
In the heart of the sun, nestled within an island ensconced by a shimmering green force field, stood a solitary structure—a towering white skyscraper devoid of windows, its imposing presence casting a shadow over the island. Inside this enigmatic edifice was...

"GEHAHAHAHA!!!" Kachiro's laughter reverberated through the room as he sat beside Kogito on a plush couch, thoroughly enjoying his companion's discomfiture.

"Stop laughing..." Kogito grumbled, his expression a mixture of annoyance and resignation.

"How could you lose so badly?" Kachiro taunted, his amusement undiminished by Kogito's irritation.

"Under my circumstances, you would lose too," Kogito retorted defensively, his pride wounded by his recent defeat.

"Under your circumstances, I would absolutely DUST everyone there!!!" Kachiro boasted, his confidence unwavering.

"Oh please, this is the first time I've ever needed to be healed! You've been put in the medical department more than 100 times," Kogito shot back, his frustration evident.

"That's because I ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING IN A FIGHT, and yooou lack everything a warrior needs physically," Kachiro countered, his grin widening with each jab.

"Well, at least I have the brains—" Kogito began, only to be interrupted by the sudden appearance of a hologram depicting a muscular man.

"Shut up, shit bags," the hologram barked, its tone gruff and commanding.

"What do you want?" Kachiro sighed, his annoyance evident.

"Say my name," the hologram demanded.

"sigh Left hand lab assistant, Bonsam Fear," Kachiro relented, his tone begrudging.

"That's right, bitch ball. Head down to lab 10, we need to talk," Bonsam instructed before the hologram dissipated.

Seven minutes later, in a dimly lit room filled with frantic activity, a sense of urgency hung thick in the air as multiple individuals huddled around supercomputers, their faces etched with concern.

"October bot is offline!" one assistant exclaimed, his voice tinged with panic.

"Experiments A through G have all been eradicated!" another announced, his hands flying across the keyboard in a frenzy.

"S-001 and V-001 are dead!" a third added, his voice trembling with disbelief.

Meanwhile, seated around a coffee table in a corner of the room, Kachiro, Kogito, and two other figures observed the chaos with a mixture of interest and apprehension. One was an anthropomorphic wolf draped in a white cloak, his eyes gleaming with intelligence, while the other was a teenager with an enigmatic aura, his appearance striking with pale skin, strawberry blonde hair, and piercing red eyes. Together, they watched as the events unfolded, their expressions unreadable amidst the tumultuous atmosphere.

Bonsam's heavy footsteps echoed across the room as he stomped over to the table, his expression grave.

"X-001, Kachiro Jibun. Z-008, Kogito Baichi," Bonsam declared, his voice stern as he addressed each individual in turn.

His gaze then shifted to the figure in the red hoodie, his glare piercing. "Z-004, Kizutsuku Jibun, and W-001, Woth Bolf," he continued, his tone carrying a weight of urgency. "We are in a crisis, the people of Negative Point are attacking, and winning."

"No shot. I defeated two of them awhile ago! Granted... they did get away," Kachiro interjected, his tone defiant yet tinged with frustration.

"You let them get away Kachiro? LAME HAH," Kizutsuku mocked, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Shut it dooouche! Also, H-003 died, and H-001 and H-002 resigned," Kachiro snapped back, his patience wearing thin.

"What? Dammit, we can't keep letting them get away with this!!! We need to put an end to the Negative Point!" Bonsam exclaimed, his frustration evident.

As tension filled the room, a sudden announcement interrupted the conversation.

"Somebody... IS COMING HEAD ON INTO THE LAB," a random lab assistant warned, his voice tinged with urgency.

The sound of crashing walls filled the room, followed by the hum of nanobots swiftly repairing the damage. Amidst the dissipating smoke stood Salvage, his appearance markedly different from before, exuding an aura of menace.

"Hi, my name is Salvage, and I'm here to murder everyone!!!" he declared, his voice dripping with malice.

"Ok, now we can attack him!" Kachiro exclaimed eagerly, ready for action.

But before any further action could be taken, a new voice rang out, commanding attention.

"No," a lanky man with light orange hair and a lab coat entered the room, his presence commanding respect despite his unassuming appearance. His eyes, hidden behind glasses, remained inscrutable as he surveyed the scene before him.

Bonsam's stern demeanor softened slightly as he addressed the newcomer.

"Head of the lab, Dr. Jibun..." he began, but Dr. Jibun interrupted with a casual request.

"Just call me Anata for now," he interjected, his tone relaxed yet authoritative.

Salvage's menacing presence filled the room as he made his intentions clear. "You're the jerk who made me. I'll murder you first, and then I'll take over the universe," he declared, his voice dripping with malice.

Anata's response was unexpectedly calm. "Fascinating," he remarked, his tone betraying no hint of fear or concern.

Salvage pressed further, seeking validation for his immense power. "Are you taken in by my tremendous power?" he inquired, a hint of arrogance in his voice.

Anata's response, however, was one of admiration and approval. "Yes! Not only have you matured extremely quickly, your intelligence and power is truly shocking. I knew I didn't fail this experiment!!!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm palpable.

Confusion clouded Salvage's expression as he sought clarification. "What exactly are you saying?" he demanded, his voice tinged with skepticism.

Anata explained with pride, "I'm saying that you pursuing your dream of taking over the universe further proves that you are a success. You are doing exactly as I intended! I programmed you to have all that ambition to take over the universe. You are just an experiment going right! Also, how fast are you? When did you leave for here?"

"Just a minute ago," Salvage replied, his tone confident.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!" Anata exclaimed, his excitement uncontainable.

Salvage couldn't help but be intrigued by Anata's jubilant demeanor. "Why are you so cheerful?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Anata's response was laden with awe as he unveiled the extent of Salvage's remarkable feat. "Do you know how fast you are!? From the view of our lab in the sun, I've seen and calculated the full size of the sun, and our planet, which is something nobody has been able to accurately do EVER. Our planet is 320 Octodecillion times longer and wider than a close by planet of 7900 miles wide and 3,963 miles tall. The sun that we are in right now is 1.3 million times bigger than our planet, and the distance between our planet and this sun is 1854.84 million miles. Not only did you leave the atmosphere of our planet and fly to this sun, but you flew to the center of this large sun in less than a minute."

Salvage's confidence swelled with pride as he acknowledged his unparalleled speed. "Absolutely, I am unequaled in terms of speed," he affirmed.

Anata's curiosity resurfaced as he inquired about Salvage's earlier threat. "What was it about killing me again?" he asked, his tone calm yet probing.

Salvage's response was unexpected as he abruptly changed his stance. "Well, I've changed my mind. I will rejoin your group, but only under one condition," he stated cryptically.

Anata leaned in, curious about Salvage's condition. "What is that condition?" he inquired, his gaze fixed on Salvage.

Without hesitation, Salvage unleashed a devastating attack, shooting a small, fast beam of orange magic from his hand. The beam struck Woth through the chest, leaving a gaping, smoking hole in his torso. With a final collapse, Woth fell lifeless to the ground, his fate sealed by Salvage's ruthless action.

Salvage's declaration reverberated through the room, his tone filled with determination. "I'll take whatever rank he was given," he asserted, his voice laced with a sense of ambition.

Anata nodded in acknowledgment. "W-001," he replied succinctly, revealing the designation of the vacant rank.

Salvage's frustration was palpable as he cursed under his breath. "FUCK! Who has the highest rank among us? I'd want to take it," he demanded, his desire for power evident.

Bonsam's response was matter-of-fact as he provided the necessary information. "Consider yourself lucky, all of the other Z ranks beside two other Z ranks are out right now. One of them is Z-001, he is here, and at full power," he explained, his tone conveying a sense of caution.

Salvage's eyes gleamed with anticipation at the prospect of a formidable challenge. "Wonderful! Get him here right away. I'd like to murder him," he declared, his thirst for dominance unquenchable.

Anata offered a resigned acceptance of Salvage's request. "It won't be easy to kill him, but whatever you say..." he trailed off, his tone tinged with apprehension.

Before further discussion could ensue, a newcomer made his presence known.

"I heard everything," a man with slick black hair and lavender eyes announced from the corner of the room. He exuded an aura of confidence, clad in a black jacket adorned with the label "M.A.G.I.C" vertically on the right side of his zipper. A sheathed katana sword hung from his left hip, hinting at his martial prowess and readiness for action.

Anata's greeting to Shinrai was met with a nod, the silent acknowledgment a testament to his reserved nature.

Salvage, however, brimmed with confidence, dismissing any notion of defeat. "You're suggesting it'll be impossible for me to get rid of that guy? Please, I could murder him in my sleep," he boasted, his arrogance undiminished.

Shinrai's response was measured but firm. "Don't underestimate my abilities," he cautioned, his voice carrying a hint of warning.

Salvage scoffed at the notion, taunting Shinrai with jest. "What bizarre powers do you possess? Can you convert clouds into birds? Oh, how I would adore it if you could," he mocked, his words dripping with sarcasm.

In response, Shinrai unsheathed his katana, its neon green design gleaming in the dim light of the lab.

Salvage's demeanor shifted slightly, his bravado masking a hint of irritation. "Hey, you terrible excuse for an experiment, I guess I irritated you. I guess I'll have to put you down like a dog," he retorted, his tone tinged with disdain.

A concerned voice interjected, warning of potential destruction to the lab. Anata, however, remained unperturbed. "Shut up. I already covered the lab in an invincible barrier after his arrival," he assured, his confidence unwavering.

As Shinrai launched his attack, Salvage remained unfazed, confidently summoning his magical sword to meet the incoming threat.

"Have a look at this! I'm correct as always; I can already tell you're not going to win this fight," Salvage declared, his arrogance undiminished.

But Shinrai's response was swift and unexpected. He fired a transparent green beam, catching Salvage off guard.

Salvage's confidence shattered as the beam struck him directly, disintegrating a portion of his head and torso in an instant. The room fell into stunned silence as the gravity of the situation sunk in.

Salvage's voice quivered with disbelief as he surveyed the aftermath of the attack. "What exactly is this? How... How could you possibly hurt me? What exactly is this magic?" he demanded, his tone laced with a mixture of astonishment and frustration.

Despite Salvage's injuries, they quickly regenerated before their eyes, leaving no trace of the damage behind. Anata stepped forward, his expression tinged with satisfaction as he explained, "Hyper focus energy. Destroys anything magic or energy related. It can bypass anything, it's my own version of anti-magic, but better of course! I'm surprised you survived that."

Shinrai, ever stoic, offered a concise apology. "Sorry. I held back on that beam. Do you want me to finish him?" he inquired, his voice devoid of emotion.

Anata turned to Salvage, concern etched in his features. "Salvage, are you sure about this?" he questioned, his tone tinged with uncertainty.

Salvage's resolve remained unshaken as he affirmed, "Well, I think I'm content with my position."

With that, Anata swiftly concluded the meeting, dismissing everyone from the room. Salvage, left alone with his thoughts, seethed with resentment. Z-001, you'll be dead the next time I see you! I will learn this power and use it to murder you! he vowed silently, his determination unwavering despite the setback.