
Forty minutes passed since Ryoshi encased himself in the block of healing ice. Suddenly, with a resounding crack, the ice shattered, and Ryoshi emerged, fully conscious but filled with regret.

"I SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with frustration.

Genrugi, still recovering nearby, responded dryly, "Yeah, you're welcome."

Ryoshi's eyes widened in realization. "YOU BROKE ME OUT OF THE ICE! OH MY GOD, THANK YOU!" he exclaimed, gratitude flooding his tone.

Genrugi shrugged, a hint of warmth softening her features. "I couldn't have left you there. We were just sparring... plus, you saved my life."

"I would never just murder someone like that!" Ryoshi retorted, a hint of indignation coloring his words.

"You should get going. Your next opponent is in that room," Genrugi urged, shifting the focus back to the task at hand.

Ryoshi nodded, a determined gleam in his eye. "I hope the person didn't mind me breaking a hole through their room."

"He totally minded that. Good luck, chump," Genrugi remarked with a smirk.

"Thank you!" Ryoshi replied earnestly before leaping through the hole in the wall.

Inside the room, darkness enveloped Ryoshi, obscuring his surroundings. "Hello?" he called out tentatively into the void.

Suddenly, torches lining the walls ignited, casting an eerie purple glow throughout the room. Ryoshi's heart raced as he took in the scene before him.

"Oh... O-O-Ok," he stammered nervously.

As if in response to his presence, candles scattered across the room flickered to life, illuminating a path of red tiles stretching out before him.

"Oh," Ryoshi muttered, his apprehension growing with each passing moment.

Suddenly, a card slid out of the darkness and landed at Ryoshi's feet. With trembling hands, he picked up the card and read its contents aloud.

"What the... is this a... NAME TAG? Looks more like a business card actually," Ryoshi remarked, perplexed. "And it says, 'My name is Demonio Esclavo, I am the user of soul fire magic. I made a deal with the devil for immunity to my magic taking away my life span, and the devil took my voice and ability to speak.'"

"Darn it. So, can yooooou turn on the lights?" Ryoshi inquired, his nerves beginning to fray.

In response, a chandelier suspended from the ceiling burst into life, its purple flames illuminating the room in a sinister glow. Across the chamber, Ryoshi's next opponent sat in meditation on an orange pillow, surrounded by flickering candles. The figure wore a sleek black luchador mask with a light green sleeping mask covering his eyes, exuding an aura of mystique and power.

Ryoshi's eyes widened in shock as Demonio shifted his sleeping mask, revealing piercing green eyes beneath.

"Holy shit???" Ryoshi exclaimed, his voice laced with disbelief.

Demonio offered a casual wave in response, a smirk playing on his lips as he rose to his feet.

"Heeeeey," Ryoshi greeted uncertainly, his nerves beginning to fray.

"So, do we start?" Ryoshi inquired, attempting to maintain a semblance of composure.

Without a word, Demonio vanished from sight, only to reappear in front of Ryoshi in a blur of motion. Before Ryoshi could react, a fist wreathed in purple flames connected with his body, sending him hurtling through the air, crashing through the rooms they had previously traversed before landing with a resounding thud.

"I guess that was a yes," Ryoshi muttered, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to his feet.

As Ryoshi dusted himself off, his fingers brushed against something unfamiliar on his back. With a furrowed brow, he peeled off a sticky note, its message revealing Demonio's intentions.

"When did he get this on me?" Ryoshi mused aloud, reading the note's contents: "I have two sets of abilities, my soul damaging abilities and my life span subtraction abilities. So I don't kill you, I'm only going to use my soul damaging abilities."

"Very nice to know..." Ryoshi muttered under his breath, his mind racing with strategies.

Three minutes later, Ryoshi found himself back in Demonio's room, determination etched into his features. This time, Demonio stood atop the pillow, a silent challenge in his stance.

"I'm not going to let you speed blitz me again!" Ryoshi declared, his resolve firm.

Once more, Demonio disappeared and reappeared before Ryoshi. This time, however, Ryoshi anticipated the attack, dodging to the side with lightning reflexes. But Demonio was relentless, delivering a powerful blow to the side of Ryoshi's head, sending him tumbling through the air, his world spinning in a dizzying blur.

Ryoshi's mind raced as he considered his next move, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features.

"Errrr," he muttered, his breath coming in uneven gasps.

Summoning his resolve, Ryoshi rose to his feet, determination blazing in his eyes.

"Surriku No Ha," he declared, invoking the power of his sword with practiced ease.

With a swift motion, Ryoshi summoned his sword, its gleaming blade shimmering with latent power.

"Skill 4-" Ryoshi began, only to be interrupted by a sudden voice in his mind.

Instead of causing more damage to this room, how about I teach you the final variation of your 4th skill? the voice suggested.

That would be AMAZING, what's it called? Winter Suffering? Arctic Blow Over? Chilled Conqueror?! Ryoshi responded eagerly.

Storm Slash, the voice replied matter-of-factly.

Storm Slash? That doesn't even sound like an ice attack, Ryoshi remarked, confusion evident in his tone.

Look, I don't make the names of these attacks, the voice retorted.

I thought you did! Ryoshi protested.

I never said I did! the voice countered.

I don't know if you're lying or not, Ryoshi admitted with a sigh, his patience wearing thin.

With a resigned shrug, Ryoshi complied. "Skill 4: Storm Slash," he intoned, channeling his energy into the blade of his sword.

To his surprise, Ryoshi's sword began to glow with a transparent sky-blue aura, leaving him momentarily dumbfounded.

"What the- WHAT THE HELL!? Is this just an aura!?" he exclaimed, confusion giving way to frustration.

Meanwhile, Demonio ignited his fingers with flickering flames, his intent clear.

"I'll just cut you with this, I guess..." Ryoshi muttered determinedly, charging toward his opponent with sword raised.

As Ryoshi's blade connected with Demonio's outstretched hands, a powerful gust of wind erupted from the point of contact, accompanied by countless shimmering shards of ice. The force of the blast sent Demonio hurtling backward, crashing into the nearest wall with a resounding thud.

"WOAH! GET DESTROYED, SUCKER!" Ryoshi crowed triumphantly, a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

But Demonio was far from defeated. With a snarl, he hurled a blazing fireball toward Ryoshi, who deftly intercepted the attack with his sword, the intense heat radiating against his skin.

The heat, I don't feel it but... something inside of me, something feels hot... Is this my soul? Wait, no shit he uses soul fire magic, Ryoshi realized, a dawning sense of understanding flooding his mind.

Before he could dwell on his revelation, Demonio launched another fireball, this time striking Ryoshi squarely in the stomach, sending him reeling backward with a cry of pain.

"DAMN-" Ryoshi began, but his words were cut short as Demonio leaped overhead, unleashing a searing beam of purple fire that sent Ryoshi crashing to the ground, his vision swimming with stars.

This hurts a thousand times more when it's my soul being hurt. I don't train the strength of my soul!! Ryoshi's inner voice cried out in agony, a sharp pang of realization cutting through him.

With a swift back-flip, Ryoshi regained his footing and unleashed his icy powers, freezing the ground beneath both him and Demonio.

"AHA! Now take this!" Ryoshi declared triumphantly, confident in his strategy.

But his victory was short-lived as the frozen floor melted almost instantly, leaving Ryoshi bewildered.

"Uhm..." he muttered, his confidence waning as he attempted to freeze the floor again, only to have it melt once more.

"Er..." Ryoshi tried again, frustration mounting as his efforts were thwarted once again.

"STOP DOING THAT," he finally exclaimed in exasperation, glaring at his opponent.

Demonio merely shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips.

"So it's gonna be one of these fights, huh?" Ryoshi grumbled, resigning himself to the challenge ahead.

With a burst of flames, Demonio launched himself toward Ryoshi, his fiery fists poised for attack.

"Alright! Skill 1: ICE COUNTER!!!" Ryoshi shouted, preparing to defend himself.

But to his dismay, as Demonio's fist collided with Ryoshi's sword, nothing happened.

"Be... FROZEN!!!" Ryoshi commanded desperately, but once again, his powers failed him.

"Oh, so it's gonna be one of those fights..." Ryoshi muttered bitterly as Demonio's blow landed squarely on his chest, sending him hurtling into the nearest wall.

Desperation mounting, Ryoshi attempted to summon his ice magic once more, creating seven spears of ice around his body.

"Go at it!" he urged, but his efforts were futile as the spears melted away before they could even be used.

"I hate you..." Ryoshi grumbled under his breath, frustration boiling over.

As Demonio unleashed a barrage of fireballs, Ryoshi braced himself for the impact, his face contorting in pain as each fiery explosion engulfed him.

"Ice Magic: Ice tip," Ryoshi tried again, but once more, his powers failed him, leaving him bewildered and vulnerable.

"What. Why is this happening!?" Ryoshi cried out in frustration as Demonio seized him by the neck, his fiery grip tightening with malicious intent.

Ryoshi's cry echoed through the chamber, a desperate plea amidst the chaos.

"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!" he shouted, his voice tinged with frustration and pain.

With a forceful motion, Demonio hurled Ryoshi to the ground behind him, the impact sending a jolt of pain through Ryoshi's body.

"Ow," Ryoshi grunted, wincing as he pushed himself up from the ground.

To his dismay, he found a sticky note adhered to his forehead, its message delivering another blow to his confidence.

"When does he get the time to place these?" Ryoshi wondered aloud, his frustration mounting.

The words on the note confirmed his worst fears: his magic was simply not strong enough to overcome Demonio's intense magical heat.

"I'll just..." Ryoshi began, determination flickering in his eyes as he attempted to summon his ice magic once more.

But before he could act, the two ginormous spikes of ice he manifested were melted away in an instant, leaving him feeling powerless and defeated.

"I really can't use my ice magic?" Ryoshi muttered disbelievingly, his hopes dwindling with each passing moment.

Meanwhile, Demonio conjured a large fireball overhead, his intentions clear.

"You wouldn't dare-" Ryoshi started, but his protest fell on deaf ears as the fireball hurtled toward him with terrifying speed.

I need a miracle to win this... Ryoshi thought desperately, his mind racing for a solution.

But before he could react, the fireball struck him directly, its searing heat consuming everything in its path. Ryoshi's sword flew from his hand and vanished into thin air, his shirt torn from his body as the explosion obliterated everything behind him.

As the smoke cleared, Ryoshi lay on the ground, charred and shirtless, his eyes filled with regret and defeat.

You're forgetting something, Ryoshi! Itsunoko's voice echoed in Ryoshi's mind, cutting through his inner turmoil like a beacon of hope.

Ryoshi's gaze snapped upward, his eyes widening in surprise. Itsunoko? he whispered mentally, his voice tinged with disbelief.

You've done it again! I'm not the one who is supposed to tell you about your growth in strength, Itsunoko chided gently, I don't even know how strong you actually become... I'm here to tell you that you've grown enough as a person to earn these things... You might be doubting yourself right now, Ryoshi, but one thing I could tell is that right now you are at your strongest. Only in hopeless situations like this does someone force themselves to grow and push through the battle. Ryoshi, I've never tried to hold you back in any way... I was just trying to get you to realize that you know more things than you think, YOU HAVE MORE CONTROL OVER THIS SWORD THAN I DO, THE SWORD GROWS WITH YOU!

Ryoshi's heart swelled with a newfound sense of determination. "I got this. Surriku No Ha... KAKUSEI!!!" he declared with unwavering resolve.

A swirling haze of icy wind enveloped Ryoshi's body, and as it cleared, a remarkable transformation unfolded before him. Not only was his sword now an epee, but his entire left arm was encased in a shimmering blue, spikey knight-like armor, pulsating with power.

Ryoshi, welcome to the 50% Itsunoko's voice resonated in Ryoshi's mind, a mixture of pride and anticipation evident in his tone.

"Bring it on!" Ryoshi exclaimed confidently, his spirit burning with newfound strength.

With this new stage of power comes a new technique in this form, Itsunoko continued, his words igniting Ryoshi's curiosity.

Seriously? Ryoshi responded eagerly, hungering for knowledge.

Awakenings have an entire separate set of skills different from their base counterparts. All of the skills are usually a direct upgrade from previous moves, but this weapon works differently... Itsunoko explained, his voice brimming with excitement.

Explain it, Ryoshi urged, his anticipation growing with each passing moment.

This sword isn't bound to just one element, this sword gains all of its properties from the user's destiny magic. I myself had the destiny magic of dark magic. My first skill reflected damage, my second skill summoned knights of darkness, my third skill summoned a darkness horse, and my last skill could create storms of darkness. But effectively, if you learn and master variations of your destiny magic, you can influence your skills and even your awakening, Itsunoko elaborated, his words sparking a fire of determination within Ryoshi.

THAT MAKES ME EVEN MORE PUMPED UP TO FINISH THIS NOW!!! Ryoshi exclaimed excitedly, his resolve burning brighter than ever.

Why so? Itsunoko inquired, his curiosity piqued by Ryoshi's enthusiasm.

Because... Ryoshi began, his fighting spirit reignited as he assumed his battle stance, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Ryoshi's voice reverberated with determination amidst the chaos of battle. "IF I WIN THIS, I GET CLOSER TO FIGHTING MY UNCLE! And maybe he could teach me a thing or two about blood ice magic!"

As Demonio unleashed a beam of purple fire, Ryoshi summoned all his strength, using his left arm to power through the onslaught. With unwavering focus, he aimed the tip of his epee at Demonio's forehead.

"This has been one-sided for too long! Skill 1: Prix Shot," Ryoshi declared.

A thin, skinny blue beam shot out from the tip of the epee, piercing through Demonio's head with devastating force, leaving a gaping hole in his forehead. But to Ryoshi's horror, the beam didn't stop there; it tore through the wall, widening the scope of the damage.

"Oh SHIT!" Ryoshi exclaimed, stunned by the unintended consequence of his attack.

Before Demonio could collapse, Ryoshi acted swiftly, encasing him in a block of healing ice.

"I need some of that too!" Ryoshi muttered, his voice tinged with exhaustion.

As Ryoshi's armor melted away and his sword vanished, he sank down beside the block of ice, leaning against it for support.

"I'll continue after a little nap..." he murmured, his eyelids heavy with fatigue.

Meanwhile, in another part of the arena, Ketori lay on a dirty couch in a small room, enjoying a moment of relaxation.

"Ah~ I finally get to kick back and relax! This kid is gonna be here for a while!" Ketori sighed contentedly.

However, his peace was short-lived as the door swung open, revealing Genrugi and Beth standing in the doorway.

"Beth, Genrugi... BETH AND GENRUGI!? WHY ARE YOU TWO HERE?!" Ketori exclaimed in surprise.

"The kid is progressing faster than we thought!" Beth explained, her expression serious.

"Before he even fought Beth, his mana level was slightly above hers, but after his fight with Demonio-" Genrugi began, her voice trailing off.

"HE BEAT DEMONIO!?" Ketori interrupted, incredulous.

"Yea, almost killed him too..." Genrugi confirmed, her tone grave.

"This kid! How strong is he right now?" Ketori demanded, his mind racing with possibilities.

"I was getting to that! He's already approaching your level," Genrugi revealed, her words laden with a mixture of awe and concern.

"These jumps in power... What is he?" Ketori pondered aloud, his thoughts consumed by the enigma that was Ryoshi.