing in the bushes!" Scott answered with a frown but then the figure was on the wall, standing at the edge of the Mansion.

"That's because it's behind you!" Cannonball stated, frantically pointing as he did so, but before Scott could react several things happened at once.

First she dove down and grabbed him by the shoulder, causing his body to go numb when he buckled to his knees. This opened him up for a more fluid assault.

Secondly, she grabbed him around the neck and placed a disc on the back of his head, which both inhibited his powers and also shocked him into unconsciousness. The next move was not needed because of this but she felt like it was necessary nevertheless; a vicious curb stomp to the back of the had drove Scott into the ground, shattering his nose. Blood trickled from the ground; he laid in the grass, blood pouring from his head.

Iceman took a step back and he tried to ask himself the ancient question that had been asked since the beginning of time. "WWHPD". He bit down on his lip, as Jubilee tried to send a cascade of fireworks but she moved too quick to get attacked and took a swipe at Jubilee with her claws, but Iceman pulled her out of the way.

"Great, she's like Logan on PMS," Iceman stated when he saw the claws bared towards him but he dodged it carefully, setting her up from an attack from Boom Boom. That comment was thankfully unheard by the women around him, because he would be in if they did.

"She's really slick, isn't she?" Roberto asked while he shot into the air, but she grabbed him around the ankles before sending him crashing to the ground.

"Right in one!" Jubilee stated when she rushed forward. "Halt, no one shall succumb to…"

Bobby went down, as did Sam, and then Jubilee in one fluid motion. It was like she barely even tried. She worked fast, pretty faster. The New Mutants gave her a more even fight than she ever imagined but she was able to adapt. That was part of her training, being able to adapt to her surroundings.

"Just calm down, none of us want to hurt you," Amara stated but at the same time her hands lit up with glowing sensations.

Rachel popped in and used a psychic attack to bring her to her knees. She dropped to her knees, carefully shifting a little bit, to try and break into her mind.

'It's savage, and untamed, I can't…'

A swipe of the claws, which was more of a warning shot than anything. The girl pulled back before she did any real damage to Rachel. She propelled herself into the air and grabbed Rachel around the back of the head, before slipping the disc on the back of her neck.

The New Mutants fought hard thanks to their training, but they were severely outgunned by someone who had been born and bred to fight, someone who was the best in the world at what they did. The fact they lasted this long against her and were not taken out collectively in less than a second spoke well for them.

Harry flew back almost immediately when he heard what happened. He knew from the minute he saw those photos that she was coming here. There was a pattern, one that was almost too clean. She purposely led SHIELD on to make sure they followed the bread crumbs, but the bread crumbs lead to a false location. Harry pushed himself further and further, carefully managing to pick up his pace and he flew even faster, faster than a speeding bullet.

Time ticked by but Harry would not be denied, he had to keep flying and if he reached this location before SHIELD could find out the false trail, so much more the better. He sensed that she had been used as a tool and rebelled against him. Oh, he knew how that felt and Harry dropped down to the ground to see her fighting the X-Men. Rogue, Jean, and Kitty were still on their feet, with Kurt bent over, wheezing, but he managed to hold his own as well.

'The X-Mansion's security breached yet again,' Harry thought in an exasperated manner as he shook his head, before he flew forward, carefully watching the situation. August thirty first was just around the corner as he reminded himself.

He could see it in her eyes; she was confused and predisposed to attacking. This young girl might have had a tough demeanor on the outside when she shielded herself from the rest of the world .However, there was no mistake about it, she had some amount of vulnerability on the inside. Harry saw the signs in her, the anger was a front and he moved forward to engage her.

Whilst Kitty, Jean, Kurt, and Rogue held their own, they were a bit outmatched. Not that Harry was taking anything away from their abilities that was simply the fact of the matter. This girl was in fact that good.

Without another word or thought, Harry made his move, quickly, not even blinking, never even holding up. He pushed himself up into the air, before he scooped her up in the air, before pulling her away at the Mansion. He did it such a way where he masked himself, along with his scent. It was a hard charm to pull off but Harry thought he did it rather well, given the fact that he got the jump on her.

That being said, it was draining as well hell but that was beside the point. He grabbed his arms around her waist, before he set her down in a field out of the way.

She was not a happy camper.

"What are you doing?" she demanded when she rushed him with her claws but he went intangible, causing her to fly through him and land on the ground face first in the mud.

"I could ask you the same question," Harry responded when she tried to attack him but he casually side stepped her attack. Again and again, he dodged her, he could keep this up all day but he had a feeling she could as well. "Come on now, why did you go after the Institute?"

"Answers, I wanted to find him," she responded as her eyes narrowed. There was something about this boy that caused her heart to beat more steadily and caused her to lose focus. He was giving off some heavy pheromones that was making it hard to concentrate in taking him down.

Her animal instincts were inclined to take him down but what she wanted to after, that was unprecedented.

"Project X-23, I snuck a look at the SHIELD data," Harry answered when he dodged her attack once again. "You know, I can keep this up all day and all night long. I do have amazing stamina, as my girls keep reminding me."

She frowned, but there was a feeling that flushed through her body. Her heart rate increased and her palms got clammy, with her knees getting weak. This reaction from her was unprecedented and she wondered what the hell he was doing to her.

"What are you doing to me?" she asked when she dove towards him but he dodged the attack once again.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Harry answered with a charming smile that James Potter would be proud of. She moved towards him but he dodged her attack again. "Really, I can keep this up for hours and hours, on and on, around and around the loop."

The girl tried to get away but Harry teleported in front of her before she could go more than five feet. Her teeth gritted and her eyes narrowed. "Why are you stopping me from doing this? Why do you care? Why do you…"

"I know what it's like to be used by people," Harry answered when he eyed her, his voice quiet as he spoke. "I can help you, if you let me. Find the people who did this to you, I can do it."

"I can handle this myself," she stated fiercely but Harry grabbed her hands, blocking it, before he overpowered her. No one overpowered her like this. She struggled on the ground underneath his grip, pinned down, exerting his dominance over her.

"No, I think that you need to calm down and think about what you're doing," Harry answered before he pinned her down to the ground and removed her mask to reveal her face.

She had a curtain of dark although slightly unruly black hair hang down her face. Had it not been for the scowl on her face, she would have looked amazingly pretty.

"Calm down, take a deep breath, we'll work through this, I promise," Harry stated when he backed off and let her up. "Did they give you a name, other than X-23?"

She hung her shoulders down, before her head twisted around and she decided to answer her question. Now that she calmed down, she could think more clearly. After what happened, it threw her in a rage, being held like that, being forced to do those training simulations. Being subjected to all of those tests to increase the scope of her healing powers but she would take them down completely.

"Laura, that's what the woman who gave birth called me but they made me kill her," she stated in a pained voice and she slumped her shoulders. Harry carefully held her and she slumped forward a little bit. "I can't…I didn't want to, but there was something they used. It triggered a hypnotic suggestion in my brain."

"And you won't do that ever again, because we'll find it, because we'll work together and fix you the best we can," Harry responded as she slumped in his arms, drained from everything that happened. "I swear, I'll find who did this to do."

"Don't rush on my account, that's not your fight," Laura answered, as she eyed him carefully, but for some reason, he made her feel relaxed.

"Well, I know it's not my fight, but that doesn't mean I can't help when I can," Harry answered when he offered her a smile. "Laura, you'll find with me, that I tend to stick my nose into situations where they aren't wanted or needed. I hate to say that, but that's part of my charm."

Laura offered him a slight smile. "That's a matter of perspective."

Logan dropped down and she tensed up, before the two stared down each other.

"Logan, it's fine, I've got it under control," Harry responded when he watched her, and she eyed Logan suspiciously. He eyed her back; the two of them were carefully watching each other, neither backing down from the other. Something had to give but the real question was what?

"So, you're her," Logan stated when he stepped towards her but she responded with a challenging expression of her own.

"So you're him," Laura fired back while she watched him carefully. "You know, I've been trained to be better, stronger, faster than you. They've conditioned me to eventually take you out, so I can be better than someone who is the best then what they did. So if you attack me, you're kind of taking your chances"

"That's a matter of option," Logan stated when he turned around. "The rest of the team are okay, a bit shaken up, you really did a number on them, kid."

"They started it," Laura responded before she spun around and Logan smirked.

"That I don't have a doubt about," Logan responded when he watched her. "You're good kid, you caught them by surprise. That won't happen much longer."

"They didn't go down without a fight," Laura offered and she relaxed.

"SHIELD wants to run some tests," Logan answered when he turned to Harry but he shook his head when she tensed off.

"I'll keep an eye on her, she'll be my responsibility," Harry answered when he looked at Laura.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure," Harry stated to Logan carefully, he had a few questions but he was going to save them for later, after the day they had. "If Fury wants to throw a bitch fit about it, well he can take it up with me."

"Oh, I'm sure he will," Logan responded carefully when he watched him, clutching his fists and he rubbed his hands together. "And you better take good care of her kid, I know where you live."

"Not for long," Harry responded as he watched Logan. "And you know why."

"Well, I'm pretty sure I can find out your new address," Logan responded, taking a moment to watch him.

Laura was confused about this conversation but shrugged, it was likely not her place to know.

Laura sat at the edge of the Danger Room, pondering about what occurred and what she was. She had a lot to sort out and had been offered a spot at the Xavier Institute to cool her heels. Fury arrived behind her but Harry blocked his access from her.

"She's dangerous, you don't know what backdoor programming HYDRA left in her," Fury offered hostilely but the green eyed mage stared the one eyed secret agent down. He folded his arms and turned towards him. "I know you don't want to think anything bad of her but…."

"I don't because she'd learn a lot more about getting herself together here than she would in any SHIELD facility in the world," Harry responded without even given the matter any consideration. His expression was firm and he eyed Fury carefully, almost as if he dared him to say anything that would contradict him but Fury did not say anything to him.

"It's on you, don't forget that," Fury responded to him.

The tension could be cut with a knife but Harry wondered if he was putting his neck on the line. The truth was Laura was not a bad person, and he had a feeling that SHIELD was not all that altruistic about their purposes. They may feel that she was an asset to be used. He carefully kept an eye on them, turning his head around, with a smile crossing his face when he watched them. The young wizard kept a careful eye on the situation before he nodded.

"Worry about what you need to worry about Fury, and I'll worry about what you need to worry about," Harry responded to Fury, staring him down.

"I hope you're right," Fury responded when he spun around and walked off, carefully making his motions away from him. Harry watched Fury leave, not bothering to say more than two more words to him.

"Why do I have a feeling that this isn't over?"

Harry spun around and saw Jean standing there, her arms folded and a smile on her face. He moved over to greet her, through his arms around her and giving her a kiss. He did the same to Rogue, Amara, Rachel, and Kitty who lined for him.

"For the record, I understand where you're coming from," Kitty stated and they all nodded in agreement.

Harry was glad because he was not going to argue with them about this even if they disagreed with what he was doing. For he already made up his mind of what he was going to do. He stepped over from his girls and bent down to face Laura who sat on a chair.

"I could be dangerous, they could be right," Laura remarked carefully when she watched Harry, his eyes met on hers.

"I could be dangerous too, we all could be dangerous," Harry responded and Laura shrugged.

"You don't seem too dangerous but I suppose looks can be deceiving," she offered as she fixed a beady gaze on him. "You trained your team rather well; they gave me the best workout that anyone ever did. I don't know what you're doing, but keep doing it."

Harry was glad about the statement she gave, and he smiled, that was the praise that he hoped to have more of.

Laura thought about something and she turned around, her eyes carefully narrowed before she stated the next point. "Although not all of the people on this team were that good. That guy in the visor….he could use a lot of work. Although I suppose that you can't train everyone."

Harry smiled towards her but he was not going to say much more than he said. "No, I can't."

He held the box in his hand, turning around when he watched it. Ever since Harry got it, he was half fixated on it. It had been temporarily pushed in the back of his mind one he had to deal with Laura, but now he had much more time to focus on the box in his hand. He carefully watched the box in his hand and heard the whispers in the box. The box was held up to his ear when he really pondered it.

'She will be your treasure.'

Who was she, Harry wanted to know that? He had his fingers on the clasp of the box but he did not open it up yet. He saw the letter "S" encased in a silver shield on the box but what did it mean?

'You will never be alone.'

The box spoke to him carefully when he tapped the box on the side of the table and Harry frowned.

There was another statement from the box.

'All will be revealed.'

"Problem?" Laura asked to Harry, frowning whilst she watched him.

"Trying to figure out where I need to go and what I am?" Harry asked when he watched the box. "There are sometimes….well it's stupid."

Laura watched Harry for a moment; she could tell that he was in a similar boat than she was. Perhaps it was not the same exact boat but she realized that he was closer to her mentally when she realized. She could tell that he was a strong person despite all that and a real Alpha Male. Given the animalistic instincts within her, that made him attractive and potential mate material.

And he was strong enough to take her down with ease, that much was something that Laura remembered as well and respected.

"I think we should judge whether or not it is stupid," Laura offered but Harry's eyes remained on the box.

"Perhaps, perhaps not," Harry responded when he eyed the box towards them. Kitty walked up and he hid the box away in his bag, before any of them could see it.

Something told Harry that he would learn everything that he needed to know when the time was right, and not one second before. The young magical mutant stood, there were many questions and very few answers, and he was going to answer it. He wished to open the box but now was not the time.


Wanda stood outside across from the park with the wind blowing through her hair with Harry walking beside her.

"So, I might be free after next week," Wanda responded to Harry carefully, dare she hope? Dare she hope that she be free from that place, forever?

She was angry that they were playing the innocent act, trying to claim that all they were doing was trying to help her. Wanda remembered the straps; she remembered the needles being pushed into her skin. She remembered the hours she was forced into a small room without any windows or lights, because she was sick. It was inhumane treatment; in fact Wanda would go as far to say that prisoners who had committed murder and rape would not even get treatment that was that bad.

It was hard to really think about anything like that and she shared what happened with Harry. There was something about the look in his eyes that made Wanda feel slightly at ease. There was this fact that despite everything that happened, Harry was someone who understood her plight and understood what she was going through. The wizard carefully kept his eye on Wanda and a smile crossed his face. This smile made her feel more at ease than she could ever imagine before.

"A week from Thursday," Harry responded to her with a smile crossing his face. It was that type of smile that inspired trust within Harry.

"A week from Thursday," Wanda confirmed, the smile being returned.

The nightmare would be over, should be over, a week from Thursday, which was about nine days from where they sat and where they stood. Wanda mentally counted down each and every individual second in her head; the wait was rather hard to bare. Then again, most waits obviously were and she nervously rocked back a little bit on her hips. The magical mutant thought that her powers were reined in a little bit better although she had her moments. The long term effects of the drugs were leaving her and Harry managed to work his own magic to prevent the orderlies from pumping her system with anything further.

She had to ask this question, it almost hurt her how vulnerable she felt but it was something that she had to say about it. "Do you think it's going to be that easy?"

Harry smiled a bit of a smile, pained as it was for him to admit it, it was not going to be that easy. "No, but I have a feeling this should run rather smoothly providing that Mystique doesn't show up and contest it. However if Mystique shows up, we've got evidence of her wrong doings ready."

"What about my father?" Wanda asked Harry when she stood by him.

Harry paused for a moment, he could tell that a part of Wanda ached for revenge. But even if she went after her father, then what would happen? Would she have any kind of clarity? Something told Harry that despite that fact, she would have nothing resembling clarity. It would be an endless cycle of revenge, that's what he thought about and reflected on.

Of course, he did wonder if Magneto would approve if the shoe was on the other foot but he never talked to the man himself about the circumstances of the situation with Wanda. The young wizard carefully chose his next words before responding.

"Wanda, I'm not sure if I can even begin to think about what was going through his mind," Harry responded in a delicate voice.

"Don't you dare tell me that the path of revenge is a barren one," Wanda stated in a snippy voice but Harry smiled.

"I wasn't about to tell you that at all ,believe me," Harry answered when he carefully looked up into the sky. The birds tweeted in the sky and he put his hands on his hips. "But would it give you the answers that you seek? Something tells me that it won't give you those answers."

Wanda grudgingly conceded that he might have a point, her shoulders slumped and she watched him before she opened her mouth and spoke her next statement. "It's almost like you're seeking answers about yourself."

Harry did not say anything at the moment although Wanda struck the nail on the head. The moment he arrived, he realized that there was something different about him. He thought that it was because of the Voldemort memories that he had but there was something else. Harry spun around and he thought back to the box. The box was currently in a bag that he kept over his shoulder at all times. He would not even leave it alone for a second.

He had a feeling that it was too dangerous for anyone but himself to tamper with.

"Answers, yes, I want them," Harry admitted to her before he smiled. "Guess we're going to have to figure that out one step at a time."

Harry thought to himself when he closed his eyes and looked up. He did hope after a week from Thursday, Wanda would be free of that place forever. There would be many demons that she would have to face otherwise but Harry thought that was something that she would deal with. They could continue their little sessions without any interruption. He only had a limited amount of time with her.

"Keep the proper balance and that's it," Harry responded when he saw Amara standing atop the mountain, her eyes glowing. She requested a little bit of one on one time with him to get an exercise done that she was struggling with and Harry figured why not. He had some time to spare and he watched Amara carefully balance herself, watching him.

"So how am I doing?" she asked Harry when she watched him.

"Don't worry, you're doing great, but keep your focus on it," Harry watched her, before she slid down.

"So is Wanda's hearing going to go by as planned?" Amara asked when she did the last part of the exercise.

"Pretty much, just a little bit to the right," Harry responded when he eyed her carefully, when the two of them looked at each other. "And that's enough for tonight."

Amara slid down when she walked over towards Harry, there was a moment where the two of stood next to each other. Harry brought her into an embrace tightly with the two of them standing with each other. The Danger Room returned to its normal status.

"I'd give it a nine point five out of ten," Harry responded and she looked at him through widened eyes. "As you know, there's always room for improvement."

"I'm sure there is," Amara stated while she placed her hands on Harry's hips. "And that will allow me to spend a lot more time together with you."

Amara decided to look at Harry, carefully choosing her next words.

"So, you really are leaving on September First?" Amara asked Harry carefully.

"That rumor is flying around a lot isn't it?" Harry asked before he looked at the dark skinned princess, before he placed his hands on the small of her back. "Mostly because there's a lot of truth to it…it's really hard to say why I'm leaving in words."

Amara smiled at him before she caught onto it. "It's one of those journey's that life takes you, isn't it?"

"Right in one," Harry answered before he held her in close. "I won't forget the things that I learned here but I could stick around here and just be one part of a team where I can't stand out. Or I could lead something beyond the name of Charles Xavier."

"You've always struck me as more of a leader than a follower," Amara answered when she turned away from Harry. She did not want to say anything about Scott but he did have a lot of issues that he needed to work out. "Is….you have everything set up, don't you?"

Harry thought that everything was ninety five percent of the way done, it was that final five percent that always was the toughest. It was really funny how something like that went but it was true. The young wizard carefully kept his eyes on the princess in his arms.

"Don't worry about that, I'm here now," Harry responded when he wrapped his arms around her. "And wherever I got, I'll be easily accessible."

Amara smiled in spite all of what happened and Harry leaned forward, before he pressed his lips against hers with a kiss. She felt his hands move over her back and shivered with the delight, when he pressed his lips against hers. The girl was slowly backed into the wall and Harry had her pinned. He grounded against her slightly whilst her nipples stood out erect from beneath her uniform top, poking against his chest and Harry carefully cupped the underside of her breasts.

"So, it's time, isn't it?" Harry asked before he continued to kiss her.

"Yes," she breathed when he removed her uniform top.