
The forest hummed with the quiet rustle of leaves, the darkness of night enveloping the trio as they made their way through the dense undergrowth.

"I think it's cool that all of us aren't scared of the dark!" Arasu remarked, his voice filled with a sense of camaraderie. "Like, me and Osoi trained in a pitch-black dimension for a few months, and you Estel... What do you do again?"

Estel's response was calm and measured. "I don't really have any reason to be afraid, for one."

Arasu's curiosity was piqued. "Oh... Why?"

Estel's words held a hint of mystery. "I have a reason to not be afraid of the dark because of my renowned weapon, which is a bit of a mystery."

Arasu leaned in, his interest evident. "What does your weapon do? I haven't seen it yet."

Estel's response was cryptic. "When the time comes, I'll actually need to use my weapon, but for the time being, you won't see it. Just know that, given its true potential, my weapon is among the most powerful ever created."

Arasu nodded, impressed by Estel's confidence. "Well, I'm intrigued. Osoi, how are you doing over there?"

Osoi's reply was tinged with boredom. "I'm bored, I'm soooo bored! Can a pack of wolves at least jump out of a bush and attack us?... At the very least, that is..."

As if in response to Osoi's wish, rustling emanated from a nearby bush, prompting Arasu to spring into action.

"Kamigami No Yoroi!" Arasu called out, summoning his armor in a flash of light.

But Estel's caution tempered their excitement. "Arasu, don't be very alarmed; that could have been a rabbit or a squirrel."

Osoi chimed in, his voice trembling with apprehension. "Well, it's in the bush..."

Undeterred, Arasu continued his search, determined to uncover the source of the disturbance.

"It might have been a beetle! I don't see it anywhere," Arasu remarked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Estel shook his head in exasperation, his patience wearing thin. "Arasu, halt your rummaging amid the undergrowth. It's hopeless at this point."

Arasu turned to face Estel, a playful grin on his lips. "You speak in very fancy words..."

But Osoi's sudden expression of terror brought their banter to an abrupt halt.

"A-Arasu..." Osoi stammered, his eyes wide with fear.

Arasu's senses heightened, his gaze scanning the surroundings for any sign of danger.

"What? Is it a... monster?" Arasu questioned, his voice low with apprehension.

Estel's response was grave. "Perhaps worse, there is someone..."

Arasu's heart skipped a beat as he turned to confront the unexpected visitor, his eyes widening in shock as he beheld the sight before him.

"THE HELL!!!" Arasu exclaimed, his voice echoing through the forest.

The woman standing before them was an enigma, her presence unsettling in the darkness of the night. With long dark green hair, a white blindfold obscuring her eyes, and clad in nothing but black shorts and bandages, she exuded an aura of mystery.

Without warning, she leaped into the air, a fireball trailing in her wake. But Arasu, protected by his armor, remained unscathed, the flames licking harmlessly against his protective shield.

Arasu's triumphant exclamation echoed through the forest, his satisfaction evident as he celebrated his victory over the fireball attack.

"POINT ONE FOR THE ARMOR!!!" Arasu declared proudly, his voice ringing with triumph.

But the Blindfold Lady's response was scathing, her words laced with irritation. "Idiot. Why'd you shoot a fireball at someone who has magical weapon armor!?"

A voice emerged from the darkness, accompanied by the arrival of a boy with brown saggy eyes and grey hair, dressed in a black kimono. The Blindfold Lady landed gracefully beside him, her presence commanding attention.

"Sorry," the boy muttered, his tone sheepish.

Osoi's recognition was immediate, his voice tinged with suspicion. "You're- Are you a part of that group of people who tried to take Kurai out of me?"

The Blindfold Lady confirmed his suspicions with a casual shrug. "Yea whatever, Anata calls us the revival cult, but I prefer the name Subiru gave us. The Seizen Clan."

Arasu's curiosity was piqued. "Who are you!?"

The Blindfold Lady revealed her name with a hint of amusement. "Few people call me Anat, but since that's too similar to Anata and I have.. quite to reputation.. I go by Medusa."

Estel's voice was filled with disbelief. "Medusa!? a Gorgon? Why are you in this place?"

Medusa's response was cryptic. "I'm one of the main members of the Seizen Clan, and these are my lackeys."

Arasu's confusion grew. "Plural?"

Medusa's command was sharp and immediate. "The second one is... GET OUT HERE NOW!!!"

A short, chubby figure emerged from the shadows, his appearance drawing a mixture of amusement and disbelief from the group.

Osoi couldn't help but smirk. "Kehe... now you guys look ultimately lamer..."

The chubby guy introduced himself with an air of enthusiasm. "Are you an... ANTAGONIST!?"

Osoi's confusion was palpable. "What."

The chubby guy's excitement was palpable. "I can't wait until I get a last second buff and become a strong muscly dude! Unless it's one of those series where I suffer for millions of years just to become an absolute chad."

Osoi's response was a bemused nod. "Huh."

The chubby guy continued his enthusiastic introduction. "My name is Mason Sparrow! I am a human!"

Another figure stepped forward, introducing himself as Jesse Nova, his demeanor more subdued than his companion's.

Arasu's frustration was evident as he demanded answers. "It's comforting to at least know one of you guys are human, anyways, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"

Medusa's response was direct and to the point. "We're taking the demon boy."

Osoi's incredulity was palpable. "Me? Why am I always the target?!"

Medusa explained their intentions with a hint of impatience. "Obviously because of Kurai! But as it stands, none of the main members want to have a demon inside of them so instead of killing you and taking your demon, we're to forcibly recruit you, if you like it or not."

Osoi's refusal was resolute. "No way I'm joining you guys! You guys are probably doing evil things!"

Medusa's tone softened, her attempt at persuasion evident. "We're not doing anything evil! We're just doing bad things to get to where we need to get..."

But Osoi remained steadfast in his conviction. "EEEEVIL!!!"

Medusa sighed in exasperation, her patience wearing thin. "Look, you don't know our true intentions, you can't judge us until you know what we're actually doing."

Osoi remained skeptical. "And what are you doing?"

Medusa's response was evasive. "You have to join us and learn that!"

Osoi's resolve remained firm. "Ok, I guess I won't know, but maybe I can force it out of you."

Medusa's confidence remained unshaken. "You really think you can beat me?"

Arasu interjected with determination. "No! But I do!"

Osoi's protest was immediate. "What- You can't do that!"

Arasu's eagerness for a challenge was evident. "I'm looking to finally have a good fight!"

Osoi smirked in response. "I'll let you have your fun!"

Medusa shook her head in exasperation. "Kids these days."

Without warning, Jesse unleashed a barrage of fireballs, but Osoi, ever vigilant, leaped into action, conjuring a pitch-black portal to deflect the attack.

As the dust settled, Osoi faced Jesse with a smirk, ready for whatever challenge lay ahead.

Osoi smirked in response to Jesse's challenge, his determination evident as he prepared to face off against the fiery onslaught.

"I guess I'll fight you," Osoi declared, his tone tinged with confidence.

But Jesse remained undeterred, his resolve unwavering as he unleashed his fiery attack.

"I don't care if you have a demon in you, I'll beat you regardless. Fire Magic: Explosive Flame!" Jesse announced, conjuring a formidable construct of fire aimed directly at Osoi.

However, Osoi was quick to respond, his expertise in magic evident as he summoned his pitchfork with a deft flick of his wrist.

"These are subpar fire spells you're using here! Akuma No Kumade!" Osoi exclaimed, redirecting Jesse's attack with precision, causing it to explode harmlessly in the air.

Meanwhile, Arasu seized the opportunity to join the fray, his determination to prove himself evident as he unleashed his own arsenal of attacks.

"Enjoy this! Skill 1: Spike Tendrils!" Arasu declared, summoning thirteen spikey armor tendrils from his back with a flourish.

Medusa, ever observant, assessed the situation with a calculated gaze, her mind already formulating a plan to overcome Arasu's formidable armor.

"I'll find a way to deal with that armor of yours..." Medusa remarked, her confidence unshaken by the challenge ahead.

But Arasu remained defiant, his determination unwavering as he faced off against Medusa.

"I'll like to see you try!" Arasu retorted, his defiance evident in his stance.

Suddenly, Mason interjected with a decisive command, his authority commanding the attention of the group.

"Arasu!" Mason called out, his voice firm with authority.

Arasu snapped to attention, acknowledging Mason's directive with a respectful nod.

"Yes sir?" Arasu responded, his tone deferential.

Mason wasted no time in issuing his instructions, his focus unwavering as he directed the flow of battle.

"Do better. You're attacking the wrong person," Mason ordered, his words clear and direct.

Arasu quickly adjusted his strategy, refocusing his attention on the correct target with renewed determination.

"Oh sorry! My mistake sir!" Arasu acknowledged, his determination evident as he prepared to launch another attack.

With Mason's guidance, the group quickly rearranged their positions, readying themselves for the next phase of the battle.

"Medusa and Estel! Switch places, you two are all over the place!!!" Mason commanded, his tone firm but authoritative.

Medusa bristled at the directive, her defiance evident in her response.

"Don't ever talk to me like that," Medusa retorted, her tone sharp with irritation.

Mason relented, his demeanor shifting to one of compliance in the face of Medusa's displeasure.

"Yes ma'am..." he conceded, his tone subdued.

With the group repositioned and ready for action, Mason wasted no time in signaling the start of the next phase of the battle.

"Ok good, and ACTION!" Mason declared before clapping the clapperboard once again, signaling the resumption of the battle.

As the tendrils flew towards Estel, confusion rippled through the group, their plans seemingly unraveling before their eyes.

"Wait, what happened!?" Estel exclaimed, his confusion evident as the tendrils suddenly changed course.

But before they could strike, the tendrils bent back, redirecting their trajectory once again towards Medusa.

Arasu could only watch in bewilderment as his plan failed to yield the desired results, his frustration mounting with each passing moment.

"I have no idea!" Arasu admitted, his frustration evident in his voice.

Medusa wasted no time in seizing the opportunity presented, her movements swift and decisive as she launched a counterattack against Arasu.

"Your plan didn't work, kid!" Medusa taunted, her confidence unshaken as she delivered a powerful flying kick that sent Arasu crashing through multiple trees.

The battle raged on, each participant determined to emerge victorious, as the forest echoed with the sounds of clashing magic and determined combatants.

Mason's boastful declaration echoed through the forest, drawing incredulous looks from Osoi and Arasu.

"After I joined their group they gave me a dark carnation!" Mason proclaimed, proudly displaying the glowing symbol etched into his palm.

But his revelation was met with skepticism from his opponents, who exchanged knowing glances before uttering a single word in unison.


The seasoned warrior wasted no time in springing into action, his movements precise and calculated as he retrieved a small black box from his pocket.

"On it," Estel confirmed, his voice calm and composed as he extracted a seemingly innocuous kitchen knife from within the box.

Meanwhile, Medusa's patience wore thin, her frustration bubbling to the surface as she watched Mason's antics unfold.

"Mason, SHUT UP!!!" she bellowed, her voice ringing through the clearing as she charged towards Arasu, who was still recovering from his previous blow.

But Arasu, undeterred by the onslaught, stood his ground, his resolve unyielding despite the force of Medusa's attack.

"That only dazed me a bit!" Arasu declared defiantly, his determination evident in his voice.

Medusa, recognizing the opportunity presented, wasted no time in capitalizing on Arasu's vulnerability, delivering a swift and precise jab to his face that sent him reeling backwards.

As Arasu struggled to regain his footing, Estel seized the moment to strike, his movements swift and decisive as he lunged towards Mason with the transformed kitchen knife in hand.

"What is that supposed to do?" Mason questioned, his confusion evident as Estel closed in on him.

But Estel offered no explanation, his focus solely on his target as he swung the axe-shaped weapon towards Mason with precision.

"Aimshig," Estel declared, his voice steady as he executed his attack.

However, Mason's quick reflexes saved him from the full brunt of Estel's assault, narrowly dodging the swing of the axe as it sliced through a nearby tree with ease.

"What kind of weapon is that?" Mason queried, his curiosity piqued by Estel's unconventional choice of armament.

But Estel remained unfazed, his determination unwavering as he prepared to face his opponent head-on.

"Aimshig... that's a weird name for a weapon... BUT HOW ABOUT THIS!" Mason countered, summoning his clapperboard once again with a flourish.

But before Mason could unleash his next move, Estel acted swiftly, delivering a powerful punch straight to Mason's face, sending him crumpling to the ground in unconsciousness.

The clearing fell silent, the only sound the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze as Estel stood victorious, his companions looking on with admiration at his swift and decisive victory.

Osoi's swift retaliation caught Jesse off guard, his violent swings with the pitchfork narrowly missing their mark as Jesse deftly dodged each one.

"Fire Magic: Fire Arrow!" Jesse countered, leaping back and unleashing a torrent of flames in the form of a colossal arrow from his mouth. But Osoi, ever agile, leaped over the fiery projectile, redirecting it towards a nearby tree, igniting it in a blaze.

"Void Magic: Pocket Void Release," Osoi commanded, summoning the familiar pitch-black portal behind Jesse. With precision, the portal unleashed the same fiery onslaught Jesse had unleashed moments before, hurling him back towards Osoi.

"You've been played," Osoi taunted, delivering a punishing blow to Jesse's face with the pointed end of his pitchfork.

Meanwhile, Medusa found herself entangled in a deadly dance with Arasu, dodging and weaving through the onslaught of tendrils that he unleashed upon her.

"Why'd I even bother bringing you two along!?" Medusa lamented, frustration evident in her voice as she deftly avoided Arasu's attacks.

But Arasu was undeterred, his determination unwavering as he summoned hundreds of tendrils, weaving them together to form a massive dome that enveloped the surrounding forest.

"What now?" Estel inquired, his gaze fixed on Arasu as he awaited his next move.

"Badger cage!" Arasu declared, the tendrils forming the dome tightening their grip, effectively trapping Medusa within their confines.

"You certainly can't move while doing that, can you?" Medusa remarked, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she prepared to make her move.

"I can move! Just not as fast..." Arasu admitted, his confidence undeterred even as Medusa vanished from his sight.

But Medusa's reappearance caught him off guard, her swift elbow strike to his back leaving him momentarily stunned.

"You might be pretty much immune to magic, but if somebody hits you hard enough, you still take nearly the same amount of damage," Medusa pointed out, her words a grim reminder of the limitations of Arasu's powers.

"That might be true, but, LASERS!!!" Arasu exclaimed, determination burning in his eyes as he activated the hidden cannons lining the dome's perimeter, aiming their deadly beams directly at Medusa.

"You're done for," Arasu declared confidently, preparing to witness the downfall of his adversary.

But Medusa, ever resourceful, simply leaped out of harm's way, evading the lethal barrage of lasers with ease as she prepared to mount her own counterattack.

Arasu's attempted defense proved futile as Medusa effortlessly countered his attack, her agility and skill outmatching his own.

"That didn't work!" Arasu exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice as he recoiled from Medusa's strike.

"You're out of your league, kid," Medusa taunted, her confidence unwavering as she prepared to deliver another blow.

In a swift motion, Medusa flipped in front of Arasu, delivering a powerful uppercut that sent him reeling backward.

"Arasu!!!" Osoi called out, concern lacing his voice as he watched his friend take the hit.

Meanwhile, Jesse, fueled by a newfound determination, rose to his feet, the dark carnation on his hand pulsating with power.

"I won't... be so... useless..." Jesse muttered, his eyes ablaze with dark energy as he levitated into the sky.

Arasu reassured his comrades, "I'm fine, guys! Just deal with whatever that is!"

Estel and Osoi nodded in acknowledgment, ready to face whatever challenge lay ahead.

With a swift movement, Arasu dismantled the dome, redirecting the tendrils to form two massive, equally sized tendrils, poised for battle.

"You still want to fight?" Medusa challenged, her gaze fixed on Arasu as he transformed his arms into swords, ready to take on his opponent.

"Totally!" Arasu declared, determination burning in his eyes as he prepared to face Medusa head-on.

But Jesse, empowered by the dark energy surging within him, unleashed a devastating attack.

"Fire Magic: Sacred Blaze!!!" Jesse called out, a dark sigil materializing in front of him before unleashing a powerful beam of fire enveloped in a black aura.

Osoi observed Jesse's magic with a critical eye, noting its sluggishness and the apparent need for a sigil to cast the spell.

"He needs a sigil to do that spell?" Osoi questioned, skepticism evident in his tone.

Estel analyzed the situation, considering the implications of Jesse's magic.

"That can only suggest one of two things: either he's a novice magic user or the spell is incredibly harmful," Estel remarked, his voice tinged with caution.

"From the looks of it, it's totally not the latter. I mean, look at how slow it's moving!" Osoi pointed out, noting the leisurely pace of Jesse's spell.

Determined to defeat their opponent, Estel devised a plan.

"Let's defeat this imbecile. Throw me into the air, Osoi," Estel instructed, readying himself for action.

"Alright!" Osoi responded, lifting Estel into the air and hurling him toward Jesse.

As Estel descended toward Jesse, his axe transformed into a sledgehammer. With a resounding crash, Estel brought the sledgehammer down upon Jesse, who hastily raised his arms to shield himself from the blow.

"My arms..." Jesse groaned, feeling the impact of Estel's attack.

"Did I break the bones in your arms?" Estel questioned, a hint of satisfaction in his voice.

Before Jesse could respond, Osoi joined the fray, his arm transforming into a menacing claw-like appendage.

"Demon Claw Strike!!!" Osoi unleashed a powerful punch, striking Jesse squarely in the stomach and sending him crashing to the ground, defeated.

"He left himself wide open!" Osoi exclaimed triumphantly as Jesse fell unconscious.

Meanwhile, Medusa effortlessly evaded Arasu's relentless onslaught, dodging each of his attacks with finesse and skill. Despite Arasu's best efforts, Medusa seemed untouchable, her movements graceful and fluid as she deftly avoided his every move.

Of course! Here's the revised version with all dialogue included:

In the heart of the dark forest, where the shadows danced to the tune of whispered secrets, the clash between Medusa and Arasu unfolded with an eerie intensity. Medusa's voice sliced through the night like a chilling breeze, her words laced with a venomous edge. "You're getting tired, I can sense it in your sloppy movements. Is your suit tiring you?"

Arasu's response echoed with defiance, a beacon of resilience in the enveloping darkness. "Hell no!"

A punch landed on his chest, the force of it momentarily staggering him. Medusa's taunts lingered, a foreboding omen of the battle's escalation. "I haven't even used my abilities yet. This is going to get boring."

But Arasu refused to succumb to the night's oppressive grip, his determination a flickering flame in the gloom. "Not if you make it boring! Skill 1: Iron Fists!"

The forest trembled as his back erupted in a display of power, tendrils morphing into twelve colossal fists, a testament to his unyielding resolve.

Amidst the chaos, allies rallied to his side, their voices cutting through the forest's oppressive silence. "Alright Arasu, we're coming to help!" Osoi's declaration carried a note of urgency, a call to arms amidst the encroaching darkness.

Meanwhile, Jesse, battered but unbroken, stood defiant against the encroaching shadows. "I won't lose to you!"

Osoi's exasperation reverberated through the trees, a testament to the relentless onslaught they faced. "Gosh, why can't you just stay down?"

But Jesse's resolve burned bright against the backdrop of night, his defiance a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching shadows. "I won't fall in front of Medusa!"

A torrent of fireballs, tinged with a sinister aura, surged forth from his hands, illuminating the darkness with their malevolent glow. Osoi's curiosity was piqued amidst the chaos. "What kind of aura is that?"

Jesse's explanation came swift and sure, his words cutting through the night like a blade. "Perhaps we're not moving as quickly as we thought, perhaps the aura is slowing the fireballs down."

In a bold move, Osoi intercepted one of the fireballs, willingly subjecting himself to its power. The result was instantaneous, a transformation that left him frozen in place, his form engulfed in the same dark aura that had fueled Jesse's onslaught.

Jesse approached, his intentions shrouded in darkness, his steps echoing through the forest like a harbinger of doom. "My dark carnation gives an enhanced and stronger version of the spell, Speed Magic: Slow Aura. It slows down all of my spells, but completely pauses my enemies."

His actions, however, were met with vehement opposition, Estel's voice cutting through the night with righteous fury. "What the heck is going on? Leave him alone, you disgusting freak!"

But Jesse remained undeterred, his tongue probing Osoi's face in a grotesque display of dominance. "I find the taste of my enemies satisfying, It can tell me whether or not they're scared of me."

The scene unfolded amidst the oppressive silence of the forest, a twisted dance of power and defiance. "What the hell... DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" Osoi's cry rang out, a desperate plea amidst the encroaching darkness.

The answer came in a surge of white electricity, a final act of defiance that left Jesse incapacitated, his form smoldering amidst the tangled undergrowth, a testament to the unforgiving nature of the night.

In the murky depths of the forest, where shadows clung to every tree and whispered secrets lingered in the air, Osoi's voice pierced the darkness with a note of disbelief. "That worked? Was he a demon?"

Estel's voice, tinged with concern, echoed through the night as he sought answers. "What just happened to him?"

Osoi's mind raced with possibilities, his thoughts a whirlwind of uncertainty. "I used a spell that only affects demons, and it worked on him... does that mean that he's-"

Estel's interjection cut through the speculation, his words carrying a hint of realization. "The name 'dark carnations' makes me think that he might have demonic energy, which would explain their powers and dark aura."

With a surge of determination, Osoi broke free from the lingering effects of the spell, his resolve unyielding amidst the chaos. "It'll take a lot more than that to stop me!"

But even as Osoi rallied, Medusa's presence loomed like a specter in the night, her actions swift and unforgiving. With a jab to Arasu's chin, she delivered a blow that should have left him bruised, yet his reaction was unsettling. "This is making me... feel sick."

Undeterred by Arasu's discomfort, Medusa pressed forward, her movements precise and calculated. With a violent thrust, she jabbed him in the sternum, a blow intended to render him unconscious.

As Arasu's armor vanished and he crumpled to the ground, Medusa's attention shifted, her gaze fixated on a detail that gave her pause. "That hair..."

With a gentle touch, she caught Arasu before he could hit the forest floor, her actions betraying a hint of concern amidst the chaos. "And your face... all of your features actually..."

But her moment of contemplation was short-lived, interrupted by Osoi's frantic inquiry. "What is she doing to him!?"

In a display of power that bordered on the supernatural, Medusa seized Arasu's arm and wrought a transformation that left Osoi reeling with shock. "Oh my... I can't believe they would make you do this, I can't believe Anata would drag you into this... There's a fault on both sides but this is truly just-" Medusa's words faltered, her expression a mask of disbelief.

Driven by a sense of urgency, Estel stepped forward, his determination clear in his voice. "Osoi, back off; I'll deal with her because you're the one she's chasing. Chainsaw Massacre!"

With a swift transformation, Estel's sledgehammer morphed into a deadly weapon, his attack aimed at Medusa with lethal intent.

But Medusa was no easy target, her movements graceful and elusive as she evaded Estel's strike with ease, her form leaping onto the branch of a nearby tree.

Undeterred by her evasion, Estel pressed on, his words a challenge in the face of adversity. "What else is there to comprehend? We are being ambushed by an enemy, you! Medusa, what you're doing gives us the full right to attack you and you are not in the right!!!"

Yet Medusa's response was cryptic, her hair glowing with an otherworldly light as it twisted and writhed, taking on a life of its own. "You're saying that, out of ignorance."

As her hair transformed into a legion of serpentine creatures, Estel's inquiry was met with a swift and decisive response, a venomous bite that left him immobilized and helpless. "I can't move..."

With a hint of curiosity, Medusa loomed over him, her eyes alight with an unsettling intensity. "This magical venom completely shuts off a person's ability to move, but from what I've read, that weapon of yours is one of the multiverse class."

Estel's defiance remained unwavering, his spirit unbroken despite the odds stacked against him. "What of it?"

But before Medusa could offer an answer, Osoi seized the opportunity to strike, his fist lashing out with desperate determination, only to meet empty air as Medusa effortlessly dodged his attack.

In the midst of the chaos, Osoi's voice rang out with defiance, a glimmer of determination amidst the uncertainty. "You won't get to know that!"

But Medusa's response was swift, her words laced with a hint of challenge. "You're fighting now!"

Osoi's confusion was palpable as he sought clarity amidst the chaos. "Multiverse class? What are you talking about?"

In the darkness, Estel's voice cut through the confusion, his words a beacon of knowledge in the encroaching night. "There are several classes of legendary weapons, including wearable, multiverse, and mythological. Gisei's weapon is an example of a mythological class weapon, which is a regular weapon with nothing unique about it other than the fact that it is Legendary. The majority of the time, wearable class weapons are actually just items of clothes. I'm in possession of a multiverse class weapon, which is a weapon that draws on the powers of numerous dimensions, worlds, and universes."

Osoi's retort was sharp, his words tinged with frustration. "Lovely how you have paralyzing venom that can't stop him from talking."

But Estel's confidence remained unshaken, his tone steady amidst the chaos. "It doesn't actually suck; I simply have total control over the situation."

As Medusa's concern grew, Estel seized the moment, his resolve firm in the face of adversity. "Was I too late?!"

With a surge of determination, Estel's transformation began, his form shifting and bulking up with supernatural power. "Let's get started, Aimshig!"

With a menacing aura, his chainsaw transformed into a gleaming machete, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. "Let's see if you can beat the strongest thing you've come across today."