
Dorpai took up a fighting stance, her eyes blazing with determination.

"YOSHA!!! Show me something new!" Setchi exclaimed, his excitement palpable.

"You're not ready, you runt!" Dorpai spat, lunging at him with a fierce punch. Setchi dodged effortlessly. She followed with a left hook, but he ducked under it with ease. She attempted to sweep his legs, but he leapt over her attack, twirling gracefully before delivering a spin kick to her face. Though she managed to stay on her feet, she slid back slightly, her expression turning to one of pure rage.

"Grrr... Take this seriously!" Dorpai roared.

She rushed at Setchi, aiming a kick at him, but he parried it with one hand. She threw two quick punches, only for Setchi to deflect them both with ease. Dorpai pulled her arm back for a powerful punch, but Setchi caught her fist and countered with a punch to her stomach. She stood her ground but was pushed back by the force.

Setchi lunged forward, punching Dorpai in the chest before uppercutting her in the stomach. She stumbled back, and Setchi seized the opportunity to deliver a spin kick to her jaw, followed by a right hook to her stomach. The force sent her flying back into a large piece of rubble.

"Super ball..." Setchi charged magic into his left fist, determination etched on his face. He lunged at Dorpai. 


Setchi's punch connected with immense force, causing a shockwave that rippled through the air. Dorpai was sent hurtling through dozens of destroyed buildings and debris, the sheer power of the blow evident in the destruction left in its wake.

Dorpai stood up and rubbed her head, frustration evident in her movements. "You probably think that you're better than me!!!" she shouted, her voice filled with rage. She stomped her foot, causing the surrounding buildings to momentarily bounce from the sheer force.

"I. Won't. Let. You. EMBARRASS ME!!!" Dorpai screamed, emphasizing each word with a stomp that sent tremors through the ground, bouncing the buildings again.

Setchi, standing precariously on the tip of a collapsed building, began to speak, "PEEKA-" but he vanished into thin air before he could finish.

Dorpai's eyes widened in surprise. "H-"

Before she could react, Setchi reappeared directly in front of her. "Boo," he said with a smirk.

In a swift, brutal motion, he clotheslined her in the stomach. Dorpai coughed out blood as the impact sent her flying through a dozen more buildings.

"If the M.A.G.I.C is this weak, why are we struggling so much?" Setchi muttered to himself, a mix of frustration and confusion in his voice.

A voice suddenly rang in his head. [Setchi!]

"What the- Rukyoi?!" Setchi exclaimed, startled.

[I'm talking to you through a magical mental link. I'm just checking in on you. How's your fight going?]

"This girl is kinda weak..." Setchi replied, his tone dismissive.

[Really? Maybe we could have stayed-] Oto's voice could be faintly heard in the background of Rukyoi's magical mental link. [Oto: "Quit distracting him!"] [Rukyoi: "Ok! Setchi, we'll talk later! You know where to find us."]

Setchi placed his hand on his chin, pondering. "Do I know where it is?"

Suddenly, Dorpai appeared in front of him, her fist poised to strike. Setchi's eyes widened in surprise as he barely dodged her punch, her fist grazing his face and leaving a cut.

*She's faster!!!* Setchi thought, alarmed.

He back-flipped to create distance, but as soon as he landed, Dorpai punched him in the stomach. He coughed out blood from the impact. Without giving him a moment to recover, she grabbed the back of his head with one hand and punched him in the face with the other. She landed four powerful blows before delivering an uppercut that sent him high into the air. She leaped up after him, grabbing him by the neck and slamming him back down to the ground with a bone-crushing force.

Dorpai wasn't done. She slammed him into the ground five more times, holding him by the neck. Finally, she threw him down, causing his body to bounce from the impact, and then she stomped down on him, finishing with a kick that sent him crashing into a piece of debris.

Setchi used one hand to flip back onto his feet, regaining his stance. She caught me off guard there, he thought.

Dorpai lunged toward him, her fist aimed with deadly precision. Setchi skillfully dodged the punch and counterattacked with a swift kick to her chin. He spun around, delivering a powerful elbow to her stomach, followed by another spin and elbow to her chest, then yet another spin with an elbow to her neck. With one final spin, he slightly hopped into the air and punched her in the face, slamming her into the ground. Dorpai quickly recovered, rolling back and standing up.

"You're so annoying!" Dorpai shouted, her frustration evident.

How can she stand up as if she didn't just get her ass kicked...? Setchi wondered.

"I should just kill you! But... I deserve to die here... just kill me," Dorpai's tone shifted dramatically between the sentences.

"What? Given up so quickly?" Setchi replied, incredulous.

"Air Magic: Air Whip!" Dorpai yelled.

"What-" Setchi's eyes widened as he barely dodged under her swipe. Multiple buildings were cleanly cut in half by the force of her attack.

"Dammit, I'm still not strong enough!" Dorpai cursed.

Setchi punched her in the stomach, but she stood there, taking the hit without flinching.

"But- I'll be strong enough soon," she declared, her presence growing stronger.

She just took that punch like it was nothing! Setchi thought, alarmed.

Dorpai grabbed Setchi by the side of his head, dragging his face through the ground as she ran before throwing him up into the air. "Enhancement magic!" she shouted, her fist glowing with an aura of power. She jumped up and punched Setchi back down to the ground. As his body bounced from the impact, Setchi thought, She wasn't this strong before; I need to try a little bit more!

Setchi landed on his feet. "Super balllll!" he charged magic into his fist.

Dorpai lunged towards him, her fist coated in enhancement magic. Their fists clashed, sending shockwaves of magic that effortlessly destroyed buildings and debris around them. Setchi looked like he was losing balance. Ok, what the hell is going on?! She definitely is stronger! No holding back anymore, TIME TO USE MY SUPER POWERS!!! he resolved.

The intensity of the magic in Setchi's fist grew, overpowering Dorpai and knocking her back. She landed on her feet, looking furious as the aura around her fist disappeared.

"How?! Quit pulling your punches, kid!" Dorpai yelled.

Setchi struck a pose. "Yoshaaa! You asked for it!! Super Ball!" He charged magic into both of his hands. "Gauntlets!" His hands now glowed with a circular blue aura. Setchi dashed in and punched Dorpai in the stomach, momentarily winding her. He used this opportunity to uppercut her, lifting her off the ground. He then went for a punch directly to her face, but when the punch landed, she didn't get knocked back; she stood her ground, almost overpowering Setchi's punch with her head. Setchi began to sweat.

"Ball!" he commanded, causing the aura around his fist to transform into a ball of magic that captured Dorpai's entire body. It flew far back before exploding into a large sphere of magic.

"Now I see it-" Setchi began, but before he could finish, Dorpai appeared above him without him even noticing. Setchi looked up just in time to see her. She attempted to kick him, but he jumped back, narrowly dodging the attack.

"If you haven't figured it out yet," Dorpai said, her voice dripping with a mixture of arrogance and excitement, "my ability is called Pain Recycle. Any damage I take is converted into pure, permanent power for me! You're already failing to keep up, boy. You've already lost. But I'll surrender myself to you."

"Hey?" Setchi responded, confused.

"Air Magic: Air Whip!" Dorpai announced.

She swiped her palm down vertically. Setchi weaved to the side, dodging the attack and witnessing the ground get cleanly cut.

"You did it again!" Setchi exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice.

"Why don't you trust me?!" Dorpai retorted.

"Why would I trust you?!" Setchi shot back.

"Because I'm a pretty girl!" Dorpai said with a smirk.

They stood in silence for a few long seconds before lunging at each other simultaneously. They began to trade blows—kicks, punches, knees, elbows—all of it, each movement a blur of ferocity and skill.

Fighting a losing battle, I shouldn't be able to win this but- Setchi thought as he fought. He remembered a faint memory from his childhood with Oto.

"You're aiming to be a god, that sounds... compellingly impossible. Gods go through trials to become gods, right? What trials have you been through?" Younger Oto had asked.

Maybe this is it, Oto! Setchi grinned while still trading blows with Dorpai. This is my underdog fight, the fight I'm meant to win! This is a trial, a trial that puts me up against the impossible... So-

Setchi took a punch to the face and stepped back, shaking off the impact. "THIS IS THE TRIAL THAT MAKES ME GOD!!!" he shouted with determination.

"Did I hit you a little too hard?" Dorpai mocked.

"Construction Mana Burst!!!" Setchi declared.

A light blue pixelized aura surrounded Setchi. "This is a bit more like it! Yosha!" He struck a confident pose.

"A mana burst won't save you from losing!" Dorpai retorted.

"Ultimate God Chaos Blast: Divine Pull!" Setchi countered.

He grabbed onto the air with one hand and pulled, dragging Dorpai toward him.

"What-" Dorpai began.

"Ball!" Setchi shouted, punching with his other hand, still under the effect of his Super Ball: Gauntlet spell. The magical aura around that hand disappeared upon impact, consuming Dorpai in the ball. She managed to stand her ground and practically ripped her way through it.

"You little-" Dorpai snarled.

"Mega God Flash: Beam!" Setchi fired a beam of blinding magic at Dorpai, momentarily stunning her.

"My eyes!" Dorpai cried out.

Setchi kneed Dorpai in the stomach. She took the blow and swung at Setchi, but he back-flipped over her attack, landing gracefully on his feet.

Setchi leaped into the air, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Super ball: Kick Barrage!!" he shouted. He began to rapidly kick the air, sending out balls of magic with each kick, somehow managing to stay aloft.

"Rulololo!!" Setchi screamed, his voice filled with excitement and energy.

Dorpai blocked most of the magic balls with one arm, wincing from the effort. "Damn roach! Light Magic: Light Whip!" she countered.

Setchi's eyes widened. Before he knew it, he instinctively dodged a beam of light, landing on his feet with a look of astonishment. My godly progression is showing! I just dodged light!!! he thought.

Wasting no time, Setchi rushed toward Dorpai. She swung the whip of light, trying to hit him, but he gracefully dodged through it. He jumped up and kicked Dorpai in the face, but she stood her ground and punched Setchi in the stomach. He fell back, landing in a squat and practically barfing up blood.

"Spin around, you say?" he said, wiping away the blood from his mouth.

"Huh?-" Dorpai began, confused.

"Ultimate Super God Vortex!!" Setchi shouted, spinning around so fast that he became a tornado. He punched Dorpai in the stomach, stopping his momentum and somehow transferring it all to her. She began to uncontrollably rotate at high speeds, drilling through multiple buildings before sliding to a stop on her back.

"Foul!" Setchi declared.

A large fist of blue magic materialized beneath Dorpai, punching her into the air. "First base!" Setchi announced.

Dorpai was then punched down by another large fist of blue magic created out of thin air above her. "Second base!" Setchi continued.

Before she could land, another large blue magic fist emerged from the ground, knocking her toward Setchi. "Third base!" he said, charging magic into his hand.

Setchi punched Dorpai in the face, launching her high into the air and far away, out of sight. He watched her as she blasted away, a triumphant smile spreading across his face.

"Home run! Maybe you'll hit heaven!!!" Setchi shouted, his voice echoing through the battlefield.

Before Setchi knew it, a tremendous thump resounded in front of him. He didn't flinch, but his eyes widened. Everything around him went airborne, and across the battlefield, he saw Dorpai standing in a crater, furious.

Dorpai shot a deadly glare at Setchi before everything came crashing down again.

"Ahhh, must be a demon's work!" Setchi exclaimed as he leaped towards Dorpai.

"God's Angry Fist!!!" he yelled, as magical blue armor formed around his right arm, the knuckles spiked. He reached Dorpai and punched her in the face, but once again, she stood her ground, grabbing Setchi by the arm and slamming him face-first into the ground before slightly hopping back.

"Weapon Magic: Whip!" Dorpai declared.

She created a whip of orange magic and rapidly lashed Setchi, leaving multiple lash scars on him. She then wrapped him up in the whip, pulled him into the air, and slammed him into the ground. Setchi lay there in pain as Dorpai walked up to him and pointed her palm at him.

"How about I surrender?" she asked mockingly.

"What- Why even... try that now-" Setchi managed to say.

"Fire Magic: Flame Whip!" Dorpai shouted, firing a beam of fire point-blank at Setchi. The fire was extremely bright, large, and dripping with power. The beam carried Setchi across the battlefield, leaving behind an empty path of fire. Dorpai then lifted the whip of fire and slammed it down on Setchi, causing it to explode into an enormous eruption of flames. She turned her back on Setchi and the chaos.

"That's one bum down. Where did the others go-" Her eyes widened as she quickly turned back around and saw a pair of blue glowing eyes moving through the trail of fire at an alarming rate. Before she knew it, she was face to face with Setchi again.

"How-" she muttered, before being kicked in the face, knocking her into a large rock.

"I've felt hotter flames. These ones are nothing compared to the ones I've felt," Setchi said coolly.

"Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. BULLSHIT. BULLSHIT. BULLSHIIIIT!!! YOU SHOULD BE DEAD, YOU SHOULD HAVE FALLEN FOR MY CHARM, YOU ARE—NNN—" Dorpai was almost at a loss for words.

"YOU'RE CHEATING!!!" she screamed.

"A god never cheats; he just bends the rules," Setchi replied with a smirk.

Dorpai's mind almost shattered from that, as she held her head in pain. "IF I CAN'T SUCCEED... PLANET MAGIC: VINE WHIP!!!!"

A long vine with many glowing large thorns emerged from Dorpai's hand, and she swung it horizontally at Setchi. He managed to duck backward under it, but he didn't anticipate the thorns to all shoot off. Fortunately, Setchi cartwheeled away, dodging the thorns, which then stuck to the ground around him. Suddenly, the thorns started to glow before blowing up into a city-scale explosion of pink and purple magic. Dorpai stood in front of it, grinning maniacally, but her grin turned into a toothy frown as Setchi emerged from the explosion and punched her in the face. She took a couple of steps back, holding her absolutely bruised and bloodied face in pain.

"CHEATER!!!" she screamed.

Setchi casually walked up to Dorpai and uppercut her in the chin, then punched her in the stomach, before gracefully spin-kicking her in the face, sending her falling to her knees. Setchi stood, striking his casual fighting pose, breathing heavily through his teeth.

I don't know how much longer I can keep this winning facade up, Setchi thought. I'm just as worn out as she is. Reinforcing my body using magic to protect me from all those attacks really depletes my mana... but she's losing it right now from what I'm seeing. She's on the edge of fainting any time now; I just think her adrenaline is clocking into overdrive to keep her from tapping out.

Setchi's eyes started to bleed. But my body is also about to give out. I'm not built for long-term battles like this...

As Setchi's aura dissipated, his expression turned to one of dread. Dorpai's face morphed into a triumphant grin.

"Rock Magic: Ground Whip!" Dorpai exclaimed, her voice echoing with power.

She touched the ground before her and, with a swift motion, pulled up an immense chunk of earth, nearly triple the size of Grottalanda. The massive whip of ground struck Setchi, carrying him high above the clouds and nearly rendering him unconscious.

This... is... a... trial... Setchi thought, lying flat on the enormous ground whip, still above the clouds.

Dorpai's voice rang out once more, filled with fury. "TAKE THIS, GOD! DARK MAGIC: DARKNESS WHIP!"

A colossal beam of dark magic shot from Dorpai's hand, cleaving through the center of the ground whip. The beam, flanked by vast strips of terrain, hurtled toward Setchi at an alarming speed.

Ascension... will... come... Setchi's thoughts drifted to memories of James and Duro. I... can't die... I refuse to join them all...

He remembered something Shabaku had told him as a child. *You should feel like a god. You are a god!*

Setchi clenched his fists. His mind flashed back to the moment he watched his friends and an entire room of people die before him. People when they die... People when they involuntarily give up on life...

He even recalled his own death. They don't come back... they shouldn't come back... He faintly remembered the blurred faces of Dareen and Seinaro standing over his corpse. So why did I of all people come back to life?

Another memory of Shabaku surfaced. Son, you're better than everyone else, and you will live better than anyone else. When I leave you, I will be standing at the top of the world, glaring down at everyone weaker than me, testing the foundations of people below me. But when you're here, you'll be standing at the bottom of the world, where the strongest are, and where you deserve to be.

Shabaku had patted Setchi's hair and smiled. Because the bottom of the world is the most important part of the world, because they hold everyone up. Even in your darkest moments, remember that your existence is indispensable to the world.

"Yessir," Setchi had replied.

Don't doubt your morals when you kill people, son, because it's all natural selection!

Natural selection, Setchi recalled. I'm alive still for one reason...

His heart pounded, glowing blue, and a shockwave of magic radiated from him. Reinvigorated, he flipped to face the oncoming beam of darkness.

"To fulfill my dream!!!" Setchi shouted, determination blazing in his eyes.

Setchi sensed a presence around him, though it remained invisible. Faintly, he heard Duro's voice.

Setchi, you will be the one to carry on the Belighter's legacy. From this day on, your limitless potential and all future growth will no longer be locked. Now say it, son.

"PRANOJ!!!" Setchi bellowed.

As the beam of darkness touched him, it transformed into mana that he absorbed effortlessly.

"YOSHA!!!" he shouted triumphantly.

Setchi zipped between the two massive pieces of ground suspended in the air, heading straight for Dorpai. 

"AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Dorpai screamed, her voice laced with madness. She frantically hurled whips of light at Setchi, but he dodged them effortlessly, free-falling towards her.

"ULTRA SUPER!!!" Setchi roared, charging magic into his fist. The aura surrounding his fist grew enormous, completely dwarfing the remains of Dorpai's destroyed ground whip. The sheer energy emanating from the massive aura shattered the two strips of ground entirely. Dorpai looked up in sheer terror.

"CHARGED!!!" Setchi continued, his voice echoing with power.

Meanwhile, in a hotel room, Oto, Rukyoi, and Kemonoka stood around a bed where Jipami was tied up. Oto stared out the window, a faint blue light flashing before his eyes.

"That's a ball—" Oto began.

Rukyoi and Kemonoka rushed to the window, joining Oto in witnessing the spectacle. Outside, people gazed into the distance, seeing Setchi's massive aura as if it were a moon.

"A blue moon?!" one random person exclaimed.

"No, it can't be, it's on the planet!" another replied.

Oto's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched the scene unfold.

"THAT'S A SUPER BALL! I've never seen one so big! We're literally hundreds of miles away from him, what the hell happened?!" Oto exclaimed.

Rukyoi's voice trembled. "I-If it's that big, shouldn't we be worried? A super ball that massive would wipe this town out in an instant."

Oto huffed, closed his eyes, and crossed his arms. "Setchi's mana control is simply one of a kind. I'm definitely sure he can keep the radius of that explosion far away from us."

Meanwhile, Setchi continued his descent towards Dorpai, his fist cloaked in that impossibly large aura. He felt a presence touch his shoulder and glanced over, but saw no one. A smile spread across his face.

Thank you... Dad, he thought.

"CHEAAAATEEEER!!!!" Dorpai screamed, her voice a blend of rage and desperation.


With a powerful punch, Setchi sent the colossal ball of aura hurtling towards Dorpai. The massive sphere struck her with relentless force, pinning her against the ground before detonating into an enormous pillar of blue magic that cleared the sky for miles. From Oto's perspective, it appeared as if a divine beam of light had descended from the heavens to smite Setchi's foe. As the explosion dissipated, a towering pillar of smoke remained. The once vibrant Grottalanda was now replaced by a massive crater, over thirty times its original size. Setchi landed in the center of this new expanse.

"Yosha!!!" he exclaimed, striking a triumphant pose.

His heart pounded loudly three times, sending out three powerful shockwaves of magic before he fell to one knee.

"That's what I call a god's adrenaline rush!" Setchi declared.

Suddenly, a furious roar echoed across the crater.


"Tch—" Setchi muttered, turning towards the sound.

Dorpai emerged from a pile of rocks, her face twisted with fury. "You thought that could kill me?! It only made me stronger—" she began, but her sentence was cut short as she fainted, falling unconscious onto her back.

"Yeah, I didn't think so," Setchi said, standing up and limping away, holding his limp arm. "I really am immortal."

A couple of hours later, Dorpai stirred and gradually regained consciousness. She stood up, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Dammit—Did I really lose that bad? Ugh, my body still hurts..." she muttered to herself.

A strong gust of wind blew past her, making her hair whip around wildly.

"Who is it now?! That explosion made me millions of times stronger than I was at the start of fighting that runt, so trying to ambush me wouldn't work!" she shouted, turning around.

To her surprise, Damiki Kankuso stood behind her, his hand resting on his sheathed katana.

"Wh-What are you doing here?" Dorpai stammered.

"Dorpai, this entire incident has spread fire throughout the world. Now people are aware of M.A.G.I.C.," Damiki replied calmly.

"Shit, I figured—" Dorpai began, but Damiki cut her off.

"So, that must mean you have a death wish because now the GOVERNMENT is onto us. Remember what Dr. Jibun said about causing chaos? Maybe if you did all of this to a kingdom, it wouldn't have been such a problem, but this right here is a government establishment. What you did here was one of the biggest acts of terrorism in ages," Damiki said sternly.

"Aren't we supposed to be terrorists?" Dorpai retorted.

Damiki shook his head. "It seems you've forgotten what M.A.G.I.C is all about." He removed his hand from his katana.

"Jibun should have known better before recruiting such vile people to the organization," he added.

"What else are we supposed to be? We're the army for his shady-ass cult. We're only fighting these damn powerhouse teenagers because they are a threat and they're getting in our way. Honestly, after losing Duck, Brant, our island of lower members, and half of Kogito's body being blown off, why do we even bother trying anymore?! If we can't even beat a group of fucking students, who says we can beat the adults, nonetheless take over the world?!" Dorpai exclaimed, frustration evident in her voice.

"So you really don't know the purpose of M.A.G.I.C.," Damiki said, shaking his head. He removed his mask, revealing his stubbled face, long brown hair streaked with red, and piercing blue eyes. He took out a lighter and a cigarette, lighting it and taking a deep drag before puffing out smoke.

"The Seizen Clan is no cult; it's a religion. They have millions of people all across the world believing in their cause, but a million isn't a big enough number to make them known like other bigger religions. Most, if not all, of their followers are their soldiers, with the leaders standing above them," he explained, taking another hit of his cigarette before dropping it and puffing out more smoke. He put his mask back on.

"And even then, they have many bonds with other groups that keep them powerful. Believe it or not, this world is full of an uncountable number of factions. Our world is so confusingly big that we only get to see a quarter of them. Some parts of the world are completely oblivious to even the concept or idea of other parts. Factions underground, in the air, underwater, in different dimensions, different continents, countries, kingdoms—they all exist, and you can't even imagine it. The way Dr. Jibun explained it, compared to another studied universe, the number of moons that can fit into their sun is the same exact number as the size of their universes that can fit in our planet. Every day, scientists find a bigger size for our world. Our world is scary because, unlike other worlds, our planet is so big that realistically, there is almost an endless amount of mysteries, species, and things to exist," Damiki continued.

"So what are you getting at?" Dorpai asked, still confused.

"I'm saying that the only strong factions are the ones that have control over the world. For almost 800 trillion years, the world's government has been the only faction to completely explore the world, put bases around it, colonize it. The government lacks enemies because they have control and strength in numbers. No matter how strong the soldiers are, they are still important assets to keeping the balance of their faction in check. That's how we have the king of the world, and that's how only the world's government knows pretty much everything—they are known by EVERYONE. Now the Seizen Clan is accomplishing the same thing, almost challenging the world's government. As we say, their members are going around spreading the word of Nogasu Seizen to the world, gaining new bases, and there are powerful alliances being made. We aren't their army; we're just their assets. We're doing a favor for them by helping them fight against the Negative Point, which is an almost world-known name due to it being less known as a continent and more known as a myth," Damiki elaborated.

"Does that explain why those kids are so freakishly strong?" Dorpai questioned.

"Dr. Jibun has come to a conclusion. The reason why the Negative Point is so strong on its own is because they're always surrounded by power. The Negative Point is a war-tight continent; all they know is battle and war. They are trained to use magic, and over the course of many years, generations pass, and the Negative Point is known by the government as the world's strongest continent for creating some of the strongest magic users to ever exist. This world we live in is full of people stronger than you, stronger than gods, and stronger than the Seizen Clan. Power means everything. You can think you're strong, but in the grand scheme of things, you're nothing but a pawn. I'm nothing but a pawn; I'm nowhere close to the peaks of this world. But Dr. Jibun and Mr. Oshinku will help me get there. It's an honor, actually," Damiki said, his voice calm and resolute.

"If you're a cult lap-dog, you should have said that sooner," Dorpai retorted.

"If you think loyalty to the man who saved you is pointless, I don't see a reason to keep you here," Damiki said coldly, pointing his palm at Dorpai.

"Are you challenging me?" Dorpai spat back.

"This is no challenge, just a comedian doing an act," Damiki replied, his tone mocking.

"Oh, you're a funny guy, aren't you!!!" Dorpai screamed, lunging at Damiki.

"And here I thought I could get a point across to you before sending you to the afterlife," Damiki said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"AAAH!!!" Dorpai roared, her rage fueling her attack.

"But you're too stubborn to listen. So I guess I have to turn that point into a joke," Damiki said calmly.

A small speck of red, electric-like magic shot from Damiki's palm and into Dorpai's chest. Before she could comprehend what happened, her eyes exploded, blood gushing from her mouth and eyes. She fell to the ground, dead.

"I didn't even get the chance to ask where her team went," Damiki muttered to himself.