Friend or Foe

As soon as I awake, my Mum is sat next to my bed. The look on her face can explain a thousand words. She looks beyond worried.

"How are you feeling" she asks as she strokes my cheek.

"I don't feel right. I have a weird headache; I can't explain it." I answer.

"Well now you have come around maybe the party will help you. I'll ask the doctor to do a last check on you." She suggests.

I am really not in the right frame of mind to go to a party with a bunch of people I hate.

"Yeah maybe…" I reply.

The doctor walks through the door and gives a smile.

"So are you up for the party Killian?" he asks.

"Not really but I'll go for the sake of making things right with Donnie and his family." I reply.

"Good. I must do a few checks now if that's OK?" he says as he gets his pen torch.

"Why suddenly do I need a check?" I ask.

"Your rage frenzy wasn't a normal one sweetheart. We were on the urge of calling in Greenland Asylum because we thought you lost your sanity. You had us all worried." My Mum sniffs.

"If I had lost my sanity, I wouldn't be having a normal conversation with you right now." I point out.

The doctor nods and walks over to my bedside.

"You're right Killian, but to be safe I need to do this last check before you go anywhere. It will show me any signs of it happening." He explains.

The doctor took his pen torch and begins to check my pupils. He then gets me to follow the light with my eyes.

"Tell me what you feel right now?" he asks.

"Tired, bored and wanting to just go to sleep," I reply.

My Mum laughs and the doctor smirks.

"Sounds like the normal Killian to me." He laughs.

I climb out of bed and begin to put my Doc Martens on. My Mum and the doctor go to the other side of the room. I can hear them whispering about the test.

"His pupils are still constricted and are reacting very little to light. But he is responding and still acting like his normal self." The doctor explains quietly.

"Any signs such as stuttering, repetitive words or strange laughter call Greenland Asylum immediately." He continues.

My Mum nods and they both turn to look at me. I glance over and give a slight smile.

"So it could be time now? He's giving physical signs." My Mum asks.

"Maybe, just keep a close eye on him." The doctor suggests.

We leave the hospital and head home to pick up Dad and Lockie. I feel like death. The doctor knows how groggy I get after sedation but yet he makes me go out. 

"You're being awfully quiet Killian." My Mum points out.

"Are you feeling ok?" She asks.

"Stop worrying. If I'm going to go insane and on a killing mission, I think I would have shown signs now." I say.

"Of course yeah." She chuckles.

We pull up outside our house. My Dad opens the front door, Lockie comes running out to the car.

"Party!" he screams as he comes running over.

My Dad locks the door and comes over to the car.

"Hey son! How are you?" my Dad says cheerfully.

"I could be better, I'm a bit groggy." I reply.

"He had to be sedated again." My Mum adds.

"Hopefully you feel better soon. We will have a brilliant night tonight." He says with a smile.

We arrive at Donnie's; I have never felt so anxious in all my life. I look in the mirror to check my pupils, they're still constricted. Why are they not going back to normal?

"Why aren't my pupils going back to normal?" I say worryingly.

"Like we told you Killian, that rage frenzy wasn't your usual one. It was different." My Mum explains.

"He's had another one?" My Dad asks.

"Yes, but this time it was worse." She adds.

I glance out of the window and see the other me stands in the yard. His skin as white as paper and a scarily enormous smile on his face.

"Erm… can we go in now?" I ask. 

"Let's go." My Dad says as he opens the car door.

"Of course darling, I'm waiting for you." My Mum answers.

"I'm going with Dad!" Lockie shouts as he flings open the car door.

I get out of the car. I keep my eyes locked on the other me; he stands still. He looks as if someone had pulled him out of a horror movie.

"What the hell?" I say to myself.

My Mum heads to the door. She turns to see where I was.

"Come on Killian!" She shouts over. 

I hurry towards her, Dad and Lockie whilst ignoring the freaky looking me over on the yard.


Knock, Knock


How typical Donnie answers the door. 

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Saunders! Hey Lockie, Kil." He says excitedly.

"Hello Donnie, are we OK to come in?" my Mum asks politely. 

Donnie nods and let everyone through. As I go to follow of course Donnie stops me in my tracks.

"Want to get out of this place and have a proper party in Dead Man's Woods?" He asks with a smile.

"Whatever man." I reply.

"Look, all can be forgiven and forgotten. I know you're going through a lot and I can't stress how sorry I am for what I've done." Donnie says.

He puts his hand out.

"Shake on it, bro. Truce." He adds.

I look at him then look at his hand. I give a slight smile and shake his hand.

"Truce." I say with a smile.

Donnie opens the door properly and lead the way in. We went to the kitchen; he grabs a beer and passes it to me, then grabs 3 more. 

"Come on outside for a bit. Get to know the guys properly." He says nicely.

I'm getting a little uncomfortable. How can these guys go from bullying me for months to this? Something feels off.

Donnie leads the way outside to the canopy area.

"So how's the treatment going?" he asks.

"Good…" I say hesitantly.

"Spoke to Penny recently?" He questions.

"Not since she told me we were done and she's lost the baby…" I answer.

"She told you that?" He asks.

"Yeah why?" I reply.

"She looks very much pregnant to me…" he smirks.

I stop and freeze in shock. Why would she lie to me like that?

"If she wants to care for the baby on her own leave her to it dude. You still have freedom to do whatever you want." He chirps.

I guess he's right. I can live my own life instead of worrying about her and the baby. Just live on caring for myself.

"I guess that's true man, thanks." I reply.

We get to the canopy area. Xane and Alex are waiting.

"Look who's arrived boys!" Donnie bellows.

"Aye!" Xane and Alex cheer.

"Sit down Kil!" Donnie says as he offers a seat.

"Err… thanks." I say hesitantly.

"Sup dude? How's life on the dark side?" Xane blurts out.

"Don't be a douchebag." Donnie buts in.

"It's fine Donnie. Life couldn't be worse, couldn't be better." I huff.

"Cool." Xane laughs.

"Show him the mask for the game we are playing later!" Alex chuckles.

"Sure. Plain white mask, black hoodie and Dead Man's Woods. We're going to play manhunt." Donnie says with a smile. 

"I've only played it once." I imply.

"Well you will remember how it's done!" Alex gloats.

Everyone begins to drink up their drinks. I try to drink mine as quick as I can. 

"Let's go then boys. We'll take some beers with us too." Donnie says.