Chapter 38

I slam the door and lean on it before sinking down to the floor. I never knew being a Luna could be so hard. I thought that I would spend two hours or less but I spent the whole day there and I didn't even get half of complaints. I didn't get to speak to Dakota,Casper or even Javier today.

A sigh of frustration escape my lips and I stand up. My eyes widen in surprise when I see a big brown shopping bag on my bed and a very beautiful red dress.

There's a note on the dress and a note on the shopping bag. I read the note on the dress first.

'Hopefully,you'll be the only angel wearing a red dress again' I smile at the note and mentally remind myself to ask what this means.

I then look at the note on the shopping bag. 'I'll enjoy seeing you in this later tonight'. I put my hand inside the shopping bag and pull out a black lace bra.

"Let's see what else I find" I murmur to myself and put my hand in the shopping bag again and this time I pull out black fishnet stockings.

"What the fuck?" I say and pull out black lace panties. I inspect them and see that it is crotchless, "that damn pervert" I bite my lip and finally pull out the garter belt.

I swallow, "he wants me to wear this?". I dial his number and he answers on the first ring.

"What in fucks name were you thinking?"

I swear that I could feel him smirking, "I see that you've seen my present"

"What were you thinking when you bought this? Weren't you supposed to be very busy today?"

"I sneaked away for a few minutes to buy you this and I sent someone to give it to isabella so she can keep it for you"

I hold up the crotchless panties, "you couldn't even find a thong?"

"Where's the fun in that?"

"You're unbelievable" I bite back my smile.

"They are really sexy and you have to wear them tonight"

"But we'll be at a public event"

"More fun for me" he says and hangs up.

That—that—oh my goodness.

'You'd look beautiful no matter what. See you there' i hear his voice in my head and I wish that I could reply him but I haven't fully learnt to block messages from the pack.

I have a long soaking bath before carefully putting on each undergarment piece by piece. I look at myself in the mirror and I do I wonder how Casper will like it on me. I slip on the black black stilettoes and take a look in the mirror again.

He will definitely love me like this. With newly found confidence,I wear the red dress and sit in front if the dressing mirror. I put on makeup from the little knowledge I had and I didn't look that bad. I then pin up my hair into a super sleek,twisted chignon. This hairstyle didn't hide my mark and I'm sure would appreciate that.

I grab a black purse before putting all my necessities in it and heading down stairs. There victor stood waiting in a navy blue tux with Isabella in a white body hugging gown which also hugged her pregnant belly.

"You look beautiful" Isabella tells me.

I smile at her, "you look more beautiful"

"The event already started so I suggest that we start leaving" victor says with a smirk.

I decide to call grandma in the car. "You have nothing to be scared of" she says immediately.

"I know,I know,I just wanted to make sure he's safe and make sure he goes through his nightly routine"

"Hank and grandpa are here and if they need help,Sebastian is here and I know what his nightly routine is already"

I smile, "is he there?"

"He's actually beating Mary at chess right now"


"Mary has been teaching him how to play since and now he's on his way to being pro"

" that case,I wouldn't want to disturb him but tell him I said goodnight"

"Okay Odetta, have fun and tell king Flynn that I'm a very big fan"

I laugh, "I'll make sure I will"


"Night" I say and hang up.

"So....when are having an Odetta junior running around?"

My eyes widen, "Odetta junior?"

Victor raises a brow, "you'll soon get pregnant"

"I don't think it's right away"

Isabella scoffs, "you two have been fucking like rabbits since you two found joy in each other's bodies so we'll be expecting another child on the way and besides,alpha's tend to have a higher chance of getting their marked mate pregnant really fast"

"I can assure you that a baby is not coming right away"

"Famous last words" Isabella mumbles.

I spent the whole car ride wondering if I could pregnant that fast and if it would be safe to have a baby when there is still a threat out there,somewhere.

When the car comes to a stop,victor gets out of the car first before helping Isabella and I out. The castle is so fucking beautiful,so much better than the one back home.

"Shut your mouth odetta,Casper's dick isn't here to suck on" victor says which Isabella giggles at and I immediately close my head and prevent my cheeks from reddening. There are so many people walking up the steps in fancy dresses. I follow victor and Isabella as they walk up the grand staircase that lead to the castle entrance.

"Luna Odetta?"

I spin around and see an old man with graying hair and a blonde woman in his arms who looks equally old.

"Ummm..." I clear my throat, not used to the title, "that's me"

The blonde woman beams at me before coming forward to hug me, "oh how delightful"

I tense up during the hug and she didn't seem to notice or if she noticed,she didn't say anything. The elder man smiles at me when the woman pulls a way.

"I'm alpha Cornelius and this is my mate, Luna Lisa."

"Pleased to meet you" I said and take the hand he offers me. He gives my a quick, gentle shake before taking back his hand.

I feel an arm snake around my waist,the comforting body heat and the familiar scent hits my nostrils. "I see you've met Alpha Cornelius and Luna Lisa. They rule the southern part of the capital"

"Your Luna is truly breathtaking" Luna Lisa says.

Alpha Cornelius nods in agreement, "Congratulations on your mate." He glances over at a couple at the other end of the hall, "forgive us but we have to go"

Casper nods and they leave us.

"Your backside looks so tempting"

I hit his shoulder, "it's not attractive at all"

"That's where you're wrong, it attracts me" he says and I kiss him.

"Who are all this people?" I ask him.

"Some citizens of the capital and other important people"

"Oh" I simply murmur.

"And my present?"

I give him a seductive smile and he takes us to an empty hallway. He pins me against the wall and look around to make sure no one is around.

"Hmm?" I guide his hand up my dress.

"Fuck" he murmurs against my neck. His breath hits my mark and I have to bite my tongue to stop my moan.

"Per your request" I manage to get out.

"I can't wait to see you in it"

"If you're a good boy,I'll have you in mouth before we leave this place"

His eyes widen, "can you get any sexier?"

"We have eternity to find out,don't we?" I give him a quick kiss. "Let's go meet your cousin"

"Or we could just go home"

"Strike one"

"What do you mean 'strike one'?"

"Anytime you don't behave, you'll get a strike and if you get three strikes by the end of this night, you don't get any" I tease.

"Come on,I can't control myself around my cousin"

"It's pay back for this morning"

He groans, "I'm sorry okay?"

"And if you disagree with me one more time, you don't get to see me in your present"

"Let's just hope Flynn is on his best behaviour"

"What did you mean in your note when you said that you hope I'll be the only angel wearing red again"

"You know,the first I saw you was at the SAG. You were the only one wearing a red dress and it looked gorgeous on you."

"You thought so?" I smile.

"I probably watched you the entire night—that is till I saw you leave after you had a discussion with Alexa and mason"

"I never knew you were so attentive"

"Well,now you know" he kisses my nose. "Let's go"

He leads us both back to the party and walk us towards an old looking couple.

"Martin,Lucy,this is-------"

"Odetta" Lucy mutters, "you name is remarkable"

I immediately loose my voice. Lucy gives me a crooked smile. "Is there anything wrong dear?"

I open my mouth but no words come out so I shut it.

"She's okay. She's just in shock from meeting you"

"Oh dear it's okay. We don't bite"

"But I do" I turn to see a brown haired,extremely good looking guy with a smirk on his face. "That is—if you want me to"

"Flynn" Lucy scolds.

"Hello mother" he kisses her cheek, "Dad" they share a handshake.

"Cassie" he exclaims and pulls a frowning Casper into a hug.

"Flynn" he mumbles back.

He pulls back from the hug, "you don't seem so happy to see me" he fakes a frown.

"Maybe cause I'm not"

"Strike two"

He glares at me, "now you can speak"

"Don't make me make it three"

"Fine" he huffs. He pulls in Flynn for a tighter hug.

"You don't need to express your incestual love for me so publicly—" He looks at my mark and smirks, "—your mate is here"

Casper looks at me, "you see what I work with?"

Flynn flips him off which earns him a disapproving look from his mother and he ignores it, "Flynn Jonathan at your service and may I say what a fine piece of meat you are?"

"She's my mate Flynn"

"And that isn't stopping me is it?" He says and kisses my hand.

Casper rips my hand from his Flynn's grip and Flynn chuckles, "relax,relax I'm just messing with you". Casper's response is just to pull me closer.

"I'm Odetta"

"The one that made my dear cousin come to me for advice. So tell me,how did he lure you in?—he's such a—blurg-" Flynn makes a face that I giggle at, "while you're such a cutie"

"I woo'ed her" Casper says.

I lean closer to Flynn, "the sex is just good. Nothing else"

'I won't hesitate to spank you right here,right now' I hear his voice in my head.

Since I couldn't mind-link him or tell him my reply out loud,I just settled for a glare. He smirks at me.

"I heard about your presence at area esclade"


"You performed some Luna duties there today"

I suddenly remember. I see Casper send me a questioning glance from the corner of my eyes. "How did you know about that?"

"I'm king,everything that happens is reported to me and I have to applaud you because news never travels as fast as it did today so congratulations,you got everyone attention and you didn't disappoint"

"Completely forgot about that" I let out a nervous giggle.

"You will finally get to be introduced as an official Luna"

I'm midly exhausted when we come back home but Casper kissing my neck vanquishes any trace of exhaustion.

"So...I was good throughout the night" he murmurs and shuts the door. I slide out of his hold on me.

"Go sit there" I point to the brown armchair in the room. He raises a brow and I give him a no-nonsense look before he raises his hand in surrender and plants his butt on the chair. He loosens his tie and really makes himself comfortable.

I unzip the dress and start slowly slipping off the straps, "you don't get to touch" I say and let my hold on the dress slip and the gown pools around my feet.

"Holy shit"