
I wake up and find myself in a different hospital room. I look down at my hands they're bandaged up.

"Killian you're awake!" My Mum shouts with joy.

I just sat and look at her. I can't speak as I have a bandage all around my head.

"The doctor will be in shortly son; he's going to remove the bandages." My Dad explains.

I just nod.


Knock, Knock


The doctor walks in. Of course it is my usual doctor.

"We ready Killian? It's been a long time." He asks.

I nod again.

He slowly begins to remove the bandages from my head. My Mum slowly removes them from my right hand and my Dad removing them from my left. It didn't take long to be removed.

"Wow." My Dad says in shock.

"What!" I yell.

"There's a mirror in your shower room Killian. Go have a look." The doctor advises.

I slowly climb out of bed. I had a strong urge to laugh due to the pain I was still having. I smile.

"Are you ok darling?" My Mum asks.

"Yes! I've never felt better!" I growl.

I continue to the shower room. I walk in and stand in front of the mirror. My Mum, Dad and doctor stand in the doorway behind me.

"It will take some getting used to Killian, you're lucky you had that mask on or you wouldn't have any skin." My Mum explains.

"I'm… I'm… WHITE!" I screamed.

"Killian. We can do things to improve that. It is due to the white plastic melting into your skin. It has caused a chemical pigment change to your scarring." The doctor explains.

"I… love it!" I yelled.

The doctor turns to look at my Mum and Dad. They look at each other worryingly.

I look down to my hands then look at my face again. I feel my face, it feels silky.

"It's perfect!" I yell followed by a laugh.

"To be honest, he has been on a lot of high dose medication for pain relief. This behavior can be normal." The doctor mentions.

"Will he be moved back to his room at the institution" my Mum asks. 

The doctor nods. 

"Would you like to help me take him there? It will be better for visiting." He continues.

My Mum nods and walks into the shower room behind me.

"Come on darling let's walk you back to your room." She says softly.

My Mum takes my hand and leads the way to my room. My Dad follows behind.

We arrive at my room at the mental institute. I walk over to my wardrobe and grab some clothes.

"I don't blame You son. I would want to get out of their hospital robes too." He chuckles.

I turn to look at him then turn back to grab my vans from the bottom of my wardrobe.

"You don't know me." I said harshly.

I walk out of my room and into the toilet. I shut the door and lock it.

"Hey! Where are you?" I whisper.

I start to laugh uncontrollably and my body begins to twitch.

"Why is it when I need you you're not here!" I growl.

"You don't need to be so damn bossy Killian!" a voice says followed by a giggle.

"Oh? Are we playing a game now? I like games." I chuckle.

"Try and find me then." The voice says.

I turn to look behind me. Nothing. I look to the door. Nothing.

"I know where you are!" I laugh.

I walk over to the mirror and stare.

"You're hiding in there!" I growl.

No sign of the other me.


Knock, Knock 


"Killian who are you talking to?" my Mum asks.

"No one." I quickly reply.

"Are you dressed?" my Dad asks.

"Give me a minute! Stop questioning me!" I scream.

"Something isn't right with him. He's never been snappy like this before." My Dad says to someone outside.

"He's in a lot of pain Charles, bear with him." My Mum explains.

I get changed and start to tie my laces. 

"Are you ok darling?" my Mum asks sweetly.

I sigh. Why isn't anyone leaving me alone? I can't wait to permanently shut them up!

"I said… give me a damn minute!" I snap.

I finish tying my laces and stand up. I throw my hood up and I walk over to the door. I unlock it and open it. My Mum and Dad stand staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing son. Just needs a little getting used to." My Dad explains.

I push my way past them to get to my room. I get to my room and open the door. Wade, Donnie and Penny are inside.

"What the hell?" I bark.

"Long time no see bro. How are you feeling?" Wade asks. 

"Not worth telling you about." I Mumble.

"Dude, I'm so sorry about the accident! I didn't know anything about it." Donnie states.

"I don't really care." I Mumble.

Everyone looks at each other then look back at me. I turn around and see they're staring at me.

"Got a problem?" I ask.

"You just look… very different." Penny points out.

"I know, I'm not blind." I say sarcastically.

Suddenly it hit me. Penny lied to me about the pregnancy, she isn't pregnant now.

"Where's the baby Penny?" I smirk.

Wade and Donnie look at Penny and walk over to stand nearby.

"I don't know what you're on about Killian." She says nervously.

"I know when you're lying Penny! You kept the baby didn't you?" I yell.

"Kil, I think the pain killers have sent you a bit West dude. Relax." Wade says calmly.

"Stay the hell out of it!" I roar.

The doctor walks into the room with my parents and his two goons.

"Let me guess, you're going to sedate me again aren't you!" I yell.

"Please can you leave the room everyone. This isn't going to be nice to watch." The doctor explains.

Everyone starts to walk out of the room. I run to my window and open it. I climb out as quick as I can.

"Get him quickly!" the doctor demands.

I get through the window and fall onto the grass below. I stand up and run towards the car park. I giggle then laugh.

"They're not going to stop me now. It's my time to shine!" I scream followed by an insane sounding laugh.