This Can't be Happening

A few days pass after the Donnie incident at school. I don't remember what happened, but I'm amazed that I stood up to him and fought back. The doctor told me everything that I had done. I was forced to write an apology letter to the school, Donnie and his parents. That wasn't fun in the slightest. I sit at my desk in my room and open up my notebook. For some reason I've been drawing strange sketches recently of a strange creature. I don't know what it is I've just drawn them. They're quite disturbing. Especially that in my mind the creature murders children and takes their souls. It's a bit dark…


Knock, knock


"Come in." I shout.

My Mum walks into my room followed by the doctor.

I quickly shove my notebook into my drawer, hoping they don't question it.

"Sup?" I ask.

"There has been an arrangement with Donnie's parents. They're having a party tonight for the neighbors and Donnie. They have invited our family to join." My Mum explains with a smile.

No! The worst possible conclusion. There is no way I am going to that house pretending I'm best buddies with that idiot!

"I'm not going." I quickly reply.

My Mum stands and stares at me in shock. She then looks at the doctor as if they can change my mind. He sighs.

"Killian, it will be good for you to have a nice evening and be social with people. You'll be fine." He says.

I stand up from my desk and walk over to both my Mum and the doctor.

"I'm not going. You can't change my mind, end of story." I say.

I walk over to my wardrobe to look what I have inside.

"We're all going sweetheart. Me, your Dad, Lockie and you. Nothing will happen we will be together." My Mum says with a smile.

I roll my eyes and grab my black skinny jeans, black t-shirt and converse.

"Fine, I'll get ready now and then we can go home." I huff.

Both my Mum and the doctor smile at each other. They seem like they have made an achievement to make me go somewhere.

"We will leave you to get ready. I'll wait in the cafeteria for you." My Mum says with a smile.

I nod and place my clothes onto my bed. I can't believe that I've agreed to go to this stupid party. Anything can happen at this party with or without my family there. It's bad enough that me and Donnie got into a fight the other week.

I begin to get dressed. I can't help but think about what can happen. What if I end up having a rage frenzy? If that happens I will be the bad guy all over again, especially after apologizing via a letter. I grab my Doc Martens and begin to put them on. As I start to tie my laces a weird feeling comes over me, I feel like something bad is going to happen... dread.

I slowly walk towards my bedroom door, I grab the handle and open the door. I take a step out into the corridor and look around to see who is around. Just the regular patients wondering about. I make my way to the cafeteria and begin to scan the area for my Mum and the doctor. Before I know it they stop looking at my notes. I rush to find out what they're discussing.

"What's up?" I ask as I stand behind them.

"Oh, Killian you're here!" my Mum says in surprise.

"Anything new on my case notes yet?" I ask the doctor politely.

The doctor looks at me, then looks at my Mum. He then looks at my notes and flicks through them.

"There aren't many cases on Imply-Psychosis Killian, it is really hard to get as much information as we can for it," he replies.

"You must know a lot already, or are you waiting to see how it all plays out with me to use me as your lab rat?" I scold.

"No Killian, we are trying to make you better." my Mum adds.

"I'm getting worse rather than better." I shout.

"I'll tell you everything we know in my office if you like Killian?" the doctor asks.

I nod and proceed to his office.

I get to the doctors' office and let myself in. I walked over to the chair in front of his desk and sit down.

"Go on..." I say.

My Mum shuts the door as the doctor walks over to his desk.

"Long story short... We can't cure you or mend you or fix you." the doctor says bluntly.

"Yes, you are getting worse. You will get a lot worse than this." he continues.

I can't help but sit in shock as I was trying to take in what he was telling me. Why did he not tell me this when I asked?

"I am trying to prepare your mother for the worst and have your documents ready to sign you over to Greenland Asylum."  he adds.

"And you're telling this to me now after weeks of me asking you to talk to me and discuss this?" I yell.

"I wanted to plan how I was going to tell you; I really didn't want to do it like this." the doctor explains.

I shake my head and stand up.

"You're all a joke! I move here then get stuck in this horrible place when I was told I could go home. Eventually I find out the genuine reason we moved here was so my Mum can use me as a research project for her new job role to impress the true jackass himself." I yell. 

"You should have been honest from the start and maybe I wouldn't be here flipping out and going into a rage frenzy!" I continue.

"We are telling you everything Killian." My Mum adds.

"No, you haven't! You're both impulsive liars!" I scream.

I run to the door as I know my rage frenzy was kicking in. As I get to the door two of the doctor's goons jump in front of it.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I growl.

"We want to see the rage frenzy Killian; we want to see what we can do to pull you out of it." The doctor says as he slowly approaches me.

"You have no right whatsoever keeping me in here! I want my private space! Let me out!" I scream.

I turn to look at the two goons. I can't help but crack a smile.

"I can easily get past you," I whisper.

"Killian, please calm down. We want to help you." My Mum breathes.

"I'm beyond help now ma, I'm the real me. I am staying this way!" I growl follows by an insane laugh.

"What do you want to do Killian?" the doctor asks.

"I want to end you all! Revenge, sweet revenge." I laugh.

The doctor has a worried look on his face. He knows he has made a mistake.

"Get him." He says to his goons.

"Really? How sad of you." I reply.

As the goons approach me I make a run for the door. I manage to get out and get back to my bedroom. I lock the door and begin to laugh.

"Open this door right now Killian!" my Mum yells.

"I'm happy how I am! I want to stay this way." I giggle.

I begin pacing my bedroom up and down with uncontrollable laughter. I rub my face, rub my hands on my hoodie. I begin to twitch.

"I… I… l… love this… this f… feeling!" I stammer, follows by laughter.

"Killian! You need to be sedated before it's too late! That's the entire purpose of you being sedated every time you have a rage frenzy." My Mum cries.

"It may be too late… sounds like his sanity has snapped already…" the doctor states.

"We need to get in tie him down and do sanity checks." He continues.

The doctor nods to his goons. Suddenly they kick the door open and grab hold of my arms. I scream and scream. The doctor then shines his light in each eye.

"His pupils are still reacting. Give him the shot now before it's too late!" the doctor demands.

A nurse runs in with a needle and put it into my neck. Once again… I fall asleep.