Chapter 9

"Pssstttttt ody" I hear someone whisper and I turn around to see Javier sitting on a nearby table with his father,the beta and his mate.

"Do you like your vegetable sauce?", He asks and makes a face.

I giggle, "No. it's horrible", I say and he nods in agreement, "but—", I start and he makes another face; I have to stop myself from laughing out loud at his cuteness, "—you have to eat it because it's good for you"

He pouts and looks at the plate of vegetable sauce like it committed a crime, "okay, i will eat it if you do"

"Deal", I mutter and take a spoon of my vegetable sauce with pork. I chew as I look at Javier. He watches me until I swallow before he takes a mouthful of his and swallow. It takes me a moment to realize that everyone is watching our exchange.

I just ignore them and eat my food.

"So—", dad starts and clears his throat "you have grown attached to young alpha Javier Jonathan"

"Yes and is that a problem?"

He shakes his head abruptly, "no of course not I'm just curious plus it's nice to see you not forcing a smile"

"Look, I just really like the kid and he actually makes my day less boring", I say loudly for the people eavesdropping to hear, "and it's kinda annoying how everyone sees it as something weird and how no one seems to mind their business"

The tables around us go quiet after my words and after a couple of minutes, they start conversing again.

Dad and mum stand up and look down at us, "we are heading to the ballroom would you guys like to come along?"

"Ohh yes I'm done eating", Quinn says and stands up and they leave.

A lot of people leave after them while some stayed behind to finish their meal or just converse with people before heading to the ballroom.

I'm still eating my strawberry cheesecake dessert and alia groans in annoyance at Noel who is eating everything in sight.

"I really want to dance Noel", she exclaims.

He sighs and stops eating to look at his fifth slice of strawberry cheesecake with so much love and regret.

"I'm sorry", he whispers to it before lovingly caress it with his fork, wiping his mouth with a napkin and leaving with aria.

"And what are you still doing here. you're done eating"

"I'm waiting for someone to ask me to dance" she answers without breaking her gaze.

I trace her gaze and she's looking at the beta of royal moon pack. He's pretty young so the interaction isn't weird and he seems interested in her because while eating, he makes eye contact with Faye.

"You look so pretty ody"

I smile and look down at Javier and pick him up before placing him on the chair beside me.

"Thank you and you look very handsome"

"Daddy picked it out", he says with so much pride.

"Well your dad has a nice taste in clothes, luckily"

"Do you want to dance?", He asks.

"If you want to", I say unsure.

"I don't want to, I just want to stuff my face with more food"

"It's me and you both baby", I say and high five him.

"So you're the cutie that has been taking my sister away from me", Faye says as she leans forward towards Javier.

"You have a sister?", He asks me totally ignoring what Faye said.

I nod, "I have two sisters"

His eyes widen, "you have a brother and two sisters?", He exclaims. I simply nod. He smiles, "that is so awesomeeeeee"

He turns to Faye, "you're so pretty"

"Why thank you. You look so handsome"

"Thank you", he blushes and looks down.

Faye laughs and the beta that she's been eyeing comes over.

"Do you want to dance?"

She looks at him like she's thinking about it before slowly standing up.

"Yes", she murmurs and they leave.

"You have an awesome family"

I ruffle his hair, "thank you"

I take another slice of cake on place it on my plate and hand Javier a clean fork. We eat and eat and eat....well, Javier ate everything while I sat there watching him in amusement.

Someone cleared their throat above us and I see alpha Casper standing behind Javier.

"It's past nine Javi you need to go sleep"

Javier opens his mouth to protest but alpha Casper cuts him off, "don't argue with me javi"

He looks at me with pleading eyes but I shake my head and raise my hand in surrender, "he's the dad" I say. He groans and throws his head back before alpha Casper picks him up. Alpha Casper narrows his eyes at me and as always his permanent frown was directed at me.

I roll my eyes as he leaves. Now that Javier is gone,I sit there thinking for a while before I realise that I must look terrible and lonely.

I stand up and leave. I'm heading upstairs when someone grabs my arm. Faint tingles spread up my arms and I immediately know who it is.

"We need to talk Odetta", mason says and I just sigh and look at him.

"Okay, follow me"

I lead him out of castle to a small garden that is not very far. The silence just builds up the tension and I'm sure he can hear my heart beating. When we reach the garden, I don't say anything and neither does he. We just stay in our silence and his gaze is on me while mine is on the floor.

"How are you doing?"

I swallow down the lump in my throat, "I've", I say not knowing what to call how I've been these last few years. After my answer, there is silence again.

"I miss you and I know I hurt you but we can work this out"

His words completely throw me off guard. I look at his face and search for any sign of humor but he looks dead serious.

He grabs my hand, "I'll be lying if I said that I didn't want you back". I look at our intertwined fingers but I don't say anything. "I've missed you and i'm sorry"

I pull my hand back and move it behind me when he tries to grab it again.

"You have a wife,kids and an unborn child. It can't work out"

"Even with all those things,I love you"

I shake my head, "no don't give me that bullshit"

"I'm serious Odetta I love you", he continues, "so,so much"

"I wanted to talk to you for closure mason, not for you to lie to me or for you to convince me to stay with you"

He forcefully grabs my hand, "feel the tingles? It's there cause we're mates and you're mine. I love you Odetta and I know that you still love me"

"Let go", I struggle and he just tightens his grip, "mason let go you're hurting me", I scream.

"No. not until you say you love me back"

I struggle harder, "I do not".

He immediately pulls me closer, grabs the nape of my neck and slam his lips against mine. I don't move my lips and try to move back but he has my head in place.

"kiss me back", he growls against my lips. I shake my head and I feel tears sliding down my cheeks.

Suddenly, his grip releases and he is flung back.

"You have a wife alpha mason, respect her"

"This is none of your business Casper"

Casper's jaw tighten at the lack of alpha before his name, "do not disrespect me. I used your title in respect so use mine"

"Okay alpha Casper", mason spat, "this is none of your business"

"Leave now"

"And what?"

"You know what will happen if I tell your wife or tell alpha Benjamin that you forced yourself on his daughter"

"She's my mate I can do what I want"

"Get the fuck out of here and stay away from me", I say.

He looks at me ready to say something when Alexa comes.

"Oh there you are mason", she says and lightly touch his arm. She looks at alpha Casper and I before her face contours into one of confusion.

"Am I missing something or interrupting something?"

"No your husband just came to congratulate Odetta and I on our relationship"

Alexa's eyes widen and she has a very large smile on her face, "ohhhh that's so wonderful why didn't you tell me Odetta?"

I force a smile, "I wanted to be sure about our relationship before saying anything but al— Casper here told mason"

"I didn't know you and Casper were friends"

Mason glares at alpha Casper, "it just happened"

"Well congratulations on the news and nice meeting you alpha Casper but mason and I need to go", she says and they leave.

Alpha Casper and I watch them walk away till they are not in sight.

He turns around and looks at me, "are you okay?"

"Yes...thank you", I say trying to hold back my tears.

"It's okay", he sounded like he wanted to talk about something else but he didn't want to sound insensitive and I knew what he wanted to say.

"I was rejected if you're over thinking it", I say and his eyes soften for a fraction before it turns hard.

"Oh", was all he said.

"What was your main purpose for coming here?"

He cleared his throat, "well, i came to look for you"

I cross my arms, "what do you want with me?"

He frowns at my tone, "what are your intentions with my son?"

I scoff at his question which earns me a deeper frown and narrow eyes, "I have no intentions with your son. It's not wrong for me to enjoy the company of a child"

"What do you really want with my son?"

"What else will I do with your son asides from playing", I throw my hands in the air.

"I dunno......", He trails off.

"Are you insinuating that I'm a pedophile"

"Of course I am, because you heard me say that you're a pedophile right?"

"No need for the sarcasm"I mutter.

He sighs, " I know you have good intentions with my son just—just keep him safe when he's with you", he says and walk away.



Almost two thousand words.

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