
Chapter five:

The Emperor was making his way to the platform that would float in the center of the Senate hall to make his speech. On his left was Senator Orn Free Taa and on his right Darth Rift.

As a reward for being the hero in the battle of Kashyyyk he was assigned to be the bodyguard for the Emperor. He felt somewhat pissed off because the people on Kamino could not fuse the genes of Wookies and the Stormtroopers. Instead of letting the Wookies go back to their home planet they were kept or sold as slaves. He wondered why so many men had to die for a bum of walking carpets.

His Master had to go off and destroy the remnants of the CIS on Mustafar. So he felt a little lonely but knowing that his Masters lightsaber was by his side made him feel a little better. As the platform lifted into the center of the Senate he saw thousands of people. He had never seen or been to a Senate meeting and thought it might be exciting.

It's not that interesting trust me, the Emperor whispered. Cale looked at him befuddled and then remembered he could read minds. I'm gonna have to learn how to do that he thought.

It turns out the Emperor was right endless negotiations, babbling, and constant whining was all that happened in the Senate. He was becoming bored. If he was the hero of Kashyyyk then why was he being punished with this. Of course protecting the Emperor was an honor he just wished he didn't have to do it here. Suddenly he felt a rift through the Force.

He looked around trying not to look to obvious. When he spotted a man in a cloak. He slowly put his hand near his Master's lightsaber ready for him to attack.

The man pulled out a gun and fired at the Emperor but Rift ignited the red lightsaber and reflected the blast back at him. The man smiled as he died and Rift wondered why. When someone gasped he turned around to see a Jedi jumping towards the Emperor.

Before the Jedi could even get the Emperor's attention Rift had thrown his red lightsaber and cut the Jedis head off. He looked around to see that the Queen of Naboo was missing. The Emperor then said. I will postpone this meeting until I have found out who has made an attempt on my life.

As the platform lowered Cale Lestin turned to Master Sidious. My Lord I have an idea of who ordered the assassination. Said Cale Lestin.

It's the Queen of Naboo isn't it? Asked Emperor Palpatine.

Yes. Replied Cale Lestin.

Then I entrust you Darth Rift to take what is left of the 501st and any other team you might need and make a regime change on Naboo. Said Emperor Palpatine.

It shall be done my Master. Replied Cale Lestin.

While waiting to arrive at Naboo Rift reviewed the information the Imperial Intelligence had gathered to prepare a plan for battle. Vader always taught him that it was not the fleshly shell that counts in war it is the mind. They would be arriving in the city of Theed's to engage in battle.

Cale turned his chair towards the visor screen and contacted General Tagge. Get the troops in the briefing room and hurry. Said Cale Lestin.

It was nightfall when the Imperial shuttles landed and the troopers stormed out and fought their way into the inner gate. They had to fight off the Naboo guards and wait outside or the Defense Grid would kill them.

Meanwhile Rift and a team of Stormtroopers, all unit types, jumped from rooftop to rooftop searching for the Queen. He motioned for a Shock Trooper to come to him.

Take out the Auto Laser Turret Defense Grid. Said Cale Lestin. He then heard General Tagge's voice through the comlink. The Queen has released her Jedi bodyguards.

Inform the Scout Trooper's that they and I will handle them. Said Cale Lestin. He jumped down and slaughtered a Jedi as the Defense Grid blew up. Stormtroopers engulfed the area as soon as the Defense Grid fell. Jedis were being slaughtered every minute by sniper rifles or the blade of Rift's red lightsaber until the Queen of Naboo appeared to try and save her people.

The Queen had killed two Stormtroopers until Rift jumped in front of her. Congratulations Senator you are going to make a fine example for the Empire. Said Cale Lestin.

You can destroy my body but not what it stands for, there will be others. Just as the Queen said that, Cale Lestin killed her Force choke.

And I will be there to kill them. Said Cale Lestin. He looked up and gave the Scout Trooper's a thumbs up and they returned the sign. It was the first time Rift or the 501st had been called on to change a planets government but not there last.

After the battle Rift was given part of the 501st as his own army and the 501st became known as the Sith Lord's first.