Happy Family (Present)

I walk into my bedroom, close my door, and shut my curtains because I want to be alone. I place my back against the door and slowly slid to the floor. My bedroom is dark and silent and I can hear my Mum and Dad argue in the living room downstairs. This is day 3 of the arguments. I know this move won't be ideal; I know we won't be happy because we have left all of our family and friends behind. I can only hear parts of the arguments and all my Dad can bring up is that he regrets moving. This is a selfish decision that my Mum has made and we should have discussed it as a family matter rather than her taking it upon herself to go ahead with the new job.

The shouting, Banging, smashing, crying and screaming are getting louder. I stand up and walk over to my bed, sit down and place my hands on my face. I hear the door squeak; I look up to see Lockie shutting it.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" he sobs. I have never seen Lockie upsets like this before but then again, Mum and Dad rarely had any arguments in our former home.

"Sure bro, come here" I whisper as I tap the bed.

Lockie walks over, sits next to me and I give him a hug. I can't tell him it will be ok and neither can I tell him it will get better because I know it won't. I don't know if Mum and Dad will fix this, because it can end their marriage, we can split home as Dad will move out. But all I can do is keep Lockie's mind at ease.

"They'll stop soon." I add.

"Can you speak to Mum in the morning?" he asks.

"I'll try" I reply.

I climb into bed and pull the duvet covers over and Lockie climbs in at the other end. 'Hopefully it's a fresh day tomorrow' I think.

Morning arrives. The birds are singing and the sun is rising. I glace over to the end of my bed, Lockie is still asleep. I quietly get out of bed, grab a t-shirt from my drawers and go downstairs. As I am walking downstairs, I quickly put my t-shirt on before I go into the kitchen.

Now, I want to find out answers for everything because I've been in the dark too long.

I enter the kitchen as my Mum makes pancakes; I shut the door behind me as I know this can turn nasty.

She sets the table as always. I look through the window, but Dad isn't there.

"Morning Darling, how are you today?" my Mum questions whilst smiling. She is acting like last night didn't happen.

"I could be better if you didn't make so much noise last night," I point out.

My Mum just looks at me and frowns. I walk over to the table and sit down.

"Can we talk about everything?" I propose. Hoping that she will tell me everything.

"What do you want to talk about?" she answers as she turns and places the pancakes onto my plate.

"Why did we move?" I ask.

"I got a promotion in work, but it was only available here in Florida," she states.

She turns back to the stove and continues cooking. I'm thankful she is answering the questions I am asking.

"Why did you accept it? Why did we have to leave Gran and Grandpa?" I challenge.

I hear her sighs, and I can see she's getting annoyed with the handful of questions I have already asked about.

"The job is better money to support us as a family." She replies.

I notice the answers are short and dull. She seems like she shouldn't have to explain herself to a 17-year-old.

"Why have you and Dad been fighting for the last 3 days?" I push.

My Mum stops, picks up the pan and turns off the stove.

"Killian. It's none of your business!" she hisses.

"It is my business if I have to calm Lockie down because you two are behaving like fools!" I shriek.

Me and my Mum have never had the perfect mother and son relationship. It can get out of hand fast.

"How dare you speak to me like that! I am your mother!" she screams.

"Well, stop treating me like dirt and start respecting me as your son and maybe I will start respecting you as my mother." I shout.

Before she can reply; I walk out the kitchen and slam the door behind me. I rush upstairs. I could feel the anger boiling inside me. I don't think I can control myself if I hit the peak.

I throw open my bedroom door and slam it behind me. I look over and Lockie is sat up in my bed. He looks petrified. I quickly grab my converse, black skinny jeans and my black jacket.

"Kil? Is everything ok?" he stutters.

I hop around trying to get dressed as quick as I can. The more I struggle, the angrier I become. I can hear ringing in my ears, my body burning up.

"Please speak to me Kil you scare me when you're like this!" he cries.

Boom! Just like that, I flip.

"Don't freaking speak to me. Since you came along they have pushed me out of the picture! I was happy and loved. You made things go bad when you came along. It's all your fault! I wish you were never born!" I yell.

Lockie begins to cry and runs past me and out of my bedroom. I hear a smash downstairs. Suddenly thudding steps on the stairs. Getting closer and closer. I'm ready. I pull my hood up and race to my door. I open my door and my Mum stands in the doorway.

"You are in deep trouble when your father gets back! He is on his way home now!" she roars.

I don't know what's coming over me, but I push her out of the way and run downstairs.

My Mum falls to the floor with a bang. I hear her let out a painful scream. I run out the front door and down the street.