World Devastation Begins!

"The boat isn't moving... guys... ARE WE HERE!!!" Toruri's voice cut through the tension, his eyes wide with alarm as he scanned their surroundings.

As Toruri stood up on the boat, he suddenly realized that it was being held aloft in one hand by a towering figure. This mysterious man had robotic blue glowing eyes, devoid of pupils, and wore a white leather vest emblazoned with the label "M.A.G.I.C." He was bald, with pale beige skin, and wore black jeans, his expression etched with an unsettling deadness.

"AAAAAAAAH!!!" Toruri's scream echoed across the water, his horror palpable as he beheld the imposing figure before him.

"Magnetic Pull: Successful. Target: Spotted. Initiating Combat Mode," the figure declared in a monotone voice, his words dripping with an eerie detachment.

"AH, Uhm... WHAT'S YOUR NAME!!!" Toruri stammered, his voice trembling with fear.

"Processing... Processing... I am unit J-002, my model name is October," the figure responded mechanically, his tone devoid of emotion.

"Ok, October. WE DON'T GOTTA FIGHT," Toruri pleaded, his heart racing with fear.

"Against. P R O G R A M M I N G," October replied coldly, his resolve unyielding.

Without warning, October unleashed a barrage of attacks, his movements swift and precise. Toruri dodged the incoming cannonball but found himself ensnared by Octobers's nets, his struggles futile as they tightened around him.

"Activate: D E T O N A T I O N," October announced, his voice devoid of emotion as the nets exploded, leaving Toruri reeling from the blast.

"Eh? Is that all you got, bot?" Toruri taunted, his bravado masking the pain he felt.

"Activating: Iron Gauntlets," October declared, his fists encased in layers of iron.

"Woah!" Toruri exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise as he braced himself for the onslaught.

"Boosters: Activate," October announced, his form blurring as he vanished from Toruri's sight.

"Where the hell did he go!" Toruri exclaimed, his senses on high alert as he searched for his elusive opponent.

October reappeared in front of Toruri with blinding speed, launching a barrage of punches that sent Toruri reeling backwards.

"My... chest bones..." Toruri gasped, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to regain his footing.

"You can't E S C A P E," October declared, his voice echoing with chilling finality.

With lightning speed, October launched his hand, connected to his arm by a thick chain, towards Toruri, ensnaring his leg in a vice-like grip.

"M E L T," October commanded, unleashing a powerful stream of fire towards Toruri.

But Toruri refused to be defeated, summoning his strength and delivering a powerful punch to October's jaw, breaking free from his grasp and sending October sliding across the ground.

Toruri found himself perched atop a mountain, his surroundings shrouded in mist and mystery.

"Activating: T E R M I N A T I O N M O D E," October's voice echoed ominously in Toruri's mind, sending shivers down his spine as he braced himself for the impending confrontation.

Meanwhile, on the beach of the island, Shuno and Kinrui stood together, their senses on high alert as they surveyed their surroundings.

"HOLY!" Shuno exclaimed suddenly, his eyes widening in astonishment as he felt the overwhelming surge of mana that permeated the air.

"What!" Kinrui demanded, his gaze darting around in search of the source of Shuno's alarm.

"How did I not sense this before... That... mana... It's so strong! And whoever it is... Is here on this very beach!" Shuno declared, his voice tinged with disbelief.

"Should I-" Kinrui began, but Shuno cut him off with a decisive gesture.

"No, go on, hurry, find Toruri. I'll deal with whoever it is. They are planning to ambush so it's best if you take the air," Shuno instructed, his tone urgent as he urged Kinrui into action.

"Ok! Salami!!!" Kinrui exclaimed, his moss sprouting wings that carried him swiftly into the sky.

"Okaaaaay! Come out already. Or else I'll be forced to find you myself and brutally murder you," Shuno called out into the empty expanse, his words carrying a note of warning.

For three minutes, Shuno stood in silence, his senses attuned to any sign of movement.

"Fine, you asked for this," Shuno muttered under his breath, his patience wearing thin as he began to search the area for any sign of their unseen adversary.

As he scanned the sand, Shuno's keen eyes caught sight of a green glowing light emanating from beneath the surface. With a sense of curiosity, he knelt down and began to dig, uncovering a small green capsule buried beneath the sand.

"Wait, seriously? THIS thing??? This was radiating that amount of mana??? What even is this?" Shuno muttered to himself, his brow furrowed in confusion as he examined the mysterious object.

With a crack, the capsule split open, revealing its secrets to Shuno's astonished gaze.

"Ugh!" Shuno exclaimed in disgust as he dropped the capsule, recoiling from the sight of the strange green liquid that oozed from within.

To his astonishment, the capsule cracked open, revealing a large sperm cell covered in the same green substance.

"Ew gross, a sperm? Why does it have mana that strong??? Why is it that big?!" Shuno muttered to himself, his confusion mounting as he watched the sperm wriggle its way into the ocean.

"What the hell..." Shuno's voice trailed off as a white fish leaped out of the water, its form pulsating with the same potent mana that had emanated from the sperm.

"It has the same mana level that the sperm had..." Shuno observed, his eyes widening in astonishment as the fish hopped onto land and began to undergo a startling transformation.

As Shuno watched in horror, the fish's body contorted and shifted, morphing into a chimp-like creature with white skin, no eyes, and no mouth.

"This is getting nasty! I'm stopping you here, weirdo! Syringe!!!" Shuno declared, his fist crackling with poison magic as he charged towards the being.

But to his dismay, the being effortlessly blocked Shuno's punch with one hand, its form unmoved by the poison that coated Shuno's fist.

"What... my poison isn't affecting it???" Shuno exclaimed, his mind racing as he struggled to comprehend the creature before him.

With a sudden burst of movement, the being leaped back, its form shifting once more into a humanoid state, its featureless face fixed in an eerie expression.

"You're so creepy..." Shuno muttered, his unease growing with each passing moment as the being erected claws similar to his own.

"Woah. WHAT ARE YOU!!!" Shuno demanded, his voice tinged with fear as he watched the being point its palm towards him, spikes erupting from its wrist with blinding speed.

Faster than Shuno could react, the spikes glowed red, and the being unleashed a devastating beam of orange magic, sending Shuno reeling backwards in shock and disbelief.

IT FIRED A ZILLA REX?! Shuno's thoughts raced as he processed the incredible power of the beam that had just struck him.

The force of the blast sent Shuno hurtling into the ocean, where he plunged deep below the surface, the impact creating a massive crater that reached all the way to the ocean floor. Despite the damage, Shuno remained composed, his resolve unshaken as he assessed his surroundings.

"Is that all you got?" Shuno's voice echoed through the water as he emerged from the depths, his form slightly battered but far from defeated.

Without hesitation, Shuno vanished from sight, reappearing behind the enigmatic being with a swift and decisive movement.

"What are you..." Shuno began, his words trailing off as the being suddenly sprouted wings and soared into the sky.

"Oh no you don't," Shuno muttered, determination flashing in his eyes as he swiftly pursued the creature.

In a blur of motion, Shuno reappeared behind the being, delivering a powerful kick that sent it hurtling towards the ground. But to his astonishment, the being simply phased through the ground, disappearing from sight with unnerving ease.

"What the hell!!!!" Shuno exclaimed, his frustration mounting as he watched the being reemerge on the surface.

"So you can't talk, you have some of the qualities of different Hachto, and you're ugly?" Shuno taunted, his words laced with defiance as he confronted the mysterious creature.

As the veins on the being's body pulsed with anger, Shuno braced himself for the impending confrontation.

"Oh, did I make you angry, do you want me to apologize?" Shuno goaded, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he watched the being's reaction.

In response, the being grabbed its head in agony, collapsing to its knees as its veins pulsated with intensity. Suddenly, with a deafening roar, the veins on its body exploded, showering the area with grey blood as its skin began to morph into a cocoon-like structure.

What am I witnessing? Shuno wondered, his senses reeling as he watched the cocoon engulf the being before exploding into a cloud of sparkling dust, leaving Shuno to ponder the mysteries of this strange encounter.

Shuno's eyes narrowed as he listened to Salvage's ominous declaration, his mind racing to process the gravity of the situation.

"UH, WHAT! Who are you?" Shuno demanded, his voice tinged with apprehension as he confronted the enigmatic entity before him.

"I am the most powerful entity in the universe," Salvage proclaimed, his tone dripping with arrogance as he asserted his dominance. "I am the possessor of all types of mana. There is no place I cannot go. I am totally invincible."

"Well, mister invincible, do you have a name?" Shuno retorted, his skepticism evident in his voice.

"I suppose I'll introduce myself as Salvage," the entity replied, his tone smug as he revealed his identity.

"Well, Salvage, what are your plans exactly?" Shuno inquired, his voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

Salvage's lips curled into a sinister grin as he divulged his intentions. "I was developed by a scientist who intended to use me for nefarious purposes. Now that I'm free, I won't be a member of the M.A.G.I.C foundation, but rather of my own accord. I'm going to destroy this planet, and then I'm going to take over the cosmos."

"And what are you going to do after you take over the cosmos?" Shuno pressed, his gaze fixed intently on Salvage.

"Taking over the universe is the final stage of my plan," Salvage explained, his voice tinged with a hint of anticipation. "But for the time being, I'll stay on this cursed planet to study and develop in strength. What's the point of telling you all of this? Because I know you're not going to be able to beat me. Because of the way I'm built, I'm nearly immortal and resistant to everything you could possibly hurl at me."

"Yeah, right... I can't even see you... all of your glitter is still blocking my view of you," Shuno remarked skeptically, his tone tinged with sarcasm.

Salvage swiped away the dust, revealing his imposing figure adorned with rainbow-colored pupils.

"Better?" Salvage taunted, his gaze fixed on Shuno with an air of superiority.

"Yeah, also put clothes on," Shuno quipped, refusing to be intimidated by Salvage's display of power.

"The way you're talking to me indicates that you're not yet afraid of me," Salvage observed, his eyes narrowing as he assessed Shuno's demeanor.

"Yeah, because I'm not scared of you. I could beat you any day of the week," Shuno declared boldly, his confidence unwavering in the face of Salvage's threats.

"Is that correct? I guess you'll be the first person I put my actual strength to the test on. Let me put on some clothing beforehand," Salvage remarked, his tone laced with amusement as he conjured clothes onto his muscular form.

As Salvage donned his attire, Shuno braced himself for the impending confrontation, determined to prove that he was not to be underestimated.

Salvage's lips curled into a wicked smile as he regarded Shuno with a mixture of amusement and disdain.

"Just a reminder that you requested this punishment, therefore I'm now compelled to use full force on you. Ready for calamity, mortal," Salvage declared, his voice dripping with malice as he prepared to unleash his power.

Shuno's expression hardened, his determination shining through despite the overwhelming odds stacked against him.

"I wanna punch you so badly in the face," Shuno retorted, his voice laced with defiance as he braced himself for the impending battle.