Chapter 46

"Goodnight dad", Javier says as Casper kisses him on the forehead.

"Night mum", he says when I kiss him too. I leave the room first and I hear Casper's foot steps behind me.

We finally make it to his room and immediately remove my flats and wiggle my toes. I enter the walk in closet and remove my earrings and wrist watch before keeping them in my jewelry box. I feel a familiar pair of strong arms wrap themselves around me. He places his chin on my shoulder and I inhale sharply.

"I'm so fucking sorry", he murmurs and pulls me closer. I pull myself from his embrace before turning around and giving him a hug.

"I should be the sorry one. You were obviously in grief too and needed your mate but I wasn't there", I said and he hugs me so tight. His embrace is so overwhelming that I started to cry.

"I shouldn't have gotten so angry about it and talked to you instead", he kisses the top of my head.

I started to talk but he cut me off, "shh—you don't need to explain anything"

We stayed in that position for a long time before Casper picked me up bridal style and walked us out of the walk in closet and to bed. He placed me gently before climbing in beside me and wrapping his arms around me again.

I finally stopped crying and Casper and I just stayed in comfortable silence. He played with my hair as our legs were tangled together.

"Must you go tomorrow?", he finally asks.

I sigh before answering, "I have to, we need to get to the root of these mysterious cases before they get out of hand"

"Don't you need some more time to mourn?"

"I think I've mourned enough and besides, she was on to something and I think this can help me get closer to the root to this case", I say to him and snuggle in closer.

"Don't you think it's weird?"


"Dakota was getting to the root of all this and suddenly someone burns down her cabin,leaving most of her belongings unsalvageable. Do you think they were trying to destroy something?"

"I'm going to get to the bottom of this. Leave it to me okay?"

We stay again in comfortable silence before I decide to tell him what has really been bothering me.


He hums in response and I continue, "I'm scared"

"I knew something was bothering you"

"I feel like Javier is losing all connection with Adrianna"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I'm scared that Javier is going to forget about his mother and Dakota when he grows older"

"I'm sure that he'll never forget Dakota or his mother"

"Come on, he doesn't even know anything about his mother and he's still five so it's a possibility that he'll forget Dakota at some point or maybe he'll forget all his memories with Dakota. I'm worried because my family spends so much time with him nowadays that I feel like he'll forget everything about his real mother and her family."

I look up at Casper who is looking down at me with with a soft smile, "I still want him to have Adrianna in his life somehow"

Casper sits up and I sit up with him. He looks at me before touching the side of my face, "no matter what happens, Javier will always have Adrianna in him and with him, she'll never leave his side and if we try, I'm sure he'll never forget Dakota. She's a very significant part of his life"

"You promise?"

"I promise"

He leans forward and kisses my forehead before getting out of bed, "I'm going to to run a bath you want to come?"

I shake my head and he goes into the bathroom. I hear him turn on the tap and then I hear him hum. I stay in bed a while then I hear him turn off the tap before he takes off his clothes. Which each item I hear falling to the floor, it gets harder to not agree to join him. After a while, I decide that I will join him.

I get up from the bed and go into the bathroom to see him in the tub with water and bubbles covering his body. His head was thrown back and his eyes closed.

He felt my presence and opened to his to look at me, "is your offer still up?" I ask and he smirks.

I start by zipping down the zip by the side of my dress and letting it slide down to the floor. Next came my bra leaving me in my lace panties before those came off to. Casper's eyes never left mine as I stripped and proceeded to make my way over to the tub. I let myself down into the warm water slowly and sat facing Casper.

"Come here" he says and I smirk.


"Straddle me"

"As you wish" I tell him and slowly lean forward and straddle him like he wished. I part my lips in a breathless gasp. He takes a firm hold of the nape of my neck and brings me close for a kiss. His other hand squeeze my arse before paying attention to the other. I moan into the kiss when his fingers play with nipple. He dips his hand down the valley between my breast into the water, down my stomach before they rest on my clit.

He breaks away from the kiss and starts kissing my neck while rubbing it lightly which makes me moan, not going farther or speeding up his pace. I try to use my hand to guide his fingers into me but he bites my neck, "don't you dare", he murmurs. He keeps on kissing my neck and my breathing become more uneven. My body doesn't prepare for what happens next.

He immediately latches his mouth unto my mark and sucks and at the same time,plunge his fingers deep into me. I arch my back into a mind blowing orgasm. A loud, long moan makes it way past my lips and I'm sure that everyone in the house heard it. Casper doesn't even let me ride my high before he starts pumping his fingers in and out of me.

Casper finally decides that I've had enough when he I'm looking disheveled. He pulls his fingers from me and positions himself at my entrance. He looks at me and I lean my forehead against his, "slow this time okay?"

He nods and I feel him enter me slowly. He groans and throws his head back.

"You have no idea how much will power it's taking me not to pound into you right now" he murmurs under his breath.

I smile and put my hands on his shoulder to balance myself before i raise myself slightly and lower myself slowly again.

He makes a low,sexy moan that just encourages me. I keep on going slow, torturing him as his grip on my waist and thigh tighten. The hand on my thigh makes it way to my hair and he wraps my hair around his hand before yanking it back slightly which exposes my neck to him.

I cry out when he starts sucking and biting my neck. Last thing I remember is him, digging his teeth into my mark again as I fall into an abyss of pleasure.