Chapter 18

he stared at them, Mike could even feel his breath he was way to close, he stands up suddenly as he flinched, which resulted in brutally hitting his chin, 'yeah, I like these', he showed them to her as he rush towards her hurriedly, while Flynn was crouching on the floor covering his chin as he groaned in pain, his eyes were teary from the pain and he glared at him, ' what's his problem?!', he grumbled, while he and Emilia just left him behind as they talked, and left him behind in the room,

they were now outside of the house, since they found a suitable weapon for Mike, Emilia also came with them, Mike was hesitant at first but he gave in to her pleading eyes and it was a nice choice overall, because it would be best if they find as many survivors as they possibly can, now she and Mike were walking side by side by side while Flynn followed up behind them sulking and grumbling to himself as he kept rubbing his chin to calm the pain down, Mike felt some guilt and wanted to apologise, but when he rethinks about it, he also just mutters and stubbornly convinces himself that it was Flynn's own fault for being too close,

even when he literally meant nothing,

and on the other hand Emilia just kept rambling throughout the journey without stopping, and any clue what was going on, and surprisingly they did not encounter a single zombie when usually they would have already been fighting a bunch, they were going back to that building, even tho they wouldn't go in, they were just gonna search around the nearby areas, because they trusted that they would have already found their way out already,

and when they were only some minutes afar from that building they became alert and got prepared for a fight, as it was unavoidable, as they saw a bunch nearby the buildings, they hid in behind the buildings alley and prepared they're weapons, Flynn's and Mike's weapon were both far range, while she on the other side brought a fricking chainsaw for herself, which was honestly not a really good weapon choice, it was heavy noisy and close ranged, and totally a big no for night fights even tho it was quite good during the day, they tried to convince her to take other weapon, but she stubbornly insisted on them, but there she was just carrying it easily like some baseball bat,

and just smiling and goofing around and they slowly start to move from building to building to get closer to the zombies, and attack them without making any sound and keep on pushing forward, well that was the plan, ' so which group do we attack first?', Mike whispers, Flynn replies, ' I think attacking that fewer ones will be a better choice-', and the next thing they heard was the sound of the chainsaw's engine running on the back,

and then she was gone in the blink of an eye, and they next thing was she was already charging towards the zombies with full speed with the chainsaw running in her hands, which was extremely dangerous, they did not even get the chance to stop her, and when they yelled at her to come back, it was already too late and even the dead corpses already notice the her from the noise,

they had no other choice than to charge towards them with all their might and strength, they did not even get to fully prepare themselves, while Emilia slaughter those things open from the bottom, causing them to not actually be truly die, with all their limbs in upper body still working, but she was too busy slaughtering them down like a tree that she did not even notice it, and Flynn and Mike had to be the one to finish them off,

they shoot them directly in their skull, while they were on the ground, 'hey do you really think we should just let her charge them all head on!, can't we still stop her and rethink something?!', he questions Flynn, ' I don't think we can stop her anymore, and even if we shouts at her she won't be able to hear us! she's too far from us!', Flynn shouted, Mike grind his teath, and they kept charging towards her and killing all the leftovers,

while she menacingly slauther whatever she saw, she was not even hesitant by anything, she did not give a damn if the deads were toddlers teenagers or elders, she slaughtered them down whichever she saw she went after it, who knew a girl would be this ruthless, Flynn and Mike were just speechless because they thought that she was a seemingly inocent and harmless girl, which they couldn't be more wrong, she was a total monster,

' uh oh', ' look behind YOU!!', Mike shouted at her, from the top of his lungs, while she was just slaughtering whatever was at front of her she never checked behind, she did seem to hear him a bit as she glance behind, a zombie was just about to bite her head off, she froze up there, as her reflexes were too late, and she only noticed when it was just some seconds away from chomping on her heads,

then it fell down on her shoulders like a back hug with a soft bite, as it slowly slipped from her and flopped on the ground, and when she raised her head she saw a woman aiming the gun straight at her head point, ' Ivy!!', she heard Mike shout from far, and of course it was Ivy and her group, Mike ran up to them, he was very happy and his face was filled with relief and joy, but when he glace at the others behind her he saw that William right arm was missing,

he face darken a bit and he stutter, 'what happen to your arm..?', with a very confused and concern look on his face and it looks like Flynn also noticed it, " what the hell happened while we were separated?", Flynn wondered to himself as he came towards them, but at least they were still in one piece, except that william was missing an arm,

Ivy taps on Mike's shoulder, 'that's a bit complicated', ' I'll tell you later..', she mutters to him after a pause, and by the looks of it, it seems like he was bit by one of them, well whatever he was still very joyful that he found them early and they managed to survive, then he remembered, he says with a concern look on his eyes, ' what about Lina and that other guy?', he looked at Ivy, she shakes her head, ' we haven't seen them yet,'.

Flynn was worried for Malvin, but then Ivy changes the subject, ' so anyway aren't we gonna help her?', she looks at Emilia and she was fighting against the dead all by herself, alone, Mike and Flynn forgot that they were in the middle a of fight, and they all rushes to aid her, it was a very bloody fight, they streets were covered in old bloods and fresh dead bloods and bodies,

and after they manage to kill every nearby zombies they finally got some time to breath, and they manage to kill all of them quite fast, the fight was finally over, well temporary. and they flee after some minutes rest before any more of them could come, they swiftly goes towards the west, where the city ended, and there was a remote village down the roads, they manages to get inside the village before sunset,

which was fortunate for them, and as the sun was about to set, they went inside the nearest house next to them, and fortunately the explosion didn't hit the town too hard, even tho it was still bad, and then they all sat down circling the table, it was a very small house probably only three rooms,

and after the introduction Emilia and Ivy became good friends as they talk through the journey, while Mary did not even bother trying to talk with her, "maybe she is too shy", Flynn thought, because when he looked at Emilia and Ivy, it was really what they would call a woman to woman bond, they became like years oled friends in the blink of an eye, and they even started to keep secrets from us,

but anyway the decided to rest in that house before they depart in the morning,
