(Space Kashyyyk.)

Chapter three:

The fire raged engulfing everything insight, Cale curled up in the corner and watched as Stormtroopers shot at men who just started to live in their house a couple of weeks ago. He knew they called themselves Rebels but he never knew what they were rebelling against, he knew now.

One of the men that he started to get to really know tried to pick him up and escape from the house, but he didn't want to go he wanted to stay with his parents who had been shot and killed in the crossfire. The man kept on insisting that he go with him until finally went out of focus.

He could see what was happening but could not control himself.

He grabbed the knife from the man's back pocket and broke his wrist. He then jumped in front of a Stormtrooper and stabbed him with the knife.

When the troopers partner saw what he did he turned and fired. Before the blast reached him he threw the body of the trooper that he just stabbed in front of the bullet and before he hit the ground he jumped on his back and hurled himself in front of the other Stormtrooper and stabbed him.

Grabbing his gun he shot eight other Stormtroopers until one of them cams up behind him and knocked him out.

Cale Lestin jumped up from the bed sweating from the nightmare he just had. He looked at the clock that said 1600 hours had passed. They were going to land on Kashyyyk soon and he needed to be at the briefing.

He got dressed in his new clothes which his Master told him were his new Sith robe's. He dashed out the door and ran towards the briefing room. He entered as quietly as possible seeing as how it already had started.

No matter how quietly he entered he could not fool him the Dark Lord of the Sith. He would have to scold him later because Grand Moff Tarkin was addressing the troops about the plan at the moment.

In order to cripple the Wookies on Kashyyyk we will need to destroy the inner fortress before we can do any real damage. That is why I have appointed a team of Imperial Commandos to get behind the wall and then blast it from the inside. While this is being done we will provide decoy troops to draw there attention away from you. After the wall is broken we will then send in support and capture them. Darth Vader will now tell you something before we head out. Said Grand Moff Tarkin.

Darth Vader rose from the chair and walked towards the podium he turned and said. The Emperor himself has asked for you the 501st to raid Kashyyyk. If at all possible the Emperor wants some Wookies to be captured alive.

A Stormtrooper stood up as if to give a comment. Proceed with your question trooper. Said Darth Vader.

Thank you sir. During the Clone Wars we were dispatched at Kashyyyk and killed most of the Wookies. How could they have restablished there army in so little time? Replied the Stormtrooper.

First trooper you did say that you had destroyed most of the Wookies and not all. Then some were in space on their own missions, and then reproduction counts for the rest of them. Said Darth Vader.

The trooper then bowed and sat back down. You are the best of the best, you are the only ones who can accomplish this mission within fifteen minutes. Remember this is for the Emperor so give it your all. Said Darth Vader.

The lights in the room brightened and the 501st stood up and left the room. Darth Vader then walked towards him. He bowed and sounding a little angry Vader said. Why were you late to the meeting Rift?

Rift responded with. Sorry Master my alarm clock didn't go off.

Make sure you don't make the same mistake twice. I will not tolerate people thinking I'm going easy on you. Said Darth Vader.

Yes, Master. Replied Cale Lestin. As they walked to the bridge of the Executor he asked him. Why does the Emperor wish to have the Wookies alive?

The people on Kamino think they have found a way to fuse the genes of Stormtroopers with other species and if you have ever seen the raw power of a Wookie then you would know why. Replied Darth Vader.

Not to be rude Master but I have one last question. Said Cale Lestin.

Go on, Vader said.

Why do the troopers have to do this within a span of fifteen minutes? Cale Lestin asked him.

Because the foundations of the Old Republic are still standing and if Senate heard about this they would be furious so we are going to mask this operation as a rescue mission. The Wookies will send a distress signal that there is a terrible virus going around killing them and we will come in and save them. After the experiment's are finished we will give them some drugs and they will awaken on their planet and think that nothing had ever happened. The Senate will be fooled and the Emperor will have his new Stormtroopers. Replied Darth Vader.

Vader and Rift stood on the bridge as they watched the planet which would soon be crushed by the Empires iron fist.