Chapter 39

"Are you sure that you're okay with Alexa coming to your pack"

He smiles at me, "I already told you that I'm not pissed and it's not my pack,it's our pack"

"I know it's our pack but you've been ruling for a lon time" I murmur.

"I'm sure that I want Alexa here at out pack. Are you happy now?"

"You're not just saying that because I'm your mate, are you?" I tease.

He bites his lip with a smile and looks at me, "say that again"

"What part?"

"You being my mate"

"I'm your mate and all yours"

"Really considering taking you here in my closet"

I playfully roll my eyes, "you need to up your game alpha cause I'm getting tired of having sex here"

"Oh really?"

"Yes really" I half expected him to start ripping my clothes of my body but he just looks at me and chuckles. "You're not going to fuck me now?"

He shakes his head, "not now but I promise you'll have me in you twice before the day is over" he tells me and winks at me, "When you're done with Alexa, we're having lunch okay?"

"No problem" I say and start unbuttoning his shirt on me but he stops me before I make it past the fourth button.

"Woah, stop there, what are you doing?"

"Unbuttoning a shirt"

"My shirt"

I give him a confused look, "and?"

"I just want my scent to be on you"

"I already have your mark"

"Just wear the shirt out"

I button the shirt and pick out a pair of jeans from the few clothes I have kept in his closet. I look at him and he has a big smile on his face.

"Please wear you hair up"

"You already had your way once" i tell him but he looks at me with puppy eyes. I comb my hair and pit it in a ponytail, "are you happy now?"

He looks at my mark that the collar of his shirt is barely hiding and smiles, "I'm happy now"

"Stupid alpha" I mutter to my self and he just chuckles. I remember what I wanted to badly discuss with him this morning, "soooo..." I drawl.

"So what?"

I play with my fingers, "wouldn't it be nice if I was on the pills on something?"

He looks at me in confusion and he stops combing his hair to cross his arms, "why? You don't want my kids?" He asks. I can feel his anger through the mate bond.

"Fuck no" I say quickly as my eyes widen, "I just figured that maybe you didn't want kids now"

He relaxes, "if it were up to me,you'd be very pregnant and besides, Javier asked me to make sure he has a sibling from you"

I laugh, "when did he say that?"

"The second day after he met you"

"The first day we met,he asked me to give him siblings and I told him to ask you" I say after my laughter died down.

"At that time,the idea was not the best—" I frown at his words but he just chuckles and kisses my forehead, "—but now, I will make sure to keep you very,very busy" he murmurs and start kissing me.

I kiss him back and things get steamy quickly, "I should leave" he mumbles but he keeps on fondlings with my boobs. I press my lips against his mark and lick it. His hand tighten around my waist while his other hand leaves my breast and starts trailing south. He stops at the waistband of my jeans and stops kissing me.

He's breathing hard and rest his forehead on mine, "This is hard but I have to go" he pulls back.

"Noooo" I whine when his warmth is gone.

He smirks at me, "just so you know,you're lunch today" he says and kisses me one last time and leaves"

After putting on little makeup,I arrange the room and leave. I go down stairs to see Sebastian and a few men dressed in black.

"New friends?" I ask and enter the kitchen.

"They're royal guards, Casper sent them to accompany you to the airport"

"It's a private terminal"

"He doesn't care"

I step out of the kitchen with a smoothie in my hand, "but you're coming aren't you?"

"I'm driving you"

"No you're not"

I walk past the bulky men in black and leave the house. I stop in my tracks when I see two black SUVs and the car that Casper lets me use in the middle.

I immediately dial Casper's number.

"You can't get enough of me can you" he says.

"Tell your guards to back down"

He tsks from the other end of the line, "it's all part of protection love"

"Love?" I question,holding in my laughter.

"You don't like it?"

I abruptly shake my head, "no I really do like it"

"Good cause you wouldn't have made me stop and I can't wait to fuck you on my desk"

"Casper" I shriek and I look around. The guards obviously heard what was said but they tried to hold their straight face. Sebastian is just laughing and making sex noises beside me.

"Forgot about them" he chuckles, "you really should perfect your mind linking so you can shamelessly reply to my naughty messages"

"Casper please shut the fuck up" I groan out.

"Oh, come on, don't act so innocent, we both know the dirty things you would be saying to me if they weren't there"

"Fuck you" I say and hang up immediately.

'Love you too' his playfully voice says in my head.

I elbow Sebastian and turn around to look at the guards who looked very uncomfortable, "let's go" .We walk to the car and Sebastian snatches the driver's seat before I can.

The drive to the airport is short and filled with Sebastian telling me that he told me so and teasing me about Casper.

When we finally see a very pregnant Alexa and her kids, the first thing that comes to mind is how sad and exhausted she looks.

"Alexa" I say and hug her—well,as far as her belly could get me. "You don't have protection with you?"

"Yeah, I didn't think it was necessary" she says and I look at the two girls beside her. The dark haired one is staring at me while her other daughter is hiding behind her mother.

"This is Natalie" she refers to the dark haired one. "And this is Zoe" she peeps at me behind her mother and I smile at her. She hides again which earns a soft laugh from Alexa.

"You must be exhausted" I say and some guards are already with her suitcases. "Let's get you home"

She didn't look good at all. Her eyes looked sunken and tired. She looked like she is struggling to carry the baby. She still gives me a small smile as she nods.