Chapter 49

I looked at max and she smiled at me.

"Are you serious?", I ask and she frantically nods her head.

I open my mouth to say something but no words come out. I just look at her and wonder why we haven't heard of her till now.

"I'm the child from our dad's first marriage. Is it okay if I hug you?"

Her question catches me off guard but I nod and she throws herself at me. I hug her back with as much enthusiasm.

"I was scared to see how you'd react, it was Nina that convinced me to tell you"

"How do you think I would've reacted?"

She shrugs and tucks her hands in the back pocket of her jeans, "I just thought maybe you wouldn't be to happy to see me"

"But I am", I smile and she returns it.

"I can't say the same for the rest of your family?"

"But how? I was told that your mom ran away and no one had ever seen you or her"

"She really didn't what our dad to find our location so we had to move locations often. It was her choice, no one made her do it"

"Did they stop looking for you two?"

"He looked for a while but mom told him to stop and never go contact her or me again. I kinda hated him for a while but I've had twenty nine years to get over it"

"We do have a lot to catch up on", I say and she nods, "and you have to tell me what you've been doing all those years"

Alpha Harry clears his throat, "you two have time to discuss about that but right now we have more important stuff to deal with."

Max and I both nod and listen to what he has to say, "For two months now, we've been having cases of mysterious sightings and crimes, we've been keeping it on the low but it's spreading faster and I fear the safety of my pack"

I bite my lips, deep in thought, this could be an entirely different case from the shadows but at the same time it also could be the work of the shadows.

"Have you been able to get a report on what people saw?" Max asked.

"Well—they sound strange but the sightings say that they were beings you couldn't touch" Luna Nina says and for the first time, she has a look of worry on her face.

"It could be vampires", I suggest immediately.

They all shake their heads, "right now, vampires are the only option", I say but they look at each other before max finally looks at me.

"It can't be the vampires because they too are having some of their people killed"

"And how would you know that?"

"Fabian, the general of vampires has formed an ally with us for now."

"Is king Flynn informed?"

Luna Nina frowns a bit, "we didn't think it was that necessary since we could have the Luna of the northern capital come instead"

"As much as I like the fact that you called me, an ally like this formed should be reported but I won't say anything about this till we have really gone deep into this"

"We will meet with him tomorrow because I guess that you want to speak to him"

"Or could it be other supernaturals?" Max murmurs.

"It can't be, we already signed a treaty hundred of years ago not to get involved in the others buisness except necessary if not, they might be a war leading to extinction, this is the first known vampire-werewolf contact ever made since 1305–", except Alexa and her mate.

"I see you've been educating yourself on these matters" Max asks with a smile, impressed.

Alpha Harry replies, "you're staring at the Oracle in training. Oracle Dakota is dead so Luna odetta is filing in"

She seems genuinely shocked, "I didn't even know that Dakota was dead"

"Did you know her personally?", Confused at why she said Dakota instead of Oracle like everyone else.

"She and my mum we're friends before mum died. She was very..." Max searches for a word, "peculiar?—no, I don't think there's a word for Dakota yet", she laughed before speaking again, "so you can do all those cool stuff?"

I shrug, "there was still a lot to learn when she died"

"I'm sure you were really close to her"


"How are you coping?", She says and hugs me. I smile and shake my head, "I'm doing fine so don't bother about me"

The next day, I woke feeling a bit sick but I just brushed it off before dressing up and heading towards the room max ,alpha Harry, Luna Nina and I had our meeting the night before.

When I arrive, alpha Harry and Maxine are the only ones there—with who I suppose is Fabian. I tried to steady my heart beating cause I'm sure if he could hear my heart beating out of nervousness, he'll think it's cause of fear.

I made sure not to tell Casper about meeting a vampire to prevent him from freaking out.

His black hair was slicked back, he had gold eyes and a stud earring in his left ear. He was dressed in a sleek black suit. He flashed his pearly white teeth at me as he extended his arm to me.


I slowly placed my hand in his gave him a slight handshake but it seems that my wolf did not like it because it was hard to repress her restless self. I held back in the little dinner I had left that was threatening to come up.

"I'm so sorry for the loss of your men"

He nods, "it's okay and besides you had the Oracle die, it's a shame. You should be going through what I am and more"

"How many men have you lost so far?"

"So far,we've lost fifty one men and the method of death are very strange because they are only three things that can kill us; fire, a wooden stake through the heart or a head being detached from its body but none of my men have died this way, infact, they have no internal or outer damage done"

The only explanation that comes to mind are shadows but I do not know other methods of killing "I don't know if you're familiar with these—super—supernatural looking beings but they are called shadows"

"I don't know it's method of murder but I do know that they're extremely dangerous and if maybe it's the creature causing all these disruptions then something needs to be done"