Chapter 10

A groan of annoyance and pain makes it's way out of lips. I clutch my stomach tightly and roll in bed trying to find a comfortable position.

Stupid cramps.

It's been two days since the night that alpha Casper saved me from mason and spending time with javier. That was the night I started my period and my stupid menstrual cramps started.

Yesterday morning, I told Sebastian to inform Javier that I won't be able to spend the day with him because I caught a serious bug. I prayed that he did believe me because werewolves falling sick was hardly heard of. Javier being the cutie he is, insisted to come see and take care of me all day but alpha Casper was wary about Javier coming to see me when I have a very 'serious bug'. Javier later snuck out of the room with help of Sebastian and came to see me and after much efforts of convincing him to leave because I didn't want him seeing my bad side during menstrual cramps, he finally agreed and I gave him a quick kiss on the forehead before he left.

I only ate once yesterday when I was going to take my pain killers and since then I haven't eaten. My stomach growls every time but I can't seem to eat. Everybody were curious at my absence but no one seemed to ask questions.

"Oh my dear moon goddess", I whisper and clutch my stomach harder. Thankfully tomorrow won't be as bad and would be very tolerable.

I check the time on my phone because it seems dead in here. It reads '1:17 p.m'. The curtains were closed preventing light and the only source of breeze was that of the A/C.

"Oh holy mother of all things handsome like me", Noel exclaims as he enters my room, "And this room smells—", he starts to say and sniffs "—actually it smells better than I imagined"

He flips the light switch and white light floods the room. He then walk to curtain on the windows and pulls them apart and then he pulls apart the curtain that hide the balcony doors.

"Noel", I groan and cover my head with the nearest pillow.

"Don't groan in that tone. I'm here to pull you out of bed"

I sit and look at him, "does this look like the face of a girl who in my state wants to be dragged out of bed?" , I probably looked better than I looked before my shower an hour ago but I still looked pretty horrible.

He looks straight at me and then rolls his eyes, "you don't look bad. I've seen you in worse conditions and trust me, Alia is no Angel"

"But please leave me alone", I whine, "I'm in so much pains and I don't need you adding to them"

"Trust me I'll make you feel better. They call me doctor feel good", he mutters in a low voice that I'm sure is supposed to be sexy and I just let out a soft laugh.

"Aside from me being sexy as fuck,I ordered for breakfast to be sent up"

"Nooeeeeellll", I whine.

"No no don't give me that crap,you're going to eat because you haven't eaten in a while and you're going go take your medicine and after that is all,we're going to get you up and running"

"I'm going to beat the shit out of you noel if you don't leave", I mutter.

He scoffs, "you're in pains, you haven't eaten and gained any form of strength and you look like a potato risen from the dead, I don't see how you're going to beat the shit out of me"

"If you know that I'm in pains and weak,why are you here to bother me?"

"It's part of having a brother you silly girl or do you want me to buy a book about it for you?", He tsks.

I don't even bother to reply him or say anything and I shut my eyes and beg for sleep to come. It don't come however, but the sound of knocking does.

I hear shuffling followed by noel saying saying something and more shuffling.

"Food is ready,you need to eat", he says.

I shake my head and pull the blanket over my head. Noel had other ideas and pulled the blanket off my body and too the ground. I groan and curl into a fetal position with my arms around myself.

"Please Odetta eat", he says this time in a soft voice.

I sit up and look at the heavy breakfast set on the trolley. "Why are so hell bent on me eating?" I glare.

His eyes soften and he signs, "I want to be able to do something this time"

"What do you mean this time?"

He hesitates for some seconds before he swallows and answers, "when you know", he starts and I know he's talking about my rejection, "you wouldn't eat for days and when you did,I heard you throw it all up in the toilet and soon after,you stopped eating all together", he continues, "I would sit by your door and hear you cry and hurt yourself and I couldn't do anything about it...and for some strange reason this is reminding me of those times but this time I'll take care of you"

I was shocked and speechless. I looked at him and he was avoiding my gaze. Finally, I was able to move so I smiled and held his hands.

"It's okay noel. I understand and who knew under those layers of man babyness there was actually this sweet big brother?"

His eyes light up, "so you'll eat?"

I nod and he places the tray of food on my laps. Noel knew exactly what I wanted without me knowing because I finished a whole cup of vanilla chia pudding,baked eggs in avocado toast,banana pancake and two slices of of wheat bread.

"First step done and now the second step is dragging you out of bed", he says and I tuck my hands behind back when he tries to grab them.

"I just ate noel"

"So, you have energy now", he says and reaches for me and I scurry to the other side of he bed.

"Odetta", he glares, "you need to have some form of human contact, not to mention Javier constantly asking if you are okay"

"I'm okay not having human contact and as for Javier,I'll find a way and make it up to him"

"Odetta just a walk in the garden"

I open my mouth to speak but pain strikes in my abdomen area and I clutch it in pain and hiss.

"Or on second thoughts,you just rest here", he mutters hurriedly.


Again I can't seem to explain to you guys how your votes and comment make my day.

I can't give you guys two chapters like I wanted to because I'll be super busy tomorrow so I'm really sorry.

Hope you liked this chapter.

Please don't forget to vote,comment and share.