Chapter 14

she gripped her axe tightly, ' first we have to kill all the zombies so we can go to that corner.', she explains, William too gripped his pipe even more tightly than before, that the pipe almost, got crushed, and Mary was just about hide behind them again, but before she could, Ivy ordered, ' you, hurry and go to that corner, and and use that, to escape.', ' what me!', Ivy glare at her ' yeah you. or are you going to stay behind and fight them, and make of some time?.', she smiles wickedly,

'o-okay I'll go! geez_' she gulped, then she looks at that corner, it was very far away from the place that they were in, and Ivy told her to run before them, and as fast as possible, she gets ready to run, 'go!.', Ivy gave the word, and they charged right into the zombie, Mary ran as fast as she could, while Ivy and William kept the zombies away from her,

smashing them every time they get close to them, as Mary reaches the emergency exit, she was kind of scared to go in, but as soon as she saw Ivy's face, she shuts her eyes tight, and gets inside it, and she slide right through it, after Ivy made sure that she was gone, she ordered William as well, to escape, but William refuses that she should go on first, and that he would come later, they had no time to argue weither who should go first,

so she goes insid, while sticking her body half out, she still made sure, to make him promise that he would come down safely, William sighs and smiled and promised her, then a zombie appears roght from behind, he pushes her, then her face turned pale, she scream, ' from behind!.', William turns, she heard a faint scream as she slide down all the way to the streets, and thankfully there were no zombies around during that time, and when she got down she saw Mary playing around, but she was frozen up, and now she only waits for him to get down, when he gets the chance.. she was very anxious, if he was okay, and hoped that he would be fine....

Now Back to Flynn

Flynn and Mike were already far gone from that building, and were already in a small house quite far from that building, they stoped at that house, to find some clothes, for himself cause his clothes were covered in blood. once again, he was not necessarily a clean freak or whatever, and could never be, he just hates how stinky and sticky the blood were, and he would rather not wear them,

and when he goes around in search for clothes.

Mike waited at the 'already half crumbled' living room, waiting for Flynn to change and come, while he was sitting on the living room he was restless, and worried sick, about the others, he did not think that they couldn't survive it was just that.. worrying about others more than himself, had already became like.. his second nature,

Flynn comes back after twenty or so minutes,

finally after changing his whole clothes, and it looks like he even took a bath in this kind situation, Mike was just speechless, but he did not complain since it was because of Flynn that he was still walking around even tho he lost one of his shoe.

then he tossed something at Mike, he was caught off guard but managed to catch it, and when he opens his grip, his face turns pale, when he found out that it was a grenade, and he raised his voice, ' why the hell are you throwing a grenade around?!, what if it explodes?! .', he yelled at Flynn,

Flynn did not listen to a word and commented, ' use it at crucial moment to survive', and then he tossed something at him again, this time he carefully catches it, but this it was a chocolate bar, ' eat it.', Flynn says as he scratch his chin, Mike let's out a 'oh.', since he did not expect it to be something normal,

he opens it and starts munching on it, he felt alive as soon as he took a bite, chocolates were his favourite candies, and he had not gotten to eat any since the apocalypse, ' so.. now, should we go back to the building and search for them?', Flynn asks for Mike's opinion, but the sun was already setting down,

and no matter how much you think it was clearly a bad idea. even an idiot would know it, but I think it was because he wanted to have my opinion? he thought to himself,

' no. I don't think it's a good idea, it would be like walking straight to dead,'. Mike answers it with facts, and Flynn somehow looked satisfied, with Mike's response, which made Mike confuse, ' so anyway are we gonna sleep here?', Flynn pointed at the 'already missing roof',

Mike's brows twitch when he looked up, ' um__ well I guess we can make do with it.', he awkwardly response, after some moments of silence, they decided to spend the night on that place, but in the bathroom, because it was the only room that had everything still fully attached,

they agreed on taking turns for sleeping, and agreed that they will look for a suitable weapon for Mike first thing in the morning, and then search for them, cause it was the best idea....


Malvin and Lina were still walking down the stairs, it was a very fricking long stairs!, probably one of the most longest stairs ever, they walk and walk but they could not even see the end, it was an endless staircase, they were very tired, already since they've been walking for hours and hours, and she could barely hold on, upon seeing that Malvin decides to take a break for some time, and malvin's stomach growls, so that break was sure, they did not even know if it was day or night anymore, there was not even a bit of light there and there were spider webs everywhere,

they sat down on the stair, Lina sighs ' I wonder what others are doing', she muttered, they were both tired but Lina was worse, she could not even lift his leg anymore, then she finally relax as she sits down, but Malvin was still very cautious, and at high alert, thinking that their could be zombies even here, which she does not understand, even if there was something it would most likely be a demon or ghost rather than the zombies, then they finally settled, Malvin takes the torch from Lina's hand,

and flash it at the bag, and searches through it, ' what are you searching for?', she was curious, and Malvin pulls out what seem to look like a can, and he tosses it to her, and he zipped his bag, back then he says, ' I only have two of them left, so we will have to share this one, and keep the other one for later.', he tells her, '??.' what are you waiting for?! open it.', he uttered, he was just about to die of starvation,

'wha-, why don't you open it.', she grumbles, but opens it anyway because he was not the only one who was starving.
