Nobody's Pleasure

"What are you talking about?" Pyta's voice trembled with confusion as he faced Shimisu, his mind reeling from the sudden revelation.

"Midas has been lying to you all!!!" Shimisu's words rang out with a sense of urgency, his gaze fixed on the king with an accusatory glare.

"What are you going on about?" Midas's tone was laced with irritation as he confronted Shimisu's accusations.

"I've done some deep diving and I've found out that-," Shimisu began, his words cut short as he produced a golden-framed picture depicting a family.

Midas interrupted with a solemn admission, "Enough. The truth had to come out eventually. I didn't want to become a terrorist but I guess I have no choice... unless everyone in here stays quiet."

"My lord... what's going on?" Pyta's voice quivered with uncertainty as he turned to Midas for answers.

"Though I could easily deny these claims and stay guilty for the rest of my life, I need to get this off my chest so I can feel free. Pyta, you are the king of Falakia," Midas confessed, his words sending shockwaves through the room.

"What?" Pyta's disbelief was evident as he struggled to comprehend the gravity of Midas's revelation.

"Back when your village was raided and you were taken, I was the leader of the raid, and you weren't in a village, you were in this kingdom. Your parents were the original rulers of Falakia, and I, with the dream of becoming a great ruler using the power to turn anything I touched into gold, I killed them and became the ruler of this land by default," Midas admitted, his confession laying bare the depths of his deception.

"See! This guy is a maniac!" Shimisu interjected, his voice filled with disdain as he pointed an accusing finger at Midas.

"Pyta, I want you dead not because you've gained a sickness, YOU'VE NEVER HAD A SICKNESS TO START WITH ACTUALLY!!! I want you dead because you could potentially become the king of Falakia if anything goes wrong. But look now, almost everything has fallen apart. Pyta, would you be a loyal servant and stay down? Fighting will only make things worse for you and your friends," Midas explained, his words a chilling reminder of the lengths he would go to preserve his power.

"But..." Pyta's protests were cut short by Midas's stern command.

"Though we might not be enough, we could certainly get our neighboring ally kingdoms to help us combat the Negative Point," Midas proposed, his gaze shifting to Shimisu with a hint of disdain.

"Just... Let me die, Shimisu, it's for your own good," Pyta pleaded, his voice tinged with resignation as he faced the inevitable.

"Like hell! The Negative Point could totally beat all of your golden asses!" Shimisu retorted, his voice brimming with defiance as he refused to back down.

"But would the Negative Point really make the decision to become the enemy of the world? I don't think so," Midas countered, his tone confident as he sought to sway Pyta's resolve.

"Pyta, at this point, THERE IS NO HONOR! Get up and defend your life or die as a coward who gave up his life so a false king could be happy!" Shimisu urged, his voice a rallying cry in the face of adversity.

"But Shimisu, you don't understand..." Pyta's protests were silenced by Midas's command, his authority unchallenged as he prepared to carry out his grim decree.

"Silence. Today I'm going to war I guess. GUARDS! Take care of the boy. Pyta, you stay still," Midas ordered, his gaze cold and unyielding as he turned to face his loyal soldiers.

"You are vastly underrating my capabilities," Shimisu declared, his voice a defiant challenge to Midas's authority.

Before the guards could react, Shimisu unleashed a devastating barrage of remote bombs, incapacitating them in a single, explosive stroke.

"May you rest in peace, Pyta. Mercenaries, take care of the boy and his friend for me. I'll triple your pay," Midas commanded, his words a chilling farewell as he raised his sword once more, poised to deliver the final blow.

"Today is a good day! Lion and Tin Man, you two can deal with him. Scarecrow and I will kill the other one!" Dorothy declared, her voice filled with anticipation as she leaped out of the window, followed closely by the Scarecrow.

With a swift motion, Pyta raised a shield to block Midas's attack, his resolve unwavering as he prepared to face his destiny head-on.

Pyta's words echoed with a newfound determination, his resolve unyielding as he faced down the once-respected monarch.

"There was no power behind that blow..." Pyta observed, his voice tinged with a mixture of disbelief and defiance as he rose to his feet, his shield transforming into a formidable sword.

"Even though I've been working with you for quite a while now, Shimisu is right. I have no actual debt to you. You stole my future from me, took away my parents, and harmed innocent kids just to become a monarch. You're full of shit," Pyta declared, his words cutting through the air like a sharpened blade.

"So you want the hard way out of this I see. Very well Pyta, I'll just hang you up as decoration," Midas retorted, his voice dripping with contempt as he moved to lay his hands on Pyta.

But Pyta was quick to evade, his movements swift and calculated as he deftly leaped out of harm's way.

"Though it was a short time, my time with Shimisu and Enerida taught me valuable things. Nothing that changed me as a person, but they did get me to understand my weapon more, and now I can control my weapon with just my mind!" Pyta proclaimed, his voice resonating with newfound confidence as his sword transformed into a battle hammer.

With a mighty swing, Pyta struck Midas directly in the face, the force of the blow sending him hurtling through his golden throne and crashing through the wall of his castle.

"Who's that?" A curious villager's voice broke through the chaos, drawing the attention of the onlookers gathered below.

"That's King Midas!" Another villager exclaimed, shock and disbelief evident in their tone as they witnessed their ruler's downfall.

"And that's his royal guard, Pyta Pere!" A wave of murmurs rippled through the crowd as they watched the dramatic scene unfolding above.

As Midas plummeted to the ground, his crown tumbling from his head, Pyta descended gracefully, landing before him with unwavering resolve.

"Before he tells anyone..." Midas began, his voice laced with desperation as he rose to his feet, brandishing his sword in a defensive stance.

"This man right here is your real king! I am simply a false king. Though we're dueling, I'm not afraid to destroy this kingdom! As your current ruler, I command you all to hurry and leave," Midas declared, his words a desperate plea as he sought to rally his subjects.

But Pyta stood firm, his gaze unwavering as he faced down the former monarch.

"Don't you dare destroy my kingdom," Pyta warned, his voice steely with determination.

"You're not going to stop me! I might be old and rusty, but I can still cause chaos!" Midas retorted, his resolve unshaken despite the odds stacked against him.

"You truly are the hero who never was a hero..." Pyta's words hung in the air, a poignant reminder of the truth that lay hidden beneath Midas's facade of power and authority.

Shimisu found himself amidst the chaos, his quick thinking and hidden explosives proving to be invaluable in the heat of battle.

"That was an interesting turn of events... Well, I guess I'm gonna..." Shimisu began, his words trailing off as he turned his back on the Tin Man and Lion, unaware of the impending danger.

But before he could take another step, the Lion lunged towards him with a menacing growl.

"Grrrr... DON'T BE A FOOL!" the Lion roared, his ferocity evident as he sought to bring down his opponent.

Shimisu, however, remained unfazed, his lips curling into a smirk as he unleashed a barrage of invisible bombs, causing explosions to erupt from the floor.

"A big emphasis on dumb! Invisible bombs for the win," Shimisu taunted, his gesture of defiance punctuated by a raised middle finger as chaos ensued around him.

As the explosions destroyed the upper half of the castle, Shimisu found himself propelled into the air, a triumphant grin adorning his face.

"And those guards are probably dead now!" he declared, his confidence unwavering as he surveyed the aftermath of his handiwork.

But his moment of triumph was short-lived as an unexpected attack caught him off guard.

"What the-" Shimisu exclaimed as an axe grazed his cheek, drawing blood and sending a jolt of pain through his body.

Before he could react, the Tin Man charged towards him, his metallic grip tightening around Shimisu's neck.

"GYA-" Shimisu choked out, his words cut short as he struggled against his assailant's formidable strength.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the country, Enerida found himself in a desolate wasteland, his determination driving him forward as he plotted his next move.

"I'm far away from the kingdom now. What I'm going to do is simple," Enerida declared, his resolve unwavering as he prepared to execute his plan.

With a determined expression, he took on a starting running position, his muscles tensing as he prepared to unleash his full power.

"I'm going to save Pyta by charging to 100 and kicking through the castle," Enerida proclaimed, his voice echoing across the barren landscape.

But his plans were soon derailed as Dorothy and the Scarecrow appeared behind him, their presence catching him off guard.

"Ready for round 2?" Dorothy taunted, her voice filled with confidence as she prepared to face her opponent once again.

"Ahhhhh shit," Enerida muttered under his breath, realizing the daunting challenge that lay ahead.