(Vol 2) This is how it goes

As every day does, it starts with the sun rising and waking up in a bed. My parents told me this week that I'm moving into a new school. I start today and I'm feeling nervous. I open my drawers and scan through the many coloured t-shirts. I grab a white t-shirt, then I knock the draw shut with my hip. I open the drawer below and find my dark blue skinny jeans and a black belt with plain white metal studs; I grab them too and kick the draw shut. I glance to the right side of the drawers. There sits multiple brands of sneakers and boots on a metal shoe rack. I slowly bend down and grab my high maroon doc martens, I then stumble to the back of my door. There on my door is a wooden coat hanger which holds my coats and some hoodies. I look from left to right and decide on my band hoodie. I pull it down, then drag myself back to my bed and get dressed.

Knock, knock

"Yeah?" I answer as I quickly throw my t-shirt over my head.

"Just checking you're up." Piper says from behind the door.

"Yeah... I'll be down soon." I reply as I bent over to tie my laces.

Piper is my sister she goes to the school that I'm starting today. She is always making sure I'm not late and that I'm always up and ready for breakfast. She makes it a morning routine by lightly knocking when passing my room.

I finish up tying my laces and grab my rucksack from under my bed. I slowly walk to my door and fling it open, I head downstairs. I get to the end of the stairs and throw my bag onto the wooden flooring next to Pipers in the hallway. My dad opens the living room door as I reach for the handle.

"Lync! How many times do I have to tell you about this?" he complains as he grabs his coat from the wall rack.

"More than once?" I say with a smile whilst slowly backing into the living room behind me.

"Come on, get your breakfast. I'm going to work now so I will see you later. Have a good first day!" He smiles as he opens the front door.

"Thanks be safe!" I reply then I dash off into the living room towards the kitchen.

My dad is head detective in the police department, so I'm always worrying about him when he goes to work.

I get to the kitchen door and open it slowly. I walk in to see my mum and Piper sat at the table, waiting.

"He's risen!" My mum laughs as she put the bacon into her mouth.

"As always. Right on time." I chuckle as I close the door behind me.

"He wouldn't be awake if it wasn't for me!" Piper points out as she continues chewing on the food in her mouth.

"Urm... I was awake and nearly dressed by the time you knocked." I add walking over to the table.

"Ok kids, eat your breakfast and get going! You don't want to be late for your first day, Lync." My mum stresses.

I nod and grab some toast from the toast rack on the table. My mum always sets the table up neatly every morning.

"You need to stay near me today." Piper sasses as she took a bite from her toast.

"I'm not a baby. I'm old enough to look after myself." I assure.

"Just listen to Piper please Lync. We want to make sure you settle in fine today." My mum argues.

"Fine." I huff.

I finish my toast and grab a glass from the table. I then reach for the jug of orange juice. I glance over to Piper as I felt her eyes burning into my head.

"What?" I ask.

"You're going to have some fun today." She smirks.

"Don't." I reply.

"Ok you two that's enough." My mum pipes.

I pour the orange juice into my glass and knock it back in one go. I carefully place the glass back onto the table and quickly make my way to the kitchen door.

"Excuse me, are we forgetting something?" My mum asks.

Piper kisses her on the cheek and then walks towards me.

"Oh, of course!" I chuckle.

I walk back to my mum and lightly kiss on her on the cheek. I then head back to the door.

"See you later." Me and Piper says as we open the door.

"Have a good day, you two!" She shouts as we left.

Me and Piper get to the front door and grab our bags. We head out of the front door and walk to school.

"I'm not being funny about you hanging around with me today, you know." Piper explains.

"How can your friends be ok with me tagging along?" I ask.

"They're just laid back like that. They're cool." She answers.

I nod and continue walking. I don't understand why I have to hang around with my older sister. Any other sibling would be against that. But I guess it's only for the first day.

We get to school. Piper spots her friends sat under the old oak tree. We walk over to them.

"Hey!" Her friend shouts.

"Hey!" Piper shouts back.

I have to admit; I felt totally out of place. Surrounded by people I don't know and in an unfamiliar environment.

"Who is this cutie?" Her friend asks with a smile.

"Ew! He's my brother, you creep!" Piper laughs.

"I didn't know you had a brother!" Her friend says.

I didn't know where to look. I feel so awkward that one of Piper's friends is making out they have a crush on me.

"Can I go in? I need to sort out my locker and map." I ask.

Piper nod. I slowly drag my feet to the entrance. I feel more anxious than I have ever felt before. I get to the main steps and go up one step at a time. I can feel my heart racing inside my chest. I don't know what to expect here.

I push through the doors and enter the corridor. Everyone is walking up and down or going into their lockers. I feel so out of place here; I don't know anyone. A young teacher approaches me.

"Hello, my name is Miss Jenkins. Are you new here?" She asks sweetly.

"Hi. Yes, it's my first day I'm a little... lost." I smile, followed by a shrug.

"Aww sure I'll help you. You need to go to the primary office for your map, locker number and code and your class number. I can show you if you like?" She says with a smile.

"Yeah sure." I reply bluntly.

Miss Jenkins leads the way down the crowded and loud corridor.

"So what's your name? You look very familiar..." She says whilst looking at me up and down.

"Lync McCarthy, miss." I reply.

"You look a lot like an old friend of mine. He had dark hair and blue eyes. Whereas you have blonde hair and green eyes." She adds.

"Many people have says that to me actually... what was his name?" I ask.

"I would tell you, but no one who remembers him is allowed to says his name. Especially here on the school grounds." She answers politely.

"Oh ok, that's fine." I mutter.

We approach a door with a golden plaque which read:


School Office


"There you go, Lync. I may see you in class." She chuckles.

I nod and knock on the wooden door.

"Come in." A voice shouts from behind the door.

I slowly push the handle down and nuzzle the door open.

"Lync McCarthy, sir. I'm a new student." I announce to him.

"Ah, yes. Come over to my desk, sir. We will arrange everything for you." He instructs.

I walk over to his desk and watch him digging through his drawers for the paperwork.

"Here's your file! Let me have a quick glance..." He insists.

I watch his facial expressions change almost immediately. His jaw drops as he scans through my information. The way he's reacting makes me feel I have done something wrong.

"How is this possible?" He whispers to himself.

"Sorry sir, I didn't catch that?" I question.

"Nothing young sir. I've just read something that I thought wasn't true. Nothing bad." He explains politely.

"Anyway, here is your map, time table for lessons, locker number and code. I hope you have a fantastic first day!" He says cheerfully. I step back slowly.

"Thanks, sir. I'll try..." I reply as I carefully reverse to the door.

I stand in front of my locker and stare at it. I feel a slight chill running down my spine. Something doesn't feel right about this locker. I know it's a locker, but I have a feeling of uncertainty. As I'm about to put my new code in, a random student appears next to me to get into their locker.

"I wouldn't trust that locker." The student says as he flings open his locker door and scampers through his books, which are sat neatly inside.

"What's so bad about it?" I ask.

"The devil's locker. That's all I'm saying." He replies hesitantly.

"Oh..." I say with a confused look on my face.

"If you want to know more, meet me at the old oak tree at lunch." He grumbles as he threw his books into his rucksack.

Before I could answer him he slams the locker door shut and speeds down the corridor whilst trying to shuffle his bag onto his shoulder.

"That's weird..." I whisper to myself.

I walk through the door of my first lesson. English. I somehow found the class using the map instead of asking everyone around me. I stroll over to a desk and notice everyone looking at me strangely like I was an alien, not a new student. I pull the chair out, throw my bag under the desk and sit down. My ears start to burn, I can hear people whispering around me. I turn to look to my right and a girl stood there looking at me.

"Excuse me?" The girl asks politely.

"Yeah?" I quickly reply.

"Do you have a brother called Killian?" She asks.

A strange feeling happens, I instantly feel sick and become lightheaded. I can't explain it it's just a weird feeling I have.

"No. I have a sister." I splutter.

The girl nods and walks back to her desk. Why did I feel the way I did when she asks that? Killian... Who is he?

"Psst!" A guy behind me sounded to get my attention.

I look over.

"The reason she asks that is because you look like Killian Saunders." He whispers.

"Who is he?" I ask quietly.

"I will tell you later." He whispers back.

I turn to the front of the class to look at the whiteboard. There stood Miss Jenkins she looks directly at me. I could see the fear in her facial expression. I look away and look out the classroom window. I feel unwelcome, I feel like I have done something wrong.

Class finishes and Miss Jenkins begins to pile together the class work, books and files. I follow the class to the door. I got closer and closer to her desk, I feel a sudden rush of anxiety.

"Lync, can you wait behind one moment, please?" She asks kindly.

"Err... Sure." I shrug as I got to the front of her desk.

I stand and watch the other students walking through the door into the corridor. I can't help but feel scared.

It didn't take long for the last student to leave the room, Miss Jenkins walks to the door and closes it quietly. I watch her as she makes her way back to the desk and sits down on her chair. She crosses her legs and shuffles her chair to the desk.

"So Lync, I see I have you for class." She says sweetly.

"I guess so..." I reply.

"You probably won't remember me." She adds.

"Nope. You're right, I don't recognise you." I add.

"You are one lucky young man. It is truly a miracle you're still here." She chirped.

I now feel that something is not adding up. First, people were asking weird questions, now Miss Jenkins tells me she knows me.

"Do you know where your scars came from on your neck and stomach?" She asks.

"A car accident when I was 12." I explain.

"Ah. Well you're very lucky. You can go to your next lesson now." She continues.

I look at Miss Jenkins, confused. What is she trying to tell me? I turn around and walk to the classroom door, I grab the handle and drag it down.

"So who is Killian Saunders?" I ask before opening the door.

There's a long pause, then Miss Jenkins responds to my question.

"Just an Urban Legend, Mr McCarthy." She reassures.

Soon enough it was lunch break. I walk to the front of the school to meet the strange guy from the lockers this morning. I want to find out why everyone is being so strange to me. I stop at the steps and look around for the old oak tree. I look to my left and it's there, so is the weird dude and his friends.

"Over here new kid!" He shouts.

I plod over him. I feel nervous about this. What is he going to say? What is he going to tell me?

"Hey. So what's the story behind my locker?" I ask.

"Before we go into the story, I have my friends that want to know more about the Urban Legend." He interrupts.

"My name is Trey. This is Callie and Deccan." He continues.

"Nice to meet you all." I smile.

"You too." Callie smiles back.

"Your locker..." He starts. "It's the locker of the actual devil himself, Killian Saunders." He explains.

"Who is this dude? Why is everyone asking me if he's my brother?" I snap.

"We cannot mention him who shall not be named on school grounds Trey!" Callie shrieks.

"Callie, he needs to know like everyone else here." He replies calmly.

"Apparently according to his detailed description he looked a lot like you but with black hair and blue eyes. You even have his dress sense." He adds.

"What is so bad about him he can't be mentioned?" I ask.

"According to the Urban Legend, he murdered over 20 students at this school. He killed the first 3 as revenge. After he did that he murdered his family including his little brother." He explains.

"Wow... so he was a psychopath?" I mutter.

"Yes, yes, he was." He grumbles.

"What was his brother's name?" I continue to question.

"His name was Lockie Saunders. Apparently he was sweet. He was the quiet type. The opposite to Killian." Callie interrupts.

Suddenly, I feel as if I'm going to faint.

"Are you ok? You look really pale dude." Deccan asks.

"Yeah I just need to sit down." I slur as I try to sit down but then I collapse.