Kill or not to Kill

Dead Man's Woods, my favorite place. Here is what makes me, here is what completes me. I sit and look at the woods high up in a tree. I need to think and figure out how my plan can go ahead for my revenge without getting caught.

Suddenly I hear voices below. I quietly climb down to see who is was. I recognize their voices. To my surprise it was Xane and Alex. Jump down behind them.

"Thanks for the permanent make over, I appreciate it!" I said with a smile. They both jump in fright.

"Killian… I thought you were still recovering!" Xane yells.

"3 long months in the burns unit and in a coma. I think I'm fully better." I laugh.

"Do something; You idiot!" Xane shouts to Alex.

Alex pulls a knife out from his belt.

"You really think that's going to bother me?" I smile.

I grab the knife from Alex before he can react.

"The thing is… since you put me through so much torture I can't feel anything no more. Pain, emotion, nothing!" I growl.

I put the knife to my mouth and cut into my left cheek and sliced upwards. Blood begins to pour.

"Like I said. I feel nothing!" I laugh.

Xane and Alex stand and watch in horror.

"So if you wanted to do anything else, it won't bother me one bit!" I yell as I slice my right cheek.

"Dude! He's just gave himself a Chelsea Grin! What the hell!" Alex screams.

I laugh hysterically.

"Do you not want your knife back?" I chuckle.

"Keep it!" Xane shouts as him and Alex run.

I look at the knife and look at my reflection in it. 

"I've made myself look even better! I… I… Love it! I scream.

I head to the exit of the woods. I have plans to fulfil.

10.30am and I'm standing outside of my school. The thought of getting revenge is making me too excited.

"H… H… Here I c…c…come!" I stutter.

I walk to the main doors and walk through. The corridor is clear. I walk into the toilets. Wade is washing his hands.

"Holy crap man! What have you done?" He yells.

"P… proved I can't f… feel p… pain." I stutter again.

"Right, Kil. Hang in there I'll go grab the doctor." Wade says calmly as he tries to leave.

"I d… don't need a d… doctor!" I scream.

Wade freezes and puts his hands up so I could see them.

"Don't do this Kil. I know the real you is still there somewhere. Please come back to normal." Wade begs.

"Did you not know? The… the old m... me is g… gone!" I laugh.

Wade begins to cry. He slowly approaches me.

"Kil, please come back. This is not you!" he cries.

Suddenly I feel strange like he has managed to dig out a part of me. I crouch to the floor.

"Wade? Help me… I'm scared and I'm in so much pain!" I cry.

"It's ok man! It's OK." He said as he crouches beside me.

"My face! It hurts so bad!" I scream.

"I'll go and get someone to help I promise. Wait there." He says calmly.

As Wade turns to open the door I jump up and slice his throat with the knife.

"Don't you dare do that! I love the new me! Don't bring the old me back!" I scream.

As Wade falls to the floor I begin to stab him repeatedly in the back. The more blood that shows the more I do it.

I stop and look at what I have done… my first kill and it is easy. Maybe if I trick people this could work.

I hide in Xane's changing locker. He always comes here with Alex to get his drugs. I wait… and wait. 

"Come on dude, quick! We need to get these before the bell goes." Xane shouts to Alex.

He opens his locker. I quickly slice his throat before he can think of doing anything and jump out. Alex begins to run and scream. I chase him down and throw him to the floor. I turn him around and I sit on him.

"Revenge is s… sweet!" I laugh.

In one quick swoop I slice his throat and stab him over and over again. The anger, the rage! It is all being released from this. 

I stop.

I walk back over to Xane. He was already dead but slicing his throat isn't good enough. I grab him by his hair and carve a Chelsea Grin onto his face.

"Since it was your p… plan to b…burn me you can't… twin with m… me!" I splutter.

I stand up. I walk away with no emotion to find a hiding place.

I have killed 20 people at this point and I've still not been caught. I leave the school and head back to Dead Man's Woods. The police are now involved so it's best I stay hidden. I've revenged the people who broke me. I have had my thrill of blood. The next step I need to think carefully about. It is getting close to the evening and I am still thinking about my plan for my next kill. I think this will need to wait until night time.

9pm arrives. I've still not been found. Time to achieve my next plan. I climb out of my usual tree and head for the exit. I walk for 10 minutes and reach my parents' house. I stand still and stare. All the lights are out. I walk across the yard and go to the back of the house. 

They've forgot the lock the back door.

I enter the house and head upstairs. I've had enough of these fun and games with my head! I'm angry that the whole reason we moved here was to use me as a guinea pig! Now it's time to end this.

I get to the first bedroom, my parents room. I quietly walk in and walk over to my Mum's side. I can't help but smile. I grab the knife from my back pocket and slice her throat. She didn't move or wake. I move around to my Dad's side. 

'I hate you so much for not even being there for me! You were there for Lockie more when I needed you more!' I say in my head.

I put the knife to his neck and quickly drag it across. Their blood filled each side of the bed.

I walk out of the bedroom without touching anything. I open the door to Lockie's room. He sits up and looks directly at me.

"Who are you?" he cries.

"It's ok Lockie! It's me… Killian." I whisper.

"Why are you in the dark?" he sniffles.

"Because I can't let you see my face." I explain.

"Mum told me your very poorly. I won't be scared of your face. You're my big brother and I love you." He chirps.

I clench the knife tightly in my hand behind my back.

"What have you got behind your back?" Lockie asks.

"How about I sit next to you and show you?" I chuckle.

"Yeah sure!" he says excitedly.

I walk over and sit down next to Lockie. His face looks so happy. 

"Goodnight little brother." I growl.

"I'm not tired…" Lockie replies.

I pull out my knife and he began to scream.

"Killian please! I love you! You're my big brother! Please don't hurt me!" he cries.

I lunge the knife into the left side of his stomach. He screams in pain. I did it again on his upper right.

"Help! Mum! Dad!" Lockie screams.

"Goodnight, sleep tight." I whisper.

I quickly slash his throat and leave.

I head back to Dead Man's Woods. I've completed my revenge for now. Until someone else crosses paths with me I'll stay hidden.


Saunders house:

The front door flings open and the security lights light up. A young boy runs out covered in blood and keeps collapsing. He holds his hand to his throat and the other on his stomach.

"Help! Someone please help!" Lockie screams.

The neighbours lights turn on and they exit their homes to see Lockie bleeding.

Blankets and pillows are brought to him. The police and ambulance team are called.

Where is Killian Saunders?