Chapter 45

I stretch as I wake up. I open my eyes to see that beautiful pair of green eyes staring at me.

"Are you okay?", he asks as he softly caresses my cheek.

His question brings tears to my eyes but they don't fall. He wraps his tiny arms around my neck and buries his head in the crook my neck.

"It's going to be okay", he tells me as he pats my back. I release a sound which is a mix of a giggle and a sob.

"I should be the one comforting you right now?" I say after we pull back but he just smiles and shakes his head.

"You cried more"

I look at him and my eyes soften, "don't you feel sad?"

He thinks hard before replying, "she wouldn't want us to cry" he simply says.

When did he get so smart?

I pull him into a hug, "you'll make the perfect alpha and I'm sure grandma Dakota is so proud of you"

"Really?" His face lights up and I nod.

"You're strong, smart, brave and very handsome—who won't be proud of you"

He hugs me again and this time,we stay in each other's arms for a long time. After my moment with Javier, I finally leave him alone and go to the suite. I make my way into Casper's office and sighed at his disheveled figure hunched over his desk.

I sigh and make my way over to him, "you look so fucking tired"

"Are you feeling better?" He snaps.

"What do you mean?" I ask calmly, deciding to ignore his tone. I put my hands on his shoulder, about to massage them but he shrugs my hands off.

"If this is about Dakota,I want you to know that we're in this together and you can talk to me"

"Just like the way you've been talking to me?" he spat and he looks at me.

I can feel his anger through the mate bond but I don't understand what he's angry about, "did I do anything wrong?" I ask.

"Damn right you did."

"I can't remember if I did anything wrong but forgive me for pissing off the almighty alpha Casper" I snapped back without realizing.

He stands up and push past me before looking at me, "it's been three days since Dakota died and it's heart wrenching to hear you sob 24/7 but do you know what's worse?—my mate not coming to me during her darkest times, not letting me even see her"

"Casper i didn't mean for it to be that way"

"But it was" he almost screams.

"This is not something to argue about. I'm sorry okay? Today is her funeral and we need to attend in peace"

He doesn't say anything, he just leaves his office and slams the door. I just stay there and try not get angry at him also.

I leave his office and go into his room and hear the shower running. I enter the walk in closet and pick out the black dress my grandmother had sent to me yesterday and black flats. I enter the bathroom to see the shower glass fogged with only his silhouette. I go straight away to start brushing my teeth. Mid-way brushing my teeth, Casper leaves the bathroom purposely ignoring me. I also decide to settle for a shower after I finished brushing my teeth. When I was done, I stepped into the walk-in-closet. Casper was already fixing in the cuffs of his suit jacket.

"Look Casper,I'm sorry"

He grunts, "it isn't something to argue about so don't worry"

I open my mouth to say something but he just cuts me off, "I'll go check if Javier is done dressing up then we can leave when you're finished. It's already six thirty p.m and you need to start the ceremony" he says and leaves the room.

I sigh to myself before dressing up as quickly as possible and drying my hair before curling it. I put on little makeup before spraying on a mild perfume and going to my room. I take out some equipment which I will use for the funeral ritual today. I pack everything into a sling bag that Dakota once gave me.

I leave the suite and go down stairs to see Alexa, Natalie, zoey, Anne, Javier, Casper, victor and Isabella downstairs dressed in black waiting for me.

"Ready to go?" Victor asks and I nod.

Javier, Casper and I leave together and the car ride is long and awkward. I peek at Casper a few times but his face hasn't changed from it's stern expression. I internally sigh as my heart wrenches in pain.

We finally arrive at the place we are supposed to bury Dakota. It is where Luna Adriana and Dakota's husband where buried. Her casket is laid on a high stone,feet away from the spot where her grave is dug beside her daughter. Feet away from her casket, everyone else were seated waiting for our arrival. We come out of the car and no word is spoken as we make our way to our seats through the middle of the sea of people. Half of the northern werewolf capital are here, most alpha's and Luna's flew from their packs to come to attend the funeral and the ones that couldn't attend sent their condolences and representatives. I see my family in the crowd and they give me reassuring smiles which almost makes me cry.

Everyone takes their seat when we arrive at our seat and immediately the ceremony begins. Casper makes his way over to the front and start to talk.

"Good evening everyone. I'm pleased to see everyone gathered here today to attend the final parting of our great oracle into the spirit world. She was not only the oracle but a mother, a mate, a mother-in-law, a grandmother ,an adviser, a mentor, a friend and a huge part of our family. Even though it saddens me that she had to leave, we know that the moon goddess has a reason. To send her away peacefully, the proper ritual must be performed which I'm honored to introduce her apprentice, my mate and your luna"

My heart beats faster as I stand up and walk over to Casper on shaky legs. I see reassurance in his eyes before I turn around to face the crowd. My breath hitches for a moment before I swallow and start to talk.

"As your Luna, I'm so thankful to all of you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend this ceremony. She taught me well and everything she could so I can be able to teach the next oracle. I'll be the acting oracle until the next oracle is found. We now commence the parting ceremony"

I look up at the sky that is tinted the slightest pink and orange. I look at my wrist watch that read 7:08

"Let us begin", I say and everyone rises.

It is said that in order for your spirit to be safe,one has to be buried at the same exact time he/she came into this world. I remember Dakota telling me that she was born exactly at 7:30

I brought out my mixing herbs and the small bottle of moon water. I mix everything in carefully while saying the proper incantations. I couldn't afford to make a fool of myself, I could feel every eyes on me, listening to everything I said, watching my every move. I sprinkled some moon water on Dakota's casket with the leaves of the darrywood. I went back to my mixing bowl and finally lit a match before dropping it into the bowl. I hand over the bowl to Casper and look at my wristwatch. Few seconds till 7:16


"Begin", I say to Casper.

He raises the bowl towards her casket, "as your alpha, I release you of all bonds from the pack—" I felt a stabbing pain in my chest "—I permit you go into the spirit world" he repeats as he walks around her casket three times. He hands the bowl back to me and I don't look up at him so he doesn't see me crying.

I raise the bowl towards her casket also, "I release you of all ties connecting you this world, I free you from every earthly burden, let this fire guide you during your journey to the moon goddess", my voice breaks sometime during my ceremony and I feel tears make their way down my cheeks.

After the ceremony, it's time to let her down into her grave and I think that watching her casket go down was the hardest thing, I've ever had to do. Noel held me through it all but all I wanted was to cry in Casper's arms