
Toruri found himself in a dimly lit room, his senses gradually returning as he realized he was tied to a chair, his hands bound together with glowing cloths of magic.

A commanding feminine voice shattered the silence, "WAKE UP, CRIMINAL!!!"

Startled, Toruri jolted awake, his confusion evident, "WHAT, WHERE THE HELL AM I!?"

A soft, nervous masculine voice interjected, "You're under... interrogation?"

"Why do you sound so unsure!? WE ARE INTERROGATING HIM!!!" the female voice retorted sharply.

"Sorry..." the male voice mumbled meekly.

Toruri's frustration peaked as he demanded, "COULD I AT LEAST SEE YOU GUYS!?"

The lights flickered on, revealing two individuals. One was a girl with long pink hair and orange eyes, adorned in a purple kimono and wooden clogs. Beside her stood a tall boy wearing a dark green snow hooded coat, his face concealed by a blank white mask.

"WHY'D YOU DO THAT, JACKASS!?" the girl exclaimed, her irritation palpable.

"I'm SORRY," the masked boy apologized sheepishly.

Toruri seized the opportunity to question their motives, "Who are you, and why am I here!?"

"We're Mamoru of Negative Point, and you're a suspect of theft!" the pink-haired girl declared.

Toruri's protest was swift, "What, I'm a Mamoru too!!!"

"No, you're not! If you were, we would have caught you hours ago!" the girl countered sharply.

"I DIDN'T DO IT," Toruri insisted.

"What about this sketch of you?" the masked boy interjected, flashing a poorly drawn picture of a man with black hair.

"That is not even close to me... Who drew that garbage???" Toruri scoffed.

The girl's embarrassment was evident as she blushed, "SHUT," she snapped before striking Toruri on the head with a wooden pole.

"OW, you bitch!" Toruri winced in pain.

"Man whore!" the girl shot back.

Incensed, Toruri threatened, "Oh, why you... identify yourselves, so when I get out of here I can personally FIND YOU AND BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!"

"My name is Herrin Efeu, and if you try anything, I'LL BEAT THE HELL OUT OF YA," the girl declared fiercely.

"I'm Ienoru," the masked boy introduced himself.

"No last name?" Toruri inquired.

"No, this guy, he's an entity. He's just the product of an emotion a now-dead god wanted to get rid of," Herrin explained.

Confounded, Toruri directed his gaze at Ienoru's masked face, his mind swirling with questions.

Toruri's internal turmoil escalated as he grappled with overwhelming emotions, feeling as though his heart was being crushed within a child's grasp. His thoughts spiraled into darkness, a desperate urge to end the pain consuming him.

In a sudden burst of strength, Toruri's right arm broke free from the magical cloth, and he instinctively erected his claws, his resolve wavering.

"I don't want to live anymore," Toruri murmured, his voice heavy with despair.

As he prepared to impale himself through the chest, Ienoru intervened, grabbing Toruri's wrist and preventing the fatal act.

"What- What happened?" Toruri questioned, confusion clouding his mind.

"You looked at my face. You mustn't do that... It's a shame this mask doesn't work," Ienoru explained cryptically before tearing off his mask, revealing his unsettling red spiral eyes and tear-shaped pupils.

Toruri's apprehension was palpable as he remarked, "You're looking dangerous right now."

"I'm responsible for the mass suicide of over 20 countries," Ienoru confessed matter-of-factly.

"Ooooo...kay?" Toruri responded, his mind reeling from the revelation.

With a surge of determination, Toruri broke free from the ropes binding him and rose from the chair, his senses sharpened as he prepared to confront the enigmatic figure before him.

Toruri's resolve to depart was swiftly met with resistance as Herrin unleashed her Poison Magic, charging towards him with deadly intent. Despite her fervent swings, Toruri deftly dodged each attack, frustrating Herrin further.

"AAAAAAAAAH, STOP DODGING!!!" Herrin exclaimed in frustration.

Amidst the chaos, a newcomer disrupted the scene with a commanding voice, "WHAT IS ALL OF THIS RUCKUS!?"

The arrival of a small boy in a red poncho and boots caught Toruri off guard.

"I didn't know you'd be here... BUT THIS SUSPECT IS TRYING TO ESCAPE!" Herrin declared, pointing an accusatory finger at Toruri.

"Identify yourself, boy," the small boy demanded.

"I'm Toruri Doragane," Toruri replied, his voice tinged with apprehension.

"You fools, let him go. He's the Mamoru trapper of the winter season. Toruri, I'm Mamoru, Kinrui Tsubomi," the small boy, identified as Kinrui, announced.

Realizing his mistake, Toruri expressed gratitude, "Oh, that's what's up. Thank you for helping me kid, I'll just make my way outta here-"

"But we can still fight," Kinrui interrupted, his tone determined.

Toruri's disbelief was palpable, "What. No."

"Look. If you're not going to respect me, I'm not going to respect you," Kinrui retorted firmly.

"You guys are crazy, I'm leaving!!!" Toruri declared, sprinting towards the nearest exit.

"GET HIM, KINRUI!" Herrin commanded.

With lightning speed, Kinrui dashed towards Toruri, delivering a powerful kick to his back and launching him out of the building and into the streets below. Despite the impact, Toruri swiftly regained his composure, cartwheeling back onto his feet, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him.

Toruri's words, sharp as the bite of winter wind, hung in the air, carrying the weight of challenge. "If you wanna fight, I'll fight. But what did I not respect about you?"

Kinrui, his gaze fierce and unwavering, retorted, "I'm not a kid..."

Toruri's reply came swift and cutting, "Not my fault that you're short."

A growl rumbled in Kinrui's throat before erupting into a declaration, "Grr- COME OUT SALAMI!!!"

A sea green substance unfurled, consuming Kinrui's left arm in its verdant embrace.

Toruri's eyes widened in astonishment, his voice betraying his confusion, "What- What's that?"

With a hint of pride, Kinrui explained, "The Tsubomi clan specializes in owning and controlling a special type of moss called Shotozen."

"Moss?" Toruri scoffed. "That seems easy to combat!"

"You'll regret saying that," Kinrui warned ominously.

In a swift motion, Kinrui crafted a sword from the moss and lunged towards Toruri. Toruri responded in kind, extending his claws and meeting Kinrui's charge. Their clash was a symphony of steel and sinew, each strike a testament to their skill and determination. But amidst the flurry of blows, neither could land a decisive hit.

Then came the clash of blade against claw, the resonance echoing through the clearing. Kinrui, sensing an opportunity, leaped back, creating distance between them.

Unleashing a beam of fire, Toruri aimed squarely at his opponent. But Kinrui, ever resourceful, summoned a wall of moss to shield himself, the flames licking at its surface, painting it with a fiery hue.

"What's going on?" Toruri demanded, perplexed.

"This moss has the ability to absorb any element, magic or not, and use it. Watch," Kinrui replied, his voice tinged with confidence.

With a swift motion, Kinrui absorbed the fiery barrier into his arm, transforming it into a blazing projectile that hurtled towards Toruri. Yet, despite the inferno engulfing him, Toruri emerged unscathed, his body seemingly impervious to the flames.

Seizing the moment, Kinrui closed the distance between them, his moss whip crackling through the air like lightning. Toruri, undeterred, summoned his Enhancement Magic, imbuing his fist with a pulsating aura as he struck out at his adversary.

But Kinrui, with a deft maneuver, intercepted the blow with his moss-covered arm, absorbing the enhancement magic in a display of cunning. With newfound vigor, Kinrui retaliated, delivering a devastating blow that sent Toruri hurtling towards the ground.

Toruri grumbled in frustration, "This moss is annoying..."

As he rose to his feet, his eyes locked onto Kinrui, determination burning bright within them. With a burst of speed, he closed the gap between them, his hands slashing through the air like twin blades.

Kinrui, anticipating the attack, melted into moss, ensnaring Toruri's hands in its verdant embrace. With a fluid motion, the rest of Kinrui's body liquefied, binding Toruri's feet to the ground in an unyielding grip, leaving him immobilized and at Kinrui's mercy.

Toruri's voice, laced with disbelief and a hint of fear, sliced through the tension, "What the hell are you?"

Kinrui's response was as chilling as a winter's breath, "Up here."

Hovering above Toruri, Kinrui brandished a colossal moss axe, poised to cleave down upon his adversary with merciless precision.

"That was a decoy, you're finished!" Kinrui declared, his voice dripping with triumph.

Toruri's mind raced with conflicting thoughts. Shuno told me not to do this, but I might have to...

In a desperate gambit, Toruri unleashed the latent power within him, his spine erupting into jagged spikes as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Zilla..." he began, summoning forth an orange ball of magic.

"Rex," he concluded, unleashing a torrent of energy in the form of a colossal beam aimed directly at Kinrui.

Kinrui, ever the strategist, erected a circular barrier of moss around himself in a desperate bid for protection. But Toruri's attack tore through the makeshift defense, leaving a gaping hole in its wake. The searing beam grazed Kinrui's ear before erupting into a cataclysmic explosion that painted the sky in hues of fiery orange.

"It... wasn't absorbed? Was it too strong?" Kinrui pondered aloud, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Before he could formulate a plan, Toruri seized the opportunity, delivering a punishing blow to Kinrui's stomach with devastating force. Kinrui crumpled to the ground in agony, while Toruri landed triumphantly and unscathed, his victory secure for now.

Herrin's incredulous voice shattered the momentary calm, "WOAH WOAH WHAT!? YOU BEAT KINRUI???"

"AND YOU'RE NEXT!!!" Toruri's response was swift and filled with determination.

Herrin's reaction was visceral, a piercing scream that echoed through the clearing before she crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

But before Toruri could revel in his victory, a sudden blow to the head sent him reeling.

"Owwe! Sheesh man," Toruri grumbled, rubbing the sore spot where Shuno had delivered the reprimand.

"That was a city-sized zilla attack, you could have killed everyone in this town! I told you not to use it," Shuno's voice was stern, laced with disappointment.

"It was a life or death situation," Toruri retorted, his tone defensive.

"Yea, but that doesn't mean take EVERYONE OUT. Eh know what, screw it, I'll let this one go this time," Shuno relented, his expression softening slightly.

"Thank you, sir. Oh, you're holding my stuff," Toruri remarked, noticing his belongings in Shuno's hands.

"Yeah, I found it laying on the ground. Now that you're ready, we should probably hit the sea," Shuno suggested, his tone shifting to one of practicality.

"Yeah, let's ignore everything that just happened... LET'S GO!!!" Toruri exclaimed, eager to put the tumultuous events behind them and focus on the journey ahead.

Ten minutes later, at the dock, the atmosphere buzzed with anticipation as Toruri and Shuno prepared to embark on their journey.

"Where's our ship!!!" Toruri exclaimed, scanning the horizon for any sign of their vessel.

"Right there," Shuno replied calmly, pointing towards a humble dinghy bobbing gently in the water.

"An invisible ship!? That's so cool," Toruri exclaimed, his eyes alight with excitement.

Shuno shook his head, "No, we're taking the dinghy."

"WHAT. That doesn't look so specially made," Toruri protested, disappointment evident in his voice.

"It's nigh invincible, and can get us through many of his defenses," Shuno explained, his tone firm and unwavering.

"This... Isn't cool," Toruri muttered under his breath, resigned to their less-than-glamorous mode of transportation.

Suddenly, a familiar voice cut through the air, sending shivers down Toruri's spine, "So, this your ship, aye?"

"AAAH!!!" Toruri's scream echoed across the dock as he leaped back in fear, his heart pounding in his chest.

Shuno's expression hardened as he addressed the unexpected visitor, "Kinrui, why are you here?"

"It's boring here. I want a real mission with really strong people, and Toruri, I find you very strong. So I would like to accompany you on your journey," Kinrui explained, his voice tinged with determination.

"Our voyage will take a few days, so having company will be good so-" Shuno began, but Toruri interjected, his voice tinged with reluctance.

"No no no, he's asking me, and I say... sure?" Toruri replied tentatively, unsure of the consequences of his decision.

"Thank you, Toruri. Now shall we get aboard the boat?" Kinrui suggested, extending an olive branch in the form of cooperation.

"You're right, we should," Toruri conceded, his apprehension giving way to a begrudging acceptance of Kinrui's presence.

"Don't shut me down like that ever again, Toruri..." Shuno's warning hung in the air, a reminder of the delicate balance they walked between camaraderie and conflict.