
while on the other hand, Malvin and Lina were still not aware of the fact, that the zombies had broke inside the building, and were still trying to open the door, * click* the lock had finally been opened after trying for thirty minutes or so, and they carefully goes in, and as they went in, the door suddenly shut in, on them,

Lina rushes to the door and tries to open it, but it had been closed by outside, and there was not any type of handle on the inside, which means that the door could only be opened from outside, they pounded on the door, but it was useless, so they went forward anyway since they were not able to turn back anymore, Lina was kind of frightened, ' what should we do if..vwe're trap and can't get out?.', she shuddered,

' we'll force our way out', malvin response, she was shocked, then she smirks, ' I'll be counting on you then', they continued going forward, the more they go further in, the more the hallway seemed, there was endless darkness and the way seemed much further even when they torch the way, they could not see any wall that the light would end on, after they kept walking for hours they finally reach a turn, and when Lina lights the way the saw a long stairs going down,

' we should be carefull', Malvin advised, and he held out his gun and they slowly start going down the stairs,

Back to Others

Flynn and Mike were rapidly rushing towards the staircase, but with cautions and stopping at every corner to check on the zombies, then Mike finally said something, ' hey what about the others!?', he cried, flynn abruptly turns around, ' I trust them, I'm sure they will survive and even so we have to focus on saving ourselves first-', his eyes widened then he pulled out his knife swiftly and throws it, the knife flash past Mike and hit the zombie that was behind Mike, ' let's go', he pulled back the knife from it's head and wiped the blood from his cheek,

and grab Mike's hand and made a run for it, Mike was dazed when he suddenly held his hand, they finally reached the stairs, they carefully runs down the stairs to the first floor, he let's go off Mike's hand and attacks the zombies on the stairs aggressively, ' hurry and RUN!' he shouted at Mike, while holding off the Zombies, he tossed the pistol at him,

when he catches it Flynn yelled at him, to run again, while fighting the Zombies with the small knife that he had, barely dodging any of the bites thrown at him, Mike was hesitant to run away but after Flynn yelled at him for the third time, he finally turns his back to him and runs,

he brightens up as he saw the exit door, but it darken as soon as he notices a zombie near the door, he hides and takes the aim, he was trembling unable to hold the gun straight, it was his first time holding a real gun again,

even as he was trembling badly he pulls the trigger slowly, and shoots it, it missed. he felt the shiver went down his spine, when the Zombie turn his head to him, instead of killing it attracted his attention to him,

his legs starts to wobble and became completely numb with fear, the zombie charges towards him, he quickly tried to crawl up, but it made him slip and fell instead, he was scared to death, he screamed, and the zombie grab his leg, he knew that moment that he was done for, he struggles to get free from that thing and kicks it but it bites his shoe off,

and when it was about to take another bite right at his foot, Flynn jumps past Mike, making a brief eye contact, then he lands right on the zombie's head and stab him through the skull he fell tumbling down along with the zombie, while the zombie was roaring loudly almost like it was in pain, while Flynn kept ruthlessly stabbing right on the top of the skull crushing it's head, and ripping it open.

after it was finally dead, he stops with blood splash all around his face and clothes, he stands up with his hand swinging low with the knife dripping with blood, it was a very sinister thing that could be seen by average person, and the zombie was mushed on the ground, all his limbs twisted and his head not even being recognisable,

he tilts his head and stared at the mushed head for a little time, then he kicks it, 'tch' he click his tongue, his eyes was glowing with blood around his face, then he wipes away the blood once again and turns around and reached out his hand,

and stared straight at Mike, Mike was shivering in fear but not from the zombie anymore, but was still kind of relief how he was saved from the zombie, he grab his hand and Flynn helps him up, ' t-thanks.' he thanks Flynn, ' Btw is your head o-okay?', he mumbled, with concern

Flynn touches his forehead, it was bleeding, he probably must have hit it while falling down from the stairs, he stared intensely at the blood, ' I'm okay!', he smiled, 'now let's go outside', he mentioned, then they headed outside,

while on the other hand Ivy's group was surrounded by zombies, Ivy was panting and gasping for air, they were covered in blood with many dead zombie corpse on the ground, but there were still plenty of em, Mary was just running around since she did not have anything to fight with, which was just making things much harder for Ivy and William, and even William seemed like he was in his limit, who wouldn't be after fighting for so long,

but he was still holding on very impressively but it was not the time to be impressed, they had to hurry up and think of something else or else they won't be able to survive, and she did not know the situation of Malvin' and Flynn's group too which made her head full of many things, making it hard to think clearly, she was very worried for them,

but she didn't have any position to worry about them when she was the one about to be eaten alive by those zombies, whatever she had to think of a way quick, ' um_ u-umm.... I-ivy can we survive this!', Mary wailed, which made Ivy annoyed at such a stressful situations, moreover she was just running around or hiding behind william,

while William was protecting both of them with his life on the line, she pondered very hardly and she finally noticed an emergency tunnel at the corner, she finally relaxes a bit, but the problem was that there was no way they could get there, if they did not kill all the Zombies, and they did not know if the street was even safe or not, and it was just another big risk to take, but they had no choice,

she mutters, ' I have an idea,' then after a long pause, she continued, ' but.... it's like a gamble.. with our lives at stake.', she told them, ' ??!' but when Mary looks at her face she knew that Ivy was not kidding, William agreed with what ever the plan was, before even hearing, which made her happy by how much he trusted her, but Mary on the other hand was the most coward of the group, so that was the other problem..
