I'll Kill them all Before they Kill Me

Again I return to school. Every time I go back after an incidence the more nervous I get. I can hear the whispering and the gossiping as I walk through the corridors to get to my locker. Everyone keeps up to date with the news of everyone but at the moment I'm top of the news list.

I get to my locker and open it up. A sudden rush of notes come spilling out onto the floor. Each one had different things saying:

'Psychopath', 'Girlfriend beater', 'Nut job', 'Weirdo'

The list goes on. How anyone can live through this is beyond me. How can people be so damn horrible!

"Hey, nut job?" Alex shouts from his locker.

I continue grabbing my books out of my locker and pretend I didn't hear him.

"Yo! He's speaking to you psych!" Xane shouts to me.

Again, I continue acting normal and ignoring them.

"Go over to him, he's obviously being ignorant!" Donnie says to both Alex and Xane.

Alex walks over and slams my locker shut in front of me.

"Can you hear me nice and clear now freak?" He asks.

I just stand in silence. I don't make eye contact I just stare at the floor.

Suddenly Donnie comes out of nowhere and throws me against the lockers.

"Trying to be smart with us? It's not going to work Saunders!" Donnie shouts in my face.

I slowly look up and my eyes lock onto his. I have no other words to say to him other than…

"Go away you over grown rat." I growl.

Xane and Alex jump up and down like apes behind him snapping their fingers and laughing.

"So that's how you want to play?" He says as he pushes me more into the lockers.

Donnie then drags me to the toilets. Alex follows and Xane stays outside the door.

Before I know it Donnie, then throws me into the cubicle with full force. I hit the back of my head on the toilet basin I try to get back up but I struggle.

"Do you like being thrown about?" he asks as he walks towards me.

I can't speak I just freeze.

"I guess not!" He shouts as he grips my t-shirt.

Donnie picks me up and threw me back onto the floor. Fist after fist he punches me anywhere he can. I try my best to shield myself from it, but I can't.

"How do you like that psycho!" He yells as he continues punching me repeatedly.

I can't speak nor move. I am in so much pain I can't do anything. I can feel parts of my face bleeding and the back of my head pulsating. I get angry to the point I know what is happening next.

Donnie stops and stands up. He smiles as if he has done a great job. As I think he is going to walk off, he turns back around and begins kicking me in my stomach and ribs. I feel the blood pouring from my eyes and nose.

I grab Donnie's foot on his last kick. I look up at him and smile. I pull his foot as hard as I can. He then slumps to the floor. I get up as quick as I can and begin doing what he did to me back at him. I start seeing his blood and the more I see, the harder I hit.

The door opens and 2 teachers come running in to grab me and Donnie.

"What on earth is going on here?" One of them shouts as they grab me off of Donnie.

We are both too hurt to answer.

The teacher then pushes me out of the door, down the corridor to the nurses' room.

"We have Killian here and Donnie on his way. Both been fighting in the boys' toilets." He says as he sits me onto a chair.

"Thank you. I will get them cleaned up." She says as she prepares the first aid kit.

"I'll contact their parents." He says as he leaves the room.

The nurse cleans up all the cuts on my face.

"Looks like you both took it too far." She says as she dabs my wounds.

"I really don't care." I reply.

She nods and continues to dab the wounds.

"Have you taken your meds?" She asks.

"No, because I don't need them. Can you stop talking to me now?" I growl.

She went quiet and continues cleaning me up. I don't want to talk to anyone. I don't want to be quizzed about it all. I'm angry, in agony and wanting to rip Donnie's head off.

Just as that thought came into mind Donnie was let into the nurses' room with the other teacher.

"Here's Mr. Evans, he needs same treatment as Mr. Saunders." He says.

Before anything else can be done I jump up out of my chair and throw myself at Donnie. I push him to the floor and put my hands around his throat. I push as hard as I can. I watch as he struggles to breathe. The teacher tries to pull me off him but he isn't successful. He opens the door.

"I need help in here!" He yells into the corridor.

He leaves the door open and attempted to pull me off Donnie again.

Suddenly another teacher comes in and they pull me away and keep hold of me. The nurse runs over to Donnie to make sure he was OK.

"Right Mr. Saunders! Your doctor is on his way and you will be going home and staying there until further notice!" He shouts.

I just sat and stares as I have both of them holding me.

Soon enough my doctor arrives and helps me up off of the floor.

"Come on let's get into the van Killian." He says.

I nod and make my own way out of the school. As I walk through the corridor, everyone starts looking and talking. I continue walking, trying not to look and ignoring them as best as I can. As I get outside of the building, I just run to the van. There are more people outside talking and whispering. I get to the van; and jump into the back as quickly as I can, slamming the door shut. I sit and wait for the doctor to take me back to my room. I'm glad I don't need to come back to school now, I hate it anyway.

The doctor opens the drivers' door and climbs into his seat. He sits in silence. I can tell he isn't happy about what has happened, but screw him.