Chapter 20

Flynn's POV,

it had already been days, since they've reunited with the other people, and they have been traveling around from town to town, all while killing the zombies as much as they could hoping that they would lessen, we didn't even know where we are heeding to anymore, "hah.. I'm so exhausted from everything, it's always the same thing, I wish they would all just drop dead!", he grumbled in his mind, while he and William were out in search for supplies since they were all out of it, they went on search as the group decided to take a break in this small town,

' why me!' he complaint softly, because he was kind of in a snappy mood that day, he kicked whatever rock he saw on the road, and when William notice him, he *hush* him, ' shh, be quiet.', he whispered, and Flynn shuts up as he heard him, and William says in a low voice, ' try to be as quiet as possible or well attract the zombies.', after that he also shuts up, because it will be quite hard for them if they encounter some group of zombies, and after walking aimlessly around they finally saw a shop from afar, it was not so very in a bad condition,

meaning that there could still be some supplies that could come in handy, they goes in swiftly and with cautions so that they could avoid getting caught by the zombies, and as soon as they reach the entrance door, they quickly goes in, and starts searching for supplies, but as they searched thay did not find anything, it was all empty, except the crushed and spoil foods, they were disappointed to find it empty, William was dejected,

" now, what would I say to her?", he was down, but while Flynn was thinking of something else to do, they heard a loud thud from the other side of the shelf, they flinch, and got back behind the other shelf, and peeked, he carefully pulled the trigger, " if it's what I think, I'll shoot it's head off when they come out..', he aimed to the side where that noise came from, and waited in there, he was in high alert, so that as soon as it comes out he could kill it quickly, he narrowed his eyes, after he saw that nothing was appearing,

' I think it was just some wind this time, but let's still be careful-', he turns to his back to find William missing, and when he turned around again he found William approaching that shelf from behind, and then William waved at him, he was first speechless, but taking that as a sign Flynn takes his aim, and pulls the trigger on that gun, and as William saw him all prepared he looked quite glad, and then he yelled, 'Now!', and all of a sudden the zombie lounges at him,

Flynn quickly shoots it in the head, "so it really was a zombie...", he thought to himself as he steps forward, but william gazed at him telling Flynn not to take a step, Flynn froze on the spot, his gaze felt like a very sharp knife that could slice right through him, his eyes glowed and he looked intimidating during that time, and so William grabs his left shoulder for some spilt seconds, before he pulled out an old rusty pipe, and swing it behind him, and smashed the head of the zombie,.

and then he turns to Flynn's direction, and threw a can of food which was already spoilt, to his side, it went straight past his ear, and when he turned around he found a zombie, as it hit a zombie behind Flynn, which Flynn hadn't noticed that it was behind him at all, Flynn just realised that he had been saved by William, his mouth gape open when he noticed the zombies that were coming from behind him, it seems like theyi ran into some big trouble, even thought they wanted to ignore it as much as possible, but oh well! there's no helping it now, is there?,

he chuckled, " how more worse can this go", he was furious, then quickly went to Williams side, pop his knuckles, as he gets ready to shoot the zombies as he stick his tongue at them, but quickly stoped when William turned at him, he was not really sure why but he was kind of intimidate by him since before maybe it was because of that gaze, he thought as he ignored it, and aims and start the shooting, while William also did his job by just smashing their heads, "poor them" Flynn felt kind of pity for them when he saw William brutally smashing them,

Flynn was stunned by his strength because he only had to swing his hand once to kill almost three zombies at a time, Flynn was fascinated by his strength, and was a bit envious, "I wish I had that kind of strength too...", he mutters to himself, then William turns to him, he shouted, ' keep your focus!', he flinched since he was totally lost in his thoughts, he turns around to find them right behind him,

after some time went by, they were gasping for air, especially Flynn he had very low stamina since child, and then just like that, he could barely hold his gun straight, forget shooting, and he was almost out of bullets, " how many do I still have left?", he was sweating buckets, and William was also already been wearing out since before, "we have to escape, but how?", William thought as he looked at Flynn, even after fighting for so long it did not seem to be any bear end, and he was not very strong anymore since he had lost his right arm, and even his left arm was already becoming numb from all those heavy swings, only if he still had his right arm, he bit his lips, and quickly pulls Flynn up, he pulled on his coller and did a headbutt, ' you have to escape!!', he glare at Flynn,

Flynn's eyes widened, 'wha_' and before he could finish a word, he felt a very strong push on his back, he was sent very far from him, he almost fell down, and William once again ordered him, ' SCRAM!!', Flynn felt a chill, when he saw his sharp glare, he did not wanted to leave him alone, but he was also scared of his glare, he hesitated, but when he saw William still glaring at him, he clench his fist, and eventually dashes away,

William took a breath of relief, " at least he's gonna survive.", he thought, and he lowered the pipe, and was just waiting to die, he closed his eyes when he saw one of the zombie dashing towards him, but then he felt a strong wind pass by him, and the next second he hears a loud firing noise, he was stunned by that noise and jerked his eyes open and he quickly turns around him, he saw Flynn holding the gun as he was barely standing, 'wha-?!', he was dazed, ' why tf did you come back?!', he shouts at Flynn with rage, and Flynn pretends to not hear him and just keeps on firing those bullets,

and finally after the others were some bit further away from them, ' let's RUN!!', he screamed, William was just lost, as he was confuse, and when Flynn saw that William was not moving, he tries to convince him by yelling, ' what are you waiting for, they are waiting for our return!!', William was a bit shock cause he mentioned them, Flynn frowned when he saw that he was still not budging yet, and the other were already charging towards them again with speed,

he was just frozen, and when he looks at the zombies charging towards them, he was just ready to fight them, even thi he could barely hold on, then he saw William push the shelf suddenly with his single arm, and he comes towards Flynn, and as he passed, he mumbled, Flynn was not expecting him to do anything that sort, but them he slightly smiled, and they escaped from that store together,

after they finally got away from them,

they were now hiding in corner of one of the crumbled building near the street, they were breathing very heavily as they've just rested from all the running, moreover they were exhausted from all that fighting, Flynn turns and glaces at William who was just beside him, they were both trying to catch their breath, * haah* haah*, Flynn's legs were all numb from the running, since he was never an athletic person, and he did not have much stamina,

'...shit...', he heard William cuss, he was obviously annoyed that they could not find any supplies, Flynn just stayed silent still trying to catch his breath ' how many bullets do you still have?', he mumbles to Flynn, flynn quickly takes out his gun and checks it...

'...1.....', he answered,
