Chapter 19

Malvin on the other hand,

it was already nightfall the surroundings around him were pitch dark as well as pin drop silence, and the torch he had before has already been broken, when it fell on the ground before, *panting* ' ho much longer.?', he gasped , he stopped and bends over while supporting himself on his knees, he looked up to the dark sky, he could not even see anything because of the tall trees blocking the moonlight, and he could even hear his own heartbeat because of the silence, he held himself up, and push forward, then he trips on something,

'oww!', he fell down on the ground, as he sits up rubbing his head, and he touch to check, what was that thing which he trip on, and when he feel it, it was a trunk from one of the trees, he exhaled and laid straight on his back, gazing at the dark sky, and the others came to his mind, it has been quite some days since they were separated, ' I wonder how they all are doing.', then he puts his hand on his eyes, rubbing it, he was in a very bad condition from lack of sleep and sufficient supplies,

because he lost his bag somewhere on the way, and he could not find it anymore leaving him totally un armed with only one fragile stick, he felt a bit dizzy as many thoughts of past came over to his mind, his eyes felt heavy as he could barely keep it open, he sighed, then a very familiar shillouate came to his mind, he was not even sure if he was in reality or a dream, what he saw was an old woman dressed in traditional clothing, she was sitting with a book in her rocking chair,

and then Malvin finds himself in front of her, and when she raised her head and saw him, she smiled very warmly, a wave of nostalgia hit over him, almost making him break out in tears, he trembled as she open her arms widely with a very comforting and warm smile, he wanted to rush to her and hug her, but the next thing when he looks at her,

she mumbled something very tenderly, and the tears that he was trying to hold back, broke out, and tears came running down his face, and she disappeared, he woke up while sobbing, he stayed in that position for some time, then when he finally got himself together, ' I haven't had dreams like that in a while.', he says to himself, while he sits up and grabbed his stick, and slowly stands up, his stomach growled,

and he had nothing around him, he had nor food nor water, only a single stick, it was still dark, but he continued to keep on walking with the stick as his support hoping that he could find something, as long as he was able to get out of this forest he would survive, he was sure, then after he went on for some time he finally hears something, other than the sound of his heartbeat, he then knew at once that he was close to a river, assuming by the noise, he was glad,

" maybe I can also find something eatable there", he thoughts to himself, and his throat was already dried too, " if only I didn't lose my stuffs", he bit his lip, for there was at least some supplies left, but whatever, for now the only thing that was important was surving,

he followed the sound, as he grabs the trees near him for some support, because the ground was slippery, then after he passed through some bushes, the river came to his view,

the river was gleaming from the moon's light, and it was not very dark near the spot, and the river reflected the moon's and star's light, he was dazed by how stunningly beautiful it was, he had never seen something like that before, then something fly passed his eyes, he blinked and leaned backward, and then he snaps out of it, he squat down near the river's edge and takes the water in his palm and drinks it, as the water went down his throat quenching his thirst,

he felt as if he was drinking water again after a year, it was very refreshing, he then got splash during his enjoyment, he was all wet from above, and when he wiped off the water from his face he saw a fish, it was quite large, and he grabs his stick and threw it at the fish, it Pierce right through it, and he takes it out, now he also had food, and while holding it in his hand, he looks around him, thinking that he could find some sticks and dry grass, there was none, and there was no other way to light a fire to roast it, and there were no other small sticks neither any dry grasses near him,

he thought that he would have to eat it raw, so he holds it up to his head and stared at it, he frown, ' there's no way I can eat it raw.!', he complaint, and went on trying to find something but there was no way it was possible in this dark, because only the places and anly the areas near the river was not that dark, and in other places than that area, there were way too many trees, which block the light from hitting the ground,

he sulked and frown at the fish, wishing that it could just be cooked on its own, and just intensely stared at it, but his stomach growled and asked him for food, " maybe I can eat it just this once..", he thought as he gulped, "no there's no way that I'm gonna EAT it raw!", he shook his head, and debate with himself weither or not to eat it, but he was way too hungry so a part of him just didn't care about anything anymore and just wanted to relief the hunger and eat something, but the other part was very stubborn and just did Not want to eat the fish raw, they debate went in for some few hours,

( he eventually ended up eating it anyway)

afterwards when he was finally finished debating, he was full, and eventually he stayed the rest of the night near the river, when it was already dawn... and when the sun finally rose up he got up fresh as new and continues to walk, and some tall buildings came to his view, he was finally almost out of that forest, when he finally got out of the forest, he sighed, ' phew. I'm finally out', he was relief, and then he decided to go inside the nearest house, building, anything as long as it was near him,

it looks like this city was also a victim of those unknown explosions, and as he was going searching for the nearest house to him, he heard some footsteps behind him, by the sound of it, it was probably a zombie, but there was only one, it was a bit unusual because it was following him quite calmly, when usually they would just attack on spot, he decided to just outrun it, because he was un armed,

and had a slim chance of survival if he were to face them, so he decided to hide inside that little house that came to his sight and search something that can be of use to him, and as soon as he went inside the house he blocked the door with the stick that was in his hand, then it start thumping on the door, he hurriedly went in search for the kitchen, " who the hell keeps the kitchen in second floor?!!", he shriek, when he found out that the kitchen was in second floor,

and he opened the drawers in search for something sharp.. for example a knife, even when he had no experience with short range weapons, there was no other option.....
